Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 128 Penalty

After Xiao Qian finished speaking, he grabbed Man Bao's clothes and pulled her up. He couldn't help but change his face when he touched her. He immediately pulled her up and touched her again, and asked angrily, "Man Bao, have you gone to play in the water? "

"No," Man Bao immediately denied it, shouting, "It's not playing with water, it's the water that fell from the tree!"

Xiao Qian's family is not stupid. He understood it as soon as he heard it. He was so angry that he dragged Man Bao back into the house to change his clothes, and when he came out, he beat Da Tou and Da Ya.

The big-headed girl was screaming, it might not hurt much, but she screamed so loudly that Man Bao was so frightened that she rushed out of the room to block in front of them, and said tearfully, "Sister-in-law, I'm going to shake the tree. , I will never dare again next time."

Mrs Qian came out of the house and said, "I punish the two of them to step on the grass in the fields tomorrow. Next time you dare to let your sister-in-law do such a thing, you will not only be stepping on the grass, but you will also be responsible for the housework."

When Da Tou and Da Ya were beaten, they weren't too afraid, they just howled loudly, but now that grandma came out and said, they really cried.

Stepping on the grass is very hard, because the Zhou family has so many males that even their mothers don't go into the fields to do such work, let alone them.

Step on the grass, pick up the grass that has been raked in the field and throw it out, or step on the soil to fertilize it. Now there are not only snails, stones, but also leeches in the fields.

The two children were really crying.

Man Bao wanted to cry too, but he didn't dare to say a word under his mother's stare.

Qian shi said to Man Bao lightly, "You are not in good health, I will teach you when you are young. You are not allowed to play in water, get wet in the rain, get cold, or eat the messy things outside. Next time you will commit the crime again. , I will punish the person who took you."

Man Bao lowered his head and wiped his tears.

Qian Shi then turned around and went back to the house.

The three children sat together in grief and sorrow, Man Bao took out two candies from his pocket and gave them to them, looked at them apologetically and said, "Big head, Da Ya, I will go to the field to help you when I get off school. "

Daya said quickly: "Little aunt, you can't go. If you go, grandma will punish us even more."

The big head also nodded.

Man Bao was a little sad and felt a little bitter in his heart, so he also stuffed a candy that he didn't like very much into his mouth.

Zhou Xi watched and couldn't help asking Qian Shi, "Mother, I saw a lot of candy in Manbao's hands while I was home. Where did she get the candy?"

Every time Tuesday Lang returns from the market, he will bring candy to Man Bao, but Zhou Xi has seen it. The candy in Man Bao’s hand is not only those, because even she has been stuffed with several candies, the kind of candy bought by the second child Different.

Qian said, "Mr. He Zhuang took it. Listening to the voice of the fifth and the others, Man Bao and his people bought a lot of candy, and then sold it to the county seat."

When Mrs Qian said this, she couldn't help but smile, and said, "This child probably learned from the second child's business, and she will sell things without a teacher. She can't save money in her hand. Fortunately, she knows how much she has. How much does it cost?"

"Mother just let it go?"

"She is young and loves to eat, so there is no need to restrain her in these matters, and," Qian said, his voice was much lower, "When your uncle was upset about these things, we did a lot of admonitions. It just caused him a lot of trouble, can you stop it?"

Zhou Xi stopped talking.

"This child is smart, we don't have to restrain her in these matters."

When Man Bao took out the candy from his pocket for the first time, the Zhou family was shocked, and after finally ruling it out, they thought it was the candy from Mr. Zhuang, and the Qian family gave something in return.

There are very few things, or let Xiao Qian send a few radishes, a few vegetables, or help clean the yard.

Mr. Zhuang thought it was a "bribe" given by the Zhou family to make Man Bao squat at the window to listen to the class, so he accepted it.

Since then, Mr. Zhuang has always received some small things from Zhou's family from time to time, and Manbao can always bring a candy or two to the family.

It's been more than two years, and it's no surprise that Zhou's family has seen it all, so it's only strange that Zhou Xi doesn't go back to her parents' home often.

In the end, Tang soothed the injured hearts of Da Tou and Da Ya, and the two were dug up from the bed the next day and brought to the ground to step on the grass.

Of course, Zhou Dalang was reluctant to let the two children really work in the field all day, so he meant to let them go down to the field for two quarters of an hour, and let them go to the field when they were tired and annoyed enough.

After all, it is the eldest grandson and the eldest granddaughter, and the old Zhou head is also very painful.

Qian's punishment is still very effective. Today, Man Bao is too obedient. He doesn't go out to play after school, and he doesn't go to Bai Shanbao's house to read. , while waiting for the big head to come back.

As soon as they came back, she looked at them earnestly, and to express her condolences and apologies, Man Bao also gave them his favorite candy to eat.

Chu Chulang saw that the corners of his mouth twitched, and he dismantled the two and said, "They went down to the field for a quarter of an hour, and then sat on the ridge all the time. Man Bao, you love them so much, why don't you love me?"

Man Bao: "Fourth brother, you are an adult, do you have the nerve to compare with our children?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I went down to the ground when they were so old, let's see how well they are living."

Da Ya was not convinced, "Fourth Uncle, we helped you open your land."

Big head: "We helped grow the yam and ginger."

Da Ya hummed: "You have to talk to us again, we won't help you when your field is about to weed."

As soon as Thursday Lang heard this, he immediately went to Manbao's pocket, took out all the candy hidden in it and distributed it to them, and said with a smile: "Fourth Uncle is joking with you, in fact, Fourth Uncle was on the field when you were as old as you. Go for a walk, it's a little worse than you."

Man Bao widened his eyes.

Friday Lang: "Shameless!"

Saturday Lang: "Shameless!"

Man Bao turned back and shouted at her father, "Father, fourth brother grabs my candy!"

Thursday Lang ran away, followed by Lao Zhoutou's shoes and threw out his scolding voice in the yard, "Fourth, are you still young? You even grab your sister's candy..."

Thursday Lang was so angry that he squatted outside the gate for a long time before returning. He decided that the next time he weeded the field, he must bring Man Bao with him, and he could not let her sit back and enjoy the success.

Both Shizulang and Zhou Xi’s land were planted with ginger. Shizulang knew the prices of ginger and yam, so he was very concerned about them. He didn’t need to worry about the farm work at home, he just had to listen to his father and brothers. Just work.

But he was very attentive to that piece of wasteland. He took a look at it almost every day. The yam in this piece was growing better, and the ginger in that piece was a little worse than the one next to him.

Even Zhou Xi, who didn't care much at first, was influenced to make two extra trips.

Man Bao rolls for collection, asks for recommendation ticket

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