Chapter 1249 It's Up

The seven-color beam of light fell straight down, but it did not land on Jiang Liuxue.

About ten meters above the head, suddenly, a dome suddenly opened.

The golden dome, carved with dragons covering phoenixes, covered the sky!


A loud bang appeared, Ye Yousi's seven-color beam of light slammed on the dome, making a loud noise, and then the seven-color brilliance was attached to the dome, continuously spreading toward both sides.

Ye Yousi raised her eyebrows and quickly formed a Dao Seal with her hands in front of her.

"Five Thunders!" Ye Yousi shouted in a low voice, "The sky is broken!"

Ye Yousi stretched out his hand and patted down, the sound of thunder suddenly rang out in the sky, and a large thunderstorm came from the sky, forming a thunder waterfall, which fell down toward the bottom.

"The Daoist faction of the naive lineage." Jiang Liuxue smiled and said, "The Five Thunders are well trained, but they are not enough!"

Jiang Liuxue has many identities, and the one in front of him is a magician.

As a magician, Jiang Liuxue's greatest ability is self-protection. The coffin of life and death is Jiang Liuxue's first layer of support. There are a lot of thugs, which can both attack and block swords.

But in addition to the coffin of life and death, Jiang Liuxue also has a second layer of support in his hands, that is the Noble Phantasm!

Jiang Liuxue has surprisingly many good things in his hands, but Qiao Ye is very clear. For example, the dome at the moment is obviously a defensive Noble Phantasm.

When the thunderous waterfall that passed through the sky was shot down, the dragon and phoenix on the dome came alive, took off directly, and danced continuously around the dome.

Boom, boom, boom!

In the next moment, the dome was brilliantly golden.

As the extremely terrifying thunder waterfall fell, violent roars continued to appear, and the surrounding thunder was gorgeous and extremely terrifying.

Jiang Liuxue chuckled lightly, and then said, "See you next time!"

Ye Yousi may be able to break the dome, but at least it can't be broken in a short time, and this is enough for Jiang Liuxue to step into the crack in the void.

Zhang Linyuan and Xiao Qiangwei did not stay, and followed Jiang Liuxue into the void.

The next moment, the surrounding coffins of life and death continued to emit black smoke, and then disappeared without a trace. The color of the huge dome in the sky became lighter and lighter, and finally turned into nothingness.

And, this is not the end...

Suddenly, at the top of the ruins, a hole suddenly opened, and a stele with golden light rushed into the sky!

Ye Yousi let out a low voice and grabbed directly in the direction of the Heavenly Book Stele.

The surrounding thunder quickly gathered, turned into a big thunder hand, and firmly held the heavenly book tablet in the air.

However, it was of no use.

That day the book tablet was grabbed by Lei Ting's big hand. Although he couldn't break free, the light was constantly getting dim, and with the dim light, the book tablet was also becoming transparent, and finally disappeared completely.

As soon as the Heavenly Book Monument left, the relic also became illusory and disappeared without a trace. Qiao Ye only felt that his feet were empty, and fell from the air, turned over in mid-air, and then landed firmly on the ground.

At the same time, the dense fog floating around gradually began to thin out. After the Heavenly Book Monument left, the floating continent was about to return to its normal appearance.

Ye Yousi landed from the air and said to Qiao Ye, "Let's go first, if you have anything to say, then leave. There are remnants and Skywalkers in this place. Although the Heavenly Book Monument has already left, since we have encountered it, we must turn back and return it. Gotta fight."

Qiao Ye said: "Wait a moment, take over."

With a wave of Qiao Ye's hand, the black smoke behind him continued to pour out, and then a large piece of night crow flew out and spread out in all directions.

Qiao Ye wanted to pick up Lin Beichen and Xiao Ji. For safety, Lin Beichen took Xiao Ji and Polaris to run out of the ruins. Fortunately, they didn't have much time and they didn't run far. Ye Crow soon found out. their traces.

Qiao Ye jumped onto Ye Yousi's lotus platform, then found Xiao Ji and Lin Beichen, then followed Ye Yousi and left quickly.

Ye Yousi already had experience with the Heavenly Book Monument. When competing for the Heavenly Book Monument, it was necessary to fight. When the Heavenly Book Monument left, the Skywalker and the remnant were considered enemies to be jealous, and they would definitely fight for a while before dispersing.

This relationship is similar to that of the former two domains of Lingwu. They met on the battlefield of the Nine Domains. No matter what you are doing, you can fight them first.

Ye Yousi has no intention of participating in this kind of chaotic war.

Moreover, a strength like Ye Yousi's participation in the war will inevitably attract Skywalker's masters to take action, otherwise Ye Yousi will end up killing directly. Therefore, once Ye Yousi makes a move, Skywalker's masters will also shoot, which will inevitably become more and more intense. , difficult to end.

It is obviously not worth it to cause a lot of sacrifices for the sake of a useless battle. This is also a tacit understanding between the two sides. The people from the Skywalker Six Ships must have come, but since the Heavenly Book Monument disappeared, the Skywalker Six Ships will definitely also Just leave, don't stay too long.

The so-called big forces, in addition to grievances, sometimes do worry about the situation. As for the rest, if you like to fight, you can fight, anyway, after a while, it will break up.

Ye Yousi took Qiao Ye to Wang Zuo's Empty Whale.

Now Qiao Ye can somewhat see Ye Yousi's intention to attack Wang Zuo. It's just an empty whale. Ye Yousi has a fleet. Although it is a good thing to annex Wang Zuo's empty ship and gain a lot of resources, it must be a good thing. , but for Ye Yousi, it may not be a huge benefit.

Ye Yousi essentially wanted Wang Zuo's Air Whale. After all, Ye Yousi's own air ship was too famous to be easily recognized. Ye Yousi needed to use the Air Whale to make some camouflages to cover up her own. Traces, waiting for the arrival of the Heavenly Book Stele.

What I didn't expect was that Ye Yousi had just dealt with Wang Zuo, and the Sky Whale Stele appeared before the empty whale was used.

To put it directly is...

Wang Zuo's unfortunate child was killed for nothing, and the dead thief was wronged!

After getting on the Whale, Ye Yousi motioned to Qiao Ye to wait a moment, and then began to command, while dispatching an airship to bring back his own people, while preparing to evacuate the area.

After a while, Ye Yousi had the time to deal with Qiao Ye, and asked people to bring tables and chairs on the deck, and also to bring some food.

Ye Yousi took a bite of every food in advance.

Qiao Ye can see that this Ye Yousi is also an old river and lake. If he does not enter the cabin, he will eat all the food first. This is not rude, but to reassure Qiao Ye. On the deck, if any accident happens, Qiao Ye can The first time to kill, as for the food, it is naturally a euphemism to express non-toxic.

After the two sat down, Ye Yousi first glanced at Lin Beichen and said, "Who is this?"


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