Chapter 586

Those corpses were quickly thrown back into the jungle, and then the guards happily roared around the bonfire, drinking and eating meat.

After all, they are all people who have seen blood. After the initial panic and nervousness, the guards quickly recovered, and, rather than being shocked by the corpses, it is better to say that Qiao Ye's methods were too thunderous, which made the The guards were terrified.

But Qiao Ye is his own person after all. If so, what is there to be afraid of?

The previous guards brought Qiao Ye another broth, followed by some other guards who brought wine and barbecue.

Those guards' attitude towards Qiao Ye was obviously much better. After all, no one wants someone to take their jobs, but if someone helps to keep their jobs, that's another story.

"Is Wuyu fun?"

"What is the spirit of your Martial Realm like? Although I have seen it twice, I have not understood it."

"You people, it's not common, it's useless to ask all this."

"Then what did you say you should ask?"

"I should ask, are the girls in Wuyu beautiful? Are their thighs white or not? Are they long? What is the price of the brothel in your place?"



People who lick blood at the knife edge know how to make time for fun. Those guards brought food to Qiao Ye, and found that although Qiao Ye's face was cold, it was not as difficult to speak as he imagined. more.

After all, for Wuyu, these demons still feel very fresh.

Then, while talking, the topic went off the rails, and a group of people shouted that there was a chance, asking Qiao Ye to take them to the brothel in Wuyu, or listen to the music on the hook bar.

Qiao Ye's mood is broken at the moment. I haven't been there myself, okay? I'll take you there!

The hustle and bustle of the first half of the night passed, and the second half of the night was quiet. There was only one bonfire left, and everyone began to rest in shifts.

Qiao Ye naturally doesn't need it. Although Qiao Ye doesn't mind, those guards are also experienced and experienced. With Qiao Ye's strength, they will definitely become the main fighting force along the way. Why bother Qiao Ye for such trivial matters as night time? It is more important for Qiao Ye to ensure his state at all times.

Not only did Qiao Ye not need to be on duty at night, but he could also sleep in a carriage with supplies, and the county master of Yongle even sent a quilt.

The night passed, and on the second day, the convoy passed the Beishan Pass.

After passing the Beishan Road Pass, it means that it officially entered the central area of ​​the Dagan Dynasty.

Qiao Ye was sitting in front of the carriage with a chessboard in front of him. The Yongle County Master opened the door curtain and was playing a game with Qiao Ye.

"The so-called big things don't matter." Qiao Yeluozi said: "I killed you to force King Ruyang to go to Beijing, but I don't understand, they didn't think about it, does King Ruyang really dare to enter the imperial capital?"

The Lord of Yongle County smiled and said: "The imperial capital is the foundation of the Daqian Dynasty, not to mention Jin Shangshen and Bai Jinglin, the masters of the magic hall. It is said that the Sifang Sixiang Street in the imperial capital is actually the Sifang Divine Beast of the Taikoo Killing Formation. Fumotu, do you remember the last time the people from the Demon Hall wanted to kidnap me and my sister?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Huh? Did you say something?"

"Naturally, it's to force my father to go to Beijing." Yongle County Master said: "When the Emperor Taishang was still there, although my father Wang was out of the clan, at the end of the year, he would still return to the imperial capital to meet him and prepare congratulatory gifts, but since the Emperor Taishang was seriously ill After the establishment of the new emperor, my father, the king, never went to Beijing. What do you think it was for? He arrested me and my sister and sent them to the capital. If you want me to wait for safety, you say, my father is the king. To go to Beijing or not to go to Beijing?"

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "The imperial capital has something that can kill King Ruyang."

The Lord of Yongle County said: "I don't know about the rest, but if anywhere outside the imperial city, even if Jin Shangshen and Bai Jinglin, the two Demon Venerables, shot at the same time, even if my father couldn't win the two of them, the two of them would still be able to win. If people want to kill my father, it is a fool's dream, in other words, if they want to kill my father, it is only in the imperial capital."

Qiao Ye said: "So, why did King Ruyang make the decision now? He really wants to rectify the court, and he should also send his troops to the south. When the troops are under the city, no matter what the emperor has, it is useless. After all, the land in the Central Plains belongs to you. All of King Yang, if you’re welcome, why not leave the emperor to the emperor? It’s just a lonely city!”

The Yongle County Master suddenly laughed and said, "Isn't that exactly what you mean?"

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and his eyes narrowed. This was Qiao Ye's habitual action when he was thinking.

The next second, Qiao Ye smiled, as if nothing was heard.

Whether it is the Martial Realm or the Spirit Realm, I hope that the more chaotic the Demon Realm is, the better. Obviously, King Ruyang is not stupid. He knows very well what the Demon Realm and the Spirit Realm think. At least the Yongle County Master can see through this.

The Lord of Yongle County said: "Also, this time in the name of offering sacrifices to the heavens, this may be a killer move."

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, if you were talking about offering sacrifices to the sky, I wouldn't be sleepy at all.

Qiao Ye said: "How do you say?"

The Lord of Yongle County said: "The place of sacrifice to heaven is enshrined with the imperial sword, which is the sword of the kingdom passed down from generation to generation by the ancestors. "

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "So it's not good for your father to say that."

The county master of Yongle rolled his eyes and said, "In my heart, King Father is a righteous man, but in the eyes of everyone in the imperial capital, he is a traitor. In the affairs of the world, right and wrong are indistinguishable, and success or failure will be judged by future generations."

Qiao Ye shrugged, not interested in what Yongle County Master said.

However, Qiao Ye still has something to gain. At least it can be concluded that there is indeed something in the place where the sacrifice is made.

"Your Highness, there is a tea shop in front of you, do you want to rest?"

A guard came to the carriage and spoke in a low voice.

The Duke of Yongle nodded and threw the chess piece away: "Everyone is tired too, so let's take a rest."

The exact word for the tea shop should be the tea shed, which is built on the edge of the official road. There are not many customers, maybe three or five people.

The guards were about to enter the tea shed when Qiao Ye suddenly reached out and stopped the guards beside him.

An old man wearing a straw hat walked out of the tea shed, and said with a smile: "I never expected a noble person to drive there. This small place is a bit dirty, don't mind, don't mind."

Qiao Ye sneered, took off the old man's hat, and suddenly threw it out to the side.

With a sound of Indole, the straw hat twirled and was nailed into the pillar of the tea shed.

The old man looked terrified, his body trembled and said: "Guest, guest, guest officer, why is this?"

Qiao Ye said: "Selling tea on the side of the official road, exposed to the sun and rain, it's very hard, right?"

The old man trembled and smiled and said, "Alright, it's okay, make some hard money."

Also at this time...

The guards around Qiao Ye drew out their sabres one after another.


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