Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1089 admonition

Duke Yu entered the palace alone the next day.

Tomorrow is the Double Ninth Festival. The emperor has to prepare sacrifices to the sky. Although this sacrifice is not very big, it is not as good as the first sacrifice on the first day of the first lunar month, but there is no trivial matter to sacrifice to the sky, so it is necessary to prepare early.

On the eighth day, the emperor was still very busy.

But despite his busy schedule, the emperor still met Duke Yuxian in the imperial garden, and even held his hand in person.

The Duke of Yu County didn't dare to let him help him, so he quickly took a step back with a cane, and bowed to let the emperor go first, while he was one step behind.

The emperor knew his temperament, he looked cowardly, and his stature was thin and weak, but he was the strongest.

So the emperor smiled and walked ahead. When he arrived at the imperial garden, he found a pavilion and sat down. Seeing that the Duke of Yu County still did not speak, he waved his hand to let the palace servants back down.

After everyone had gone far, the emperor smiled and said, "Yu Aiqing came all the way, didn't she really want to get a basket of rice cakes in the capital?"

The Duke of Yu County cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I heard this when I was in Yuezhou."

"Some people say that the prince without a son is a punishment from heaven, because he is not an orthodox, and he is not pleased by the late emperor. Now the prince without a child is just a small warning. "

The emperor's face sank, and his face turned blue, "What do you mean by this? Who is chaotic and who is right?"

The Duke of Yu County shook his head, "I don't know who is the official minister, but who is the mess, Your Majesty should know."

The emperor clenched his fists, released them after a while, chuckled lightly, and looked at the justice of Yu County: "Does Yu Qing also think that I am in a wrong position?"

The emperor stood up, stretched his sleeves and said, "Even if I can make all the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment, I won't get the orthodox recognition of the ministers?"

The Duke of Yu County asked, "Does Your Majesty care?"

The emperor turned around, raised his chin slightly, and said, "I don't really care, right and wrong, I'll leave it to future generations to comment."

"So Your Majesty still cares," Yuxian said, "This is a good thing. It is better for an emperor to ask for a name after his death than not to ask for a name."

The Duke of Yu County sighed and said, "Your Majesty, this minister is a member of the three dynasties. He was born in the Chen Dynasty, served as an official in the An Dynasty, until my Jin Dynasty. For this minister, there is nothing orthodox or unorthodox in this troubled world."

It is their own ability to become emperors.

If he really pays attention to orthodoxy, even if he does not commit suicide when the Chen Dynasty perishes, he should die with him when the last emperor of the An Dynasty commits suicide. Why would he become an official in Dajin first?

The emperor was also feeling strange, "Since Yu Qing doesn't care, why did you send such words to my ears?"

The world has criticized him, the emperor has always known it, and it is precisely because he knows that he wants to do better.

Seeing that he didn't understand what he meant, the Duke of Yuxian pointed out: "Your Majesty, the first prince and the three kings have passed away, so you have never thought about who is in the rumors?"

The emperor was startled and thought.

The Duke of Yu County said again: "Actually, the minister doesn't really care who this is."


"However, has the imperial succession been so serious that even the people have damaged the reputation of the crown prince?" Yu County said, "Now that the world is stable, and His Majesty has worked hard to rule, no one can rebel, but if it is a battle for the throne, the court will Fight again, and everything becomes unknown again.”

"Your Majesty, the world is just at the beginning of peace, and we can't stand another turmoil," Yuxian said, "Although the crown prince has no sons, he is the national capital and cannot be moved."

The emperor said blankly: "I know, it's not that I'm in a hurry now, it's that he has lost his sense of normalcy. Yu Qing, look at what he has done in the past few years."

The Duke of Yu Xian stood up and knelt on the ground tremblingly, "Please also ask Your Majesty to let the third prince take the vassal, and at the same time lower the nobility."

The emperor frowned, "Down?"

"Your Majesty, you have made him a prince at this time. When the prince ascends the throne, what else can he seal the third prince?"

seal up?

The emperor thought to himself, the prince's arrogant temper, he would be fine if he didn't turn the king of the county into a prince. Does he still expect the king of the county to become a prince?

So it is better for him to do it in one step and seal the prince for the third child.

Yu Xiangong knew the emperor's thoughts at a glance, and sighed: "Your Majesty favors the third prince so much, no wonder the prince is impatient."

The emperor said angrily: "I have to give it to him in this world. I just want to give his brother a prince. How can I be partial?"

Yuxian said: "But Your Majesty, does the third prince just want to be a prince now?"

The emperor was silent.

"Although I have not been in the capital for a long time, I have heard people praise the third prince, saying that he is intelligent and virtuous, and also heard that there are many ministers in the court who want to keep the third prince as the director of the Hanlin Academy to write books. Your Majesty, The Duke of Yuxian gave a deep bow and said, "According to the rules of my dynasty, the prince must be in the vassal after he gets married. You forced the third prince to stay in Beijing, and you think that it is the father's favor for the son, but in the eyes of others, even in the eyes of the third prince. In the eyes of the prince, this is a signal that you want to take the prince and have the third prince take his place."

"Presumptuous!" The emperor slapped the stone table angrily, shaking his palms to the point of pain and numbness.

The emperor was so hurt that his tears were about to fall, but he held it back.

Yu Xiangong still lowered his head, not afraid of the emperor's roar at all. Anyway, he was often roared when he was an official, and then said: "Your Majesty, you can ask the prince to replace him tomorrow."

The emperor fell silent, and after a while, he said: "Yu Xiangong is tired all the way, I will send you back to the palace to rest."

The Duke of Yuxian looked up at the emperor and stepped back.

Seeing Gu Zhong from a distance, he immediately trotted forward to support the Duke of Yu Xian, took a look at the emperor and helped the Duke of Yu Xian out of the palace.

Although the emperor felt very uncomfortable and couldn't get out with a sigh of relief, he still issued a decree in the afternoon.

He said that he was ill, and the prince would preside over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven tomorrow.

The unprepared prince was pushed to the front of the stage at once, but it was not difficult for him, because not only did he follow his father's side in offering sacrifices to the sky every year, even when he was in prison before, he also sacrificed to the sky independently. .

So he didn't panic at all, it was the Rites that panicked.

So suddenly, in a short while, where do they go to find a dress and a crown suitable for the prince?

You can't always wear old ones, right?

Even if the old one can be used, the prince has grown taller and stronger in the past few years, and even his head is not the same size, which is not suitable at all.

The Minister of Rites was almost mad, and he didn't know where he received the news, so he rushed to Yu's house to see the Duke of Yu County.

The Duke of Yuxian lay on the bed early, saying that he was tired, sleepy and sick, and he couldn't see the guests anyway.

So the Minister of Rites caught Yu Shilang and scolded him.

You have to persuade, you should be early, even if you persuade it yesterday, they will have an extra day to prepare, right?

From now until tomorrow, there are only eight hours left to worship the heavens. How can they prepare?

You face the Holy One once, let us gray our hair, right?

Yu Xiangong also lay on the bed and sighed, "Your Majesty is too stingy, why did you spread it out?"

Yu Shilang, who had just been implicated, didn't want to talk to his father.

See you tomorrow

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