Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 135: Blood Sea Secret Stone

Chapter 135 Blood Sea Secret Stone

Qiao Ye took a deep breath when he looked at this lineup!

Counting the previous kamikaze team, two teams appeared in the wind, thunder, rain and snow.

This is really a surprising thing, just as General Shi never dispatched his own personal guards easily.

The same is true for the spiritual realm. The wind, thunder, rain and snow have become famous, and they have rarely been dispatched. It must be a great thing to be able to dispatch them, especially when half of them are dispatched at one time.

"Is it because of the stone?"

Qiao Ye murmured, then approached quietly, went around a mountain wall on the side, and then approached cautiously under the cover of the mountain.

Xiang Lingyu, the leader of the Qingyu team, is standing on the edge of the deep pit and said to a short man beside him, "Yin Wuxie, are you sure there is no one?"

"No one..." Yin Wuxie is short and hazy, and even his voice is evil, very hoarse, as if something is rubbing, and after answering a sentence, he thinks for a moment: " But it's kind of weird."

Xiang Lingyu said, "What's so weird?"

Yin Wuxie said: "I found some corpses in the woods, there are quite a few, a dozen or so, all of them are from the Wuyu side, some of the bodies have been smashed, I don't care if they can't be used, they can still be used. I have used corpse summoning to get it."

On the other side, the boxing champion Ju pouted and said, "Is there anything strange about this? It was killed by our people."

Yin Wuxie said: "The heads of those corpses have not been taken away. If it were you, would you put a lot of military merit?"

Others also pondered, this is a very strange place, no one does not want military exploits, even if the head is not convenient to carry, they can cut off their ears and take them away.

Xiang Lingyu said: "Leave the irrelevant things aside for now, let's do the things at hand first, Yin Wuxie, have the other people arrived?"

Yin Wuxie said: "I don't know, but even if it didn't arrive, it should already be nearby."

Xiang Lingyu bowed his head again and pondered, and then said: "Don't wait for them, start, take something and withdraw first."

Yin Wuxie nodded, followed by whistling, and then the corpses he had brought over kept jumping into the deep pit, digging the edge of the red rock with his hands, showing caution, intending to remove the A stone was dug out of the deep pit.

Qiao Ye heard everything clearly on a raised stone flat on the mountain wall, and then frowned and thought.

If there is no accident, the purpose of this group of heavenly spirits should be the so-called alien star that fell from the sky, which is the stone in front of them. So, what should we do now?

If Qiao Ye doesn't stop it, the other party should leave quickly with the stone and return to his own territory. It will be too late by then. If you stop it...

Clear Rain Team!

Qiao Ye couldn't help licking the corners of his mouth!

Although he killed the kamikaze team, Qiao Ye knew very well that the clear rain team was much stronger than the kamikaze team.

The five members of the Qingyu team were all at the ninth rank of the Spirit Realm, which was equivalent to the ninth rank of the Martial Spirit Realm. Except for Yue Shanhe, the other four members of the Kamikaze team were still at the eighth rank.

In fact, among the four Fengleiyuxue teams, the Kamikaze team was established the shortest time. Although Yue Shanhe is strong, even among the captains of the four Fengleiyuxue teams, their strength should be able to rank in the top two. But except for Yue Shanhe, the other four were suspected of making up the number, and the members of the Kamikaze team were not completely fixed.

To put it more bluntly, the five members of the kamikaze team, except for Yue Shanhe, who belong to the very outstanding category, the positions of the other four in the kamikaze team are still to be determined.

But the other three teams are different. The Qingyu team has become famous for two years, led by Xiang Lingyu, and has never changed members, which also means that everyone in the Qingyu team is a good player.

After all, an accident, or death, only needs to be replaced.


Qiao Ye's eyes gradually firmed!

It has almost been confirmed that the other party came for the stone. The reason why Tianling people have sneaked in in large numbers recently is also because of the stone. In this case, no matter what the stone is, are they just watching them take the stone away? ?

If you back down here, what's the point of the previous battle?

What qualifications do you have to be a first-class student?

What are the qualifications for graduating from the Blood Sea Academy?


Almost instantly, Qiao Ye stood up from the mountain wall, the raised rock, and at the same time, the cry of the night crows came from the sky, and then countless night crows swooped from the sky. fall.

"Be careful, enemy attack!"

Xiang Lingyu's reaction was extremely fast, and he quickly shouted loudly.

But it's too late!

The speed of the night crow swooping and falling was extremely fast. It came through the night, and the speed was terrifying. The most important thing was that it was not afraid of death at all. The continuous impact kept hitting Ling Yu and the others.

"Damn, what the hell!"

Wang Ju kept waving his fists, but it was not easy to hit those Night Crows, and even if they could hit, those Night Crows would continue to entangle them, making everyone very annoying.

Also at this time...


Qiao Ye suddenly kicked his legs hard, and then, the whole person jumped into the air, jumped directly from the direction of the mountain wall, and fell directly into the deep pit in front of Xiang Lingyu and the others.

"go away!"

Qiao Ye held the black halberd in his hand and swept the surroundings vigorously, and the black light swept past, knocking out all the corpses around him.


Qiao Ye took two steps back, came to the edge of the stone, and then looked shocked.

"Found an absorbable item: Blood Sea Secret Stone (grade 1 spiritual material)."

"Are you absorbed?"

That dark red stone turned out to be a first-grade spiritual material!

Qiao Ye instantly understood why a large number of people would be sent over from the spiritual realm. If it was for a first-grade spiritual material, this was completely normal.

Even the Martial Mad Realm, Wu Zong Realm, and even the powerhouses at the Martial King Realm level are natural to compete.

The other party didn't do this. He just wanted to steal the stone back without fighting. After all, this is the territory of Wuyu. If a large number of powerhouses are directly sent over to grab it, it will be difficult for Wuyu. Are the masters dead?

But also at this time...

"Blue Ripples Magic Ripples!"

Xiang Lingyu suddenly gave a low drink, stretched out his hand and waved forward, and the surrounding air was constantly floating with water, and the circles of ripples were constantly swaying in the air, and there were hundreds of paths. , and then in the center of the ripples, water arrows were continuously sprayed, attacking in all directions, killing those entangled night crows.

After finally breaking free from Yeya's entanglement, Xiang Lingyu stepped forward without hesitation, came to the edge of the big pit, and shouted at Qiao Ye in the pit: "No matter who you are, give me an immediate relief from the Blood Sea Secret Stone. Get out of the way!"


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