A former superhero asked curiously and with obvious disdain. Hawkeye glanced at him and said lightly.

"I know you look down on me as an ordinary person, a superpower. But here I am the leader, and you must obey orders!"

The guy who was talking even closed his mouth, but judging from the way he kicked the stones off his feet, he was obviously still not convinced.

"Manhattan is the only land in the nation where demons are clearly haunted."

Hawkeye warned solemnly

"And as far as I know, it's not just demons and radiant creatures that roam this land, but the omnic legion and...something beyond."

"I can be your leader not because of how good I am, but because I have survived this land!"

Yes, Hawkeye is actually very close to his combat effectiveness. He is an archer with good eyesight and accurate shooting. Of course, he may also be a warrior with good martial arts.

But that's it.

At least among these superpowers under Nick Fury, his ability is not only not outstanding but even counted down.

But when it comes to the experience and ability of surviving in the wilderness, Hawkeye dares to say that there are no more than five in this world that surpass him!

"Remember what I said, don't believe any voice in your ears after entering here. Even my voice, because I will definitely not say a word to you!"

Hawkeye warned them one last time before entering Manhattan

"If you make a mistake and die here, I will never lend a helping hand to you!"

"Correct your attitude, this is not underground! Your opponent will not talk to you first!"

After speaking, Hawkeye didn't say anything more to these rookies, and headed towards the mist without looking back.

To be honest, Hawkeye isn't really that skilled here in Manhattan.

He came straight once and followed an entire elite expedition team, but in the end he was the only one who left alive with his wife and daughter.

He can't say how experienced he is, but the breakthrough from zero to one, although not so groundbreaking, is better than nothing.

Hawkeye buried his head and entered this foggy Manhattan, and before he took a few steps, there was the sound of firing and fighting from behind.

But Hawkeye didn't look back, and didn't pay any attention to the sound behind him.

Like he said, never believe anything you hear in this fog.

It's not that behind these sounds is a hunter who uses them as bait to fish, but the sound itself has a special "magic"

In this luminous and misty realm, you will hear many different sounds. But when you choose to 'believe' in that voice, what he stands for will happen.

It's like if you hear the roar of the beast and look at it, then in your heart you are acknowledging the fact that you 'believe' in the existence of the beast, and this magical fog will make the false belief become reality.

So, there really is a beast out there.

In this place, you can't trust anyone, you can't communicate with any companions, because you don't know if they are real...

To be honest, Hawkeye actually felt that it would be better for him to do this task alone than to let him bring these people, and perhaps it would be less cumbersome.

Hawkeye put aside the shrill screams behind his head, and sealed off any organ he believed in except his vision.

He hurriedly rushed towards the depths of the mist according to the signal transmitted by the signal catcher in his hand.

Until a tall demon guard appeared in front of him.

Hawkeye unhesitatingly pulled out the explosive arrow behind him and shot it towards the demon's forehead, shattering half of his head in the roar of the tall demon guard.

He nimbly avoided the axe slash of the demon guard, and continued to catch more explosive arrows.

As he said before, one must never trust one's perception in this place, but vision is inevitable.

If they are just shadows in the fog, they will not exist unless you see them, and if you see something, whether it is real or not, it will become real.

329. The Light of Vanity

"On Manhattan Island, there must be some mysterious power beyond our knowledge covering it."

In the Central Administration Office of the underground Washington, Nick Fury, the human leader of what is now the underground Manhattan, said decisively.

"Those mists... must represent powers we don't know yet!"

Raging demons, and crazy omnics, are the two main culprits that cause humans to hide in the ground like mice today.

But Manhattan, which was attacked by aliens earlier than any part of the world, is a different picture today.

Whether it was the drones or the people who went to find the way, all they saw was a white fog that filled the entire island of Manhattan, and nothing else.

And whether it was the omnic or the demon who stepped into it, there was no trace of them coming out.

Although Manhattan did not know when it became that way, in Nick Fury's view, it is very likely to be another problem in addition to the two problems on the earth today.

Therefore, he will send Hawkeye over.

"What if that's another Ultron?"

Natasha asked calmly

"You just pushed Clinton to a place where there is a high probability of a new hell...for that little possibility?"

"...You know, Natasha, I've been regretting my decision for the past few years."

Nick Fury was silent for a moment, and he sat down with his hands crossed. In a few years, the former king of secret agents seemed to have aged as a teenager.

"I've been regretting killing Stark, I don't want to say if he did the right thing, but... with him, we would never be like this..."

Nick Fury's tone was painful and remorseful, as he said it himself, and he is now extremely annoyed by the decision he made in the first place.

Look at them now, hiding underground like a group of groundhogs, they look like the Zionians in the Matrix!

In just a few short years, a quarter of the 200,000 people who finally entered the underground city have disappeared. Nick Fury knows that the number of people will only decrease if he continues...

Maybe there are other human settlements in the world now, or maybe they are the last human settlement left in the world.

This bad reality can always force Nick Fury to want to kill himself, but his sense of responsibility makes him have to continue to live.

Bringing humanity back to new hope is what he has always done.

It's just...he doesn't have that talent.

The king of secret agents has a clear understanding of his role and talent, and he will be a qualified sweeper, orderer, and even an executioner.

But he could never be a qualified leader.

In his mind, the most suitable person to take on this responsibility should be Captain America!

However... his whereabouts have long been unknown.

Then there is no doubt that the second suitable person is Tony Stark. He may be a **** who seems to be out of shape, but his talents and abilities are all better than himself.

However, the former disappeared and the latter was killed by Nick Fury.

Now that the alien invasion, the omnic crisis, and the whole world may have been shattered, Nick Fury can't see a way to make mankind great again.

His so-called leadership is nothing more than letting people continue to linger on in this terrible shithole.

Therefore, he will seize the last straw.

If they are Zion here, they need a savior Neo. Nick Fury didn't mind being that Murphy, everyone was black anyway.

"We got a very short transmission in Manhattan, where it was in the original Stark Building."

Nick Fury continued to talk about Hua, his eyes were empty, and his tone was very ethereal.

"Although it's a little impossible, what if Stark is really alive? What if he really has any hope of... a comeback?"

"Do you let someone who has indirectly destroyed the world save the world?" Natasha sneered.

"Nick, do you think anyone else would agree?"

It is not only the demons from outer space that have destroyed the human civilization of the entire earth, but also those omnic legions that are ravaging madness.

No matter what the purpose of Ultron is, and what achievements he has made in the war against demons, he is indeed the culprit who destroys more than 90% of the world today!

Even among the survivors today, the name of Tony Stark, who single-handedly created Ultron, has stinked to the extreme.

Nick Fury's move is like trying to resurrect Hitler and let him lead Germany again when East and West Germany was divided in World War II.

If nothing else, if this matter is exposed, the following unscrupulous people will be the first not to agree!

"...We don't need their promise." Nick Fury was silent for a moment, his tone getting colder

"I also don't want to judge Stark's right or wrong, the important thing is that we need him now, so that's enough."

"What has been done in the past and what mistakes have been made, it doesn't matter now!"

"I just want Stark to tell me he has a way to turn things around!"

Natasha looked at Nick Fury, who was getting closer to madness, and remained silent.


This glowing fog is such a magical thing, it will make your mind become reality, reverse reality and illusion, and make things that don't exist exist.

Hawkeye's memory of this place is actually quite vague.

He only remembered that he entered here with a group of people, and when he left, he had brought his favorite wife and daughter with him.

Then again, why did he know that his wife and children would be in Manhattan?

If you don't think about it, Hawkeye will never think about it.

If it is already very hard to live in this world, then continuing to think about these painful things will only make your life worse.

So don't think about it, don't think about it...

Hawkeye can't remember what he did when he walked into this glowing fog.

When he slowly penetrated into it, when the surrounding fog became thinner.

He heard the loud voices.

He took a step and stepped on both familiar and unfamiliar bricks. Huge electronic billboards looped footage of the Super Bowl.

With the Kansas City Chiefs versus the San Francisco 49ers, everything seems to be stuck in 2020.

Hawkeye wearing a radiation protection suit is so out of place here.

He stared at all this with wide eyes, and in the strange eyes of the people around him, the fear that came from nowhere spread in his heart.

Where is this place? Why is he here?

The crowd around him pointed and whispered with Hawkeye, raising a homemade pistol and screaming away, and not far away, the police holding the gun roared at the weirdo to let him put down his weapon!

Where is this place? What exactly is going on? !

This subversive difference almost destroyed Hawkeye's sanity. He didn't know if what was in front of him was real! Still fake!

Is it an illusion created by this psychedelic fog, or is it real...

bump! ! !

Seeing that Hawkeye had no intention of laying down his weapon, the two policemen shot him without hesitation, but Hawkeye instinctively avoided the two bullets before hitting him.

He raised the gun without hesitation and shot out the two policemen, and the people around were running away screaming in confusion.

The feeling of killing is so real, all this is not like a phantom of nothingness...

"Lay down your weapons, Mr. Clint."

A complicated figure sounded behind Hawkeye's head. He turned around suddenly, and when he saw the speaker, his eyes widened.

"Are you...Ms. Pepper?"

Appearing in front of him was the little pepper that had disappeared that day! But how could she be here? !

Could it be that she is also just a phantom, just a deception created by this psychedelic fog!

"I'm not an illusion, I'm a real person." As if seeing through Clint's hesitation, Pepper opened his hand and said lightly.

"Nick Fury asked you to come here. If so, come with me."

"Everything you see is real."

330. The light of existence

In the pre-creation gardens, the white gardeners and the black Yanggu people play their never-ending game.

Their game distinguishes the rise and fall of species in countless universes, and this game has no meaning at all, or everything is meaningless to this tide of power.

Even their own meanings are not good or evil at all in relation to each other.

They are just two parts of the dualism that created all things, just like you see water and fire, can you say which is righteous and which is evil?

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