Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1267 Interpretation

Thursday Lang walked to Saturday Lang and swayed around, shook his head, made a bowl of soup, and greeted Shang Daji to eat naan in the store.

Zhou Lijun followed Qiu Peiniang into the backyard of their house. Old Man Qiu and Mother Qiu were in the backyard handling the sheep delivered in the morning. When they saw their daughter come in with red eyes, they asked in surprise, "Why, are you being bullied?"

Qiu Peiniang held back her tears and said, "No."

After saying that, he pushed the door directly into the house, Zhou Lijun chased in, greeted them, and squeezed into the house.

The husband and wife of the old man Qiu looked at each other, and the old man Qiu put down the knife and wiped his hands and went out, while the mother Qiu quietly looked into the room through the crack of the window, and vaguely saw Zhou Lijun sitting opposite her daughter.

But she heard what they said.

Zhou Lijun took out the veil to wipe Qiu Peiniang's tears, and asked, "Sister Qiu, is it that my sixth uncle can't speak to make you angry?"

Qiu Peiniang turned her back, wiped her tears, and said angrily, "If he doesn't mean that, don't come to talk to me. I'm the only one in my family, but I'm not letting anyone bully me, what does he mean? "

Zhou Lijun was very curious about what her sixth uncle said.

So she turned to Qiu Peiniang and asked, "Sister Qiu, what did my sixth uncle tell you first?"

Qiu Peiniang's face changed a few times, and then he spat: "You go and ask him yourself."

"Oh, why do you ask me to run back and forth? Tell me quickly, is my sixth uncle finally enlightened to propose marriage to you?"

Qiu Peiniang's eyes were even redder, and the tears couldn't help falling. She wiped her tears while sobbing and choked: "Bah, who should propose marriage to? Whether he mentions it for himself or someone else, he should find my parents, and I count. what happened?"

Zhou Lijun was at a loss, "Who else can my sixth uncle propose marriage to besides himself? Oh sister Qiu, I'm not an outsider anymore, why do you still say such angry words, can't you be the master of half of your marriage? "

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been engaged and married until now. Isn't it because her parents liked it, she didn't like it, and what she liked, her parents couldn't say that she would be a son-in-law, so has it been delayed until now?

Qiu Peiniang was not a stingy person, she wiped away her tears and repeated what Lang Gang said to her on Saturday, and then asked Zhou Lijun, "Does he want to tell me to a passing merchant, or does he want to elope with me? What does it mean to be casual? Where are you going to walk around?"

Zhou Lijun:  …

She can be sure now that her sixth uncle has taken a fancy to others, otherwise he would not have asked them that.

Thinking of her sixth uncle's age, if she doesn't talk about her relatives, I'm afraid she really won't be able to marry a daughter-in-law.

So she coughed lightly: "Sister Qiu, you really misunderstood my sixth uncle. Of course, it's also my fault that my sixth uncle can't speak."

She said: "He doesn't really mean anything else, that is, his ambitions are a little different from others. Do you know why my sixth uncle has never married a wife?"

Qiu Peiniang had calmed down, she wiped away her tears and asked, "Why?"

"Because he likes to eat and earn money, he wants to eat delicious food everywhere in the future, and then learn some skills. He feels that he can no longer go out after marrying a daughter-in-law," Zhou Lijun said meaningfully: "So, No matter how my grandparents urged me, my sixth uncle gritted his teeth and refused to talk about kissing, if he didn't like it very much, he would definitely not bring it up."

Qiu Peiniang's whole face was blushing, but soon the redness faded and she became pale, "Yes, but what about the parents and the elderly? They can't walk around, right?"

Zhou Lijun said: "What's so difficult, my grandparents have my uncle and the others, they can go back when they are old and the sixth uncle will go back. As for your parents, don't worry about it, you think my sixth uncle can leave if he wants to leave. Is it someone? He wants to eat more delicious food and learn more skills, and these things in the capital alone are enough for him to learn for a few years."

Qiu Peiniang was moved.

Zhou Lijun bumped into her shoulder, "How about Sister Qiu, should I call you Sixth Auntie in the future?"

Qiu Peiniang's face flushed, she turned around and said angrily, "Don't be silly, there's nothing wrong with the eight characters."

"Then don't cry, or Uncle Qiu should say that my sixth uncle bullied you."

When Qiu Peiniang heard her name, she couldn't help sighing, "Look at your name, I heard your sixth uncle call my father and eldest brother yesterday, but I also called him Saturday brother, what about the seniority."

Zhou Lijun said indifferently, "It will be changed after the appointment is made."

Qiu Peiniang's face was flushed, and she stopped talking while holding on to the veil.

Zhou Lijun asked her in a low voice, "Then do you agree or not?"

Qiu Peiniang said in a low voice, "It's no use if I promise or not, this is the order of my parents, the matchmaker's words, right?"

"My fourth uncle and fifth uncle are here, but they can't be the master of my sixth uncle, but don't be afraid, and my little aunt is here. My little aunt can be the master of my grandparents."

Qiu Peiniang also knew Man Bao and had met him several times. She knew Zhou Lijun well, and heard her mention that her little aunt was very good more than once.

She pursed her lips and asked, "Will your aunt like me?"

"Don't worry, my little aunt is very nice. When I'm free another day, I'll bring her to see you..."

Even if this matter was temporarily over, Mother Qiu quietly slipped out of the window. Before it was noon, Qiu Peiniang was cleaning the tables and chairs in front of her, and Mother Qiu told him what she heard in the corner of the morning.

Then he said: "Listen to this, Saturday Lang is someone who often travels far away."

The old man Qiu was stewing mutton when he heard the words: "What are you worrying about? I think Lijun is right. There are so many delicious food in this capital, and there are also in the surrounding cities and counties. I don't know how long it will take."

"Then what happens when he finishes visiting these places?"

"Hey, you elm head, he even has a child by then, he can leave the child and run out by himself, if we have a headache, will the girl leave us and go?" Seeing things that are not shadowy, he said: "Isn't it because he was filial, courteous and steady when we first saw him? As long as there is no problem with his personality."

Mother Qiu sighed, "I think Peiniang herself is very willing."

"Don't you want to," said the old man Qiu, "I don't want to talk about this whole street, but I'm just talking about the people she's seen over the years, who is more handsome and polite than him?"

Old Man Qiu paused and said, "I saw his fourth brother today, don't say, he is two points more handsome than them, and looking at how many children in their family, the Zhou family's children are all good-looking. ah."

So if his daughter had a baby...

The old man Qiu narrowed his eyes with joy, lowered his voice and asked, "I just talked to that Shirou, guess what he said?"

"What did you say?"

"He said that his daughter-in-law gave birth to another son. Now their grandchildren have only three granddaughters, but they have eight grandchildren!"

Mother Qiu:  …

The old man Qiu sighed, "If there are too many of these things, they are worthless, and so is the grandson, so I thought, I don't point to Saturday's husband to enter the marriage, and if I have a son in the future, I can give him the surname Qiu. "

see you at 8pm

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