Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1403 Video Two (October Monthly Pass Plus Nine)

Then Li Shangshu of the Ministry of War cried out in poverty, asking for money, weapons and clothes for the soldiers and emperors guarding the border:

The Ministry of Industry also mentioned that the Yellow River should be dredged. Last year, the area of ​​Shengzhou was dry. This year, there may be more rain. Unfortunately, Shengzhou is at the turning point of the Yellow River.

This place is so unfortunate. The Yellow River turns a 90-degree bend here, and the river is very anxious, just like a roaring tigress. When there is not much rain, everyone is worried, and when there is a lot of rain, everyone is even more worried.

Therefore, in order to reduce losses, Shengzhou should consolidate the embankment, and the further downstream should be dredged, otherwise too much sediment will accumulate, and if there is too much rain above, the downstream will be finished.

These two items required a lot of money, so everyone quarreled, and the emperor asked the prince for his opinion.

The Prince thought that the Ministry of War could temporarily reduce the use of items for the Ministry of Industry, and focus on the use of the Ministry of Industry. Qin Tianjian also said that this year there will be more rain in the Yellow River area.

After this matter was discussed, Eunuch Wu and the matter of Lord Wang's remonstrance that she had mentioned in the morning.

Lord Wang mentioned that the princess had no heir, and suggested that the East Palace should re-enroll Liang Di. Man Bao saw the prince's face in the video gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The video recorded by Keke is very clear, so clear that Man Bao can see the pores of the prince, so as soon as he sank his face Man Bao saw that his expression became violent.

However, he restrained himself and did not lose his temper directly.

Although in the end there was still an unhappy fight, but fortunately there was no fight.

Man Bao said while watching the video: "If I were the crown prince, I would tell His Majesty directly that the direct daughter of Lord Wang would be accepted into the palace, and whichever daughter he likes the most will be accepted, whether he mentions it or not."

Koko didn't speak.

A morning looked down, and there was a knock on the door.

Man Bao went to open the door, and Bai Shan said, "After dinner, what are you doing in the house, it took so long to open the door?"

Man Bao stared, "So fast?"

I feel like she just watched the video.

Looking back on it, Man Bao felt that watching the Prince's video was much more fun than watching the class video in the teaching room, and the time passed so quickly.

After reading it, Man Bao wanted to communicate with others, but the whole family could only talk to Bai Shan about such a thing, so after the meal, the two of them went to the small garden under the pretext of watering the flowers to harm the flowers, plants and trees.

Man Bao vividly recounted what she had just watched Zaochao. She has a good memory, and she can basically repeat whoever said what in the video.

When it came to that Lord Wang, Man Bao told Bai Shan his idea and said, "In the end, the prince is still not shameless enough."

Bai Shan turned his head and looked at her quietly.

Seeing that he was watching her not moving, Man Bao touched his face and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's a coincidence, the prince did such a thing two years ago. At that time, there was a Liu Yushi who impeached the prince like this. The prince thought he was justified, and the next day he asked the princess to bring Liu's daughter into the palace. already."

Bai Shan said, "The Liu family who was pregnant last year but did not save the fetus is the daughter of that Liu Yushi."

Man Bao:  …

She couldn't help but conspiracy theory, "It won't be..."

"No," Bai Shan said, "Actually, the crown prince doesn't care about Liu's daughter at all. Although he was annoyed by Liu Yushi's revelation, he forgot about it afterward. The thing is, Mrs. Liu is also virtuous, marrying a chicken and following a chicken, no, marrying a dragon and following a dragon, and being obedient and obedient."

"She didn't save the fetus. Someone whispered in her ear that the prince concubine harmed her. She knew it was not. She thought it was because she didn't protect the prince and the prince concubine's children, so she committed suicide by hanging herself in guilt."

Man Bao was stunned, "There are people like this in the world, no, how did you know?"

"Feng Zongping said," Bai Shan said, "This case was investigated by Feng Shangshu. Once the case came out, the third prince was most suspected, followed by the crown princess and Liu Shi himself. After investigation, it was found that the third prince had someone to do it. , but there is still a matter for the king of Yuzhou here."

"Feng Shangshu couldn't find out at first, but then the case of the King of Yizhou was found, and this old case was turned over. Feng Zongping told us privately."

Man Bao didn't expect the prince to actually do such a shameless thing, so he asked with a light cough, "Then..."

"Master Wang only has two daughters. Unfortunately, they are both married, and they can go to the street to buy candy." Bai Shan knew what she wanted to ask at a glance.

Man Bao was amazed, "How did you know this?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Shan shook his head and said, "I don't remember which classmate in school said that the son of Lord Wang's son would not be able to enter the Imperial College in the future, and then I found out."

Man Bao was dizzy and didn't understand how his grandson involved his daughter.

Bai Shan asked, "Did Uncle Zhou say anything happened to the prince yesterday?"

Man Bao said: "I just finished listening to him in the morning, and I haven't had time to ask anything else."

Bai Shan: "...Did you hear too much detail?"

Man Bao whispered: "Speak out and scare you to death, I just watched them in the morning."

Bai Shan thought thoughtfully, "Uncle Zhou can't tell you the prince's change directly, you have to see it yourself?"

Man Bao paused, looked at him with round eyes, and stopped talking.

Bai Shan understood, and lowered his voice and asked, "Then what you're watching is still a reproduction? Isn't this the same as the mirage written in the book?"

Man Bao nodded again and again, but she couldn't say anything.

Keke couldn't help but warn her, "Host, please pay attention to your words."

Man Bao blinked and did nothing.

Seeing that her eyes were sparkling, Bai Shan stopped her head in the middle of nodding, and he couldn't help but ponder.

The two looked at each other silently for a while, and finally turned around and went back without saying anything.

Bai Erlang was bored in the study, so he made an excuse to come out to get some air, and turned around to see the two returning from the small garden side by side in the dark night, he couldn't help but look up at the sky, "You water flowers until Is it dark?"

Santou, who also used the same excuse to go to the toilet, passed by and gave Bai Erlang a contemptuous look, "Where are the flowers in the garden at the moment? Do you believe what they say?"

Bai Shan looked at him and said, "Santou, if there is anything you don't understand about the homework assigned by the teacher, you can ask me."

Santou froze all over, shook and ran away, "There is nothing I don't understand, I will do it all!"

Bai Shan then raised his voice: "That's right, I'll ask Mr. to give you a more advanced course."

Santou stumbled two steps with a snap, almost falling to the ground.

Bai Erlang was happy.

Man Bao ignored them and went back to the house to continue watching the video.

Bai Shan reminded her that although watching the prince's daily life was fun, she could still use a book to do both.

But it took too much time. After all, this is the prince's day. At the same speed, it would take a whole day for her to read it.

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