Farmer’s Blessed Girl

#1077 medicine box

But she is not afraid anymore. Since her husband's family knew that this was Shi Dalang's problem, her life has been much better.

The clothes at home would not be piled up for her to wash. After knowing that it was best for her not to touch cold water, her mother-in-law took over the laundry.

This time, the two of them took the medicine together. Every time the family boiled the medicine, the smell of the medicine would not always be talked about, and there would be no more stinging in the courtyard.

So Liu Niang lived a very comfortable life, so she still had no children, but her head was raised, not always lowered like before.

Now asking Man Bao's condition is not as urgent as the first time, but asked a little curiously: "Doctor Zhou Xiao, can my husband's illness really be cured?"

Man Bao said: "It's 80% possible."

"Then if he is cured, can I conceive a child?"

Man Bao thought about it seriously and then said: "Theoretically, it is possible, but my mother said that the child is a gift from God, it is better to wait for him.

"Tianzun?" Liu Niang thought for a while and then said, "Doctor Zhou believes in Taishang Laojun, then I'll go back and say goodbye."

After speaking, Man Bao motioned her to go out and called the next patient to come in.

Her patients have been incessant, and I don't know if it is the reason why she is getting more and more famous now. Except for female patients, she has the most trauma patients.

Man Bao has always received patients who need suturing these days. The suturing technique has improved by leaps and bounds. Her suturing technique was good, but now it is even better.

Dr. Ding and the others couldn't help but learn from her. Recently, pharmacies often have pig's trotters, and the stewed pig's trotters are soft, not to mention, they are delicious.

The patients who came to the pharmacy to see Manbao were also familiar with her rules, knowing that she only worked half a day and left in the afternoon.

So if she insisted on seeing a doctor, she either came early, or turned around and left as soon as she saw so many people, and came early the next day.

She doesn't necessarily have to see it. If she can't rank her, she will rank with other doctors.

At noon, Man Bao wandered around and saw no unusual patients, but there were only two patients on her side, so he simply looked at them all, and only went to the backyard for lunch after all prescriptions were given. .

They still had stewed pig's trotters for lunch today. It was Ji Shitang's cook, and there were some medicinal herbs in the pig's trotter.

Man Bao picked up two pieces of pig trotters, checked them curiously, and asked, "Who used these pig trotters to practice hands?"

The shopkeeper Zheng Da smiled and said, "Doctor Ding, by the way, this is Xiao Shao, who is a few years older than you. Let him be a medicine boy by your side in the future."

Man Bao turned to look at Xiao Shao, seeing that he was about the same age as Senior Brother Bai, and he didn't look like a drug boy at all, so he asked curiously, "Which Shao is it?"

Xiao Shao was stunned for a moment and then said, "Bai Shao's peony."

"Hey, is your surname Bai?"

"...No, my surname is Zheng, Zheng Shao."

It sounded like a girl's name, but she looked at the person seriously, and it was indeed a man, and he was not as good-looking as the shopkeeper Xiao Zheng.

Man Bao nodded and asked, "Have you eaten? We'll go out for a consultation in a while."

Zheng Shao bent down and replied, "Eat, Dr. Zhou Xiaodao will eat first, and I'll go for a ride."

Man Bao nodded.

Seeing Zheng Shao going out, the shopkeeper Zheng smiled and said to Man Bao, "He is older, he is more stable, and he is also ordinary. It is more convenient to bring him into the inner house. If you have any chores that are tiring in the future, you can let him do it. Well, it's the same even in the pharmacy, let him give you a shot."

Man Bao always felt that these words were familiar, she thought about it and asked, "So is he my apprentice?"

The shopkeeper Zheng Da smiled and said, "It's his blessing that Dr. Zhou Xiao is willing to accept him as an apprentice."

Man Bao understood, but she felt a little uneasy, "I've only been in court for a long time, so I can accept apprentices?"

The shopkeeper Zheng Da smiled and said: "We are doctors, although we also look at qualifications, but we also look at medical skills. Dr. Zhou Xiao is now a little genius doctor, and his medical skills are recognized in Beijing and Yizhou. He is just an apprentice, if not You are young and your status is inconvenient, so it is also possible for the palace to directly recruit you into the Imperial Hospital."

Man Bao was taken aback, "Don't talk about you, I sound scary."

The shopkeeper Zheng Da said happily: "Doctor Zhou Xiao is joking again."

She wasn't joking, she sounded frightened.

After lunch, Man Bao was about to pack up the back basket to go to the doctor. The shopkeeper Zheng Da followed behind. Seeing that she was tidying up the old bamboo basket, he immediately coughed lightly, and Xiao Ding brought a brand new medicine box. .

Shopkeeper Zheng Da smiled at Man Bao and said, "Doctor Zhou Xiao, what do you think of this medicine box?"

Man Bao looked over, nodded and said, "It looks good."

"It looks good, this is for you." The shopkeeper Zheng introduced to her, "Look, there are two floors here, and there are a lot of grids, in addition to the pulse pillow and the needle bag, can you put it in? few herbs."

The shopkeeper Zheng Da introduced to her, "This next floor contains some commonly used life-saving medicinal materials. Do you know what medicinal materials to bring?"

Man Bao nodded and said, "I know, Doctor Ji taught me that this medicine box is exactly the same as his."

The shopkeeper Zheng Da smiled, "The medicine cabinets of the best doctors in the world are almost like this, but yours is better, lighter, but has more space."

Man Bao reached out and touched the medicine box, and asked curiously, "Is it really given to me?"

Shopkeeper Zheng Da smiled and nodded, "Of course, Xiao Shao will carry this medicine box for you in the future."

"No, I have to carry it myself."

Man Bao was also quite reluctant to carry her own little backpack. After all, her backpack had been with her for many years, and she had changed it twice, but each time it was tailor-made for her by the second brother.

Man Bao put all the things in the back basket into the medicine box, and there were still many empty places. Shopkeeper Zheng knew what was missing with just a glance, so he smiled at her, turned to the counter, and put those She made up for the missing herbs.

Storekeeper Zheng Da put the packets of medicine into the medicine box, and said to Man Bao, "This medicine is not only the life of the patient, but also the doctor's, sometimes it is just a single medicine, and it can save a life if it is used in time. , so the doctor's medicine box should always be full, and if there is a shortage, it will have to be replenished, and it must be replaced frequently to prevent the medicinal materials from getting wet."

These doctors have all told her, but she has just sat in the hall, so she rarely has the opportunity to visit the doctor, and she has been carrying the basket on her back and put all the messy things in it, so she has not paid much attention to this point.

Man Bao looked at the filled medicine box, put her with the law book into the back basket, then closed the medicine box, carried the back basket, and left the medicine box contentedly.

The shopkeeper Zheng Da hurriedly said, "Let Xiao Shao get it for you."

Man Bao hugged the medicine box tightly, shook his head and said, "No, I'll take it myself."

Next update around 8pm

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