Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1194 touch the pillar

When Man Bao came to see Fu Wenyun again, only then did he know that Fu Wenhua had called Yue Lan out and beat him up two days ago.

No matter what the Yue family thought in their hearts, they unanimously said that they beat him well, and then Mrs. Yue sent her servants to go twice a day, either to deliver soup or various supplements to Fu Wenyun.

Of course, Fu Wenyun didn't go back, but the relationship between the two families seemed to have eased, but Mrs. Fu thought that Fu Wenyun was still confinement, and it was not easy to get tired, so she confinement at Erliu Lane.

As for the child, of course, it is with the mother.

Although Mrs. Yue really wanted to hug her grandson, she didn't dare to argue with the Fu family under the watchful eyes of Lord Yue. She had to go to the door to see her mother and daughter-in-law with her belongings every other day.

She felt that she had never been so humiliated in her life, but Lord Yue didn't know why she insisted so much.

She didn't know that Mr. Yue was planning to do a big thing.

Finally, he waited for the opportunity, and finally waited for the first great meeting in October.

He put the book that he had written a long time ago, got up before dawn and went to the palace to attend the great court meeting.

Originally, the great court meeting was supposed to be on the first day of the new year, but the queen mother fell ill and the emperor withdrew.

But October has entered the winter, and it is the time when the autumn tax reports from various places are coming up, and the officials and people across the country are preparing for the winter. At this time, the financial summary of this year, the financial budget for the next year, and the corvée this winter should be roughly discussed.

There are also various affairs of the three provinces and six ministries, and even the borders have military affairs to be discussed. There are many complicated matters.

So three days later, the emperor held a great court meeting.

Lord Yue has been listening silently, all the ministers have discussed all kinds of difficult matters since the dawn of the day, and after solving one, they move on to the next one. Seeing that the sun is getting higher and higher, everyone is hungry. , and finally dealt with most of the things, and then someone mentioned the matter of the King of Yizhou as the end as usual.

It has been 16 days since the incident of the King of Yizhou, but they haven't set a policy to solve it, and they didn't think that it can be solved by mentioning it today, because the Queen Mother is still ill.

So everyone thought that today would be the same as before, and the emperor would suppress it and discuss it later.

In fact, the emperor did indeed plan to do so, but he just said something, and he was at the end of the line. A censor who was standing closest to the threshold suddenly swallowed and interrupted the emperor's words loudly.

Then he mustered up his courage and walked out, walked to the center of the hall, knelt down and offered the book, and began to complain about the disadvantages brought about by Empress Dowager Chen's participation in politics.

Speaking of excitement, he even asked, "Does the queen mother want to imitate Empress Lv's chicken Sichen?"

The emperor slapped the table fiercely and shouted angrily: "Bold, how can you criticize the queen mother?"

Yue Wei's face was flushed, and his eyes seemed to be glaring out of anger, and he roared back: Your Majesty, judging from the private soldiers captured by Yizhou, the King of Yizhou is going to rebel. The people of the world don't care!

He roared in the direction of the harem again: Empress Dowager, your beloved son can't bake all the people on the fire!

Then he shouted, expressing his willingness to remonstrate with the Queen Mother. After speaking, he turned his head and ran directly to the pillar next to him...

All the ministers were stunned, but a minister next to the pillar was quick-eyed, stretched out his hand and pulled a hand, his sleeve was torn by him, and the person cushioned it a bit, but he still slammed into the pillar with a thud.

The emperor was shocked and angry, stood up from the dragon chair, pointed at the person who hit the pillar and was speechless.

Lord Tang was the first to react, this is his subordinate!

He rushed forward and hugged the person. Seeing that his forehead was bleeding and his eyes were tightly closed, he was obviously fainted.

The emperor was so angry that he blew his beard. Seeing Gu Zhong froze on the side, he shouted: "What are you still doing, why don't you call the imperial doctor!"

The imperial censor really died in this temple, how will future generations judge him? What will the historian say about him?

Thinking of this, the emperor turned his head to stare at Zuiju Lang, who was busy writing.

Qi Julang's back froze, but the speed of recording was not much slower.

Gu Zhong asked people to run to the imperial doctor, and then he returned to the emperor, and reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, is he admonishing you, or the empress dowager?"

The anxious emperor calmed down and looked at the messy hall below and said nothing.

Yue Wei's injury was not serious. After being rescued, he felt dizzy and nauseated. The imperial doctor said that he had injured his brain and needed to rest slowly and not move around.

So the emperor asked the guards in the palace to send him home to recuperate, and also gave him some medicinal materials.

Yue Wei was more aggressive than Magistrate Fu imagined. The sleeves of his official uniform were torn apart, and he had a concussion like this.

After learning about this from Bai Shan, Man Bao felt very uneasy, so he took the medicine box and went to Yue's house.

Mrs. Yue looked four or five years old, and she was haggard. She didn't shoot out when she saw Man Baolai. She had already heard that Man Bao was a famous little genius doctor in the capital. Let Man Bao come in and see.

After reading it, Man Bao comforted her, saying that as long as Mr. Yue takes good care of him, he will be fine, and he should be able to get out of bed and move around in ten days and a half.

Man Bao's words seemed to be more soothing than those of the imperial physician, and Mrs. Yue breathed a sigh of relief. This time, she sent Man Bao out in person and gave her a thick purse as a consultation fee.

She wiped her tears and said, "Doctor Zhou Xiao, I hope you know that our Yue family is also a family of good people. The previous Erniang thing was really because Mrs. Wen said she was dead, so I decided to keep the child. After all, the two can It's better to keep one."

Man Bao nodded with a smile on his face, and said to the old lady Yue: "I know that the old lady is also a mother-in-law for the first time, and she has no experience. I will go and tell Second Sister Fu, but a woman has a child like a calamity. If the family members are pregnant again, they should see a doctor from the beginning, and check them every month to ensure that the fetal position is normal, so that the delivery will be smooth.”

Man Bao softly comforted: "If it is difficult to give birth again, you can also ask a doctor to enter the house to give acupuncture and prescription, and discuss it with Mrs. Wen. It is much better than Mrs. Wen alone."

The old lady Yue tangled and whispered: "How does this make it, I have only seen one female doctor in this world, Dr. Zhou Xiao, and the others are all male."

The smile on Man Bao's face could hardly be maintained, but she still said with a faint smile: "Ms. Yue is too worried, in the doctor's eyes, there is no difference between men and women, only patients, not to mention, life is better than face The important thing is that when people outside know it, they will only praise your kindness and will not criticize the patient. After all, only people with dirty minds can think of a normal thing and come up with countless dirty things. "

Mrs. Yue's face froze, and she replied yes with a smile.

Man Bao turned around and went to Erliu Lane to find Fu Wenyun.

see you at 8pm

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