Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1443 Don't cheat people

Immediately, four people jumped out and went straight to the thief.

The other party seemed to know that he couldn't run away, so he didn't run away directly. He picked up the gem and slammed it on the ground, as if he wanted to destroy it.

The four jumped over, two of them attacked the thief, and two of them went to pick up the gem.

One kicked, one reached out to catch it, then jumped back and left the battlefield, and the remaining three attacked with the thief.

When the other party saw it, he simply killed himself by biting the poison sac in his mouth. When the captain saw this, he quickly pinched his mouth, but it was too late. He fell to the ground and twitched twice, his head tilted to death.

The captain frowned, raised his head and shook his head at Yin Li.

Yin Li looked down at the gem in his hand and raised his eyebrows at Tang He, "Is this true?"

Tang He took a deep breath and said, "Sir, you didn't tell the lower official to use gems as bait."

Yin Li smiled and said, "But Master Xiao Tang finally reacted, didn't he?"

He turned his head and glanced at the Xingbu compound within the wall, and said with a smile: "Unfortunately, if there were more guards in the Xingbu, I wouldn't be able to use me tonight."

Master Tang thought he couldn't hear it, pointed directly to the inside and said, "Sir, there are two more inside, and they were stumbled upon hearing this sound."

Yin Li lowered his head and thought for a moment, "We are Jingzhao Mansion, wouldn't it be bad to go to the Punishment Department to take thieves?"

Tang Daren's heart was so tired, "Don't worry, sir, tomorrow the official and Feng Shangshu will personally plead guilty."

This is what Yin Li was waiting for. With a wave of his hand, the man behind him drew his sword and rushed into the Punishment Courtyard like a wolf like a tiger.

After a while, the battle was over, and Yin Li and Tang He entered together. Because of the lessons learned, the two assassins inside were slapped under the chin before they could commit suicide. .

Yin Li also simply said directly: "Take it back and let someone remove the poison from his mouth."

Master Tang didn't stop him, but he was also working overtime in the Department of Punishment, but the officials of the Department of Punishment who were disturbed by this farce couldn't help but stop Yin Li, "Master Yin, are these people here to steal from the Department of Punishment, or leave it to our Department of Punishment? Come to the trial."

Yin Li said: "What they want to steal is the evidence of the case that my Jingzhao Mansion is in charge of, so we will naturally try it."

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, the people from Jingzhao Mansion over there had already carried them away, and they wanted to stop them, so Master Tang reached out and grabbed their outstretched hand, saying meaningfully: "Master Fang, this case involves Donggong, today the thief entered the Punishment Department, but it was as if he had entered a realm of no one, and obviously there was an internal response, do you want to try this case together with Jingzhao Mansion?"

Master Fang and the others immediately took a step back in fright.

This afternoon, Tang He was all thinking about this gem, but he didn't know that the Donggong poisoning case had spread to six departments. At this time, it would be absolutely useless to get involved with the Donggong case.

When Master Tang saw this, he turned his head and nodded to Yin Li, and left with Yin Li, regardless of what was broken in the court of the Ministry of Punishment.

The two moved their office to Jingzhao Mansion, and the two assassins were dragged down to greet them, while Yin Li put the gem on the table and looked at it, frowning and asked, "The poison has been eliminated?"

"Master Yin is very well-informed, but in the afternoon, not only did he know that the gem was in his possession, but he also spread the news to those who should know, and those who shouldn't."

Yin Li smiled and said, "There is only one chance. Back then, when the East Palace gave Zhou Man the gems to take out of the palace, the things were packed in boxes, and the gift list only listed the gems. Every time the East Palace rewards something."

"In addition, since that day, the prince moved from the big study back to the main courtyard, and the big study room was sealed up. In addition, the prince didn't say anything about the poisoning, and even Eunuch Wu, who was beside him, didn't know about the poisoning, let alone Alien."

Yin Li looked at the gem on the table and said, "If this gem is really like what the Crown Prince and Zhou Man said, it will be poisoned if touched for a long time, and the other party must be very proud of it. Design. If he knew this was leaked, the first thing he wanted to do would be to take the gem back, or destroy it on the spot?"

The prince asked people to find out the origin of the gem. The most important confidants around him also knew about his poisoning, but even Eunuch Wu didn't know, which shows how well he concealed it.

Tang He entered the palace with the front foot to confirm the authenticity of the gemstone, and Yin Li’s back foot asked people to find the picture of the gemstone given by the prince all over the capital. He also went around the six bosses and poisoned his new prince. The case was said again.

Therefore, in less than half a day, most of the people in the official circles in Beijing knew that the prince was poisoned some time ago. The poison is a gem, and it will be poisoned just by touching it.

What Yin Li wanted was to catch them by surprise, and what he wanted was for them to do something wrong in a panic.

Otherwise, what's the use of strictly guarding against evidence?

He and Tang He investigated the drunkenness case of the Crown Prince for so long, but they only got some specious clues.

Only if the other side shoots again, they can get more things.

And the quicker they act, the more likely they are to go wrong, and the more things they find out.

What Yin Li thought of, Tang He naturally thought of it too.

He suddenly felt wrong when he left his room to go home.

Yesterday he mentioned to Yin Li that the things were in Zhou Man's place, and he would go to pick them up today, but he hadn't seen Yin Li for a whole day.

Lord Yin didn't even come to see the most important evidence of the poisoning of the prince.

Yin Li sat opposite Tang He and said with a smile: "Then see how hard their mouths can be."

Unlike Tang He's torture, which is mostly stern and scare people, Yin Li's torture is real, he was boiled from the battlefield, and he doesn't like blood, but he can bear it better than Tang He.

Tang He has seen his people tortured.

He took a sip of tea with some discomfort.

Yin Li smiled indifferently and said, "Master Tang, let's go back first. This stone is placed here. No matter how soft their mouths are, they should be able to survive the night."

Tang He stayed for a while, and got up and said goodbye to go home.

There is a lot of noise here, and it may not be quiet all night, but Man Bao and Bai Shan, who know nothing in Changqing Lane, are watching the cart of peony they brought back by the lights.

This is what Bai Shan saw when he was dragged into the alley by Man Bao after he left school this afternoon. Well, he didn't see anything. He just went to an empty alley. Bai Shan went to rent a scooter and workers. , When he came back, there were nine pots of peony flowers in full bloom in front of Man Bao.

Each one is superb.

The two of them let the coolie push the cart back to Changqing Lane.

When Zhou Lijun came back from work in the restaurant and saw it, he immediately patted Man Bao's chest and said that she could help her sell it.

Man Bao refused and said, "This is for pruning hairpins, not for sale."

Zhou Lijun was surprised, "Why, isn't it more expensive to sell one pot by one than one stick?"

Man Bao didn't say a word, but Bai Erlang smiled and said, "Don't you know her flowers? They can only be planted for one year, and what will grow in the second year is uncertain. She can't cheat people."

see you at 8pm

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