Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1324 Delicious

San Ya was ordered to find her sister-in-law, and when she was brought into the house by the servants of the Bai family, she happened to see the three of them yawning in unison.

Man Bao had just finished yawning, with tears still dripping from the corners of his eyes, when he looked up and saw her, he asked, "Sanya, why are you here?"

She trotted forward and said, "Grandma asked me to ask my sister-in-law to go back for breakfast."

It's fake to eat breakfast, but it's true to see people.

Man Bao has never been short of food in the village, especially when he was at Bai's house. It is not like he used to eat three meals a day at Bai's house.

Man Bao turned her head to look at Bai Dalang's face, and thought it was okay, she probably wouldn't want to go to the latrine in a short time, so she got up and said, "Okay, I just want to go back and wash up."

And the needles have been used all over, so they have to be boiled.

Bai Shan also glanced at Bai Dalang, and got up, "I'm going back too, and I'll come back to see Brother Datang later."

Bai Erlang also got up, yawned and slapped his mouth, and after a while he said: "It's dawn, I'm going back to bed too, big brother, if you have anything to do, call your parents."

The three of them just broke up.

Bai Dalang: ...

When Man Bao went out with the medicine box, he happened to meet Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai, and Man Bao told him, "You can only eat white porridge, and you can't eat anything else. You can't catch cold, and don't put too many braziers in front of your bed." , just put one, he is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, his yin and yang are imbalanced, the poison is in the intestinal blood, it will take a certain amount of time to be cured."

He said again: "I'll go home and sleep first, call me when you have something to do."

Master Bai hurriedly said: "I'll have my servants take you back."

Man Bao: "...No need, it's just across a river."

It's not late at night, but it's broad daylight now, do you still need someone to accompany you when you walk?

Man Bao yawned and left.

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang also went back to their own rooms, the room was in a mess, the quilt on the wooden couch, the shelf on the brazier, and even the medicine stove were scattered everywhere.

The servants quickly packed up their things, and Bai Dalang's entourage stood aside and reported the situation last night.

Including how many nights Bai Dalang got up, how many times he took medicine, how many times Miss Man got needles, and reported clearly.

In fact, he stayed in the ear room last night to listen to orders, but the three little masters remembered to order him except when they asked for steamed buns and water, and they couldn’t think of him at other times, so he could only stay in the ear room and listen. movement.

Master Bai nodded, then turned to Mrs. Bai and said, "Let the kitchen make more delicious food at noon, and Man Bao will definitely come over by then."

Mrs. Bai responded, "Shall I ask the kitchen to cook more of their favorite snacks?"

Master Bai waved his hand and said, "It's up to you to decide."

He went into the inner room to see Bai Dalang.

Man Bao carried the medicine box all the way home. On the way, he met many folks who went out for a walk. Man Bao greeted them one by one, so when she returned home, half of the village knew that the young master of the Bai family had eaten bad food. Stomach, tossing all night last night.

As soon as Man Bao returned home, seeing her distressed appearance, Qian swallowed down a lot of words, and only asked, "How is Young Master Bai?"

Man Bao put down the medicine box, handed the needle to the sister-in-law to cook and wash, yawned and said: "It's dysentery, it's quite serious, it looks okay now, it should be cured."

Qian Shi breathed a sigh of relief, "That's really blessed by the Heavenly Lord."

Dysentery is a serious disease and can be fatal.

Xiao Qian asked, "Do you want to eat something?"

Man Bao shook his head, "I just baked a big white steamed bun when I was a kid, and I'm not hungry at all right now, sister-in-law, I want to sleep first."

"Then go back to sleep. I'll ask Sanya to bring you a basin of hot water. You can wash up before going to sleep. It will be more comfortable that way."

Man Bao also felt that it would be much more comfortable to sleep after washing his face and combing his hair, so he agreed.

Sanya brought water to Man Bao, stood aside and looked at her, "Sister, what is dysentery?"

While washing, Man Bao said: "It's a kind of disease, with intermittent abdominal pain, tenesmus, slippery and rapid pulse, yellow and greasy tongue coating, red and white diarrhea..."

She wrung out the towel and hung it on the rack, and said to Sanya: "This disease is fine when it is mild, and the cure will be slow, but most of them can be cured. If it is serious, it may kill people in three or two days."

Sanya was speechless, "So serious?"

Man Bao nodded, she lay down on the bed, and waved to Sanya: "Close the door for me when you go out."

Sanya looked at the books on the bookshelf in Manbao's house. These books were all brought back from the capital this time, and she asked in a low voice, "Sister-in-law, can I read another book?"

Man Bao yawned, half of his head was retracted into the quilt, and he replied vaguely: "Go and get whatever book you want to read."

Sanya rummaged through the bookshelves.

Man Bao fell asleep until he was upright, and woke up feeling refreshed, Xiaoqian smiled slightly when he saw it, and after cleaning his hands, he asked: "I made mutton and dried bamboo shoots in the morning, how about making scorpion noodles for you? "

Man Bao nodded repeatedly, and squatted in the kitchen to cook noodles for her.

The glutinous rice dumpling was obviously not long after it was made, and it was still warm, bursts of aroma wafted out of the basin, Xiaoqian saw that she was swallowing with greed, so he stuffed a piece of lamb into her mouth, and asked with a smile, "Okay." Do you want to eat?"

Man Bao gave a thumbs up, eyes sparkling, "It's delicious, sister-in-law's cooking is the best."

Xiaoqian smiled and said: "Eat more if it tastes good, this scorpion is specially made for you."

Xiaoqian put the washed green vegetables in boiling water, and then put them in the water. After cooking, she scooped them up and put them in a big bowl. She dug two tablespoons of glutinous rice seeds into them, and asked Manbao to mix them and eat them. .

Man Bao didn't go out, so he moved a chair in front of him, put the bowl on the chair and ate in front of the stove.

Xiaoqian took out the charcoal from the stove to warm her up, picked up the beans in a dustpan, and said, "This morning your eldest brother went to your fourth sister-in-law's house in Dali Village to buy a large piece of mutton. In order to make saozi, I also stewed some with large ingredients, and at night, I fished out some and chopped them up and fried them with beans, it was also delicious.”

Man Bao nodded fiercely while eating the noodles.

The food in the capital is also delicious, but there are so many delicious things outside, but they are still not as delicious as my sister-in-law's cooking.

Xiaoqian couldn't help smiling when she saw that she was eating deliciously.

Man Bao specially picked the bamboo shoots in the scorpion to eat, and said: "Bamboo shoots are delicious, sister-in-law, next year we will collect some more tender bamboo shoots and dry them?"

Xiaoqian responded with a smile, and said: "In addition to drying, you can also store it in a jar. I tried it. Stir-fried bamboo shoots stored in a jar are not as delicious as fresh ones, but it is more delicious to make simmered bamboo shoots, and it is different from sun-dried bamboo shoots. It’s still very crisp, so I don’t know how long it can be stored, I used up the ones I kept in April and May because I was afraid it would break some time ago, otherwise I can keep some for you.”

Sanya reached out to ask for a monthly ticket

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