Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1779: Battle of Lingbao Tianzong

"How are you thinking?" Lu Xiling smiled contemptuously.

"Think about it."

"I decided!"

Zuo Shisan walked towards Lu Xiling with a bright smile, which Lu Xiling was very satisfied with. Zuo Shisan got closer and closer to Lu Xiling, and stretched out his hand.


The Primordial Rope was entangled, and the Dragon Tooth Axe smashed straight down.

Not only the Dragon Tooth Divine Axe, but Zuo Shisan grabbed the wishful stick and smashed it down.

The axe smashed the head, the wishful stick smashed the buttocks, and the two-pronged approach was roaring with great power.


An air of annihilation caused the entrance of the Dragon God Palace to vibrate again, but Zuo Shisan was shaken back by a force. Zuo Shisan looked up again, but Lu Xiling still smiled contemptuously.

The golden bell hangs high above the head, it is the eternal golden bell.

The colorful feathers and wings behind him are the five-color divine light of the peacock family. The wishful stick was blocked, and the Primordial Rope wrapped around Lu Xiling's body was also detached.

The disciples of Lingbao Tianzong all control the "Lingbao Art", which comes from the spiritual treasures of the heavens, and can control any treasure in the world.

Moreover, the disciples of Lingbao Tianzong can refine tools and can refine the world's treasures.

Lu Xiling itself has many treasures.

What's more, today's Lu Xiling is a dragon slough, which has survived for a long time. The level of Primordial Rope cannot tie the dragon slough at all.


Zuo Shisan was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect that such a situation would be the case.

"Just a little patience?"

Lu Xiling flicked his finger, the ring of his finger showed space power, and a gap opened behind Zuo Shisan, trying to devour Zuo Shisan.


Zuo Shisan's combat power is fully activated, anyway, at this time, he can only fight.

Stiffness erupted, and the cracks in the space smashed open.

A punch hit Lu Xiling, and the Dragon Tooth Axe hit the indestructible golden bell again.

Lu Xiling looked at Zuo Shisan, but slowly stepped back. There are space cracks all over the front, enough to block Zuo Thirteen.


Keeping a distance from Zuo Shisan, Lu Xiling rushed out of the back of the five-colored divine light and swung to Zuo Shisan.

"My body belongs to the Lingbao Tianzong. Enjoy it."

"Enjoy your size."

"Zuo Shisan, I gave you a chance just now. As long as you surrender to me, I will make you a supreme zombie, and you will be the same as the winning hook in the future."

"screw you!"

The violent power and the terrifying rigid body made Zuo Shisan smash the cracks in the space, and grabbed Lu Xiling with his big hand.

Lu Xiling waved his hand again, just about to use the power of the ring again.

Zuo Shisan smiled, his fingers trembled slightly, and the Bing Zi Jue had been activated.

At the same time, behind Lu Xiling, another Zuo Shisan appeared.

With Tulong in hand, Dao Shisan has already been cut out.

Everything just now was just an afterimage, and Zuo Shisan had used a line of words a long time ago.


Lu Xiling never thought that the five-color divine light behind him was cut off with a knife, Tu Long slammed into Lu Xiling's back, and Lu Xiling rose to the sky.

Countless sword beams slashed on Lu Xiling crazily, no matter how many treasures Lu Xiling had, they were all chopped up by Tu Long.

"Your speed?"

Lu Xiling wanted to see the speed of Zuo Shisan clearly, and there were Zu Shisan all around.

"You have been sealed for so long, how much power can you have?"

"Lu Xiling is obviously a top immortal, how much can you play?"

"I'm here with me, pretending to be a big-tailed eagle, it's not your body, it's not yours."

"What's more, your body is in the Dragon God Palace."

Zuo Shisan slashed down again, his fierceness erupted, and Da Qian came out in an instant. Grabbing Lu Xiling, he began to bite frantically. Even if Lu Xiling used dragon energy and dragon slough, he couldn't escape immediately.

The battle spread to all around, and Qi's space was gone, Zuo Shisan controlled Lu Xiling and smashed into the ground. There is still a seal in the ground of the Dragon God Palace, and in this sealed place, dragon energy burst out.

Zuo Shisan grabbed Lu Xiling's head and pressed Lu Xiling into the dragon's breath.


Zuo Shisan walked quickly, and Lu Xiling lost half of his face. Just when Zuo Shisan attacked again, the flesh that had been ground away suddenly turned into streaks of blood-colored energy, wrapping around Zuo Shisan's left arm.


Zuo Shisan screamed, his left arm was directly chopped off, and the blood of stiffness came out, but it fell towards Lu Xiling. Zuo Shisan watched in shock, and Lu Xiling's face instantly recovered.

"Boy, you completely angered me."

Lu Xiling's breath changed suddenly, absolutely dark, absolutely sinister.

The blood rolled again, and 18 blood-colored tentacles appeared behind Lu Xiling. The tentacles are all aimed at the left thirteen, to absorb all the power of the left thirteen.

"This is the power of the dragon slough, right?"

Zuo Shisan's arm was also recovering, but it was unusually slow. Looking at Lu Xiling, Tu Long came babbling, wanting to help Zuo Shisan.


Zuo Shisan really turned into a scorpion, and rushed towards Lu Xiling.

"court death!"

Lu Xiling didn't talk nonsense. In the battle just now, Lu Xiling lost the Lingbao Tianzong technique and completely used the technique of dragon slough.

The tentacles slammed into the body of the 犼, tearing the 犼.

The same power caused Lu Xiling's body to collapse. The two of them scuffled together, and the strength of the sword suppressed it again, and even bit Lu Xiling's head.


Zuo Shisan was too fierce, biting Lu Xiling's head, the sky was full of blood.

The tentacles also slammed into Zuo Shisan's body, making it impossible to condense, Zuo Shisan spit out blood.

Lu Xiling, who lost his head, slowly changed when he absorbed Zuo Shisan's blood.

"You can't kill me, as long as my body doesn't die, I'll never die."


Zuo Shisan looked at the tentacles on his body, but his eyes were very firm.

By this time, Zuo Shisan didn't even use Vitality Plunder and Jiuqu, as if he was letting Lu Xiling absorb the blood of stiffness.

The bone wings dimmed, and the fangs gradually shrank.

Lu Xiling laughed wildly, he absorbed the blood of stiffness, and his breath seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, even stronger than Lu Xiling.

"I really didn't expect that your blood contains so much energy."

"If I had known this earlier, our dragon slaughter clan should devour your zombie clan."

"Wait, wait for me to recover, I will lead the dragon slough to find zombies."

"Unfortunately, those ancestors of zombies, the missing ones, have nothing to do with them."


Zuo Shisan seemed to be even weaker, and the weak Zuo Shisan stepped back again and again, looking at Lu Xiling, his eyes were also erratic.

"Zuo Thirteen, this is your fault!"

Lu Xiling finally recovered completely, and black dragon scales appeared on his body. The 18 blood-colored tentacles were shaking in Zuo Shisan's body. The more shaking, Zuo Shisan's face became paler.

In this paleness, Zuo Shisan seemed to fall into despair.

The dragon tooth axe in the sky also slowed down, and the dragon slaughtering screamed.

The powerful corrosive power of the dragon slough made Zuo Shisan's skin also fester.

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