Maybe... no, it will definitely kill a lot of people.

Even if Asgard is not mentioned, the other planets in this galaxy must not survive such a devastating catastrophe.

But does this actually have anything to do with him?

In his weak thinking, Banner still did not realize that this was something he 'must do'...

Also, he doesn't want to do wrong again.

He once worked hard in what he thought was the right direction, but the result was diametrically opposite.

Not only 'failure', but also 'cruel', he longed to create 'order', but what he created was extreme 'chaos'.

Banner weakly clenched the Hammer of Fear in his hand and slowly, slowly raised it.

He had countless reasons not to do it, but there was only one reason to do it.

This withered and weak life like a withered twig would be meaningless even if it continued, and he didn't want to know whether his actions would end up with good or bad fruit.

At least, at least he hoped to do at least one thing before Bruce Banner's existence completely disappeared.

"One last time, Hulk."

Banner muttered to himself in a low voice, or he was speaking to the hidden other self in his body.

The dark green color slowly covered Banner's body, and the full strength and physical strength also poured into his body, but this was just the beginning.

Banner's eyes shone with a dark yellow light, and upon closer inspection, it was the sign of the Yellow Lantern Corps!

Yes, he did spread the power of this fear. But in any case, he is the true source of these divine powers.

Those yellow lantern rings are not only the divine power he shares, but also, from a certain point of view, the 'loans' he gives out.

As long as he wants to recover it, it is just a matter of one thought, and what he brings back is not only the divine power he once had, but also the power of fear they collected!

Countless dark yellow rays of light gathered and inhaled into Banner's body. He roared, and his weak and distressed posture was almost swept away! ! !

The endless power of fear poured into his soul, and under the oppression like a tens of millions of tons of heavy blows, Banner's soul was being assimilated at an extremely fast speed!

He roared, raised the fear hammer in his hand, poured all the power into it, and threw it fiercely towards the star in front of him!

The Divine Hammer of Fear, entwined with dark yellow brilliance, was like a comet that skipped the sky and sank into the sun.

The part of the power he collected is still incomparable to this star, but unlike the evil energy, this pure divine power originating from the World Tree can purify that filthy evil energy!

Sure enough, when the Divine Fear Hammer fell into the star, the radiance of evil energy that lingered on the surface of the star disappeared like a flare.

Bruce Banner has successfully saved the galaxy!

But there is no applause, no flowers, and nothing that should be there, only floating in the universe alone, waiting for the fate of eternal sleep in distress.

The moment the hammer was thrown, the 'enhancements' on Banner disappeared without a trace.

He instilled all the power he could absorb into his hammer, in order not to be bewitched by them and become one of them when he gathered all these powers.

But the price is... the body that was already on the verge of collapse, I am afraid that it is really going to die at this moment.

Feeling the rush of death like a tide, Banner slowly closed his eyes, and when his last breath stopped, a figure appeared here.

That was Odin, and as promised, he had come to fulfill his promise to Banner.

Odin will bring Banner's lover back as promised, but... they may have to live in a world outside the real dimension.

That's not a bad thing, is it? At least they can get away from these dirty and terrible struggles.

He is very grateful to Banner for saving Asgard, but it's a pity...

He is just the beginning.

Who stipulated that the **** of fear is the ultimate source of all these powers?

254. Parallax is born

Kil'jaeden is wandering in a sea of ​​power.

Kil'jaeden was slowly extracting the power of the World Tree through the black shadow that covered the roots of the World Tree, but looked extremely weak.

The power belonging to this extremely special dimension Demon God is being converted little by little into Kil'jaeden's body, and through the incomparably small poisonous snake, it is transformed into a power that can make Kil'jaeden even greater.

He is now feeling extremely happy, extremely fulfilled!

Power, endless power!

He could finally understand now why Archimonde was so indulged in this self-sublimating joy that he wanted to put all thought and cunning aside.

Because of this power, because of this joy in the sublimation of life, because of this joy that can overwhelm everything with power... unparalleled.

Compared with such power, what is the cunning and scheming of his past?

Power... Infinite power! ! !

Just when Kil'jaeden was indulging in the joy of sublimating his own life, the shadow that he used as a 'water purifier' gradually changed in the slow wriggling...

Its form... is crumbling.

Or rather, it's peeling off parts of itself bit by bit, like peeling off the skin of an onion layer by layer.

From the illusory disguise to the pure truth.

The fusion monster's posture, which combines five-color dragons, black and white kings, and countless complicated bloodlines, is gradually melting like summer ice and snow.

The extremely terrifying fusion monster was only taken off like a false mask that wrapped its inner essence.

Slowly emerging from the indescribable darkness, or slowly blooming, was a dark yellow light.

At first, it was not dazzling, but as time passed bit by bit, it became deeper and darker.

Countless echoing whispers collided in it, and countless echoes gathered and stirred in this darkness. With the thousand brilliance, they gradually condensed their true posture.

It was a huge, ferocious, dark-yellow poisonous insect that caused an unstoppable sense of fear when one looked directly at it.

"Finally it's my turn..."

In the sound of Xixi Susuo, it was a low and familiar voice! laziness.

After replacing his own existence with the origin of the Yellow Lantern Ring, the sloth who transformed into the Yellow Lantern Beast Parallax has been hiding himself in the 'poisonous snake' under the parasitic world tree.

From the very beginning, Mu Fengda never expected to use these fusion monsters to do anything to the World Tree.

Of course, these products from outside the universe, combined with the Ragnarok prophecy, can indeed eat the roots of the World Tree, but it takes too long.

It's like putting an ant into the granary. Even if you let it eat, I don't know how long it will take to achieve its goal.

Moreover, the risks associated with stealing the power of the World Tree are also huge, and Mu Feng will never bet that one day he will become a stepping stone or cannon fodder for the villain of a major event.

The path of laziness is the most special of all Mu Feng's soul clones.

Arrogance takes the path of mechanical ascension, that is, the road of the fusion of the external and the essence, relying on the fusion and imitation of the external, and finally surpassing the path of the id.

Furious is taking the ascension of the body, creating a stronger path of accommodation through parasitic replacement and shaping, and relying on continuous learning and replacement to obtain a greater body.

And when Mu Feng walked away, the path of ascension of the overall psychic energy was an all-round development to be carried out as the main body, and it existed as the key to unify all the powers of his soul clones. As the 'designer' of all essences, he coordinated all the routes. Evolutionary tree diagram.

He has a 'body' and a 'foreign object', then the path to be taken by sloth is - 'soul'

The existence of sloth itself is to use the characteristics of the soul gem to create a memetic life separated from it. It can be said to be a kind of existence life, and it is an extremely high-end embodiment of "spirit".

As a memetic life, he has the characteristics of immortality and immortality, and has the ability to materialize unified thoughts and fantasies.

As the last born, Mu Feng's soul clone creation, it can be said to be the one with the highest beginning!

But... it's not enough, far from enough.

The sloth's "reserve" is still too small. As a memetic life, he must spread the products that carry his own memes. Only in this way can he maximize the spread of his essence and power.

And the scope of his spread is just a cosmic empire? Even if it spreads to the entire universe with the power of the Yellow Lantern Corps?

Such "simple" memes cannot engrave deeper concepts, nor can they give back the stronger essence and thoughts of laziness.

It is absolutely impossible to meet the conditions by simply using one's own energy, because that is too dangerous.

In any case, Mu Feng was unwilling to be the one standing in the forefront in this extremely dangerous universe, no matter whether he was a good person or a bad person, he didn't want to be that early bird.

In this case, he must find something that can let him 'borrow the chicken to lay the egg'.

"You will be the best help for me to complete spiritual sublimation and complete existence diffusion!"

Sloth, the parallax, stroked the shining tree of light and let out a low, sinister laugh

This long-prepared plan finally came to the moment to finally reap the fruits. He arranged it for a long time and pushed all the chess pieces to stand where they should stand!

Banner chose to release all the Yellow Light Rings, but with a lot of 'breeding', he finally took back these powers.

The huge amount of energy that was brought back together with those yellow light energies, at the moment when it was transported into Banner's body, more was also fed back to the body of the yellow light beast!

The current parallax monster feels more powerful than ever.

The power of fear seems to make the sun go out, and the life of a galaxy can fall into the endless scream of fear!

But Mu Feng knew that his actions must be promoting a fate. After he intervenes in this universe, the impetus of fate will always have a part of him.

He is not the center of the universe, but he must be the protagonist of change!

The huge dark-yellow parallax monster quietly climbed onto Kil'jaeden, who was already huge like a titan.

By the time the fraudster reacts from his power-infused senses and realizes that something is wrong, it is too late.

Every tentacle of the parallax monster penetrated deep into his body, followed by the huge power of fear sent into Kil'jaeden's body, completely controlling the words and deeds of the big demon.

"Don't panic, don't be angry, fraudster, this is just the ending you expected, isn't it?"

Sloth sneered in Kil'jaeden's ear, admiring the angry and desperate eyes of this great demon who has always liked yin people!

"You've used me as a water purifier for so long. Now, it's my turn, isn't it?"

Sloth spoke slowly, controlling Kil'jaeden to climb the crown of the World Tree

He must not be able to fully absorb the power of Uktrahir, even if Mu Feng gathers all the soul avatars, he is far from reaching this level.

But the purpose of laziness has never been to absorb the power of the World Tree, and what he and his proof of origin need has never been an inexhaustible source of energy.

"The important thing is to exist, to swear my existence."

Sloth controlled Kil'jaeden to insert his claws into the World Tree, watching the great demon's broken body under the magic of the terrifying World Tree, he said happily

"The important thing is to let the eternal cognition of the known range be engraved in the depths of their souls!"

"The important thing is to announce them that the moment of the end is coming!!!!"

Along with the laughter of laziness and joy, all of Kil'jaeden's power was transformed into fel energy and sent into the veins of the World Tree.

Although these powers are not enough to cause unimaginable damage to the World Tree, the most important thing is never to 'destroy' this tree.

The evil energy that was transported into the veins of the World Tree polluted the nine pivot points that the World Tree transported to the outside world at a very fast speed.

It never needs to destroy the tree itself, he only needs to destroy the nine pivot points.

jingle bell~~~

With the sound like a wind chime, countless light spots spread out in the World Tree, and Kil'jaeden, who should not be used as a repeater, was also devastated by the feedback of this outbreak!

But this is just the beginning!

The gigantic World Tree began to swing wildly, and the evil energy input into the nine hubs greatly stimulated the self-operation mechanism of this World Tree.

Even if it was only for a moment, the chaotic code implanted made this special dimension demon fall into the error of self-logical judgment.

Therefore, it is simply unable to correct and maintain the nine nodes that transmit magic power.

So, at this moment.

Asgard, Warnerheim, Alfheim, Niflheim, Wertleheim, Helheim, Midgard, Jotunheim - have replaced the destroyed and reborn No. Nine worlds.

The entire nine worlds fell into endless darkness at this moment.

The snow-covered sky of Midgard was instantly cracked with countless scars, and the shining Alfheim and Wanaheim were instantly plunged into eternal night, and Asgard, which was above the crown, was the entire half-planet. They are all shaking violently!

Almost everyone who knows the truth knows what happened!

The World Tree is breaking away from their link.

Nine worlds, nine worlds scattered in different corners of the universe are brought together by the world tree. Now, they are all expelled from the World Tree!

Unable to link to each other, no longer to be a unified country - these are all secondary.

The important thing is that without the power transmission of the World Tree, these worlds, especially the worlds that rely on magic power, will usher in the greatest crisis.

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