The scarlet Yuncen turned into countless hideous faces, venting the anger of the Lord of the Scarlet Dimension with roars and roars.

However, the strange thing is that although it is also a good thing, both Sithone and Mephisto are very silent...

Unlike the reckless Cytorak, Sithone and Mephisto are both known for being 'courageous and resourceful'

What Sithone is after is undoubtedly the liberation of his own stillness beam, which will allow him to break the seal of En'Galai and return his true body to Earth.

What Mephisto asks for is nothing more than a soul, but they never pin their hopes on Wanda.

Scarlet Witch is doing well, she's capable - but that's why she's the one being targeted.

It is unrealistic to expect her to help Sithone and Mephisto realize their wishes, and the failure of countless dimensions is enough to prove this.

They need a better ruthless, more suitable thug.

They already have the best candidates!

The only problem is that the best option doesn't exist in this world right now.


The Scarlet Witch's sharp screams kept going, and the power that radiated with her mental breakdown was also being delivered all the time.

"Come on, come on! Baby, let your light shine!"

Mephisto let out a maniacal laugh, and Sithone, who was in the dark, also expressed his delighted emotions in an indescribable whisper.

A huge amount of chaotic magic was transported into Wanda's body - but what was activated was not magic, but Wanda's ability.

reality warp

It's not Wanda's magic, it's her power. An ability with an infinite upper limit and a very low lower limit.

She is like a human-shaped reality gem. The basis of this ability lies in the power you give. The greater the power, the greater the scale of reality distortion.

As long as she has enough energy, Wanda's ability can penetrate into the quantum sea where the universe is constantly rising and falling, and make her 'wish' in that uncertain duality world.

Once Wanda wiped out all the mutants in the world with one wish, now, under the magical transmission of the three-dimensional demon gods at all costs, his wish will be—


The scarlet light shot straight into the sky, mixed with crazy magic power bombarding the fragile barriers of the world!

Wanda's wish is being fulfilled, and the walls of the multiverse are also breaking - the wall that separates the world from the world is slowly being broken!

Wanda wailed, her eyes shone with terrifying light, and the magic that radiated around her was enough to easily distort a life into various forms!

"Yes Wanda, make your wish!!!" Mephisto growled

"Tell the world, tell the universe, what you want, what you want!!!"

"I want Pietro back! I want my parents!!!"

"I want a world without so many wars! I want a place where I can live happily!"

"I want someone who can take my **** gift, someone who can get me out of hell!"

"I want a... new world!!!"

With Wanda's mournful wish, the world around me... changed.

This desire that covers the whole of Latviania is changing here, the probability cloud of all things collapses and reshapes in an instant, and the response that breaks the walls of the multiverse has come.

Mephisto laughed wildly, he felt the power returned to this body, and... himself from another universe.

link, and form.

Wanda lost all his strength and knelt to the ground, and the next moment, a figure like lightning caught Wanda's fragile body.

"What the **** is this place."

That man... no, it should be a boy, talking to himself in a very fast voice.

He was wearing a silver shirt, a pair of goggles, and had long hair that was also silver in a cape, and his youthful face looked a bit cynical.

He looked at Wanda who was unconscious in his arms, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He didn't know the girl, but for some reason, he always had an indescribable sense of familiarity.

Oh yes, his name is also Pietro, but more people will still like to call him another name - Quicksilver.

boom! ! ! !

A violent lightning suddenly slammed into his side, and Quicksilver hugged Wanda for the first time to avoid the attack.

"So, this is Reed's trick again?"

A hoarse and low voice resounded in this space, and there was the sound of the hunting sound of the cloak being blown by the wind in the air.

Dark green cloak and robe, but the more eye-catching body is undoubtedly the body scattered in silver metal and the silver-white metal mask.

The only eyes that stand out in the place where the whole body is wrapped are only deep indifference, like a **** looking down on everything.

"Who are you?" Kuaiyin asked loudly

He lowered his head and glanced at Kuaiyin, opened his hands, a magnanimous and low-pitched announcer

"I am Victor von Doum, the king of Latvia, the master of magic and technology!"

"Of course, they prefer to call me..."

"Doctor Doom!"

158. Ups and downs of the dream

The whereabouts of Agent Skrull, who hunted down Maxim's siblings, are unknown.

With no response from them for three days in a row, Talos expelled another wave of Skrull agents.

Of course, the result has not changed, none of these elite Skrull warriors can come back alive.

This is undoubtedly extremely bad news, but for Taros, he has no energy to focus on this matter.

He has more important things to do.

There are still three days before the deadline given by Mu Feng, and Talos is now on the verge of sending his arrows.

He captured Stark's "Brother Eye" plan, and although Stark ran away, this epoch-making powerful weapon finally fell into his hands.

There is no doubt that Stark's exquisite design and powerful war concept, even Talos can't help but admire.

With such a weapon, Wakanda wouldn't be a problem - Earth, oh no, even the universe they could conquer!

They will conquer the entire universe and build a being greater than the Skrull Empire ever!

Beautiful ideas kept popping up in Taros' mind, but before he could realize all of this, he had to meet someone.

Wood Valve Prison, a secret prison under the sea near Lake Island, New York, houses special criminals from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Those ferocious mutants, criminals who are enemies of S.H.I.E.L.D., and all kinds of people who cannot die but must disappear.

They are all locked in this wooden clan prison, with the highest security system in the world to ensure that none of them can leave here alive.

However, this is only the past tense.

The wooden clan prison has now become empty, there is only one criminal here, only one person who must be imprisoned here.

"Nick, I think this will be the last time we meet."

Talos came to Nick Fury's prison door, looked at the king of secret agents behind the glass window, and said lightly

"Taros, you brazen intruders! I should have shot you one by one!"

Seeing Talos, Nick Fury came to life at once, hitting the tempered glass in front of him like a madman, and his mouth let out an angry growl like a beast

"Yeah, but you still took us in for our technical choice." Talos said as usual

"In that case, you have to take some risks."

As a standard Skrull, Talos obviously doesn't think it's all his fault.

Nick Fury didn't take these refugees out of good intentions, he was just jealous of the technology in their hands.

In this case, this is a ritual of equivalent exchange. He accepts the Skrulls, the Skrulls provide technology, and at the same time, the Skrulls invade.

This is both normal and reasonable, right?

"Don't think you will succeed, you and your deformed compatriots will be slaughtered by us sooner or later!" Nick Fury stared at Talos' eyes, and issued the most vicious curse

"No, Nick." Talos said lightly

"We will use the cosmic cube to send Carol away, and we have eliminated most of the problems. As for Mu Feng? He was never on the human side."

"And the Supreme Master, of course we know the existence of Kama Taj. But it is a pity that he will not intervene in this matter. Even if he intervenes, we have a way to deal with it."

After that, Talos stood up and looked at Nick Fury, whose eyes were blood red in the prison, and turned into his appearance, and said in his voice.

"Nick, stay here honestly, I can guarantee your safety."

"You will live here, always."

"As... the last human being."

Nick Fury is not a person without guilt.

The ruthless King of Agents is not so much an emotionless machine as he is an excellent actor who is good at burying all his emotions.

What are the best actors and liars? Not to deceive others, but to deceive yourself.

Nick Fury is such a great liar, and he's going to have guilt, and he's going to encounter all kinds of moral condemnation.

But he will soon find a suitable reason for himself, and use self-deception to avoid moral condemnation in his heart.

And now, he can't find any reason.

He put the Skrulls in, he was the one who didn't listen to Carol's advice, and he was the one who even let Taros imitate himself.

Clinton's family died tragically, Tony's life and death are unknown, all of which are to blame on his head.

Although Talos suddenly launched a surprise attack, it was these shameless green-skinned aliens who were doing evil everywhere. But the culprit was his matter, and he couldn't get over it.

Imprisoned in prison, unable to do anything, having everything taken away from me. Nick Fury, who had completely lost his identity as the king of agents, was completely buried in guilt.

He squatted in the corner of the cell and didn't move, especially after Talos left, the lingering shadow that shrouded his heart made him not want to say a word.

This kind of self-defeating frustration and distress lasted for a long time, until Nick Fury raised his head, it was already dark all around.

He froze for a moment.

As the prison with the highest security level in the world, the wooden valve prison will not have the problem of power outage in the prison, nor can it be the problem of lighting.


Nick Fury held his breath. He put his face on the tempered glass, and sure enough, there were faint footsteps in the corridor deep in the cell.

He lowered his voice to the extreme, lest he miss a little sound, and as the footsteps got closer, it was another sound that became clearer.

The sound of a knife stabbing your heart, the sound of slitting your throat, the sound of blood flowing from your veins.

In short, this is all kinds of sounds of death!

Finally, the lights of the wooden valve prison were restored.

The sudden strong light made Nick Fury unable to open his eyes a little, but he still forced his stabbed and uncomfortable eyes to open.

"Natasha, Clinton!!!"

Yes, the agents who appeared in front of the wooden door prison holding several Skrull corpses were Black Widow and Hawkeye.

It's just that unlike their past, Hawkeye is no longer carrying a longbow. The man's face is as hard as ice, and there is a strong killing intent in his eyes that will never fade away.

" are still alive..."

Nick Fury seemed to want to say something more, but because of a moment, it finally turned into a shy greeting.

"Don't talk nonsense, Chief, we are here to save you."

Natasha glanced at Clinton next to her, grabbed the computer behind her and walked over, linked to the wooden valve prison, turned on the computer, and five seconds later, the prison that couldn't be blasted with missiles was opened.

"Stark said yes, our system is really a piece of shit." Natasha shrugged.

"Stark... Tony is he still alive?"

"Yeah, he's still alive. In fact, we're all still alive. We were just rescued." Natasha sighed.

"My question aside, both Clinton and Stark were rescued from the dead, and they are now gathering in New York."

"Who is this person..."

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