Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1422 Reversing the car

The driver's face was flushed, very embarrassed and moved.

Man Bao drove the carriage to Ji Shitang, and the carriage walked slowly. When she arrived at Ji Shitang, she pulled the needle from the driver's hand and entered the pharmacy.

After a while, she took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to the driver: "This is a pill, two pills a day, you can take it back and eat it."

The coachman took it in a daze, reached into his arms and took out a purse to stuff it into Man Bao, but Man Bao smiled and declined, "No need, this pill is not worth much, it should have been prescribed for you, but if you catch it, After taking the medicine, you are afraid that you will not be able to boil the medicine, so I gave you the pills."

"The effect of pills is not as good as that of decoctions, so you are afraid that you will eat for a while longer, and pay attention to some diets when you go back."

The driver responded again and again. In fact, he didn't have much money, so he was in a dilemma with his wallet.

Man Bao simply pushed his wallet into his arms, then stepped on the horse bench and got into the car, smiling: "Let's go, I'll have to give you needles later."

As a result, the carriage had only walked for a while, and when it was about to turn into Changqing Lane, the carriage fell down with a thud, and the left wheel broke directly. fall.

The pedestrian screamed and ran away to avoid it.

Man Bao sat in the car and fell to the left. She quickly reached out to grab the right window, but suddenly a large bag was thrown outside, and it fell directly into her arms. come out……

Man Bao's eyes widened in surprise, holding the soft lotus leaf wrapped in his arms and about to scream, Keke said in a timely manner: "It's the heart of a pig. Liver and kidney."

Man Bao swallowed the scream that came to her mouth. She trembled and leaned in the carriage on the left, looking down at the things in her arms...

It seemed to confirm that it was indeed the heart, liver and kidney of a pig, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Their car didn't go fast, and the road was slower because there were many people on the road, so the car didn't back up violently, but it was scary enough that the car suddenly fell to one side.

There were many people on the road screaming in surprise.

When the car backed up, the horse was frightened, but it didn't do much. As soon as the pedestrians screamed, it became a little restless. The driver also rolled off the car. When he looked up, he saw his hoofs running, thinking that Dr. Zhou Xiao was still in the car. Inside, he was so frightened that his heart was torn apart, he immediately got up and grabbed the reins...

The horse stomped uneasily, but it did stop. The driver secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to turn around to help Man Bao out, when the already quiet horse suddenly neighed, raised its hoofs and ran...

The driver was startled, and subconsciously he was about to let go of the reins in his hand, thinking of Dr. Zhou Xiao who was in the car, he immediately grabbed it...

But the horse was frightened and the speed was too fast. He was dragged and slammed into the wall of the car. He didn't care about the pain.

He was obviously thin and small, but he didn't know where the strength came from. He was dragged by the horse on the ground for a while, but he really stabilized his body and pulled the horse into a corner. It turned its head and slammed it. Entering a shop, because the door is smaller than the carriage, it stuck directly on the door, and the horse stopped.

Man Bao only saw what was in her arms at that time, and Jiang Jiang was relieved, but the carriage suddenly overturned and went straight forward. She fell down and only threw the things in her hands into the system subconsciously, and then A whirlwind.

Man Bao slammed into the wall of the carriage. When the carriage stopped, she didn't care about the pain, so she hurriedly climbed out of the carriage, but as soon as the curtain was lifted, she saw that she was in the house.

She stared at the shopkeeper who was lying on the ground, and then she could see where the carriage was.

Man Bao is about to cry, how much will it cost?

She hurriedly got off the carriage and looked around, "Where's my coachman?"

The driver was outside the door, and fell on the side of the wheel, and he was about to be run over by the wheel.

The carriage directly blocked the door, and Man Bao couldn't get out at all, so she could only turn around to help the store and apologize repeatedly.

The store owner was startled by the horse that suddenly rushed in, but he was still weak at this time. Fortunately, he dodged quickly and was not hit.

But at this moment, he was too frightened, and Man Bao helped him twice before he helped him up.

The people around the outside immediately reached out to help, and carried the coachman aside first, but did not dare to move the carriage. After all, the carriage was still wearing a horse. What if the horse went crazy again?

Man Bao didn't care about the pain in his back, so he hurried to untie the horse, and after putting the car down, the people outside helped to drag the car back.

The car was towed out, and Man Bao immediately rushed out to look at the driver.

He was dragged hard, his back was full of blood, and Manbao's eyes were red. He quickly reached out and touched his pulse, making sure that the pulse was fine, and it seemed that there was no major internal injury, and he was relieved.

The guy from Ji Shitang, who was not too far away, heard the sound and ran over. Seeing that it was Dr. Zhou Xiao's car, he turned around and ran back.

After a while, not only the staff and doctors from Ji Shitang came running, but also the doctors from the Bohe Medical Center next door and the doctors from Baicao Tang.

Everyone first glanced at Man Bao, and immediately turned to the driver on the ground after she felt that she had nothing to do.

Doctor Ding immediately called, "Quick, quick, bring the door panel and carry the person back, be lighter, there may be fractures on the body."

The doctor from the nearest Baohe Medical Center couldn't help but said: "It seems that we came first, doctor Zhou Xiao, why don't you send people to us?"

"Go, go, Dr. Zhou Xiao is the doctor of our Ji Shitang, and if you want to go, you will also go to our Ji Shitang."

After all, for fear that the two of them would be robbing people, they immediately surrounded the coachman, and then reached out and touched him. After a while, he said, "The hand is fine, but the left leg seems to be broken. Does it hurt here?"

The driver almost cried, choked and said, "It hurts."

He was in pain all over, and was about to die.

Man Bao was also afraid of death. Although she didn't see it, she heard everyone say that he was dragged to the ground and turned the horse 90 degrees, which made him very frightened.

Together with Dr. Ding and others, she carefully lifted him to the door, and then everyone was going back to the pharmacy.

Man Bao remembered, what, turned around and climbed into the car, took out the medicine box, and took out the package that was left in the system, stood on the sloping cab and watched the people watching the lively around, holding hands The thing on the top asked, "Whose is this heart, liver and kidney?"

The onlookers were startled, and when the cowardly saw the bloodstains outside the lotus leaf, they couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

Dr. Ding was also startled, and asked with shaking lips, "Zhou, Dr. Zhou Xiao, where did you get this thing?"

Man Bao said in a deep voice, "When the carriage fell, someone threw it into my arms, who did it?"

Everyone took a step back, their faces turned pale, and they all shook their heads.

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