Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 535: Unexplored area Nouchi

Chapter 535 Inside the Secret Realm

Guardians, guardians, world secrets!

Among them, the guardians can be said to be the most prestigious, because the guardians have the most extensive jurisdiction.

The secrets of the world are the least visible, and even the type who can't see people for a long time. They are always active in various places, but no one knows where they are active.

The Guards came before the two.

However, if you add a little bit to the word "fame", who everyone is most afraid of, it is undoubtedly the guard!

Many people's evaluation of the guards is crazy!

The job of a guard is, in the final analysis, fighting, and where there are guards, there is killing.


Especially for Wuyu, most of the guards are from the Blood Sea Academy. Everyone knows exactly where the Blood Sea Academy is. It is a place where even students under the name can't help but kill each other, just to use the jungle The right way to select the elite.

And most of these elites have become guards!

It can be imagined from this that the guards are all kinds of guys. Killing, bloody, crazy, is synonymous with guards.

The battle in front of the canyon lasted about half an hour, and then...

The originally noisy entrance to the canyon was deserted.


Corpses all over the place!

The blood became a river!

A guard stepped forward and said, "Sixteen injured and two dead."

The commander of the guard nodded and said, "The wounded will be sent to recuperate, and the dead brother will be buried alive."


On the other side, after Qiao Ye entered the whirlpool-like entrance, he immediately felt a scorching heat, then glanced around, and was slightly surprised that he was actually in the air.

After looking down, Qiao Ye realized that the entrance was actually in mid-air, but it was not very high from the ground, about seven or eight meters.

Qiao Ye rolled over in the air, and then landed firmly on the ground.

After landing, Qiao Ye continued to look around.

This seems to be a rocky mountain area, surrounded by large rocky mountains, and the rocky mountains here are all red in color, and there are wisps of white steam in many places, with a very hot feeling, as if it can make people feel Generally charred.

Qiao Ye touched the surrounding mountain walls, and sure enough, it was hot!

Even, with such a kung fu skills, Qiao Ye's forehead and back have sweated.

Qiao Ye unbuttoned his shirt and walked forward.

At the same time, Qiao Ye didn't see anyone around. It is reasonable to say that many people broke in, and the last group of guards entered it together, but there was not even a ghost around.

The reason is very simple. There is only one entrance and exit outside the secret realm, but it is obviously not the case inside.

Looking up at the sky, there are many swirling entrances and exits in the sky, at least thirty or forty.

There are really more entrances and exits. Although the entrance is only the entrance of the canyon, after entering, it should be transferred into the secret territory from different places. As for going out, it is probably possible to go out from different exits.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye continued to walk forward, and it was getting hotter and hotter as he walked. After walking about two or three hundred meters, Qiao Ye saw a magma pool directly, which was still bubbling.

And at the moment when Qiao Ye passed the magma pool...

Gum, Gum...

The bright red bubbles in the magma pool accelerated sharply.

Qiao Ye instinctively felt that something was wrong, and jumped towards the rear, just at this moment...


In the center of the magma pool, there was a sound of explosion, and a large piece of magma suddenly burst open.

Qiao Ye's reaction was enough to not be contaminated by the magma, but when Qiao Ye raised his head, his pupils could not help shrinking.

In the magma pool, a mud puppet actually floated.

The clay puppet was not big, it could almost reach the height of Qiao Ye's knees.

The shape is very peculiar, it looks like a human-shaped clay doll, but the hands and feet cannot move, but are carved directly to fit the body.

The face is also a bit weird. Although it is humanoid, the face is a bit like a civet cat. It has no whiskers and has three eyes. In addition to one eye on the left and right, there is a vertical pupil on the forehead.

In the three eyes, a crimson vertical gem is inlaid.

"Is this a treasure?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help but murmured, the clay doll looked like a treasure, but Qiao Ye always had a strange feeling, a feeling that the clay doll was actually a living thing!

This feels unbelievable. Even if the Noble Phantasm can activate itself, most of it is because of the inheritance of the master's will, which motivates the Noble Phantasm to activate.

However, the Noble Phantasm itself does not have life, and of course it does not feel like a living thing.

And Qiao Ye was confused when suddenly...

The mud puppet floating above the magma pool suddenly moved!

The three jewels representing eyes suddenly burst into brilliance, and then, three beams of light suddenly flew out.

Qiao Ye reacted completely by instinct, his figure flashed suddenly, and he pulled away to the side, and then...


A violent explosion sounded, and the three beams swept across the mountain wall on the side, and even cut off a piece of the mountain wall. of magma.

The mud puppet attacked even more fiercely, turning its body in mid-air, and the small mouth, which was only **** wide, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of flame.

The flame expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge fireball as tall as two people, and smashed down in the direction of Qiao Ye.

As Qiao Ye stepped back, he stretched out his hand and held it.

Martial soul, the devil is dazzled!

Black smoke rose from Qiao Ye's feet, and as Qiao Ye reached out into the black smoke, the black spurge quickly took shape and was held by Qiao Ye.


With a low voice, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and slashed it forward. After one hit, the huge fireball was cut in half by Qiao Ye and collapsed towards the surroundings, and then a raging flame ignited on the mountain road.

However, at the moment when the huge fireball was chopped by Qiao Ye!

The clay puppet's eyes shot out three scarlet rays of light again, because the flames blocked his sight. When Qiao Ye found out, the three beams had already come to him, but it was unavoidable!

As soon as Qiao Ye gritted his teeth, he directly threw the black halberd over, and then...


The moment the three beams hit the black halberd, it suddenly exploded. Qiao Ye felt the rolling air waves that suddenly appeared around him, as well as the incomparably hot breath. It smashed on the mountain wall behind, and smashed the mountain wall into pieces, like a circle of spider webs.


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