What should I do if I don't understand?

The four of them pressed their questions to the bottom of their hearts at the same time, one decided to go back and ask his father, and the three decided to go back and ask their husbands.

Of course, Yin Or asked his father not to tell the whole story, he just asked his father directly when he went to pay his respects, "Father, what is the difference between the queen and the prince?"

This question was endless and very ambiguous, but Yin Li understood what he wanted to ask at once. He looked up at his son, thought for a moment and said: "The empress is the mother of the country, and she is devoted to the public. Almost the same as His Majesty, the prince is the prince."

Yin understood it, and he was a little puzzled, "Isn't Your Majesty afraid of your relatives?"

Yin Li smiled and said: "My wife is a relative who has selfishness."

But the queen didn't, she was clearly awake all the time, and the best thing was that the emperor had a good relationship with her and trusted her, so they could be a husband and wife.

Husband and wife can be one, but father and son may not be of the same mind. The conflict between the emperor and the prince was better a few years ago. Although there were occasional disputes, the emperor generally admired the prince; the prince also admired the emperor...

But in the past few years, the conflict between the father and son has become more and more acute. As the third prince grows up, the emperor loves the third prince more and more, and the prince's temper becomes more and more violent. Not only the relationship with the emperor, but also with the courtiers Difference……

As a close minister of the emperor, even if Yin Li is a pure minister, it is impossible to say that he is not worried, especially when he is still in such an important position as Jing Zhaoyin.

He is in charge of the law and order in the capital. There are only two generations in this dynasty. It is not like he doesn't know how he came to the throne now...

Yin Or's question obviously aroused his worries, he sighed, couldn't help but rubbed his forehead and asked, "Why do you think of asking such a thing?"

Yin shook his head, but did not tell Yang and Shu what they said.

Yin Li didn't ask any further questions, just said: "Don't meddle in this kind of thing, just study hard at school."

Yin may agree.

Yin Li also explained something to Yin Or, but Mr. Zhuang didn't even explain. When the three children asked for advice, he told Man Bao directly, "Just remember that you are just a doctor, the queen is your patient, and the prince is also yours." patient."

He drew a circle in front of them with his hand, and said: "The female family members of the rich and powerful families in the capital are all your patients. They will pay for your visits. It's fine to ignore personal affairs in the past few years."

After a pause, Mr. Zhuang said: "On this basis, people should be kind to each other. For the rest, just follow fate."

When Mr. Zhuang said so, Man Bao decided to listen to him and let everything go.

But if you think about it carefully, she seems to have been doing everything according to fate.

Bai Shan didn't ask any more questions, but he kept the question in his heart, occasionally he would think about it when he was free, and he didn't know when he would be able to figure out the answer.

However, the three of them were indeed more cautious than before when doing things outside. Even when Man Bao went to the palace to teach Doctor Liu, they were also more kind to the internal eunuchs and maids who were the subjects of the test when they tried the needles. Some needed medicinal materials are given to some people in urgent need.

For example, a fellow villager of Eunuch Wu's apprentice, a father-in-law surnamed Chen, he was in a miserable situation. Before he came, the brochure said that he had fallen, but Man Bao reached out and found that he had a high fever, obviously contracted a cold , the whole face was pale.

I heard from him that it was because his legs and feet were inconvenient after the fall, and he didn't dare to ask for leave, so he braved the cold to clean. As a result, the injuries on his waist and legs were still not healed, and he contracted the wind and cold again.

If he can't be cured again, he will be thrown into the epidemic prevention station to wait to die.

Man Bao took pity on him, so he took two sets of medicine from the medicine box and gave him an injection to reduce the fever.

And like him, there are many palace maids who have to take medicine but can't take medicine. Man Bao can also pick the most important one or two gangs, and they can only figure out the rest.

However, they all thought about it very openly, and felt that being able to have needles was much better than before.

And as long as Man Bao enters the palace, Eunuch Wu must be the leader to take her to the side courtyard, and he must also be the first person to diagnose the pulse.

Not to mention, after ten days, his complexion has improved a lot, and his back is not so curved anymore. The prince smiled slightly when he saw it, and said to him: "It seems that acupuncture is really beneficial. You only have acupuncture and do not take medicine, and you have so many benefits."

Eunuch Wu immediately bowed and praised that it was all because of the benevolence of the prince and the benevolence of the queen.

The prince said quickly: "We only have such a small number of people in the East Palace. How can they test needles? Since they can't stab bad people, and they can really cultivate the acupuncture skills of Dr. Liu and Dr. Xiao, then we should also select some palaces from other palaces. Come here, anyway, Doctor Zhou has to enter the palace every day during this time."

Eunuch Wu paused and then responded in a low voice.

Of course, the crown prince didn't bother to do it secretly. When he went to visit the queen in the evening, he happened to meet the emperor there, so he said, "I heard from Doctor Zhou that the doctors outside are slow to learn medicine." Because no patient is willing to give acupuncture to novices, and some doctors have to learn acupuncture for four or five years before they can get started, but now Dr. Liu and the others can find the right acupuncture points and perform acupuncture by themselves after learning for a while."

"Queen, don't you want to train more medical girls? Why don't you hire more palace maids, anyway, they won't hurt people, and they can also benefit, and it's cheap for both of you."

This was said to the queen, but it was also said to the emperor.

The queen glanced at her son, then nodded and said, "I will ask someone to arrange it later. Since the administrative office is arranged in the East Palace, let's put it there for now, and there is no need to move the place. Doctor Zhou will come into the palace to give you an injection." Also convenient."

The emperor didn't take this trivial matter to heart, but looked at the queen amusedly, "It's been more than ten days, and your concubine's hospital is still running?"

The queen didn't want to stare at him in front of her son, but said: "Your Majesty, prepare the money."

The emperor waved his hand generously and said: "Don't worry, the harvest in Huangzhuang is good this year, and my private treasury is full."

The main reason is that he did not marry a daughter this year, nor did his son marry a wife, and he did not build another palace. Although the Queen Mother went to some birthdays, he also earned some money when he raided the Yizhou palace, so the two sides offset the money in the private treasury. many.

The emperor felt that he had quite a lot of money, but it turned out that less than twenty days later, Bai Shan and the others finally wrote out the plan for the Imperial Medical Office. Because Bai Shan and Bai Erlang were going to take the exam, Man Bao was in charge of copying it.

She specially made a thick booklet for copying, which can be as long as two desks when pulled out.

After finishing writing, give it to Mr. Zhuang to read. After spending three days, Mr. Zhuang finally read it before going to bed. Then he praised them and walked around twice excitedly.

However, he calmed down and decided to talk to them in detail tomorrow. There is no way, he has been staying up late for the past three days, and he can hardly keep his eyes open. Bit by bit, he woke up with his excited admiration for them.

So he suppressed the words he was full of, and whispered to the three of them: "Okay, I've finished reading it as a teacher. I'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to say. You must be very tired after the exam. Go and rest first."

see you at eleven o'clock

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