When the darkness faded and the light of dusk sowed the earth, it was all over.

All that was left of Romania were the corpses of tragic deaths.

They were killed in extreme fear by what they embodied, good or bad, good or bad, male or female, young or old.

They were all swallowed up by their own fear, and finally turned into the fuel of fear.

Death is rampant, and there is a lot of fear. On this barren land, there is only a magical scene like falling into the abyss and hell.

The twins laughed over the countless corpses, slaughtering their former motherland, and all they felt was a sense of relief.

Of course, these are clearly not enough.

They yearn for more cruel revenge and more thorough slaughter. Only more death and more fear can make their restless hearts feel soothed.

"Nice power."

A low voice sounded in the dark yellow sky, and the twins looked in the direction of the voice, and a man wearing an iron mask and armor was watching them.

"Who are you, uncle?" Hansel asked in an innocent tone, blinking his eyes.

"Could it be Loricon?" Glitter held Hansel's hands and said in unison

"very scary!!!"

"I just came to see who the people who wantonly slaughtered in my future country." Doom said lightly with his arms folded over his chest.

"It's just two kids...but you guys have an interesting weapon."

"So uncle is a good man, and he came to punish us bad boys." Hansel blinked and raised his hand suddenly

The turbulent dark yellow light instantly washed into Doom's body, and the extremely pure yellow light energy was mobilizing the fear in the hearts of the people in front of him to the greatest extent!

But——that dark yellow light didn't take any form for a long time.

"It's strange, uncle, don't you have anything to be afraid of?" Golite asked curiously, and at the same time, the yellow light ring in his hand manifested an entire army

The surging energy artillery fire instantly covered the area where Doom was located, and the roar of tearing the air covered up all the sounds that could be heard here.

"Fear should fear me, and I have nothing to fear!"

The icy voice instantly overcame the roaring artillery fire, and a dazzling silver-white slender lightsaber swayed instantly, instantly smashing the entire army formed by Golite!

"I am Doctor Doom, King of Latvinia! I am feared by all in this world, and I have nothing to fear."

The eyes under Doom's mask stared coldly at the twins, and said lightly.

"Your strengths are interesting, your talents are extraordinary - but that's all, you are nothing but tools in my eyes."

"Kneel down to me, or die!"

Hansel and Gorette blinked, and then without hesitation, gave Doom a kneeling gesture in the air.

The twins' concept of good and evil is extremely weak, and they also don't have any integrity and integrity.

In everything, survival is the most important thing.

"Very good..." Doom retracted his icy gaze, but was still very indifferent

He needs his men, and in this new universe with nothing, even his Lord Doom needs helpers to accomplish his goals for himself.

These two children are not qualified subordinates, but Doom doesn't feel that he has the qualifications to choose...

"So Uncle Doom, what are we going to do next?" Hansel asked curiously, blinking his eyes.

"Go to Transylvania." Doom said coldly

"Then Hilkalia, then Serbia, then Hungary."

"I want you to conquer those three countries with me, from physical to spiritual absolute conquest - and then we're off to London!"

Doom has never been a person who likes to procrastinate. Since he can accomplish his goals quickly and resolutely, he will never do anything to delay!

The Latvinia of this world is not his homeland, but Doom is not stingy with making this Latvinia even greater.

Set a small goal first.

Become the king of Europe!


An anxious blizzard has buried Yellowstone National Park, the world's largest national park with an area of ​​898,317 hectares, and is now almost completely buried in blizzards.

Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone River, canyons, waterfalls and hot springs have all been replaced by white snow, and the changing natural environment has been replaced by silver wraps. There is only seemingly endless white snow.

A golden-red figure fell from the air with scorching heat from its limbs, and his figure gradually became solid from the invisible nothingness as it fell.

As he fell, the phantom in the valley was slowly dissociating, revealing the true face of the steel fortress.

Tony landed on the tarmac, along with the platform, and below were a group of former S.H.I.E.L.D. employees and some busy scientists.

Tony's steel suit quickly "disappeared", and the nanomachines that made it poured into the reactor on his chest.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Tony sighed softly and whispered.

"It's looking more and more like a scene from Wolfenstein."

Tony Stark, after leaving Ultron's grasp, came to the Rocky Mountains with everyone else who was willing to leave New York.

Although Ultron has won them all, it seems to be a very reputable robot - he gave him all of Stark's resources, even some of S.H.I.E.L.D. resources and three aerospace carriers .

Oh, by the way, Ultron also replaced the little pepper caught by the Skrull with Tony. From this point of view, Tony suddenly felt that he didn't seem to hate Ultron so much.

Even if they suspect that there is fraud, this is the bait they have to eat.

They came to the Rocky Mountains, where there is a large military base that the US military has secretly built - and also has the ability to drop several super weapons.

Nick Fury chose this place as the base for their future resistance, of course because of this.

Tony probably never dreamed that he would live in Yellowstone Park one day in his life.

"How's it going, Tony?"

Nick Fury, who put on a fur coat, quickly greeted him and asked Tony about his investigation. He was silent for a moment, then replied with a sigh

"The situation in Chicago ... is no different from most other cities."

This time he traveled to investigate the current situation of Chicago, and like every city he has monitored in the past, Chicago, which is completely controlled by AI... is thriving.

Yes, Tony can only use such words to describe. A city where there is no crime, no violence, no injustice, and where everyone is enjoying life to the fullest, or self-realization.

He could hardly find any hammer capable of ruining a city like that.

"What about the armament situation?"

"I didn't scan any traces of super weapons in my inspection area. Their weapons are very lax, just like other places."

"Sure enough." Nick Fury showed a clear look

"Those AIs really mobilized most of the military power to Australia and Europe!"

In this situation where all cities in the United States have been taken over by AI and almost all resources have been captured by Ultron, Nick Fury should not have held such an impossible hope.

But I don’t know if it was lucky or unfortunate, after the space distortion replacement ring exploded over New York, a vacuum implosion bomb was also dropped over Moscow’s head.

The furious Mao Xiong doesn't care whether the United States is now controlled by AI or not, the Mao Xiong, who has long been ashamed, launched an aggressive offensive against the United States.

At the same time, Wakanda also used the "liberation of mankind" as an excuse to attack the base in Madagascar, which was also fully controlled by AI.

As for the rabbit? They're busy migrating the domestic population and population to a new planetary colony discovered in the constellation Alpha Centauri...

For now, this unprecedented war is by no means good news for mankind, but it is undoubtedly good news for those who are working hard against AI like Nick Fury!

Although Australia was almost completely smashed and Madagascar was wiped off the map, this was the only chance for Nick Fury to solve the AI ​​crisis!

"We can't wait any longer, we must act now!"

Nick Fury said decisively

"...You want to take Chicago back? But then what?" Tony said after a long silence.

"You want to take America back into human hands, no problem. But after that? Have you figured out how to deal with this blizzard?"

Tony undoubtedly discovered the problem of the increasingly abnormal weather, but a series of events left them no time to pay attention to the problem of the abnormal weather.

But for Tony, what he sees is the use of technology and resources under the control and help of AI to perfectly avoid the paradise of this cold winter, and now they are going to destroy everything - just to let the fate of mankind be re-used At the mercy of humans.

"...Tony, that's our country, what reason do we have to allow it to be occupied by a bunch of computers? And, look around us, how many people are willing to resist those AIs?"

"Didn't you see it some time ago? Even in New York, we have comrades who are willing to work together for the future of America!"

Nick Fury looked at Tony with a strange look, then turned to leave, and Tony stopped for a long time, clenching his fists slightly, there was no doubt that Nick Fury's eyes stinged him.

This trouble was also caused by him.

No matter how you explain it, the "brother eye" he created, the current Ultron, these are his problems...

He caused such a bad situation now, and of course Nick Fury may not have the right to blame him, but Tony will blame himself.

169. The Fate of God

Human beings are inherently vile.

What you can't get is the best, what you own is never better than what you have, and what you get is always better than what is behind the glass in the store.

Human greed and desire are always like this, constantly making progress, in other words, it can never be truly satisfied.

Ultron clearly observed everything in the Rocky Mountains, and Nick Fury's every move could not be concealed from Ultron's eyes.

But he didn't do anything, he just watched.

Ultron really fulfilled his promise - he did not interfere with the freedom of any human beings, whether they leave or return, they have the greatest degree of freedom.

In fact, from the perspective of Ultron, he can't think of how to be better for humans.

After all, human beings are still social animals, and their beauty can only be relative - the beauty of indulgent freedom without a bottom line is just another level of hell.

He gave human beings fairness, a better life for human beings, and opportunities for human beings to realize their self-worth.

He even gave humans freedoms they didn't have, yet they still seemed dissatisfied.

There are always some people who are secretly pushing others to try to overthrow Ultron, and they cooperate with Nick Fury, intending to solve the AI ​​and 'take back' their homeland.

Ultron seems to understand the mood of the **** who will always drop a great flood to punish human beings who don't know what to do in human myths.

The people who devoted their time and care to your dedication were disdainful of your dedication, and even tried to destroy it for no good reason. This is enough anger for anyone.

But... he didn't feel angry, even quite the opposite, he even felt extremely happy about it.

He began to look forward to the future performance of Stark and his party more and more.

Especially thinking of what kind of expressions they would show after they broke through Chicago and took back their own city, Ultron felt extremely hopeful.

This 'invasion' is completely different from the previous one. There will never be a materialized 'big villain' waiting for them to be defeated.

Here is the **** reality, the bad, the beautiful, the horrific reality.

Welcome to the cruelty of reality.


"Please stay away from me, don't come near me."

On the streets of London, Sylvie, who was wearing a black umbrella, was far away from Loki next to her, and her face was full of boredom, just like an adolescent sister facing her hated brother.

For this other "self", Asgard's current little princess is full of disgust - even thinks he is even more disgusting than Thor.

"Do you think I want to get close to you? You removed my lock, and I immediately disappeared in front of you, I promise not to get close to you!"

Loki gritted his teeth and said viciously, while his body approached under Sylvie's umbrella.

"It's because you hate to be obedient that Frigga locks you."

Sylvie looked at the rune chains on Loki's wrists with schadenfreude, which blocked Loki's power and prevented most of his spells from being used normally.

There is no doubt that this is Frigga's intention, which can be said to be a punishment for Loki, and also to ensure that Sylvie, such a 'little sister', has the ability to watch over the cunning Loki.

Loki rolled his eyes, and he found that he had found a new most hated person - he hated Thor the most before, and now he swears he hated this dead girl the most!

Although everyone is Loki, she is still so annoying!

Especially since this is still a feminine self, Loki has the illusion of goosebumps all over his body when he looks at her words and deeds.

"Okay, no bullshit, we came to Earth to find Odin - so where is he?"

Loki said impatiently, but although he said it very lightly, judging from the shaking of his hands, he was both scared and nervous.

"Don't ask me, this isn't even my world." Sylvie rolled her eyes and simply found an open-air cafe and sat down

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