Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1281 scare people

Wu Niangzi Han didn't eat anything this morning, and now it's getting dark, she still can't eat, and she can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Man Bao had just eaten dinner and encouraged her, "How about you get out of bed and take two steps? You can eat after you have exhausted."

Han Wu Niangzi: "Exhaust?"

"It's just farting," Man Bao said, "you can eat when you have exhausted all the gas in your stomach."

Han Wu Niangzi: ...

Everyone was puzzled, "Why do you have to fart before you can eat?"

"Exhaust is to restore the intestines," Man Bao said, "don't worry, if you still can't exhaust in the morning tomorrow, I will give you a needle to try, but you have to move it yourself, it will help the exhaustion. ."

Han Wu Niang didn't understand, but seeing Man Bao insisted, she still endured the pain and moved a bit, but she still couldn't get out of bed, she felt it was too painful.

Man Bao helped her move her feet. Seeing that she was screaming, and Mrs. Han was covering her mouth to help but didn't dare to reach out, she stopped after a quarter of an hour.

In fact, she also prepared a lot of actions to help exhaust, but looking at Han Wu Niangzi, it doesn't seem like she can do it.

Man Bao sighed.

Han Wu Niang drank some warm water, but she was so hungry that Man Bao reluctantly agreed to drink some rice soup.

Originally, the kitchen had prepared vegetable soup for her, because Man Bao had said that vegetable soup was also fine.

So the kitchen stewed the soup with good pork ribs, and put fresh vegetables that are very rare in this season. After serving it, Man Bao took a look at the meat in the soup and ate it by himself.

She and Wu Niangzi who looked at her eagerly said, "I'm all here for your own good."

Then someone went to the kitchen and filled a bowl of rice soup for her to eat.

Han Wu Niang was hungry for a day and a night, and her eyes were blurred the next day. She felt that she had no strength in her body. Still gave her a needle, "This is just an aid, and it may not be effective."

As a result, it didn't take long for the needle to go down, and I don't know if the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion was too good, or if it happened to happen, Han Wuniang began to release a series of qi.

Hearing that voice, Mammy Li and the other servants did not change their expressions, while Madam Han on the side turned away in disgust.

Man Bao didn't change his face, but he quietly took a few steps back, and encouraged Han Wu Niangzi who was about to hide under the quilt: "Yes, that's it."

You can eat when you are exhausted.

Man Bao checked the wound and was satisfied after changing the medicine for her. After giving her a painkiller, he told her: "Try to eat liquid food, some soup, porridge, etc., don't eat too greasy, take good care of it. ."

Han Wu Niangzi was drinking the soup, and while watching Man Bao put away the needle bag and stood up, she asked, "Doctor Zhou Xiao, are you leaving?"

Man Bao nodded, "You have exhausted gas, and you didn't burn last night. That's almost it. The rest is to recover from your injuries. By the way, you are still living in this room, don't let too many people in, and prepare more at home. Some herbs, I will look back to see if they need to be sterilized, and if they need to be smoked again."

Man Bao asked Mrs. Han to go out with her, just in time to see several wives from Li's house coming to see Mrs. Han Wu, but she was stopped by the maid at the door.

But Man Bao could see that the maid might not be able to stop her. Sure enough, they quickly came over to Mrs. Han and asked with a smile, "Eldest sister Han, how is the fifth lady?"

Mrs. Han smiled: "It's much better. Thanks to your help this time, the things prepared in the house can be so complete."

It was also the first time for the wives to meet Man Bao directly after the operation, because before she either stayed in her own guest room or stayed in the delivery room to accompany Han Wu Niangzi. They wanted to see everyone but Han Da Niang stopped them.

So after asking Mrs. Han, they looked at Man Bao with 5 points of curiosity, 3 points of excitement and 2 points of suspicion, and asked about the situation of Mrs. Han Wu, and by the way, they expressed their desire to visit and condolence.

In fact, they want to see if Han Wu Niang is really alive and awake now.

Man Bao refused their request, but seeing their eyes still flashed with excitement, and Mrs. Han was a little hesitant after being asked repeatedly, Man Bao thought about it and said, "Actually, caesarean section is not that difficult compared to other medical techniques, But no one ever thought about having a baby like this, do you know why?"

The wives were very interested, because they had all given birth or were about to have children, so they showed expressions of interest.

Man Bao said, "Because it's easy to die."

All the ladies: ... Is it still necessary for her to say this?

Man Bao said again: "Do you know why it is so easy to die?"

Mrs. Li Er hesitated: "How about an abdominal opening, because of blood loss?"

Man Bao nodded, "This is one aspect, but there is also the danger of heavy bleeding in natural production."

Man Baodao: "It's actually not that difficult to sew. Everyone sews a lot. Skills come naturally. The real difficulty is that there are external evils."

Man Bao stretched out his hand, waved it in the air, and said, "Whether it is spring breeze, summer wind, autumn wind or winter cold, external evils are everywhere, except for diseases that come from the inside out, the rest is from the outside in. Disease, this kind of disease from the outside in is called external evil.”

Man Bao simply told them her own understanding of "sickness" before leaving, "Look, this is the skin, very complete, with only fine pores."

Man Bao stretched out his hand and rolled up his sleeves to show them, "At this time, if the evil spirits want to invade the body, they can only enter through the mouth, nose and pores, but because the hands are often exposed, the body naturally has a height of resistance. , In contrast, exogenous pathogens prefer to enter from more sensitive and large places such as the neck, mouth and nose, so often, when you go to the doctor for a cold, fever or dizziness, the doctors often say that it is an invasion of exogenous pathogens. ."

The wives were stunned, this was easy to understand, so they nodded again and again, and then what?

"Then, one day, I slashed a knife on my already sensitive stomach and opened it up. Will the ubiquitous evils rush into the body at this time?" Man Bao stroked his hand in the air, describing in detail. Said: "As soon as this belly is opened, the exogenous evil can not pass through the skin, and can rush into the belly. Do you think this is terrible?"

The wives turned pale and were frightened by the description of Man Bao.

Man Bao continued: "Do you know why soldiers on the battlefield were not hacked to death when fighting, but they always die after being injured?"

"It's because of these exogenous evils that this is where caesarean section is difficult."

Mrs. Han was also frightened, "That fifth lady..."

"Wu Niangzi is fine now, because I smoked the house with Cangzhu before the operation, which reduced the 'exogenous evil' in the house a lot. best effort."

see you at nine

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