Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1073 Inquiry

Sister Yin glared at him and said, "What do you think?"

Brother Yin swallowed his saliva and said hesitantly: "Yuanniang, I didn't think about it, you and my younger brother are siblings from the same mother, we... ow—"

Brother Yin was really screaming at this moment.

With luck, Sister Yin gritted her teeth and said, "I tell you, don't think about it, the grandmother is looking for a daughter-in-law for the younger brother, even if you can't marry a woman from a high-profile family, a daughter-in-law from a small family will still be a daughter-in-law. Marry it. Don't give me bad ideas!"

"Why is this a crooked idea? Yuan Niang, do you really agree to let the fourth sister and the others recruit them? You know, they are all descendants, and they are separated from the younger brother."

Big Sister Yin snorted, got up and took off her coat, and threw it directly on the shelf: "Don't talk about it with me, you are just bullying my father is not in the capital, so all the dirty and stinky people come together, even you fight. Our family's idea came."

After saying that, her eyes turned red, especially when she thought that there were always people around her in the past two days. She sent someone to investigate but couldn't find the source, and she felt even more aggrieved.

Seeing this, brother-in-law Yin immediately put his arms around her shoulders and comforted her: "Yuanniang, you know that I don't mean that, a son-in-law and half a son-in-law, isn't your home my home?" He said, "I am also here. Worrying about my uncle's side, the uncles have been staring at the house all the time. The younger brother stabbed himself at the moment. The family members of the three or five-day family don't know, but they will know after a while. When it comes to the matter of adoption, aren't you and your grandmother angry?"

"If you know you're angry with me, help me with some things, and don't annoy me like they do."

"Yes, yes, I will help you, I will help you, but what can I help you? Last time, I returned to my original position because I helped you to find trouble in Ji Shitang."

Sister Yin frowned and said, "I always think it's weird, you can help me check that little doctor Zhou and her two junior brothers."

Brother Yin's buttocks moved back, "You, you are still making trouble with them, didn't you say that my brother's current doctor is her?"

Big Sister Yin gave him a sideways look and said, "I didn't ask you to trouble them, I just checked their origins to see if they offended anyone, or if they really treated my brother."

"Didn't they provoke the third prince, didn't you tell me that the third prince fought with the prince, and affected the little prince of the Duke of Pi's mansion, but she got in and saved the little prince... I was wrong?"

Big Sister Yin nodded his forehead in disgust and said, "Can you just believe whatever I say, and use your brains. Forget it, just check what they usually play with the younger brother, yes. It's fine if you don't really care about your younger brother. You don't have to worry about other things."

Man Bao and the others knew nothing about these things, and they still went out to school and work on time every day, but Daji no longer drove them by himself, but brought two more servants every day.

After Mrs. Liu knew from Daji that someone was watching them, she came over on purpose, and after walking around in the carriage, she quietly contacted Mr. Wei and Mr. Tang.

When Mrs. Liu went to Beijing this time, she also had a note from Master Tang in her hand.

The capital is still bustling and bustling. The incident of the young man's fall from his horse was like a stone that fell into a big river. With a little splash of water, it fell silent without even getting wet.

Except for Feng Shangshu who is still investigating this case, no one in the DPRK has mentioned it anymore.

But even if it was Feng Shangshu, he did not only investigate this case, there were many cases that he had to review or investigate every day.

For example, the case of the concubine's miscarriage in the East Palace is now a case that he, Dali Temple and the clan are co-managing.

This case is the toughest.

Although the case is now quiet, the prince doesn't seem to be asking too much, but that doesn't mean they can skip the investigation.

He didn't know about others, but the emperor was still waiting for a result.

However, Feng Shangshu became more and more frightened the more he investigated, the hair that was originally not much began to fall out in a lot, and he thought in his sleep several times that he seemed to be old, and it was time to go home and farm...

Life is full of disappointments, but no matter how unsatisfactory, life still has to go on. After discussing with Dali Temple and the clan, Feng Shangshu agreed that it can be delayed for a day.

Especially when the queen's health is getting worse and worse.

Man Bao in Ji Shitang is also deeply touched. Since she became famous, the number of patients who come to see her has become more diverse. Although most of them are still women, other types of patients have also begun to increase.

As a result, she sees and hears more stories every day, and life is full of disappointments, but no matter how unsatisfactory, everyone still has to grit their teeth.

Man Bao is very satisfied when she comes home from the pharmacy every day, or goes to see Yin at Yin's house, and feels that life is still good for her.

She felt that she was very kind to Yin Or, so she especially liked to tell Yin Or about the various tragedies she heard in the pharmacy. Of course, she would hide the patient's name, etc., and just sighed, I have a patient...

Yin Or was taken aback every time he heard it.

Man Bao said: "How about, hearing that there are so many miserable people in this world, do you feel that you are not so miserable?"

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang also looked at Yin or curiously.

Yin or Mu Leng shook his head, "I never felt miserable..."

Bai Erlang scratched his head, "Then why did you commit suicide?"

This is the first time the three of them have spoken about this topic so frankly and asked why.

Yin Or lowered his eyes and said after a moment of silence, "I just feel that there is not much difference between living and dying."

He smiled and said, "I always feel that at that time my grandmother wanted to kill Longevity. If she really wanted to kill a person, it would be better for me to die."

It's useless and fun for him to live anyway.

The three of them opened their mouths wide, shivered in unison, and then lowered their voices and asked in a low voice, "Your grandmother will really kill Longevity. Has she killed someone before?"

Yin He thought about it seriously, nodded and said, "The mansion has beaten people to death. I have two in my memory. In fact, our family is considered a good one. My grandmother and sisters treat their servants because of my health. They are very lenient, and in other families, it is normal for one or two servants to die."

Seeing that the three of them had their mouths open, Yin He smiled and said, "Are you surprised?"

The three nodded together.

Yin He said: "Let's not talk about it from afar, this time, about the matter of the young son of the Duke of Pi, one of the servants committed suicide. There are only three who were thrown into Yizhuang."

The three of them swallowed and were a little scared, "You, how did you know?"

Changshou, who brought tea to the three of them, said, "The young master asked the young man to inquire."

The three felt Yin Or's thoughtfulness and were grateful, "Thank you very much."

Yin Or smiled and bowed his head a little embarrassed.

Next update around 9pm

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