Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1400 Detoxification IV (October Monthly Pass Plus Six)

However, Man Bao still withdrew from the mall.

She still wanted to try it herself. It's not that she couldn't cure the prince's disease, and she had only seen the prince's patient with such a serious weak sperm.

It is rare for a patient to meet, so it is really impossible to spend points to buy medicines, everything is based on survival.

Keke, who has been silent, threw a quotation in Manbao's mind, forcing her to read the quotation again.

Buying a bottle of potion is enough for him to stare at the prince for so many days, why waste that point?

This is what it doesn't say.

It speaks a lot more cautiously now, but there is a tacit understanding between it and Manbao, even if it does not speak, Manbao also understands its meaning.

Man Bao glanced at the quotation and felt that it made sense, so he was refreshed and full of confidence.

She opened the medicine box, took out her own needles, brushed out a few long needles, and was about to ask why Man Bao was staring at the prince in a daze when the princess saw that, she swallowed the words and quietly shook her head. to one side.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she felt that just now, Zhou Man's whole body had changed. She could feel the happy emotions radiating from her body, and she seemed to be too excited.

But the princess felt a little trembling in her heart.

The prince had already fallen asleep with his head down, and Man Bao asked Eunuch Wu to help him lie down on the couch. When the brazier was warmed up in the house, she untied his clothes and pinned them.

Man Bao had already made up her mind to keep an eye on the prince when he returned. As long as he showed signs of fighting, she immediately bought a potion for him to drink, and then asked him and the prince to make dolls.

It doesn't matter if you can't get a pulse at that time. If it's a big deal, give Keke some points to have it scanned. In short, as long as you are sure that the princess is pregnant, let them know.

Man Bao only felt that the willows were dark and flowers were bright, and the mood was too good. When the prince was pierced with needles, it was fast and violent. The princess sat on the side and watched her brush the needles on the prince, but there was a rippling smile on her face, she endured. Can't stop shaking.

Man Bao got the needle, and when he twisted the needle for the first time, the prince couldn't help snoring, obviously he had fallen asleep.

Man Bao was stunned when he heard it, and asked, "Your Highness, is your nose bad?"

Before the Crown Princess could speak, Man Bao had already twisted a few needles and stabbed him again, and turned his head to smile at the Crown Princess: "It's okay, this can be cured."

The Crown Princess looked at the newly inserted needles and silently closed her mouth.

The prince snored for a while, then slowly stopped, but still fell asleep.

Man Bao has been sitting in front of the couch guarding him, and when the time is up, she twists the needle once and then pulls out the needle.

The prince was still asleep.

Man Bao touched his pulse and said, "Prince has been insomnia and manic lately. I'm afraid this sleep time will be longer. Take a quilt and cover him and let him sleep slowly."

The princess asked, "doctor Zhou Xiao still enter the palace tomorrow?"

After thinking about it, Man Bao said, "Come in, I've been working hard for the past two days, so I can keep an eye on his condition."

At the same time, he also watched the dynamics in the palace.

Because of the renewed hope in her heart, the crown princess became two more close to Man Bao.

However, she thought about it for a while, but she still didn't send all the treasures, and she didn't show closeness when she was in front of people.

Man Bao could feel it, but she didn't say anything. After receiving the acupuncture, she said, "Niangniang, I heard that Your Highness forbids us to practice acupuncture in the East Palace. Can we go to another palace?"

The Crown Princess thought that the palace was not very peaceful recently, so she persuaded: "Doctor Zhou has only entered the capital, why don't you take a rest during this time and wait until the spring flowers bloom in a few months?"

Man Bao nodded. She brought the medicine box and was about to leave when Eunuch Wu bowed in and said in a low voice, "Niangniang, the empress has sent someone to pick up Dr. Zhou Xiaodao."

Man Bao looked at the princess.

The princess was also looking at Man Bao, and said in a low voice, "Doctor Zhou, the lady's health is not good, please help to conceal the matter of the prince."

Man Bao nodded, and she didn't really want to tell the queen.

The queen's body is not as good as the prince's. If she is in a hurry, she will become seriously ill. If she is seriously ill, the prince may even go crazy, so don't tell her.

Man Bao followed the palace servants to the Queen's Palace.

During Man Bao's absence, Xiao Yuan was visiting the Queen. Now she no longer needs to puncture needles from time to time, and she doesn't even need to take medicine often. She just uses a few medicated meals to condition her body.

Her disease is not easy to cure, but she looks good when she is not sick.

She summoned Man Bao this time mainly to understand the prince's condition.

The prince is very left-minded now, and the imperial doctor in the imperial hospital can't believe it. He only uses Manbao as a doctor. Even Xiaoyuan is going to the hospital. Although he can check the pulse, he has not received much information.

But the queen is smart. Although the prince has avoided her these days, she can still see that the prince is not in a good state.

Not only she knew, but even the emperor knew.

But the father and son have been quarreling for a while, and the emperor was concerned and unwilling to take the initiative to surrender, so only the queen came to ask.

Man Bao couldn't talk about the prince's poisoning, he could only say: "His Royal Highness is under a lot of pressure, so I have been insomnia lately, and I can't help but be a little grumpy."

The queen was stunned for a moment, "Is it because of insomnia that you have such a bad temper?"

Man Bao nodded, "My lady should know that if you don't sleep well, your temper will be much worse, and your health will also be bad."

The imperial physicians would only say that the prince was too worried and his body was hot and dry, but they would not like Zhou Man to point out that he was short-tempered because of insomnia, let alone that he was suffering from insomnia because of excessive stress.

She explained it so clearly that the queen didn't know what to ask for a while.

Man Bao lowered his head and continued what he had prepared on the road, "As long as the prince has a good rest during this time, the minister walks more often and gives him acupuncture, and he should be able to recover in a few days."

The queen breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and said with a smile, "Dr. Lao Zhou has been running back and forth during this period of time."

She said: "Come here, go to the warehouse and take out the box of pearls that the Anton Protector's Mansion paid tribute to, and reward the little doctor Zhou together with the cloth."

The queen smiled at Man Bao: "You weren't here during the New Year, so the reward prepared for you will be temporarily suppressed. You can take it today. That's the reward given to you by your majesty and I."

Man Bao hurriedly knelt down and thanked him, got up and backed out with the people.

When she was gone, a person came out from behind the screen.

The queen looked at the emperor and asked angrily, "Are you willing to come out?"

The emperor touched his nose, sat next to the queen, and asked with frowns, "Where are you going? Why is it so stressful that you have insomnia and irritability?"

The queen couldn't help pinching him and said sadly, "This year is the sixth year of his marriage, and he doesn't have a single child. Those people in the court are inquiring about changing the prince every three days. He is under pressure. Can it be big?"

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