Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1295: The South of the South (for the charismatic Shan Xiong Di listened to

  Chapter 1295 Nanzhong Zhinan (add more to the charming Shan Xiong Di Ting mature little uncle)

  The so-called Jiuzhen and Rinan refer to Jiuzhen County and Rinan County in Jiaozhou.

   That is, the coastal area south of Hanoi, Vietnam in later generations.

   To the east is the Beibu Gulf, and on the edge of the Beibu Gulf is Hainan Island.

  That is, Sun Quan sent people out, the destination of this trip-Zhu Yizhou.

  In the early years, Shi Hui, the son of Shi Xie, raised troops against Wu, and was finally put down by Lu Dai.

  After Lu Dai pacified Jiaozhou, he served as the governor of Jiaozhou. During this period, he sent officials many times to "promote the nationalization of the South" and went to the "Southwest Ocean" (Southern Ocean Islands) and many countries in today's Southeast Asia.

  Funan, Linyi, Tangming and other countries sent envoys to the Wu court one after another.

  The sea routes taken by these small countries to pay tribute sometimes pass through the surrounding area of ​​Zhu Yanzhou.

  So, when he learned that Sun Shiwan sent troops to attack Zhu Yizhou, someone Feng immediately thought of Hua Xiaowu—the cavalry under his command who often crossed Mount Ailao to get money from Funan and Linyi.

  For so many years, Hua Xiaowu's cavalry team has already established a mature route from Nanzhong to the south through Mount Ailao.

  As soon as Feng Da Sima's words came out, Hua Xiaowu's eyes flashed with vigilance:

   "What do you want? That's what I left for my son!"

  The other side of Mount Ailao, for the people of the Central Plains, may be a place full of beasts and insects, and miasma and plague.

  But for the Nanzhong people who are used to living in the hot miasma, there is a treasure house with countless treasures hidden there.

   It may not be possible to say that it will be inexhaustible and enjoyable for generations.

   After all, it was agreed at the beginning that the imperial court will provide policies, Xinghan will provide money and supplies, and the cavalry will provide people.

  As long as it is a newly explored place, I can have 30 years of trading privileges, and Xinghan will have the first right to purchase the production there.

  But for thirty years, if you work hard, you will be able to make a fortune for several lifetimes.

   Regardless of the cavalry that goes there every year, many people die.

  But every time a cavalry team is organized, which one doesn't rush to go?

  Hua Xiaowu naturally regards them all as her private land—according to the agreement, it is indeed her private land now.

   Now that someone Feng opened his mouth, Hua Xiaowu subconsciously wanted to protect the food.

   This man really didn't think of anything good, he actually wanted to steal his son's things!

   Feng Da Sima gave a "tsk" and reprimanded angrily:

"what are you thinking about!"

   knocked on the table and urged:

   "Hurry up, I have something for you to do."

  Don’t look at Hua Xiaowu’s cavalry in the eyes of Xinghan Club, it’s not a big climate at all.

  But Nanzhong has been developed for so many years. Even if they have been planting sugar cane, the Yi people in Nanzhong have begun to accept Sinicization.

   Because he planted sugar cane for the Han people, he gave money!

   Accept Sinicization, that is, accept small money!

  As long as the money is in place, I will not only accept Sinicization, but also take the initiative to integrate into the big man!

   Otherwise, when Feng said that he would give Hua Xiaowu a place in the school, why did Hua Xiaowu close his eyes and grit his teeth to sacrifice himself?

  Because the big man is the most dazzling lighthouse in the world, accepting Sinicization and assimilating into the big man is the right way for the surrounding barbarians to make continuous progress!

   Perhaps in the eyes of the Han people, they still cannot get rid of their status as barbarians.

   But if you take the weapons eliminated by the Han army in the early years, wear the clothes of the Han people, and carry the things of the Han people, and run to the other side of the Ailao Mountain, then you are directly the Master Tianlongren!

  In addition, Hua Xiaowu was cheated so many times in the early years, and rolled into the same bed with Feng Guiwang all these years, even the child is about to know how to make soy sauce.

   To say that she didn't learn anything, would be to underestimate the intelligence of the barbarian girl.

  The horse team going to those small countries will still maintain simplicity and honesty, and exchange trade with others fairly and justly?

  Feng Ghost King doesn't believe it!

  Under the power of King Feng Gui, Hua Xiaowu no longer wanted to, so he could only murmur:

   "There are a few, those tribes in the south are very barbaric!"

   "I don't want to talk to my people well, so I don't find some obedient locals to communicate with. They are not willing to hand over some good things..."

  Feng Guiwang squinted at Hua Xiaowu:

  You always say that you are a barbarian and impolite, now you have the nerve to call her barbaric?

   Besides, I don’t care what your people are doing there, what are you explaining so much for?

  As long as your people are good citizens in the territory of Dahan.

  Now that place is not the land of the big man, I don't care if your people went there, did they fall in love with their mother or their daughter-in-law?

  Anyway, you are barbarians, it is normal to be rude.

  Of course, Feng must have a reason for thinking this way.

  Because the Han envoys of the former Han Dynasty did this kind of thing.

  The Queen Mother of Nanyue in the former Han Dynasty, before marrying the king of Nanyue, had a relationship with a handsome guy named Anguo Shaoji.

   It was precisely because of this relationship that Emperor Xiaowu later sent the empress dowager's first love to South Vietnam to talk about the issue of peaceful reunification.

   Sure enough, when the Queen Mother of Nanyue saw her old lover, she immediately rekindled her old love, so she was put into sleeping clothes by the Han envoy.

  After being put into sleeping clothes, the Queen Mother of Nanyue not only agreed to incorporate Nanyue into the Han Dynasty, but also immediately prepared her luggage, and planned to go north to Beijing with her son Nanyue King.

   Who would have expected that the Prime Minister of South Vietnam would insist on intervening, going against the general trend of history, and disagreed with this matter.

  In the end, they even raised their troops to rebel and killed the Nanyue Queen Mother and the Han envoy.

   Now it's all right, let's make peace, let's send troops!

  In the end, the country of Nanyue was destroyed, the prime minister of Nanyue was beheaded, and the descendants and clans were moved to Shu.

  In order to warn the surrounding small countries, Emperor Xiaowu also specially set aside a place to keep them in captivity:

   "Buwei County (now Baoshan County, Yunnan Province) was set up to show the evil of the ancestors."

  Of course, someone Feng remembered this because he felt:

  One day the steam engine developed by Amei will start to play a real role. Maybe Ji Han has to learn from the former Han and make a move to the Indo-China Peninsula, right?

  But right now, I don’t have this ability, so I can only borrow Hua Xiaowu’s spokesperson first.

   "You ask your people to help me send something over there, and then try to get one of their chiefs to command tribute to Sun Quan."

  Hua Xiaowu, who spent half a day on self-guided strategy, couldn't help but let out an unexpected "ah" when he heard this request.

   Seeing that Feng Da Sima didn't order anything else, she couldn't help asking again:

   "That's it? Gone?"

   "Can't be discovered by Sun Quan, can it be done?"

  Hua Xiaowu was sure that someone Feng didn't want to touch her small coffers, so she felt relieved, and then her body, which was sitting in a regular manner, also twisted a few times.

   After thinking for a moment, he replied:

   "If you are careful, it shouldn't be a big problem."

  Nanzhong, which already has a local school, is indeed qualified to call the barbarians further south barbarians.

  Even compared to Jiuzhen and Nichinan, which were brought into the rule by the great Han, Nanzhong today cannot be said to be more civilized than them.

  In the territory of Jiuzhen and Nichinan, there are also many tribes hiding in the mountains and forests, which are not much different from Nanzhong before the prime minister's southern expedition.

   As for places other than Jiuzhen and Nichinan, let alone.

  It may be a random tribe of hundreds of people, and it is also common to openly proclaim the country by bathing in monkeys.

   Otherwise, why was Lu Dai able to find so many small countries to pay tribute?

   Some small countries may not even know where they came from.

   But Sun Quan thought that this was the coming of all nations, so he was very happy!

   "Actually, I have a suggestion."

  After learning that his small treasury is worry-free, and what A Lang wants to do, Hua Xiaowu's attitude suddenly becomes positive:

   "The tribe over there is much more chaotic than Nanzhong. I heard that there is a small tribe's commander who named himself a king and followed him to pay tribute to Sun Quan."

   "Sun Quan didn't ask where his tribe was at all, so he rewarded him with a lot of things and let him come back."

  Hua Xiaowu said excitedly:

   "Later, when my people searched the vicinity of that tribe, they heard that their patriarch had gone to the Central Plains to pay tribute, so I wondered if I could ask him to help as an interpreter."

   "When I arrived at the territory of that tribe, I realized that it was a group of wild monkeys who didn't even know how to plant land, but only plucked fruits from trees..."

   "Wild Monkey?"

  Feng Da Sima glanced at Hua Xiaowu. If she hadn't often heard her bragging to the children, she would have liked to call the people over there a bad habit of wild monkeys.

  He really thought she was talking about the real wild monkey.

   "There are only leaves and animal skins hanging on them," Hua Xiaowu gestured, and said confidently, "I don't even have any decent clothes. What is it if it's not a wild monkey?"

  Feng Da Sima asked: "And then?"

   "Then?" Hua Xiaowu was taken aback, but didn't speak.

   Feng Da Sima narrowed his eyes.

  Hua Xiaowu lowered his head, clasped his fingers, and muttered in a low voice:

  "Those wild monkeys are very savage. When they saw my people, they yelled and wanted to kill them, so my people had no choice but to resist..."

   Feng Da Sima almost laughed out of anger.

  Your men are forced to fight against a group of wild monkeys with military standard weapons?

  Thanks to the long distance, there is no way to send it back, otherwise, I am afraid that the sugarcane plantation in Nanzhong will need a lot of labor.

  Feng Da Sima looked thoughtful.

   Certainly not thinking about the end of that tribe of wild monkeys.

  A tribe of wild monkeys that is further south than Nanzhong can't make even the slightest disturbance in the heart of the chairman of the world's largest labor company.

   "You mean, I can have someone pretend to be a member of that tribe, go to pay tribute again, and take the opportunity to send things up?"

  Feng Da Sima's eyes lit up, and he looked at Hua Xiaowu with admiration: "This is a great idea!"

   Didn't think that the brain of a barbarian woman would have a good day.

   Oh, I was wrong.

  The brains of barbarians have always been good.

   After all, Amei's mother is also a barbarian.

  Hua Xiaowu next to him was dumbfounded all of a sudden, and groaned a few more times.

  Let Feng Da Sima a little confused: "Is there any question?"

   "Too, too simple, isn't it?" Hua Xiaowu said unwillingly, "Shouldn't Ah Lang make more preparations?"

   "How much preparation should I do?"

  Feng Da Sima glanced at Hua Xiao Wu strangely.


  Why is this little girl so smart today?

   I muttered in my heart, but my mouth responded:

   "Of course we should make more preparations. The tribe going to pay tribute will definitely not be the only one..."

   "That's right!" Hua Xiaowu immediately became excited again, and raised his hand, "I know there are several other tribes, it's very suitable!"

  Hua Xiaowu's abnormal attitude finally caught Feng Guiwang's attention.

  In other words, Ghost King Feng may have a passive aura of suppression against the barbarians.

   "Shall I send some people to help you?"


  Hua Xiaowu talked quickly for a while, and then saw the playful look in Feng Guiwang's eyes:

   "Are those tribes very unfriendly to your people?"

  Dummy, trying to play tricks in front of me?

  From south to north, from Yi people to Di people, to Qiang people, to Xianbei people, to Huns, and even Dingling people...

  The tribes and tribes that the old man has dealt with, if not a thousand, there are hundreds.

   How many vendettas between the tribes of the Hu and Yi people? I don't know how many people want to get rid of their enemies with the help of Feng Guiwang or Xinghanhui.

  If Gui Wang Feng can't even see through this point, what is it called foresight?

   Unexpectedly, after Hua Xiaowu was seen through by Feng Guiwang, his face only slightly warmed up, and he puffed up his chest again, and said straightforwardly:

   "There are people behind them who support them. If you don't help me, who will you help? Anyway, it's your son's property over there!"

  Anyway, he has been played by Feng Guiwang for so many years, so it's no big deal to be seen through by the other party one more time.

   "Wu people?" Feng Da Sima finally had a little surprise, "Your people can have fun over there, have they all run into the sphere of influence of Wu people?"

  The most civilized places in Indochina Peninsula are Jiuzhen County and Rinan County.

   But these two places are the sphere of influence of Wu State.

  Hua Xiaowu's people would actually join the tribe supported by the Wu people, which shows that at least they are already on the periphery of the Wu people's sphere of influence.

  Founded by King Gui, Hua Xiaowu finally felt a little guilty, his eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to look at Feng.

   "It's not a conflict with the Wu people, it's just that they are a few tribes, relying on their connection with the Wu people, it's fine if they don't want to trade with my people, and they always obstruct them."

   Speaking of this, Hua Xiaowu raised his voice, "I'm so **** off, I can't swallow this breath!"

  Over the years, Hua Xiaowu has been running amok in the south with Feng Guiwang's ghost skin, and even the Xinghan Society has given her some favors.

  I'm used to the smooth wind and the water, a few barbarian tribes dare not give her face, how can you let her swallow this breath?

   Now that Guiwang Feng took the initiative to bring up the matter in the south, how could she not take the opportunity to add private goods?

  King Feng Gui couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw her like this, and said casually:

   "What's wrong with you? If you can't swallow it, don't swallow it, just let them die."

   When Hua Xiaowu heard it, his eyes lit up, and he leaned over:

   "Ah Lang agreed?"

   "Since you want to do things there, it's not bad to test the attitude of the Wu people there."

  As the forces of the Huaxiao Five Horse Team continue to expand in the south, sooner or later, they will collide with the local forces of the pro-Wu people.

  Wu people's attitude towards this is indeed something worth exploring.

   "Ah Lang is so nice!"

  Hua Xiaowu yelled, and rushed over, sat in Feng Da Sima's arms, put his arms around his neck, and just gnawed randomly a few times.

   It is almost late autumn, the weather is indeed cool, but the weather is relatively dry in autumn.

  Dry weather makes it easy to get angry...

  Autumn, it seems to be something worthy of careful discussion?

  Hua Xiaowu's soft moans came into his ears, and Feng Da Sima finally realized, Hey, what is my hand holding?


  A cough came from the door:

   "What are you doing? It's daytime!"

   "Do not close the door, are you afraid that the children will see it?"

  General Guan walked in, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he immediately glared at his wife.

   In front of me, sitting in another man's arms?


   What about the system?

And me?


  The prerequisite for the sealing of the steam engine is the seal of the artillery shell; the rubber needs to be vulcanized, and the prerequisite is the extraction of sulfur.

  In fact, these soil turtles have been working on the foundation for decades.

   Nanxiang smelting coke, Liangzhou smelting sulfur, Pingcheng casting Jiuding, these are the foreshadowing.

  The rubber is not used for sealing the steam engine, but for supporting the steam engine.

  These industrial and chemical things are briefly mentioned in the book, or even mentioned briefly, rather than detailed.

   After all, it is a historical novel, not really a chemical manual.

  Some things are good for everyone to read, because the author is not a major in chemical engineering.

   Sometimes I want to write about the process in detail, but when I check the information, my scalp becomes numb.

  Finally, I would like to thank readers xhx_cat and others for their comments. I have indeed neglected some places.

  (end of this chapter)

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