Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1436 Sitting on the fisherman's profit (adding a reward to the book friend

Man Bao slept refreshed all night, and took Sanya to the pharmacy the next day.

Sanya is still reciting "Shen Nong Baicao Ji" and following the shopkeeper Zheng Da to learn about medicinal materials. She is progressing very fast, mainly because she loves to ask.

She didn't dare to ask others at first, so she caught Man Bao and Xiao Shao and asked.

I basically asked the two of them if I didn’t remember the recognized medicinal materials. Later, I became familiar with Liu Yinu and Zheng Gu, so I started to ask them.

So she is learning very fast.

Even the shopkeeper Zheng Da couldn't help but said to Man Bao, "Your niece is so smart, doesn't it mean that you have many children in your family, why don't you bring a few nephews to teach by your side?"

Man Bao said: "The older ones either can't learn, or they go to school, and the younger ones can walk, don't worry."

The shopkeeper Zheng Da lamented that their family was born in large numbers.

He also knew from his son that her two nephews were studying in Songhe Academy.

He said, "Everyone in your family seems to be quite smart."

After thinking about it, Man Bao said, "Like my mother, my mother is smarter than my father, but my father is not stupid."

The two chatted and laughed, and occasionally taught their apprentices. Time passed by quite quickly. Man Bao looked at the time, and it was almost time for her to enter the palace.

So I went to pack up the medicine box, set homework for the three disciples except Sanya, and then sat in the lobby and waited.

The sound of horse hooves came from outside the door. Man Bao took the medicine box and went out. Seeing the people and cars waiting outside the door, he opened his mouth in surprise.

The Colonel of the Imperial Army dismounted, and he cupped his hands with Man Bao and said, "Doctor Zhou, I will pick you up when you enter and leave the palace in the future. This is the carriage that Your Majesty will reward you with, please."

Looking at this gorgeous carriage, Man Bao couldn't help but reached out and touched its colored cloth, and asked, "Give it for me?"

Captain of the Imperial Army: "...I just reward you for a ride. We will leave with the car when we catch the person who threatens you from behind."

Man Bao turned his head to look at Da Ji who was waiting beside him, and said, "Da Ji, go home."

Daji glanced at the captain of the forbidden army, bowed his head, and stepped aside.

He watched Man Bao climb into the carriage, hang up the curtains, and sit alone in the wide carriage. His eyes were full of excitement, and he couldn't help but smile.

Watching the Imperial Army escort Man Bao away, Daji breathed a sigh of relief and turned to drive home.

This is the sincerity of the prince and the deterrence of the emperor.

Yesterday evening, the prince took this box to go to the emperor, and the emperor was also angry.

The queen mother, he and the queen all gave Zhou Man things, and their attitudes were unmistakable, but the people behind them dared to ignore and continue to threaten Zhou Man!

The emperor's chest heaved with anger.

Then he wondered, was this what the third child meant by himself, or was the third child who stayed in the capital acting on his own accord?

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the prince actually handed things over to him and let him handle it.

The emperor was stunned when he was angry.

Because according to the prince's temper, he would never give this matter to the emperor. He might go to Luozhou to beat the third child, or trouble the third child's disciples and try to cut off his arms. , make the courtroom a mess, and then find someone to protect Zhou Man by himself.

Isn't that how Zhou Man rolled over before?

He didn't report it at all, and the emperor would know that it was because the matter happened in public, and the Jingzhao House came forward to solve it.

Didn't you see that all the guards who escorted Zhou Man in and out of the palace were the prince's guards?

The emperor looked down at the dagger in the box, looked at the prince in disbelief, and asked suspiciously, "Are you asking me to deal with it?"

The prince's face turned cold and asked, "Why, the royal father can't plan it?"

The emperor was angry with the tone of his words, and said angrily: "When did I stop talking about it?"

The father and son couldn't help quarreling again, but the emperor still responded the next day. He handed the box to Yin Li and asked him to continue to check, and at the same time sent his own bodyguard to escort Zhou Man.

Protection is second, and more is deterrence.

Zhou Man went back and forth between Changqing Lane and Ji Shitang many times, and there was no accident on the way. Obviously, the people behind her did not want or dare to kill her.

To give her a dagger, the more thing is to threaten her to leave the capital and not allow the prince to see a doctor again.

Of course, the emperor thought so, but Master Tang did not.

He told Yin Li directly, "The person who made Zhou Man overturn the car and lost his heart, liver and kidney in the car is not the same person who gave her the dagger."

Yin Li raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why?"

"The former wants her life, the latter is just a threat, or even just to frame the former person." Tang He said: "The person who made Zhou Man overturn the car is very bold and careful, not only can he give medicine to the servant in the palace, saw off the wheel, and in Zhou Man After the car rolled over, he attacked the horse and shocked the horse. Obviously, he knew that it was impossible for Zhou Man to leave the capital immediately by relying on threats, so he wanted to kill Zhou Man."

"But being careful also has the advantage of being careful. He is timid. The Queen Mother, Her Majesty and the Empress gave Zhou Man a reward, and when he showed his attitude, he shrank back."

Originally, Tang He had already found out a little bit of eyebrows, but when the rewards of the three big men came, the other party cut off their tails to survive, and all clues were cut off.

This is different from the latter who can only hurriedly throw a bloody dagger into the car while taking advantage of the Li Family Hundred Days Wine.

Yin Li asked, "Do you think the third prince did it?"

Tang He smiled, "Sir, what matters in handling a case is evidence, not just intuition."

Yin Li said, "The person your Majesty sent to Luozhou to reprimand King Gong should have already arrived."

He just stated, Tang He couldn't help sighing and said, "I'm afraid it's not the third prince."

Yin Li also felt this way, so he felt that the current court situation was chaotic and unpredictable.

The two wise men looked at each other, Tang He stood up and saluted, "Xiaguan will find out as soon as possible."

Yin Li nodded and let him back off.

At this time, King Gong of Luozhou received the emperor's rebuke and was fined three months and then banned for one month.

The third prince was dumbfounded. His father had always spoiled him. How could he reprimand him for not ploughing the ground on February 2?

Moreover, what law did he violate by not opening the plow?

Prince Gong hurriedly asked people to find the inner servant who had come to pass the decree.

After drinking the other party's drink all night, he finally knew what happened in the capital. Prince Gong was so angry that he couldn't help but smashed the glass and said angrily, "It's not me!"

The staff bowed their heads.

Prince Gong turned around twice and said angrily, "It's just unreasonable, the prince is directing and acting by himself, framed and framed!"

One of the staff couldn't help but whisper: "Didn't His Highness once say that he wanted to drive Zhou Man out? Could it be done in private by those who stayed in the capital?"

Prince Gong frowned, thought for a moment and then shook his head, "Impossible, if they did it, they wouldn't take credit for it. Now that no one is taking credit, it's obviously not what they did."

"Also, I find it strange about the state banquet during the Chinese New Year. I didn't change the wine in the prince's wine jug." Prince Gong was angry when he mentioned this. Because of this, he was driven back by his father the next day. In the vassal land, he mused: "It seems that someone wants to take advantage of the fisherman."

Good night

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