Teacher Mo was surprised to see so many stones as soon as he went online.

Stone is not included in Manbao's collection, so she can only put it in the teaching room with teaching materials.

Taking advantage of Bai Shan to report the situation to Mr. Mo, Man Bao entered the system and had a face-to-face exchange with Teacher Mo, "This is all new today, Mr. Mo, many of us here are poisoned and need a lot of antidote."

She said: "Also, these things have to be forged and identical, and I will give them to people within seven days."

Teacher Mo's eyes were directly fixed on the big stone shell, he said: "It's not difficult, I will help you do it well, but Man Bao, there should be more than a few meteorites falling, look here. The fault of the meteorite was obviously broken after passing through the atmosphere, and there must be other meteorites left behind."

Man Bao said with a headache: "Gaochang is too far away, far away in the Western Regions, let alone me, it is difficult for the imperial court to check the situation there, but I will let people pay attention, and if I find it, I will find a way to recover it. "

Seeing the tragic state of the three patients today, she knew that for her, it was more than just exchanging some study materials with Teacher Mo.

She has read Master Tang's case about that village. From the ninth year of Dazhen to the sixteenth year of Dazhen, their village sacrificed three living people just to stop the punishment, not to mention the death of illness and death due to it. Born with handicapped children.

Because of a stone, these unethical and moral things happened in a place they didn't know. She didn't know it, and she didn't know. Once she knew, she couldn't feel at ease as if she didn't know anything.

Man Bao took a deep breath and asked, "Mr. Mo, can I really make the antidote by myself?"

After thinking about it, Mr. Mo introduced it carefully: "This is a synthetic medicine, which is different from traditional Chinese medicine. It is mainly chemical extraction. In fact, you have all the raw materials in your world, but if you want to extract them completely, the world you are in is based on. technology cannot be extracted.”

He volleyed to the stones floating among them and said, "Some of the things need to get reaction drugs after they react. You don't have this technology there."

There are no machines or even the most basic reaction agents, and it is a fool's errand to extract medicines.

Man Bao sighed and asked Mr. Mo to help synthesize it.

Teacher Mo collected the floating stones one by one and asked, "Are there many people who have been poisoned?"

Man Bao said: "A lot, but I have to ask for the exact number."

Teacher Mo nodded. The cost of this medicine is not very high at present, at least it is not worth mentioning compared with the value of these stones.

He said: "Tomorrow, both the medicine and the imitation can be given to you."

So fast?

Man Bao lowered his eyes and thought for a moment. When he raised his head again, he fixedly looked at Teacher Mo in the opposite video and asked, "Mr. Mo, what are these stones for?"

Teacher Mo opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly the figure was blurred, making noises, and after a few flashes, it returned to normal.

He frowned and said, "It's nothing, don't ask, you haven't had a good class in this period of time. I uploaded several courses in the teaching room. If you have time, go to it and make up for the homework you missed before."

Through Koko, she already knew that this only happened when expressing what was forbidden by the encyclopedia.

So what Teacher Mo wanted to say just now is forbidden by the Encyclopedia?

Man Bao did not continue to question, nodded and stepped back.

In the study, Zhou Lixue and the others were doing their homework. When he saw the little aunt come in, he looked for it on the table, and then gave her a letter and said: "Little aunt, the fourth uncle sent a letter saying that he is about to When we arrived in the capital, this time he brought a lot of tea and people, and asked Uncle Fifth to find a house to rent in the outer city, and they could live there when they arrived."

Man Bao asked while opening the letter, "Why do you want to rent such a big yard?"

"The fourth uncle said that tea is valuable, and it is better to have a single family, otherwise it will be difficult to put money. Anyway, the house in the outer city is not very expensive. it is good."

Man Bao nodded and handed the letter to him, "Send it to fifth brother later."

Zhou Lixue was happy, and he also wanted to go to the restaurant to play.

Man Bao sat down in her place, took out a piece of white paper, and began to polish the ink. She thought about it, and decided to list the next prescription.

The people in that village are different from the prince. They have been in contact with stones for too long. Even if they detoxify and detoxify, their bodies will not be able to return to the past, and there are still many areas that need to be recuperated.

Man Bao wrote a formula, frowned and thought for a while, then crossed it out, carefully recalled their pulse case, and wrote down another formula.

Bai Shan was squatting on the bookshelf to find books about Gaochang. He looked through the descriptions of travel notes and geography, and found that there were very few records in the books at home.

After thinking about it, he turned around and saluted Mr. Zhuang: "Sir, I'm going to a bookstore."

After thinking about it, Mr. Zhuang said, "I'll go. You and Erlang go to the library of Guozijian."

He said: "The Guozijian has more books than the bookstores outside, and there are also some official notes."

Bai Erlang looked blank, "What are you doing at the bookstore and library?"

Bai Shan has already pulled him, "Let's go quickly, I'll tell you on the way."

Bai Erlang exclaimed: "Have a rest today..."

But Bai Shan had already dragged him away. He could only go back to the library to find things when he was resting in school. There were only a few people in the entire library, which was very boring.

Man Bao went to the palace the next day to see the prince and the princess. There was no abnormality between the two of them. The prince was no different from usual. After looking at it again and again, Man Bao couldn't help but ask, "Your Highness, are all four cases closed? "

The prince put on his clothes and said with a blank face: "Your Majesty has summoned Prince Gong and Prince Guangping to the capital, Xiangzhou is not close to the capital, so Hou Ji was temporarily detained in the Heavenly Prison, and the entire Hou family was raided. , Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment are probably raiding the Hou's house."

The Hou family was indeed raiding their home.

Mrs. Hou didn't even know that her husband was rebellious. Before he tossed and turned at night, she thought it was a business matter, and she advised him to discuss with His Majesty if he had something to do, so that he should not be alone in his heart.


She hugged her two granddaughters and sat shivering in the chair, unable to speak for a while.

Yin Li wouldn't be able to do something like raiding a house, which both offends people and lacks technical self-restraint, so he let Master Tang represent him at Jingzhao Mansion.

For this reason, he also dug Master Tang in front of Feng Shangshu, saying that Jingzhao Mansion is much better than the Ministry of Punishment. Wouldn't you consider coming to work under me?

Feng Shangshu was so angry that his beard flew off. Master Tang said that he obeyed the arrangement of his superiors.

see you at four pm

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