Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1248 Success Rate

Man Bao was silent for a while and then said, "If you take it all together, it's 30%."

This possibility is very small, but it is better than the old doctor Tan who directly concludes that there is no possibility.

Li Saburo, who was beside him, was very haggard. He asked, "If you open your belly to take the child, is it possible to only protect the adults?"

Man Bao immediately said: "If only the grown-ups are to be taken out of the belly, then I have a 60% to 70% certainty."

This was a bit beyond everyone's expectations, Han Shangshu asked suspiciously, "Shouldn't it be that the child's survival rate is a little higher?"

Man Bao shook his head, "If you don't want to have an abdominal surgery, it's impossible for you to have an abortion to protect the adults; but if you are willing to open the abdomen and only ask to protect the adults, then I can use a lot of medicines. When it boils, I will dare to take a sufficient amount."

Han Shangshu and Li Shangshu:  …

The two of them understood at once.

Both of them hesitated, and Li Sanlang on the side immediately said: "Then protect the adults, father-in-law, if the child is gone, it will be gone. In the future, I will take a concubine and give birth to a child and carry it to Sanniang's knees."

When Han Shangshu heard this, he sighed and said, "Alright, that's it."

But Mrs. Han said: "Miss Zhou, if possible, please try to keep the child as much as possible."

She said: "For this child, Wu Niang has suffered a lot. If she knew that the child could not be saved, she still didn't know what to do."

Man Bao nodded, "I will try my best."

Then it's time to discuss what to do.

Of course, it is impossible for Man Bao to do such a big event alone. She wants to ask the imperial physicians for help, but she is not sure whether the Han family and the Li family can accept the imperial physician into the delivery room.

The Han family and the Li family are not so pedantic, and their lives are at stake. What else can they do?

However, Mrs. Han felt that they felt nothing, and I was afraid that Mrs. Han didn't agree very much, so she asked: "Miss Zhou, didn't you do it? If that's the case, why don't you let the girls serve you, and the imperial physicians help outside the door? "

Man Bao asked, "How many imperial physicians can your family invite?"

Madam Han looked at her father.

Han Shangshu said: "In addition to the old doctor Tan, there is also a doctor Liu."

Man Bao nodded and said, "Okay, I see, I'll see if I can ask the doctor girl for help, and then I'll ask Han Shangshu to come forward and ask the two imperial doctors to discuss it."

On that day, everyone should discuss everything in charge, and she also wanted to ask the two imperial physicians how they usually deal with such diseases.

If the operation goes well, there will be follow-up treatment, which is also very important.

Then, she had to prepare various things for the operation, and the Li family and the Han family also had to prepare some medicines...

Man Bao's little head began to plan, and then listed a series of things first. For example, if she needed an empty room, she didn't need anything in it, so she put a wooden couch where the patient could lie down, some tables and chairs Just fine.

These things can be prepared slowly, as well as various medicinal materials, but she decided to go back to discuss with Teacher Mo later, and then go to Doctor Tao and the others to discuss and discuss.

She is full of fighting spirit now, but the mood of the Han family and Li family is not too high, because the success rate she gave is too low.

But apart from Zhou Man, they had no choice, because no one else even had her success rate.

Man Bao did not massage Han Wu Niangzi any more. Since she was about to open her abdomen, there was no need for her to suffer that much. However, she still asked her to do those corrective actions the next day, and also instructed Ms. Wen and explained it. Check out the precautions and make sure they learn before leaving.

It's always good to exercise more and this exercise is also good for her body.

It was Mrs. Han who sent Man Bao out. This time Mrs. Han didn't pay her the consultation fee, and Man Bao didn't care.

She is now familiar with the ways of these high-profile families, and she knows that they will not treat doctors badly with money.

Man Bao asked Xiao Shao to take her home directly. She first went to the stable to develop a relationship with Chi Ji, fed him a handful of beans, and then returned to the house and put down the bookcase to go to Mr. Zhuang to listen to the class.

Today is her time to study a new text.

After she finished learning the new text and finished her homework, she went back to the house to find Teacher Mo.

Mr. Mo has more time and resources than Man Bao. He gave Man Bao several recipes, all of which were anesthesia recipes. He said, "These are all found in ancient books. I'm also doing experiments, but I don't have many of the medicinal materials used here, you can find a way to buy them and send them to me, and I'll see the effect of the experiment."

He said: "Because some medicinal materials have been annihilated in the long river of history, these medicines are not entered into the system of anthropomorphic models, and it cannot give you medication advice..."

"But I've never heard of these herbs." Man Bao replied to Teacher Mo while looking at the recipes in the mailbox, "I've memorized all the names of the medicines, I've never heard of these. ."

Teacher Mo didn't expect them to be there either. After being silent for a while, he asked, "Then give me your prescription for anesthesia, and I'll find someone to discuss your prescription."

Man Bao responded, and after thinking about it, he wrote two recipes.

One of these two recipes was obtained from Imperial Doctor Fan, and it was basically the one commonly used in this era, but the dosage was just the amount.

Another one was found in the history of the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the encyclopedia. It is said to be the most effective traditional Chinese anesthetic prescription that has been passed down from ancient times and has been verified.

Of course, Teacher Mo also knew the prescription, and he recommended Man Bao to read the book back then.

He asked, "Do you have all the herbs in this prescription?"

"All." Man Bao had researched, and although there were two drugs with different names, she still found them. She originally planned to use this anesthetic for Xiang Mingxue's hamstrings.

Teacher Mo was very satisfied and said, "I'm short of four medicinal materials here, and we don't have them here. You can find them for me. It's not easy to do experiments there, so I'll do them."

Man Bao responded and wrote down the name of the medicine he sent.

Teacher Mo kept sending information to Man Bao, and the system rattled. He said, "Because of the lack of medicinal materials, the data on the effects of these medicines have not been entered into the anthropomorphic model, so the effect of these medicines on pregnant women and fetuses cannot be determined for a while. , Have you decided to have a caesarean section now?"

"The patient's family has agreed."

"Then there are more things you have to do." At this moment, Teacher Mo also felt that the main system had too many restrictions, otherwise he would just give Man Bao an anesthesia bracelet, so why worry about it now.

Unexpectedly, their biggest obstacle was not intraoperative or postoperative, but preoperative anesthesia.

After Mr. Mo sighed, he continued the topic just now, "What I'm sending you is an information on acupuncture and anesthesia that I found in an ancient book today. You can take a look. The record is not very detailed, but this technique is twenty A non-drug anesthesia commonly used in the 2nd century for detoxification, cancer pain, rheumatic pain, including depression."

Next update around 11pm

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