Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1405 Choice (November Monthly Pass Plus Two)

He smiled and said, "Mr. took us to the door today. He and several gentlemen drank tea for a long time and made friends."

Those who can be friends with Mr. are generally not that bad.

Man Bao was overjoyed and immediately said, "Then choose Songhe Academy."

"Being repair is not cheap, your fifth brother thinks it is too expensive."

"It's called sharpening the knife without mistake. They are all blunt knives now. They spend a little more money to sharpen the knives. How much money can they make in the future?" Man Bao waved his hand generously, "Looking back, I told the fifth brother to let him pay the money."

Bai Shan nodded with a smile, "The academy is not in a hurry to start school, and will continue to enroll students until the twenty-seventh day of the first lunar month. We will go to class tomorrow."

Man Bao said: "Tomorrow I will also go to Ji Shitang. I will go to the fifth brother in the afternoon."

"Aren't you going to enter the palace tomorrow?"

Man Bao shook his head, "The next day, the prince's condition is much more stable today."

She winked with Bai Shan and said, "My temper has improved a lot."

Bai Shan pursed his lips and nodded, "Then you go, remember to come to us after school, I guess Yin or they will clean up the dust for us, then you can call them all three, and let them They make friends."

Man Bao nodded.

After the two of them finished talking, one went back to the study to arrange tomorrow's affairs, the other went back to his room to rummage for things, and after a while, Manbao took the things back to the study, and said to Sanya, "Get up early tomorrow, and I Let's go to the pharmacy together."

Zhou Liru was still a little nervous, and his heart skipped a beat: "Little aunt, am I going to start studying medicine with you?"

Man Bao nodded, "You have no foundation, so you just memorized some herbs. Tomorrow I will take you to recognize the herbs you memorized, and the rest are not in a hurry to learn."

Sanya clutched her chest and said, "Little aunt, I'm so nervous."

When Man Bao studied medicine, it was logical and she didn't seem to be nervous, so she couldn't empathize with her, so she patted her shoulder and said, "Then how nervous you are, let's finish the nervousness tomorrow, and you won't be nervous tomorrow. already."

Zhou Liru:  …

Crowd: ...

Mr. Zhuang stroked his forehead, put down the book and called, "Manbao."

Man Bao immediately got up and walked obediently to Mr.

Mr. Zhuang asked her, "Do you have a plan for these two days?"

There were too many plans. Man Bao lowered his head and said, "Sir, I haven't finished writing the medical booklet. I have to continue writing it. I want to write it all in five days."

Mr. Zhuang nodded.

Man Bao lowered his head and continued: "Tomorrow morning, I will go to Ji Shitang, go to Fifth Brother at noon to set up Lixue's school, go to see a few friends in the afternoon, and will enter the palace the day after tomorrow, after leaving the palace, it should be evening... …”

Hearing this, Mr. Zhuang raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then what time do you spend studying?"

Man Bao looked at Mr. Zhuang with a distressed expression.

Mr. Zhuang said: "Manbao, you are still young, and it's not the time to make a fortune. You just said that sharpening your knives is not the same as chopping wood. You need more time to study."

He said: "You have to choose."

Man Bao slumped his shoulders and responded in a low voice.

Mr. Zhuang said: "Go ahead and think again, what can be given up and what can't be given up."

After thinking about it for a long time, Man Bao still couldn't figure out what she could give up, so she couldn't help but look at Bai Shan who was sitting beside her.

Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "Ji Shitang..."

Man Bao frowned, but Ji Shitang was where she accumulated experience, if she didn't sit in the hall...

Bai Shan glanced at Mr. Zhuang secretly, and seeing that he was not paying attention, he lowered his voice and said, "Since you are unwilling to give up those palace servants in the palace, and they are more able to listen to your words and train your students, why would you still How about watching some common diseases that you are already familiar with in the Ji Shi Tang?"

Man Bao whispered: "In the future, Doctor Liu and the others will also look at these common diseases..."

"It's time to go to the sitting hall."

Man Bao didn't expect Bai Shan to be more shameless than himself, so he didn't suppress his voice for a while, "Is this too utilitarian?"

"Cough cough—" Mr. Zhuang looked up at them.

The two immediately put their heads down and blocked the front with a book, although they knew that the effect might not be very good.

Bai Erlang turned his head and glanced in the air, and he laughed twice in schadenfreude.

After waiting for a while, they felt that the husband was not looking at them, and the two raised their heads and continued to whisper.

Bai Shan whispered: "What is utilitarian, isn't Xiao Shao by your side? He is from the Zheng family, and you taught him everything you taught Liu Yinu, and he is your apprentice, just like your apprentice. , your relationship is here, and you can't get rid of it at all."

He said: "The Zheng family has such a large family business that there is only one imperial physician, and although you are not an imperial physician now, you are better than an imperial physician. You are sitting in the hall of Ji Shitang, and the prescription prescribed by the doctor is also in the medicine cabinet of Ji Shitang. The relationship cannot be broken at all, and shopkeeper Zheng Da will not let this relationship be broken."

She and Ji Shitang have always had a mutually beneficial relationship. She is not suitable for sitting in Ji Shitang at this stage. If she forces herself to sit in the hall, not only will she waste her time, but there may be a rift between the two.

Bai Shandao: "Mr.'s words are clear enough. You are still young and you don't need to earn money. The most important thing for you is to study. You have seen this common disease for two years, and the accumulated experience is enough. If you have a disease that you are not good at, go to study."

"I think the shopkeeper Zheng Da will agree."

Man Bao pondered.

Of course, the shopkeeper Zheng agreed. Not only did he agree, he also called his son, took Man Bao's hand and said with a smile: "Originally, if you didn't mention it, I would be embarrassed to mention it, since you mentioned it. , I also let go."

He said: "You are indeed still young, you can't always stay up late to do things, but this is sitting in the hall, going to the doctor, and going to the palace to see the nobles, and it is too busy. I look at it and feel distressed. high."

Man Bao: ... This is the most painful thing for her, why do you want to poke her heart?

Shopkeeper Zheng Da continued: "What's more, you still have to take Dr. Liu and the others, so I am worried about you. So I thought about it, I will keep this clinic for you, if you are free, or you need to give it to the disciples. Practice your hands, then come back and sit for two days, as long as you leave the medicine cabinet of our Ji Shitang, I will send you the monthly payment of five taels per month as usual."

When Man Bao heard this, he felt very embarrassed, and he opened his mouth to refuse.

But the shopkeeper Zheng Da held her hand and said, "Don't say no, this is all a rule, you take the medical fee for your visit, and the medicine from our Ji Shitang is fine. By the way, my son, you too. Take it with you."

He smiled and said: "He is old enough. Originally, he only learned a little bit of medical skills from me, but he is quite clever. Whether he is in the palace or brought to the back house, he can take care of it for you."

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