Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 120 Want to get married

Every year around New Year's Eve, the weather here will get warmer, and most of the time it is a sunny day. Therefore, a lot of grass and tree buds like to take advantage of this warm wind.

The temperature this year seems to be a little higher than in previous years. Of course, this is not what Man Bao said. Her memory, at this time last year, she only followed her nephews and nieces throughout the village to pay New Year's greetings, and she couldn't remember how many clothes she wore. , what are you wearing?

But Keke has a record. It told Manbao that the temperature this year was two to three degrees higher than the same period last year, and said that the temperature was very suitable for growing yam.

So, Manbao came back from his uncle's house with his father on the second day of the second grade, and wanted to farm the land on the third day of junior high.

Of course, Zhou Dalang and the three of them who have a daughter-in-law and Yue's family have no time, and even the big head said they don't have time, so it is Zhou Xi who can go to the ground together, from Thursday to Saturday.

Zhou Xi didn't know any yam, and it was the first time she knew that the fourth child had opened a field at the bottom of the mountain. She took out the seedlings they had raised, and picked out several broken ones. She was very worried, "What kind of yam is this? What's the use of planting? Can you really make money? Man Bao, have you told your parents about the field?"

Chu Chulang disliked the eldest sister's long-windedness and said: "I said earlier, this yam makes money, eldest sister, this is medicine, can you not make money?"

He rubbed his shoulders and said, "In order to grow these two baby bumps, I can go to the mountains and dig a lot of soil to gain weight. If I only grow beans, then I will die."

It was only when Zhou Xi got to the ground that they found out that they went to the forest to dig up the layer of rotten leaves, and buried it in the soil to ferment.

Thursday Lang said: "It's more than that. Manbao asked me to water the manure from time to time. I feel that this place is no longer a newly opened yellow field, but a vegetable garden that can grow vegetables."

Zhou Xi is also a good farmer. She shoveled a hoe, turned the soil up, and looked at the fourth elder with disgust: "How did you turn this land, it's too shallow, turn it over again."

Thurou:  …

Man Bao doesn't understand this kind of thing, but since the eldest sister said so, then listen to the eldest sister.

Then, according to Keke's entry, the land is divided into three ridges, and there is a gully between the ridges, which can be drained, because it is said that yam must pay attention to drainage.

Zhou Xi took his three younger brothers to turn over the ground again, and divided the ridges according to what Man Bao said, and then planted the yam.

Zhou Xi also carefully asked about the distance.

The yams that were planted had already sprouted. After planting, Zhou Xi took his younger brothers to water them, because he was afraid of the cold, and spread a shallow layer of straw.

The remaining vacant land is reserved for ginger.

When they were farming, Man Bao squatted aside to watch, or walked around nearby. Then she chose a good place for the eldest sister.

As soon as they were done, Man Bao took Zhou Xi's hand and looked over, pointing to a weedy tunnel: "Sister, can we open this piece of land for you?"

Zhou Xi was taken aback, "For me?"

"Yeah, so you also have land." This piece of land was selected by Keke after scanning, and he said it was the best piece of land nearby.

For such trivial matters, Keke is generally willing to help the host.

Man Bao has made plans for Zhou Xi, "I will buy some more ginger seeds, and the elder sister will also grow ginger to sell, so that I can make a lot of money in the fall. With the money, I can build a house and buy more. In the future, if you want to raise a child, you can adopt one, if you don’t want to raise a child, then keep it, you can buy delicious food every day, and you can make a lot of new clothes.”

Zhou Xi murmured, "Adopt a child?"

"Yeah, this is what my friend said. It says that many people adopt children if they don't want to have children. As long as they have money and meet the conditions, they can raise children. I think it should be easier for us to adopt children here. A beggar? Big sister will find someone who is pleasing to the eye in the future."

Thursday Lang couldn't help but said, "It's better to raise children outside than at home."

He turned his head and said to Zhou Xi, "Eldest sister, if you like raising children, I will send you to raise them after I give birth."

Zhou Xi couldn't help but glance at him, "You think it's beautiful, let me raise a child for you, will he call me mother or aunt in the future?"

Thursday Lang said without mind at all: "If you want him to call your mother, just call him mother, and call him aunt, just call him aunt. Don't worry, eldest sister, I will definitely not rob you of children."

Zhou Xi was a little moved.

Man Bao made fun of him, "You don't even have a daughter-in-law, and if you want, my fourth sister-in-law may not be happy."

Thursday Lang couldn't help muttering, "Someone is raising a child, what's not to like?"

Zhou Xi's heart cooled down, and he sighed and didn't speak.

Wu Wulang couldn't help but leaned up and asked Thursday Lang, "Fourth brother, do you have a sweetheart?"

Thursday Lang was a little depressed, "No, mother said, I don't think about getting married in the past two years, my family has no money."

Wu Wulang was also a little disappointed. If the fourth brother is not married, it will not be his turn, alas~~

As soon as Zhou Xi looked back, she saw the disappointment on the faces of her two younger brothers. She couldn't help laughing and scolding, "Do you all miss your daughter-in-law?"

Thursday Lang is a bachelor, "It's useless to think about it, who cares about me."

Zhou Xi couldn't help but feel a little worried. After returning, he mentioned it to her mother and said, "Mother, the fourth child is eighteen this year, why don't you say kiss?"

Qian Shi was picking grain seeds and put aside the bad grains. Hearing that, he looked up at her and said, "Why, the fourth child wants to marry a daughter-in-law?"

"Not only the fourth, but the fifth is not too young. According to his age, he should also look good this year, and he should marry his daughter-in-law next year or the year after."

Qian Shi sighed and said, "I have discussed with your father that we will not have children this year."

It means that this year, I won't tell Shiroulang about marriage.

Zhou Xi pondered: "Is it because the dowry money is not enough? I still have some here. Let's make it together..."

"No," Qian said, "it's not all about the money. Although last year, the fourth child's asshole happened, but in the second half of the year, the family's fortune was good, and I saved some money. Yes, but there are many brothers in our family, if we don't choose a good one, we are afraid that the new daughter-in-law will make trouble in the house when we enter the house."

So she would rather give a little more dowry and marry a good daughter-in-law.

Qian's own plan, "I have discussed it with your father, and I have saved the money this year. After the autumn harvest, I will build three houses, which can be regarded as the houses where the fourth, fifth and sixth children will marry their wives. Also let outsiders see the performance of the fourth child, knowing that he has learned well before talking to him."

Qian's family has made a plan. This year, as long as the fourth child is obedient and works hard, he will give him an old-fashioned daughter-in-law. He said something more powerful and could control him, even if it cost a lot of money, she would recognize it.

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