Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1227 Include Ma

The man said: "Doctor Zhou, don't think that these two horses are old, but they are very stable in pulling things, and they are not very old. They are only twenty-three years old, and they should be able to live for about ten years. As the saying goes, let the old horse know the way, let's go..."

Man Bao took a look, and finally turned his gaze to the pony aside under Keke's strong opposition.

When the man saw it, he sighed: "Doctor Zhou, this pony is not very good. You can see that its hooves and teeth are somewhat flawed, but don't worry, their parents are good horses, and their brothers and sisters are also good. , if you want to buy it, there is still a good chance of a good horse after breeding..."

Xiao Shao glared at the man.

Well, the guy also thinks that he can't take too much on the customers brought by his friends, and he knows that this genius doctor Zhou is the master of his friend, and Xiao Shao will follow her to study medicine for a long time in the future.

So he looked around and saw that the other guys in the yard didn't pay much attention to this side, so he lowered his voice and said, "Doctor Zhou, it's not me, if you really want to buy a horse, then buy an old horse, you No matter how old they are, they can be used as soon as they are bought, and they are durable and the price is not very expensive, I can give you the lowest price I decide, 28 taels."

"This pony is different. He is young and seems to be able to live another 30 years, but this horse is not in good condition. Not to mention whether it can be used in the future or not, whether you can support it or not is not certain."

Man Bao asked Keke, "Can you feed yourself?"

Keke is not a laboratory person, so he has no problem with the host spending a small amount of money to buy inferior horses.

So it scanned back and forth between several horses and finally settled on a pony with the best genetics, "buy it."

Man Bao immediately pointed to the smallest horse and asked with frowning eyes, "How much is this horse?"

The man saw that it was a foal less than two months old. This horse was not very lucky when it was born. Its mother had a difficult childbirth, so I kicked its eyes in the confusion after birth, and its eyes were gone. It's a little bad, and it's thin, and it should have been dealt with at the racecourse.

But his boss was reluctant. He felt that it would also be some income to feed and sell it to the countrymen to pull the car, so he sent it to the shop. He smiled and said, "At this young age, only twelve taels are needed."

Man Bao's eyes narrowed with joy, and he waved, "That's it."

She said: "The price of this horse is also too different. I thought it would cost more than a hundred taels."

The man didn't mind the low price, he explained to Man Bao with a smile, "It depends on what kind of horse it is, generally a horse with a size of fifty taels can be used in the battlefield, and a horse with a size of a hundred taels is a good horse, don't look at it. The horses we put outside the shop are expensive, but in fact, the better horses are in the stables, and some good horses, especially stallions, are worth thousands of dollars.”

Manbao rolled his eyes and asked, "What about the peacock at Bifangkou?"

The man said proudly: "How can you compare that? The peacock is used to see, but the Maxima is hard to find. He can ask for a hundred ships with a single peacock. Our boss said that there was an emperor in the past. In order to ask for a horse, I took 200,000 taels of gold and a horse made of gold, but I couldn’t buy it.”

Xiao Shao was speechless, "Why are horses so expensive?"

Man Bao said: "Sweaty BMW."

The man was disappointed when he saw that Man Bao knew, but he still clapped his hands and said, "Yes, it is a bloody BMW, so look, how can this peacock compete with a horse?"

Man Bao nodded, "Yes, I've only heard of the emperor fighting for horses, but never heard of peacocks fighting."

Man Bao paid the money to take the horse away.

Xiao Shao looked at the pony a little tangled, it couldn't be ridden, so put it on the carriage?

Before he could come up with a solution, Man Bao went back and looked at the peacock, but it was no longer on the screen, and was walking around the wooden fence leisurely.

Man Bao watched for a while, then turned his head and asked Xiao Shao, "Could it be that people can still sell officials?"

Xiao Shao shook her head, "I don't know about this, but since people dare to ask for it, they obviously know that someone is selling it."

Man Bao nodded and led the horse away.

Back in front of the carriage, Xiao Shao looked at the horse in her hand, and Man Bao had already waved: "Go back by yourself, and give me the medicine box. It's not far from my restaurant. I'll go to my family."

When Xiao Shao heard the words, she took the medicine box to Man Bao.

Man Bao carried the medicine box on his back, holding the pony in his hand and swaying back.

Keke was looking for a suitable place along the way. Finally, when he was walking, Keke found it, so he directed Man Bao to lead the pony into an alley. After walking for a while, the alley was even smaller. Now, when I went inside, I found that there were high walls on both sides, and there was no door.

This is a dead end. She walked forward for a while, and Keke said, "It's safe here, and no humans can see it within my scanning range."

Man Bao squatted down and touched the foal, and let Keke record it together with the rope.

The foal disappeared from the ground in an instant, one person and one system waited for a while, there was no sound, Keke said: "It seems that the encyclopedia has to count the points."

Man Bao turned around and went out, saying, "How many points do you think it will have?"

Keke wouldn't do such a subjective thing, so he refused to guess.

In the end, Man Bao didn't go to Wu Lang and the others, but walked all the way back to Changqing Lane with the medicine box on his back, holding some snacks she bought on the way.

From the outer city to the inner city to go home, she was safe all the way. It seems that no one will kill her, otherwise what a good opportunity today.

Most of the assassins who had assassinated them before were dead, and the rest were caught by Jingzhao Mansion, and even the two assassins who drowned at the bottom of the lake were brought up.

It seems that the influence of the King of Yizhou in the capital has been eliminated.

Man Bao knocked on the door with the medicine box in his hand, and his face was flushed because he had walked all the way. At this time, only Mr. Zhuang and his brother Xiang were at home.

Xiang Chao was bored and was talking to Daji. Xiang Mingxue borrowed a book to read, but Mr. Zhuang was taking a nap in the sun in the yard. He raised his head when he heard footsteps.

Seeing that Man Bao came back, he just glanced at it and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Man Bao put the medicine box aside, sat opposite Mr. Zhuang and said, "Sir, I have a question for you."

She explained the comparison between Mrs. Cheng's attitude towards her today and the past, and then asked, "I am a doctor. No matter in the past or now, Mrs. Cheng and I have a doctor-patient relationship. Why did she have a doctor-patient relationship? You were just polite to me, but now you are respecting me? Just because my biological father posthumously presented the state shepherd?"

Mr. Zhuang sat up from the reclining chair, reached out and patted her head with a smile: "This is not what you want to ask, what you want to ask is, why are doctors weaker than officials?"

Man Bao suddenly realized, "It's still very good, sir, I said, I always feel that the question I asked is not quite right. That's right, why is the medical officer inferior to the civil officer and military officer?"

See you tomorrow good night

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