Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1771: Dragon Palace is a huge trap

Zuo Shisan also rescued Lan Fengyun, Lan Fengyun roared as if frightened.

"Go, get out of here quickly, this is a trap."

"Lan Fengyun, calm down."

"How can I calm down? This Dragon Palace is alive. I saw with my own eyes that those people are dead."

Lan Fengyun grabbed Zhu Xiao'e's hand and explained again: "Don't go in, the sky is scary over there. I finally jumped out, and this ghost cultivator will attack me."

"Senior sister, if we leave here, we won't get Godhead."

Zuo Shisan heard what Lan Fengyun said, and looked at the opposite hall again. At this time, in the hall, there was a **** aura, and it was obvious that some people fell inside.

Being able to enter the spiritual palace is the pinnacle of the earth fairyland, and even some earth immortals have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, but died here.

"Fengyun, you go out first."

Zhu Xiao'e did not persuade Lan Fengyun, and Lan Fengyun's fairy soul suffered heavy losses. Coupled with the attack from Ghost Xiu just now, Lan Fengyun was like this. The current blue wind and cloud is not suitable to stay here.

"Have you seen Yuechenxi?"

"No, but I see the judge's pen."

"What did you say?"

Zuo Shisan was stunned, Lan Fengyun raised his head with difficulty, forcing himself to calm down. But the breath on his body became more and more chaotic.

"Leave, you have to leave too."

"It's alive there. As long as you go in, you can't get out at all."

"All channels are connected here."

"No one can break in."

Zuo Shisan nodded, comforted Lan Fengyun, and said to Zhu Xiaoe: "The blood here is really thick, and neither the flesh nor the fairy soul can bear it."

"If I don't absorb the Dragon God's infuriating energy, I won't go. What about you?"

"I am a zombie!"

Zuo Shisan looked at the hall lightly, Lan Fengyun had already left, and what they had to face next might be the greatest danger to the Dragon Palace.


Zhu Xiao'e stepped out without any worries. She wanted to get the godhead with all her heart, and went in fearlessly.

Zuo Shisan also followed in. The hall in front of him was ordinary, and there were no murals around. Only the dozen or so pillars in front made Zuo Shisan stunned for a moment.

"What are you looking at the pillars for?"

"Have you ever seen such a white pillar? Lan Fengyun said that it would eat people here, but when we walked in, the **** aura disappeared."


The golden hair fluttered, and Zhu Xiaoe was also investigating the cause and effect here.

"It's gone."

"In this room, there are no traces of any living beings."

"Maybe it's left, not in this room. There is another dimension in this room." Under the eyes of the soldiers, Zuo Thirteen found a node in the room.

"do not move!"

Zuo Shisan pounced towards Zhu Xiaoe, who just hit the pillar with the Han blood sword. As you tap, you can see that the pillar is alive.

It is not the pillars that are alive, but the whole space is alive.

These pillars are the teeth.


The ground beneath the two of them was rising, and the room was looking up, and they were going to be eaten completely. The pillar's teeth are extremely sharp, and he wants to bite the two.

"What exactly is this?"

"Divine Beast, Qi!"

"It is said that it is a divine beast under the seat of the Five-pole God of War, why is it here?"

"Five-pole God of War?"

Zuo Shisan wanted to ask clearly, but the surroundings of the two began to shatter.

"No one can see the real beast like Qi. He is actually a space. If you fall into Qi's space, you won't be able to get out at all. Be careful."

"We've been careful, slipping."

Zuo Shisan had no choice, the surrounding space was distorted, making it impossible for them to escape. Most importantly, no magical powers can be used here.

This should be the Qi Benming supernatural power, only the power of the flesh can be used.

"Han Blood Sword!"

Zhu Xiaoe wanted to insert the Han blood sword into the space to block the slide. It's a pity that the teeth fell down immediately, making the Han Blood Sword shine again, but it couldn't be blasted open.

"The sword can't be used either?"

"The rules here have changed."

Zuo Shisan grabbed Zhu Xiao'e's hand and voluntarily slipped down. Only when he entered Qi's space could he have a chance.

The space continued to distort, and a sour smell came instantly.

In the space, billowing green water swept out.

"Sour water!"

"Don't touch!"

"Got it!"

Zuo Shisanyi raised his hand, and the wishful stick swept out, extended out, and blocked the sour water.

The two sat on top of the wish-fulfilling stick and looked at the sour water below.

"Qi, what's your weakness?"

"How do I know?" Zhu Xiaoe shook her head with lingering fears.

"you do not know?"

"I've only seen it in the classics. This is a divine beast in the heavens, and it was first recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing". It's a pity that after three consecrations, the mountains and seas were broken, and the divine beast declined. It has long since disappeared."

"It exists here, is it alive?"

"Who knows?"

Zhu Xiaoe's face was extremely ugly, no wonder Lan Fengyun said this was a trap. Anyone who enters will be swallowed by Qi. Moreover, there is no way to control the sky, no spells, no immortal means, only the flesh.

Entering Qi's space, one has to experience three calamities.

"Sour water is corrosion, what's next?"

"Next, it's the stench."

At this moment, no one thought that a cold voice came from above the acid water in the distance.

It was also a person, a man in purple clothes, who was grabbing the thunder ball, flashing thunder on it, and blasting into the acid water space. Holding the fragmented space with one hand, he looked at Zhu Xiaoe and Zuo Shisan coldly.

"Five Thunder God Sect, Wei Leizi."

"Golden Armor Sect, kill Zun Zuo Thirteen."

"And Zhu Xiao'e!"

"I didn't expect that you would enter here." Wei Leizi smiled coldly.

"You came in too, are the others still alive?"


Wei Leizi twitched the corner of his mouth, looked into the distance and said, "The one who survives is the real Tianjiao. This is more exciting than Xianmen, and it's better."

"You enjoy it?" Zuo Shisan looked at Wei Leizi.

"Of course I enjoyed it."

"But I won't die, so you don't have to. Soon, you will know that the three tribulations are terrifying. Only through the three tribulations can you get out of Qi."

"This is not a trap. Behind Qi's space should be the last hall of the Dragon Palace. Everything belongs to me."

"You think too much."

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