Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1301 By the way (reward for the book friend

Tang He and the others went to Yuanzikou to pick them up after hearing the report from their servants. When the two sides met, they couldn't help showing bright smiles on their faces.

Yang Heshu also had a warm smile on his face, Cui tilted his head to see it, relaxed his heart, and smiled slightly.

Yin went up to greet them with a slightly red face.

Both Yang Heshu and Tang He knew him. Of course, they only regarded him as Yin Li's son before, knowing that he might not live to be an adult because of his frail health.

But before they were still in Mianzhou and Yizhou, they had received letters from Manbao and the others, from which they knew the grievances between them, and after returning to Beijing, they also knew that they were not acquaintances now.

Tang He didn't ask Bai Shan and the others why they brought him, but directly welcomed his arrival, and then asked about his physical condition.

Yin may say that she is much better.

Several people went to the garden while talking, Mrs. Tang dragged Man Bao and Cui Shi to fall behind.

Mrs. Tang glanced at the fox fur on her body, and said with a smile, "Your cloak is pretty pretty."

Man Bao said: "The fox fur is a gift from the queen."

"No wonder the hair color is so pure," Mrs. Tang said with a smile, "Now you are a celebrity in the palace."

Man Bao shook his head, "It's just seeing a doctor, but there are indeed many rewards."

Although people in the palace don't like to give gold and silver, the cloth and other things they give are still very valuable if sold.

It's a pity that Lijun doesn't like to help her sell cloth now. She said that those brocades are hard to buy even if they have money, and they will lose money if they sell them when they are not in a hurry to use the money.

In this regard, Manbao is not as good as her, so she always entrusts the fabrics to her for storage.

Man Bao turned his head and glanced at Mrs. Cui, saw that she had been looking at Yang Heshu who was walking in front of her, and asked, "Madam Cui, I think Mrs. Yang is much thinner than before, and her complexion is not very good-looking, is she sick? "

Cui immediately withdrew her gaze, nodded earnestly and said: "My husband's appetite is not very good, and he caught a cold some time ago. Fortunately, he has been in good health, otherwise..."

Otherwise, the wind and cold can easily kill people.

"But he is busy with work, even if he is sick, he can't stop his work. I would like to ask Doctor Zhou if he has any prescriptions for health care."

"The medicine is three-point poisonous. Now that you are cured, you should stop taking the medicine." Man Bao thought for a while and said, "But you can take the medicine."

Speaking of this, Man Bao became happy, and she said proudly: "I have a new apprentice, she is a medical girl, she knows a lot of prescriptions for medicinal food, I will find some for you later, and you can adjust it for Master Yang."

Man Bao likes to exchange medical skills with others, and Dr. Liu obviously wants to repay Man Bao, knowing that she likes to collect all kinds of prescriptions, including but not limited to prescriptions.

As for medical women, they are the best at medicinal food. Not only do they have many medical records in the Tai Hospital, but also some prescriptions collected by concubines. inedible.

They come and go again and again, and they collect more medicinal recipes.

Therefore, although they are not very good at diagnosing the pulse or prescribing prescriptions, when it comes to medicinal diet to regulate the body, the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital may not be able to compare with them.

Man Bao received a hand-copied encyclopedia of medicinal foods from Dr. Liu. This name was chosen by Man Bao, because none of the medicinal foods in it had been categorized, and the records were very complicated. They were all collected by Dr. Liu herself. transcribed.

Man Bao flipped through a few pages and didn't have time to read it in detail, but Yang Heshu's situation can be recuperated by taking medicinal diet, and it won't hurt the body, that's great.

After hearing this, Mrs. Tang immediately said, "Give me a share too."

Man Bao was curious, "Magistrate Tang is also sick? I think his rosy face doesn't look sick."

"Bah, bah, bah, childish words, the strong wind blows away," Mrs. Tang said, "I'm prepared for any danger."

Cui pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law is always in better health than husband."

Mrs. Tang and Man Bao were never polite, and asked, "Is there any prescription for us to recuperate our bodies?"

Man Bao asked, "Which aspect do you want to adjust?"

Mrs. Tang sighed and said, "You know, my son is not young anymore. I always wanted to have another child, but I haven't been able to conceive for the past two years."

Cui pricked up her ears to listen.

Man Bao said: "It's normal not to be pregnant, Tang county magistrate is so busy."

Mrs. Tang stretched out her hand and patted her on the head, "How can you get married in the future?"

Man Bao snorted and said, "I'm sure I can get married, don't bother you."

Cui coughed lightly, and asked with a blushing face, "Man Bao, can you show me?"

She has been married for nearly a year, and there has been no movement.

Man Bao said that there was no problem, so the three of them slowly left the front team and rested in a side courtyard next to the garden.

This was originally a room for guests to change clothes and rest. The servants who followed behind immediately went in to spread the cushions, set up a brazier, and the room was warmed up in a short while.

Man Bao took off the cloak and handed it to the girl. He glanced at the white snow in the garden, and saw the red plums reflected in the snow from a distance. With a cry, she immediately supported the window that the girl was about to close, and looked out. , surprised and said: "Mrs. Tang, you still have plum blossoms in your house."

Keke scanned it and found that this species was very different from the species in their world, so he suggested Man Bao to include it.

Mrs. Tang: "...It's just red plums. Do you need to be so happy? Close the window quickly to let the wind in. I want to see the flowers for a while."

Cui added: "I heard that you like to eat venison. My husband and the others have set up a grill in the open pavilion in the garden. Later we can eat roasted venison while enjoying plum blossoms."

Man Baole almost narrowed his eyes, and said with a partial mouth: "That's so embarrassing."

Mrs. Tang smiled and said, "You still feel embarrassed, come and show us quickly."

Man Bao went over to feel their pulse.

In fact, both of them have some problems with palace cold, especially Cui Shi, her cold air is relatively severe, so it is difficult to conceive.

Man Bao explained their problems, and then said: "It's not very important, I'll prescribe a prescription for you to take later. Madam Tang can take a few doses of medicine, Madam Cui, you need to drink for a while."

Madam Tang turned her head and asked Cui Shi, "Have you seen it at your house?"

Cui frowned and said: "I asked the doctor to look at it, but they all said that the problem is not serious."

Man Bao thought she was worried, and immediately comforted her: "It's okay, it's just that it's not easy to conceive, and it's not incurable. If you are worried, I can give you an injection for a few days, and take medicine, and it will be almost cured in a month. It’s just that you have to take medicine for a period of time later.”

Cui Shi knew that she didn't understand Madam Tang and her words, so she didn't explain. She smiled and nodded, "Then I'll help you, and you don't have to go to my house. I'll look for you later."

She smiled and said, "Don't you have a room on the second floor of Jishi Hall?"

Man Bao was very pleasantly surprised, "You are willing to go to Ji Shi Tang to see a doctor!"

See you tomorrow, sleep, good night

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