Chapter 916

"Ghosts are just some evil things in the eyes of magicians." Lilac said: "If these things can be called ghosts, then I think ghosts exist."

Qiao Ye said: "So?"

Lilac said: "My ship was fine before, why is it suddenly contaminated with evil things? There is only one answer!"

Qiao Ye is not stupid, and immediately said: "What's on the Demon Domain ship?"

Lilac nodded.

Those things found from the Demon Domain ship are the only things that have been on board recently, and they are also the only recent changes to this ship. If there is a problem, it must be something wrong with those things.

Qiao Ye said: "So you came down to find something."

"Yeah!" Lilac nodded, then looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Your mental strength is very strong?"

Qiao Ye spread his hands and said, "Okay."

Lilac smiled and said, "The luck of that thing is very bad. I met a magician, and I met a person with outstanding spiritual power. I don't want to eat it!"

Magicians and Taoists are the nemesis of yin and evil things, and people with outstanding spiritual power are also difficult to get on with yin and evil things.

The two looked around, and there were a lot of things brought from the ships of the Demon Hall, and it was impossible for all of them to have problems, so naturally, they had to find out the problematic things.

Lilac said: "Those rubbings, books and the like can be ignored, they will not be on those things."

Qiao Ye said: "Then what should I look for?"

"The murderous aura is very heavy." Lilac said: "Things like swords, bronzes and the like are very likely."

"Sword, bronze?"

Qiao Ye suddenly looked at a box with some copper utensils in it, and then walked forward, raised his halberd, and planned to pick up the things on it, but at this time...

Suddenly there was a roar all around, Qiao Ye looked up fiercely, and was suddenly stunned, his body turned upside down, and then looked at the top of his head, and then found that it was not himself, but the cabin.

Lilac grabbed the lamp holder on the side wall for hanging oil lamps, and shouted to Qiao Ye: "Fake, the defensive pattern has not been activated..."

Before Lilac's voice could fall, the cabin turned upside down again, as if spinning, and threw the two of them out.

With a bang, Qiao Ye fell to the ground again, but when he looked down, it was the ceiling, and the cabin was turned upside down.

at the same time……

The ceiling actually seeped blood, like sea water seeping into the cabin, the blood continued to rise, and reached Qiao Ye's knees in the blink of an eye, and it continued to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye. Submerge the cargo hold.

This ghost place can't stay anymore, Qiao Ye raised his fist, intending to slam down towards the bottom, and slammed an exit directly.

Lilac suddenly had a flash of inspiration, remembered something, and quickly stopped Qiao Ye: "Can't smash, can't smash!"

Qiao Ye's fist hung in the air, looking at Lilac.

Lilac said: "Remember the previous ship? There is no problem with their hull, but the deck and cabin are completely tattered, and the pattern is completely damaged. I thought it was very strange at the time, why there is no problem with the hull, but The cabin and deck are damaged so badly, and their patterns are engraved on the inner wall of the cabin. In theory, if the ship is attacked from the outside, no matter how terrifying the attack, it is impossible for the patterns carved on the inner wall to be completely damaged."

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows, understood the meaning, and said directly: "They made it themselves?"

Lilac nodded.

Qiao Ye thought about it, it was really possible, otherwise it would be impossible to destroy the inside of the ship like that, but there was nothing on the outside.


Thinking of the fake cloves that I saw before, if there are more people on the boat, the danger will be higher, and it will become a state of killing each other.

And just as he was talking, the blood had already reached Qiao Ye's chest, and if he continued talking, the two should almost be drowned.

Qiao Ye said: "It can't be broken open violently, what should we do now?"

"Look at me!" Lilac said: "Don't you think that a third-grade treasure ship only has a defensive barrier?"

While talking, Lilac spread out her palm, and in her palm was a small yin and yang plate.

Lilac turned the yin and yang fish in the center of the yin and yang plate and said, "Transfer!"

With the rotation of the yin and yang disc, Qiao Ye suddenly felt that the surrounding scene was blurred, and in the next instant, Qiao Ye found himself on the deck.

"Look!" Lilac's voice sounded beside Qiao Ye: "The ship is sailing normally, the deck is fine, there is no problem at all."

Qiao Ye looked at Lilac and said, "Can we move anywhere on the ship at will?"

"Yeah!" Lilac said: "The ship is engraved with space-related patterns. This ship is an independent space for us."

Qiao Ye said, "Why haven't I seen you use it before?"

Lilac rolled her eyes and said, "The landlord's house has no surplus food. Do you think it is not necessary to consume spiritual materials to activate the array pattern? There is nothing special. If you can take two steps, it is better to take two steps..."

Before Lilac's voice fell, her expression suddenly froze, but footsteps suddenly came from all around.

The footsteps were obviously not from Lilac or Qiao Ye. Both of them stood there and didn't move. In that case, where did the footsteps come from?


Qiao Ye suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled a handful of cloves, and pulled the cloves aside!


Where Lilac stood, the deck was directly shattered, as if it had been smashed by someone.

Qiao Ye looked at Lilac and said, "The defensive formation did not trigger."

Lilac said: "How can it be triggered inside the ship? That is external defense."

When he was talking, the footsteps sounded again, but no one could be seen around. Qiao Ye tried to feel the surrounding breath, but found nothing, and could not feel the breath of any living person at all.

What a hell!


Just at this moment...

The mast on the side suddenly made a loud noise, and immediately after that, the mast broke and fell directly forward.

Joe Ye quickly stepped aside with Lilac, and with a bang, the mast smashed on the deck.

"Transfer!" Qiao Ye said, "Return to the cargo hold!"

Lilac nodded, quickly picked up the yin and yang plate, and turned the yin and yang fish on it, the scene around them changed instantly, and then the two returned to the cargo hold.

The rising blood can no longer be seen, and the cargo compartment seems to have returned to normal.

However, the moment Qiao Ye and Lilac entered, there was a sound of Devil May Cry all around, and the lights of the oil lamps around them kept shaking.

Obviously, this was preventing Qiao Ye and Lilac from easily finding that evil thing.


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