Tony's dying eyes looked forward, and he knew that someone was coming to kill him.

"Tony Stark is there... I think he might have something to prepare for."

Agent Hill whispered to Nick Fury beside him

"I can't feel any backhand, and we have so many heroes here, he can't turn the sky!" Nick Fury waved his hand and said coldly

Agent Hill looked at such a director and hesitated.

Nick Fury has lost the calmness and calmness of the past, and his 180-degree change in his attitude towards Stark is actually because his sanity has been burned out.

Tony destroyed the entire foundation of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the United States was almost completely subverted by him. Compared with the killing of millions, the killing of millions was second.

That's where Nick Fury loses his cool, no matter how much money he embezzles, no matter how many secret bases he builds, it doesn't matter if America is over.

What's really crazy about Nick Fury is not Tony's betrayal or the fall of the country, but his complete loss of control and the basis for understanding the world!

Alexander is right, he and Nick are essentially the same person...

"Are we going to let Colonel Rhodes come forward?" Agent Hill whispered

"We promised him...and Ms. Pepper, do we need to meet them?"

Nick Fury was tempted to say no, but it's clear he's now lost the basis for his control over these heroes and soldiers.

War Machine completely ignored Nick Fury's order and went straight to Tony with Pepper.


Little Pepper looked at his lover's ashen face, and prepared countless words that he couldn't say for a moment.

"Pepper, Rhodes..."

Looking at his favorite woman and his best brother, Tony's lips moved slightly, and he said softly

"If I let you guys do it...I'll be very happy."

Rhode didn't speak, he just stared at Tony because he didn't know what to say.

Should he ask the man who ruined his country in a loud and angry voice? Should he be reprimanded for beating the executioner? Or should I stand on the side of my friend and berate him for betraying their friendship?

Perhaps before he stood here, these words were surging in Rhodes' heart, but now, he really can't say a word.

The tragedy has already happened, the thing has already been done, any accusations of forgiveness are just meaningless.

Nick Fury was not hiding, he ordered all the superheroes, the surviving agents, the soldiers to go straight forward.

Not far away, there were more than a dozen fighter jets blocking the sky, and Nick Fury dispatched all his living forces to kill the hero he valued most in the past.

Tony is not afraid, nor has any hope of life, he just looks at those people, the people who have been directly or indirectly mutilated by him.

Apologize? That's not even a word to say.

Tony thinks he's damned, but he doesn't and can't think he's wrong from start to finish.

He was right, he just chose a bad way to do the right thing.

"Tony... Stark, do you have anything else to say?"

Nick Fury took a deep breath. He looked at the man who ruined his country, his career, and all the futures he paved, and said lightly.

Tony didn't speak, just looked at Nick blankly. Everything that should be said and done has been said and done, and there is no need for nonsense.

Nick Fury raised his pistol, the dark muzzle aimed at the center of Tony's exposed, helmetless forehead.

bump! ! ! !

With the sound of gunfire, the bullet penetrated Tony's skull, and Pepper's shrill scream resounded through the icy sky.

There was no smoke from Nick Fury's gun, it was just someone in the dark crowd who hated Tony.

Nick Fury sighed softly. He looked at the little pepper holding Tony's body, but he didn't have any sense of relief and victory in his heart.

Seriously, he doesn't even think he's got rid of any 'evil'

Ultron still exists, and the icy steel above everyone's heads still soars above the sky.

They may have killed all the culprits, but...what's the point of that?

Maybe it would be better to keep Stark alive, if he was willing to cooperate, if he...

Above the sky, there was a roaring cracking sound.

In the next moment, a miserable green brilliance spread across the sky.

319. Death and the Goddess of Death

Goddess of Death Hela, Lady of Death, although there is no relationship between the two at all, there will always be people who confuse them.

The Lady of Death, who is one of the five gods, is the embodiment of the death of the universe, and is the death of all things itself—she is not a symbol, a spokesperson, or a **** god.

She is death itself, and she is the final destination of all life in the universe when it comes to an end.

In the Marvel Universe, whether dead souls ascend to heaven, fall into hell, or be used for consumables, their final destination is Lady Death.

The real death is a place of eternal silence. The so-called heaven and **** are just transit points towards death.

And Hela, she is known as the goddess of death, but this title sounds good, but it is only the result of far-fetched.

As a result, Hela did master some of the laws of death. She has all the runes on the world tree that cover the concept of 'death'. She masters all of them, and she is immortal.

In fact, even if Asgard is destroyed, Hela will not simply die. She is not a lich who entrusts her soul to something, and Asgard is her greatest source of strength, but not her mortal gate.

Hela's death, to be precise, was the result of all the acts of death. Rather than being the goddess of death, she might be called the goddess of slaughter, or the goddess of the dead.

When the existence representing the title of death began to actively bring death to life, he was nothing but a ridiculous impostor.

But is Hela really totally disconnected from Lady Death?

This is not necessarily the case. Perhaps from a relationship point of view, Hela is completely unable to obtain even one part of the essence of Lady Death, but for Lady Death, Hela is a relatively 'special' existence.

All the lives lost in this universe are inextricably linked with Lady Death, and Hela, the **** of death, can be said to be the leader in this group.

Although it is inconceivable, Lady Death, who is the embodiment of the concept of death, actually possesses a kind of personal self-awareness.

That is even very close to the human mental model and attitude.

The Lady of Death looks different to anyone who observes her. Humans see beautiful ladies, while aliens may see women of their planet's race.

The Lady of Death has the existence of self-incarnation, and she can also come to the front of the world in this way.

But she wasn't allowed to interfere directly with it all.

The existence of death is objective and absolutely just, and is different from eternity, swallowing stars and infinity, and the concept represented by death is completely not allowed to interfere with the main material universe.

The existence of eternity and infinity itself represents the essence of time and space that make up the essence of the universe, and their existence is the effect on the birth of the physical universe.

The swallowing star itself represents the two states of birth and destruction of cosmic matter, so he is able to intervene in the main material world relatively freely.

Birth and death, she was never allowed to freely interfere in the material world.

Because she is death, she represents a process in which everything in the universe and even the universe itself is dying. Death is the end reached, and the end must never be allowed to interfere in the process from beginning to end.

Similar in nature to her is Annihilation, the smallest and most powerful of the five gods. He also represents the 'nothingness' at the moment after the demise of the universe. The existence of annihilation is only for a moment, and his birth means The demise of the universe, so naturally he cannot interfere with the universe.

Death cannot interfere with the physical universe, but she has thoughts and desires to interfere with it.

So, death chose Thanos.

The destiny of Thanos is so special that he was able to observe the existence of death in his infancy, and was chosen by death from the moment of his birth. Because only he can carry this unique destiny, only he can bring more death to death.

Does it sound incredible?

The incarnation of death actually yearns for the apostle to bring more death to herself, and she actually yearns for the universe to move towards a final ending faster?

No one can understand the idea of ​​death, but it turns out that it does.

She indirectly interfered with the main material universe through Thanos, creating an infinite crisis, just to bring more deaths.

But this is also a fallacy.

Death loves Thanos because Thanos can bring the essence of death to life, just as death loves Deadpool, because he is also a special "death destiny".

But the difference is that Thanos mistakenly thinks that death needs more death, or that the essence of his destiny has finally turned to such big events as infinite crisis.

Unlike Deadpool, he saw through the nature of death, or he didn't care at all, he let himself die constantly, just to see death constantly.

There's always something to talk about about the intricate and comical relationship between these three guys.

But it doesn't matter if you lick the dog or not, it is extremely ridiculous to ask for the so-called true love from an abstract entity in the universe. Death chose Thanos, and Thanos chose death.

So back to the topic, why is Hela a special existence for Lady Death?

Because she is the "Goddess of Death", she is also a very qualified "Death Inviter"

Maybe her destiny is not as powerful as Thanos, but it is real. In a sense, Hela can also be regarded as the 'spare tire' that Lady Death chose for herself other than Thanos.

So does Hella itself have another special value?

Mu Feng has been thinking about this question, but he didn't seem to do anything, so fate presented the answering process of the question he was thinking in front of him.

The two Hela arrived at the sub-universe at the same time, and their collision did not cause you to die, but instead presented a strange fusion state.

Yes, the existence of the two Hela actually has a merging posture after contacting each other.

Their bodies, souls, and even existences are beginning to merge with each other, and this wonderful phenomenon gave Mu Feng a bold inference.

Perhaps the 'container' chosen by Lady Death.

After all, there are so many similar elements between them, representing death, black hair, and women.

Despite the ridiculousness of the last two conditions, they are sufficient for those particular abstract entities in the Marvel Universe.

Hela may be the best vessel for death.

Mu Feng didn't dare to intervene in this matter, he let Arrogance continue to choose to wait and see, after all, all this is beyond his control.


"You are a born destroyer, a death maker."

Inside the pitch-black spaceship, Thanos fell into a long silence as he looked at the five gems shining on his Infinity Gloves.

A female coquettish whisper came from his ear, as if stroking his ear and kissing his cheek

It wasn't an unfamiliar voice to Thanos, he'd heard it as a child, even as a baby.

It's just that he forgot.

But when he got the soul gem, when he touched the essence of the soul - he remembered it.

He remembered the curse that had haunted him since he was born—that he was destined to bring death to other things.

His mother wanted to kill him when he was born, and he caused countless deaths, intentionally or unintentionally, for his side when he was young.

Wherever he went, no matter how unbelievable the situation was, the poisonous flowers of killing could easily be bred.

He's a broom star, a death-caller whose nature can't be described by bad luck.

Now, he knows why.

He is a messenger blessed by death.

Death was beside him, and even as long as he raised his head, he could see the graceful figure wrapped in the black gauze skirt.

Beautiful, gorgeous, dangerous, but exudes a charm that Thanos simply cannot refuse...

It seems a bit funny, even very funny, for the first time in so many years of Thanos' life, he felt the taste of... love.

320. For... ma'am!

Thanos Loves Lady Death

This is the result that no matter which universe, no matter which world line, it will eventually lead to.

The only love of the almost ruthless, bloodless and tearless mad titans will only be given to Lady Death. Obviously, this is a fate beyond the flesh and simple emotions.

Death chose Thanos, and Thanos chose death.

He is the destiny of destruction and death, he is the spokesman of the end, and the only thing he can be attracted to is death. This love is not a simple hormone stimulation or a superficial appearance. What makes Thanos unable to control this feeling is a destiny.

Those destined to bring death have a natural yearning for death.

When Thanos raised his head, when he looked at death, the unstoppable fiery love and endless hatred flowed in his eyes.

He could hardly control the urge to rush up and hug the figure of death fiercely, yes, he almost couldn't control it!

It's not an easy thing to reject your own emotions, especially since he's still someone he's barely loved.

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