Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1342 Got it

"Isn't it the Chinese New Year? The casino came to collect the bill, but they couldn't get it out and wanted to sell the cow. In the past two days, it has been rumored everywhere that their Jia brothers are domineering. Anyone who goes to see the cow will be rewarded regardless of success or failure." Pay them ten renminbi, or you will be beaten, so no one went to see the cattle. I heard that they took the cattle to the county this morning, but they didn’t sell them.”

Zhou Dalang said: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are not many people in the cattle and horse market. Most of the cattle dealers have gone home for the New Year, so there are not many people who buy cattle. They can't sell them, so they brought them back to ask us."

When Lao Zhou heard this, he immediately put away the cigarette stick, got up and said, "Come on, call Lao San, let's go to Dali Village to have a look."

Man Bao wanted to follow along to join in the fun, but Lao Zhou didn't let her follow. The Jia brothers had a bad temper, and even if they didn't fight later, they would definitely have to quarrel before they bought it. It's better not to bring Man Bao with you.

Man Bao could only watch them leave.

When Feng came back from picking vegetables in the vegetable garden, he smiled when he saw it: "Man Bao, come quickly and help the second sister-in-law choose vegetables. Just now your fifth brother asked the third and the others to come back and spread the word that your fourth brother and the others have returned to the county. going home for dinner."

Man Bao took the medicine box back into the house and put it away, sat opposite Feng Shi, and asked while choosing vegetables, "Then why don't they come back now?"

"They said they wanted to meet a few people, buy tea or something, and your fifth brother followed suit, so Santou came back first."

Because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, Zhou Wulang will go to the county to inquire about Zhou Zhoulang's news in the past two days, and buy some New Year's goods and things needed for the wedding.

The one who is going to get married is Da Ya, Santou's older sister, so he naturally runs errands with her, so he also goes to the county town these two days.

Knowing that the second sister-in-law was the best informed, Man Bao couldn't help asking her, "Second sister-in-law, do you know the Jia brothers in Dali Village?"

"I know, those are two bastards, even worse than your fourth brother when he was younger." In these ten miles and eight villages, no one else knew, but Mrs. Feng did not know the news.

If there is, it must be because Qili Village is too remote, and no one has gone to the market recently.

In the past, Mrs. Qian was in poor health and needed to stay in the house all year round, and she couldn't even go out of the house, but she couldn't hide the news from inside and outside the village because of Mrs. Feng's presence.

Man Bao also likes to inquire about news with her second sister-in-law, and Mrs. Feng likes to gossip with people, so she doesn't wait for Man Bao to ask, so she just goes on and on, "Your fourth brother was beaten After a meal, at least I know that it has changed, the two brothers are just like the scumbags in our village, they can't get rid of it if they get stuck, and they have exported a lot of money in the past two years."

Man Bao was curious, "Someone has been spreading gossip about them recently, so no one wants to see his cattle, buy cattle?"

"It's not gossip. It's spread all over the ten miles and eight villages. Two days ago, on the day we went to the Taoist temple to worship, someone from Baima Village went to their house to watch cattle. Guess what?"

Feng looked at Man Bao with bright eyes, wanting Man Bao to ask her.

Man Bao said: "Their family forces the cattle watcher to give ten Wen?"

Feng Shi hesitated, and asked: "How do you know? But it's not ten Wen, I heard that it is fifty Wen, and if you touch a cow, you have to give another twenty Wen."

Man Bao: ... It takes a few times to spread it like this.

Uncooperative listeners like Man Bao are the most annoying when gossiping, so Feng brought up the matter in a word, saying: "Anyway, it has been spread all over the ten miles and eight villages, and the Jia brothers are very tyrannical, but they haven't heard of it yet." If someone dares to offend them and reason with two bastards, isn’t that a crime? That’s why even those who want to buy cattle don’t go.”

Buying and selling cattle in the countryside is not like in the city, you can go directly to the cattle and horse market.

In the countryside, whether it is a buyer or a seller, the transactions are completed through mutual introductions and letters sent by the villagers.

For example, if the Jia brothers intend to sell cattle, their relatives and friends will talk about it with their relatives and friends, and the relatives and friends will publicize the matter with their acquaintances, so that people who are interested in buying cattle will come to their door.

Otherwise, Jia's family is not a cattle and horse market. Who knew that his family had cattle for sale?

But now, once the Jia family's reputation is bad, and the news of the forced money, who will go to his family to buy cattle?

It’s just old Zhou, he is stingy, he wants to be cheap, and he has six sons. When Lao Zhou’s family was poorer than Jia’s, Jia’s family couldn’t bully him, let alone their family’s prestige now. Still so high.

So Lao Zhou came to the door with his two sons, and unceremoniously lowered the price to three or eight dollars.

When the price was called out, the Jia brothers almost vomited blood in anger. After haggling with Lao Zhoutou for a long time, they still had to sell the cow to Lao Zhoutou for four taels of silver after dark.

There is no way, people from the casino will come to collect the money tomorrow. If the Zhou family doesn't buy it, they won't be able to find a second buyer in a while.

The people in the casino said that they would cut off their hand if they couldn't get any money, and they would definitely cut it off.

Old Zhou Tou happily took the serial number of the cow and the cut-and-cut book written under the witness of the two chiefs, stuffed it into his bosom, then took the cattle out by himself, and said goodbye to the chiefs of Guan.

Guan Lichang smiled and said: "It's getting dark today, let's go back after in-laws have dinner at home."

Old Zhou Tou hurriedly said: "Not busy, not busy. Today my fourth child comes back, and there must be dinner waiting at home. I will invite my in-laws to eat at home some other day."

Zhou Dalang at the side said in a low voice: "Father, the day after tomorrow is the day when Da Ya gets married."

"That's right, our two families can meet and have dinner together tomorrow."

Before getting married, the Guan family had to send the bride price to the Zhou family.

Old Zhou Tou warmly invited Li Chang Guan to come to have dinner with him tomorrow.

Lichang Guan smiled and agreed.

The father and son went home from Dali Village in the dark, and the old Zhoutou complained all the way, "I said four taels is a fair price, and I have to delay it until dark before agreeing. The two dogs killed the talent and hurt us." I have to go back in the dark, it's cold..."

Zhou Zhoulang said: "Father, don't you also bite the price of three hundred and twenty-nine dollars to the end?"

If you let go of the four taels of silver earlier, maybe they can go home before it is completely dark.

Old Zhou Tou glared at Zhou Zhoulang, but it was too dark for Zhou Zhoulang to see.

He could only hum and say, "Don't think that now that the family has earned some silver, they don't treat money as money. One penny is a hundred copper coins. How much work did you have to do before to earn this money back?"

He said: "No matter how much money you earn in the future, you have to save when you need to. Otherwise, the money you earn will not be enough to spend. Don't learn how to be full of treasures. Spending money is always extravagant."

Zhou Dalang and Zhou Zhoulang agreed.

From a distance, seeing a torch at the entrance of the village, they knew that their family members were waiting, so they took the cow and quickened their pace.

When he got close, he saw Zhou Wulang rushing up to greet him, "Father, why has it taken you so long? The house has been waiting for you to eat. The fourth brother is back, and he has made a lot of money."

Old Zhou Tou was refreshed, and gave Zhou Dalang the ox rope that he had been holding in his hand, and walked home quickly with Zhou Wulang, asking, "How much did you earn?"

"Father, go ask fourth brother yourself."

See you tomorrow

I found out by chance that my book "The Reborn Lady Is Farming" was recommended. I'm so happy, I'll recommend this book here too.

Want to see a mischievous male protagonist fall in love?

Please focus on Yu Yuzhu's "The Reborn Lady Is Farming"

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