The next moment, a vacuum implosion exploded over a certain Kree city behind the portal, the city of the Dead World that had been almost completely destroyed by the Legion's orbital strike and fel pollution.

The moment of immediate appearance of the pole, and the moment of collapse that followed, made countless things in the city pour into that point.

Like the most extreme celestial body in the universe, the black hole, it sucked the entire city, whether it was the Kree people or the demons in it, into that point.

A moment of silent absorption, the next moment, is a complete explosion.

The turbulent heat generated by the explosion of the extremely collapsed matter in the macro world engulfed everything, and the silent flame wave overwhelmed all the rays of light.

Anyone who saw this scene was immersed in the waves of destruction.

Only the one who transferred the fate that should have existed in New York to another city - that golden flame humanoid began to rush towards the few Legion battleships!

The powerful cosmic secret energy fills her body. It is not an exquisite energy manipulation skill, but with the powerful power of the cosmic secret energy, she easily shreds the shield of the legion battleship like a sharp arrow. , which instantly pierces and destroys it.


Seeing this scene, Nick Fury cried out in surprise. At this moment, of course he expected the return of this Captain Marvel-but he didn't remember that he had summoned her.


Carroll roared and pushed several legion battleships, smashing into the portal like a discus, and then his hands erupted with powerful cosmic energy fluctuations, sweeping away the hordes of demons on the ground!

Sif and the others, who managed to climb out of the giant fel tower buried in the ground, saw Carol soaring in the sky, and said in disbelief.

"Is that a Midgard?"

Subversive and incredibly powerful. All this happened to the fragile Midgard.

After solving the problems in front of her, Carroll flew almost non-stop to the universe where everything was created, but before she could fly, the hammer with the dark yellow fear power suddenly struck.

Captain Marvel, who was able to resist the secret power of the universe, was also knocked away by this heavy fear divine power at the first time, but she also quickly stabilized her figure, looked at the Hulk in front of her vigilantly, and said solemnly.

"Are you the mastermind behind all this?"

Hulk didn't speak. From the beginning to the present, he seemed to have become more and more taciturn, and there was no doubt that what was revealed from those eyes was a divinity far greater than human nature.

"Don't speak? It seems that you are acquiescing!"

Carol roared, her body was burning with raging golden flames, wrapped in this huge cosmic secret energy, she was like a missile smashing towards the God of Fear.

She came back through a portal in a Kree colonized city, not only because of Nick Fury's message, but because of...

The ugly and horrific atrocities of the Legion!

Over the years, she has been constantly eradicating evil and protecting peace in the universe. She has already set her sights and stance on a higher level of Carroll, and the villains she has seen are naturally higher.

It's not that she can't accept things like interstellar war, but it's the first time she's seen a cosmic thug like the Burning Legion that is terrifying and crazy, not only slaughtering life but also constantly polluting the planet itself.

Captain Marvel's rage is unparalleled, and she vows to bring down the man behind everything that created it.

Hulk didn't move, but the dark yellow light inspired by the rune showed a huge and ferocious monster in front of his eyes.

The monster that seemed to have walked out of the deepest nightmare of human beings swung its teeth and claws at the rushing Captain Marvel, but the fear entity that was constructed was quickly torn apart by Captain Marvel.

Granted, Carol Danvers isn't a hero with brains. The efficiency of her use of the secret energy of the universe is tragic - but you can't stand a big brick flying!

"It's still not good, it's still a little bit worse."

The dark yellow light was gathered again on the rune of the warhammer in Hulk's hand. He lowered his head and muttered to himself, repeating as if he was saying something.

"It's still missing something crucial..."

Carroll didn't wait for Hulk's idea. After tearing the big monster in front of her, she was ready to pounce almost immediately.

But at this moment, Thor, who was flying over with a hammer, interrupted all this.

"You can't kill him!"

Thor stood in front of Carol, and the Midgard felt extremely dangerous to him - although he didn't want to admit it, he felt that he might not be able to beat her.

"...Asgardians, do you want to shelter a demon that has slaughtered countless creatures and invaded the earth?"

Carol asked solemnly

"He didn't bring these monsters here," Thor explained.

"He has the runes of Asgard! I don't know where he got that power, but... he's Asgard's problem!"

The paperwork during this time, as annoying as it may be, has given Thor a tiny bit of political power.

Getting a thug who attacked him to be caught and dealt with by the Midgards isn't a big deal, but if the guy has runes in his hands it's another.

As the foundation of Asgard, the importance of runes is second only to the blood of the king of the gods. It is a 'technology' rather than divine power. For most Asgardians who cannot awaken the power of the Earth Goddess in their bloodline, the rune of Rune is their substitute!

"This is Earth, Asgardians!" Carol rejected Thor's request with a cold attitude

"Also, someone wanted to wipe out New York with this trouble a minute ago, and the Asgardians, whatever the problem, has to make sure it doesn't spread."

Thor sighed softly, and when he was about to say something, the Hulk's voice behind him suddenly amplified.

"Yes, I see, as it should be!"

The God of Fear, Hulk, raised the God of Fear Hammer in his hand, and in an instant, the surging dark golden divine power spread in his hammer head, like a beam of light reaching the sky straight into the sky!

Fear is a kind of group thinking, fear is contagious, and fear should spread.

The real **** of fear should not be a certain 'transcendence' gathered as one, it should be scattered, scattered into every corner of the world, like a pervasive virus!

"Is that... a ring?"

Carol watched the dark yellow divine power that rose into the sky suddenly turned into countless dark golden rings, rushing away in all directions!

One of them even flew in front of Carol, and at that moment, a mechanical voice came from it.

"Carol Danvers from Earth, you have the power to instill great fear in others—"

"Welcome to the Yellow Lantern Corps!"

131. The Return of Death

"As I said, this planet is far more troublesome than it seems."

On the flagship of the Legion traveling in the warp, Furious and Archimonde looked at the picture of the projected earth and smiled playfully.

"If you accept the call and go with your body, then maybe I can see your corpse now."

Archimonde sneered with a gloomy face.

"If it's just this level, why should I be afraid?"

"It's really only this level, but it's only been a long time, and there's 'this level'." Furious sneered.

"Polluter, I know that you are eager to quickly master the powerful source of the universe, but now, isn't the most important thing to let 'he' come to this universe?"

The Burning Legion and these two big demons are very powerful, but in the evil Marvel universe, it is really not enough to watch.

If the Burning Legion is to maintain its star-swept state in this world, the arrival of the Dark Titan is essential.

But for Sargeras to come here, what he needs is more than just 'energy'.

Death, soul, and the evil energy that entangles the essence of this world are used as the pool water for the dark titans to adapt to the origin of these stars. Only in this way can the dark titans come here 100%.

Therefore, death and the soul are essential.

"This group of stars is not our world, and there are no annoying Void Lords here." The polluter said lightly.

"Sargeras won't stay here for long. I don't think there is anything he desperately needs here."

"The legion's expedition has lasted for ten thousand years. Are you in a hurry?" He laughed furiously.

"Wait a little longer, the seeds of fel energy have been sown on the earth, and the chaotic future rule is coming, wait a little longer, and wait for the real time to come."

Archimonde didn't answer, but he looked at the furious eyes without any trust at all.

He felt more and more that what this man wanted was not a position in the legion at all.

He and Sargeras must have some deal that he doesn't know about, Archimonde can feel it, what he wants is not the insignificant things on the bright side...

"Looks like we're going to reach our destination soon." Fury said suddenly

"Then let me take the first shot."

"About the massacre of Xandar."


"...Why do you want to meddle in my fate?"

Frigga looked at the cursed warrior who flew out like a lump of mud and was shattered with armor and half of his bones, then looked at the person in front of him, and said softly.

The figure scattered under the black robe was no longer the body that was imitated by Boros.

After all that temporary body has been smashed to pieces, and that doesn't matter now.

On the way to analyze the soul gem, Arrogance has made great progress and growth, and now he has a more suitable body.

There is nothing under the mysterious black robe, or it is full of everything.

If you lift the hood, what you can see is not the most conventional 'face' that mortals know about life. What they can see is only a piece of 'stars'

A group of stars spinning quietly in the deep starry sky contains the truth of matter in the universe, which represents an extreme form of 'mechanical ascension'.

Incarnating itself into any part of the universe, the eternal machine god, that is, in the form of one that transforms all things.

"Diva, do you long for death?"

Arrogantly looked at Frigga next to him, the voice from under the hood was ethereal and reverberating.

"No... but I'm more afraid of the future chaotic by you." Frigg said softly

"My husband chose Chaos, he chose to throw a spear at his destiny, and I stand by him, though I don't like it all."

"The future that the father of the gods asks for is not to avoid death so shallow." said arrogantly and softly.

"I think you know better than anyone about his ambitions and desires..."

"My husband has always been like this, was like that, is like that now, and will never change." Frigg said softly.

A man who dared to throw a spear at fate, he was rebellious at all times.

An absolutely proud god-king would not be willing to fight just to escape death, all he wanted was a bigger stage...

"For me, saving you is not a fun thing to continue with more possibilities."

He said arrogantly and lightly, he seemed to be laughing again, but it was difficult to hear a specific emotional expression in that echoing and ethereal voice.

"So, do you want to invade my poor child's world?" Frigg said quietly

"It's not an intrusion, maybe I'm just accepting the invitation." Arrogant turned around, the body under the black robe instantly transformed into a group of dark blue cosmic secret energy, jumped and flew to the sky.

"Since I stepped in here, the fate of everything will not flow."

On the other side, Rainbow Bridge

Malekith, who had recovered the ether particles, returned here beaming, watching the scarlet liquid rising and jumping in his palm, his eyes were full of joy and madness.

"Finally back in my hands, the etheric particle, the hope of our dark elves..."

Everything is developing in a better direction. Next, as long as he waits for the right moment of Jiuxing Lianzhu, he can launch ether particles to drag the entire universe into the dark plane!

Their dark elf will become the eternal overlord of the new world, he will revive the dying race, and then...


The Storm Axe penetrated Malekith's chest like this.

The expression on the dark elf king's face even maintained the joy and excitement of the dream just a moment ago. When he lowered his head to look at the penetrating wound, he took two steps back again and again, and his expression changed to horror.

"I didn't expect you to learn to do sneak attacks."

Loki looked at the fat man next to him in disbelief-although he was a brother from another world, but this Thor, who has always only thought about problems, actually learned to sneak attack?

This kind of thing that doesn't talk about martial arts is done from the hands of this stupid guy who is full of martial arts. I always feel that the style of painting is not right...

"The point is not the process but the outcome."

Fat Man Thor said so, walked over and pulled out the Storm Battle Axe from Malekith's chest, and then added a knife to his horrified expression.

Well, he has absolutely no idea of ​​public revenge here.

"Aether particle..."

Loki stepped forward and took the black-red liquid from the right hand of Malekith's corpse, his eyes full of joy and addiction.

"The ultimate treasure of the dark elves, with him, I can even have the power to conquer the world..."

"Don't think too much about Loki." Fat House Thor shook his head and wiped off the blood stains on the axe.

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