On the other side, the assembled God's Domain army is naturally facing the crazy counterattack of the Burning Legion demons.

"It's space transmission technology. They don't go through the star gate. This transmission method is simply too rude."

As the teleportation master of the Burning Legion, Prince Makzar commented on the rainbow bridge technology of those suddenly descending Dominion.

A transmission method that is simply untechnical.

Compared with the Burning Legion's teleportation technology that uses rune technology and air force positioning ability to open the star gate in the phase space on both sides, the technology of the Rainbow Bridge is undoubtedly much simpler and cruder.

In short, it is the technique of passing two linked pipes, then stuffing people into the barrel of the gun on the other side, and then punching them out along the pipes!

Compared to the rough teleportation itself, Makzar even felt that their technology to protect the people who were stuffed into the barrel from being bombed was more useful for reference.


"That teleportation technology is more used than traffic transmission, I'm afraid it's just an extension of weapon technology." Makzar said with a serious expression.

"Jaraxxus, there is another force protecting him in this world, we must be careful! The energy reading of that weapon...is enough to destroy this planet!"

"They are nothing!" Jaraxxus roared, pointing at the Divine Realm warrior who was slaughtering the demons.

"It doesn't take much time to destroy them, but you want me to hand over the credit..."

"Recognize the situation, Jaraxxus!"

Makzar pulled out two frost-coated tomahawks and placed them in front of Jaraxxus' throat, roaring loudly.

"If the Legion's plan fails because of your loneliness, our souls will be drained and thrown to the hounds of Sargeras to enjoy!"


Jaraxxus let out an unwilling roar, but had to turn to the summoning ritual to summon more powerful demons from the Legion

And near the bottom of the fel tower, in the surging sea of ​​demons, the Berserker Legion is surrounded by Thor and Asgard warriors to kill.

These warriors who fell into the rage of war under the urging of the rage rune of the Berserker's Staff still maintained their superb tactical ability. Powerful armament, so that they can kill these demons heartily.

And the pollution of fel energy is also very slow for Asgardians, at least compared to humans, the speed is slow enough.

Thor threw out the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and the warhammer entwined with thunder swirled in a circle after flying out, smashing a large piece of demon into minced meat like a lawn mower!

An expression of joy appeared on his face involuntarily, immersed in the ecstasy and joy of war.

After all, it has been a long time since he had such a hearty fight.

At this moment, he also put his doubts and thoughts behind him. Where did these monsters come from, and why did they invade Midgard—these became irrelevant.

The blood of Odin surging through his body filled his war-hungry brain, leaving the days of tedious and depressing paperwork behind.

"Crawl, maggots!!!"

A Lord of Skywrath with two doomsday blades rushed out of the demons with a roar, his huge size and powerful physical and combat skills rushed through the defense line of the Berserker Legion.

"Get out of the way, he's mine!!!"

Thor roared and rushed up, holding Thor's hammer and standing in a ball with the Skywrath Lord

The devil's whirlwind-like martial arts collided with Thor's hammer, and the thunder and fel energy canceled each other out but fit together!

But soon, Thor smashed the demon lord's head with a hammer.

When standing on the corpse of the Skywrath Lord, Thor felt only the joy of having his desire for war satisfied.

He even forgot to look down to see the Blade of Doom in the hands of Lord Furious that day.

That familiar texture and material.

Just like some evil machine that had nearly killed him.

"Prince Thor!!!"

The hurried voice flew close to an unmanned steel battle suit, Thor organized Sif who wanted to shoot it, and hesitated for a while at the steel battle suit.

"You are... the son of Cole?"

"...Yes, we need your help."

The matter is urgent, and Coulson is too lazy to correct the mistake of his name. Coulson pointed to the huge wormhole that stretched the sky and said.

"A criminal who escaped from S.H.I.E.L.D. used a thing to open that portal, and you must destroy that device."

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube." Fandral said in a loud voice

"The father of the gods once exiled this cosmic treasure to Midgard, but it seems that you have taken it. It is no wonder that this kind of thing is used indiscriminately."

"Okay Fandral, don't say more!"

Thor stopped the yin and yang of Fandral, looking at Coulson and said

"We will protect the safety of Midgard. This is Asgard's sacred duty. But I don't want my warriors and I to be attacked from behind when we are fighting **** battles."

Thor still knew a lot about human beings after this period of 'tutorial', especially the human beings who had almost full of war skills during this period.

"No problem," Coulson agreed.

122. Parents catch bear children

Crowe was far from alone in trying to escape this **** disaster.

Loki, no doubt, is the same.

Although it was swept away by Ronan, the cunning **** of mischief still ensured that he survived unharmed - yes, just a little embarrassed.

He did not leave Manhattan Island. Although the entire magical environment here became strangely restless with those otherworld invaders, he still did not choose to leave here.

The reason is very simple, because it is close to the universe cube, and it is the only place with good signal in the remote "countryside" of the earth.

"Ronan screwed everything up!!!"

Deepening his consciousness into the astral world, Loki complained almost immediately after contacting the Dark Order.

"The Cube of the Universe has been manipulated, and someone is trying to destroy the Cree and the Earthlings through him!"

Although Loki complained like this, he was still proud of his wisdom.

Although it was not obvious from the beginning that there was a problem with the cosmic Rubik's Cube, Loki, who chose to speculate on the situation with the greatest malicious intent, simply pushed Ronan out as a shield.

Now in any case, the biggest reason for the failure is not on him!

"But this is your failure, son of Laufey."

With a strong malice but maintaining an elegant voice like an aristocratic pose, it sounded, and out of that darkness, it was Thanos' messenger Ebony Mouth.

Seeing this 'peer', Loki's face suffocated, but he soon said aggressively

"You never told me that that thing was manipulated! You should thank me or those **** things will be driven on top of the Chitauri or your heads!!!"

"I need a stronger army, more powerful, not the citadel like the Chitauri!"

Loki clenched his fists, looking a little excited

He deserves to be clearly Thanos' elite Vanguard Guard.

"Then give up the earth." Ebony throat said lightly

"...What?" Loki couldn't believe his ears.

Thanos gave up so much effort in order to collect the Infinity Gems, but now he gave up when he said he gave up?

"Lord Thanos just weighs the priorities of things." Ebony throat crossed his fingers and said lightly.

"There are still many infinite gems in the universe. There is no need to lose everything for a dangerous one."

"...Then what should I do?" Loki's face was extremely ugly

"Thanos promised me an army to conquer Earth!!!"

"The current earth is not something that the Qitarians can conquer." Ebony throat said indifferently.

"Those garbage space pirates can't keep up with the son of Thanos now!"

Many people know that the Mad Titan has hyena-like crazy Chitauris under its command, but many people also know very well that the Chitauris are just dogs under Thanos.

Because they are really... **** to the extreme.

The Chitauri themselves are not a powerful race, in fact the Chitauri themselves are a emaciated alien race.

They invaded things like remote-controlled Chitauri war machines and Leviathan behemoths, but the problem was that Chitauri armies were not a powerful technological race in the universe at all.

They are more of a group of disgusting people like interstellar pirates, essentially equivalent to a group of enlarged predators.

"Then what should I do?!" Loki growled unwillingly.

"Go back to your home that you can't go back to, or..." Ebony Ma suddenly showed a schadenfreude smile, and then cut off the communication directly

"Damn!!!" Back in reality, Loki reluctantly punched the wall next to him, but the next moment, he felt a coldness on his back.

He turned back with some difficulty, but saw a familiar person who could not be seen smiling at him.

"Father, father?" Loki said in a trembling voice that almost burst into tears

"Loki, it looks like you made a bad friend." Odin stepped forward with a smile and patted Loki on the shoulder.

"Although I need to educate you well, but now I don't have time, let your mother teach you well."

He let go of his hand, and the dark energy of a rainbow bridge came crashing down, taking Loki directly away from the earth. Odin watched the light leave and shook his head gently.

Compared to Thor, Loki has no growth. It's not a bad decision to gobble up wolves, but only if he has the ability to deal with wolves.

Wrangling with Thanos? Why is he Loki? With his mouth? Or by his face?

But then again, Thor's growth is indeed very "less", and he has not learned how to be a qualified king after being separated from himself for such a long time.

Growth is not a long-term thing, at least in many cases, a boy becomes a man, just a moment of effort.

Zeus was right, in order for children to grow up, they must be left in a state of true isolation. A child dependent on his father, he will never learn to grow up.

Maybe it's time for Thor to understand what it means to grow up.


"Polluter! Your servant begs your coming!"

Jaraxxus continued to guide the input of fel energy to expand the portal, calling for the arrival of Archimonde.

To be honest, this thing that maintains the portal itself is really incredible.

As the two giants of the Burning Legion, Archimonde's summoning is extremely difficult. Even if it is not the special case of Azeroth with the Titan firewall, it takes enough effort to let the polluters come at least. energy as support.

But just this Rubik's Cube, the power provided is enough to summon Archimonde's true body to come.

It must be a lie for Jaraxxus to not be jealous, but he does not have the courage to touch such a cosmic treasure.

boom! boom! boom!

The footsteps sounded like a tremor, and from the huge door, a huge, sturdy, abyss lord with a huge dragon body and a slender spear stepped out!

"The smell here, the smell of war, the smell of death..."

The gigantic abyss lord was dozens of meters tall, and the huge size made Jaraxxus look like an ant at his feet.

The abyss lord sniffed greedily, feeling the smell of death and war in the air, and then looked down at his feet, watching the two eredar demons with mocking smiles

"Jaraxxus! Makzar! Incompetent and stupid, with undeserved ambitions!"

Jaraxxus bowed his head, he didn't even dare to say a word, because the abyss lord in front of him was also one of the best in the legion.

Mannoroth the Destroyer

Archimonde's adjutant, the one with the highest status in the Legion.

There is no doubt about his strength. He is also the strongest representative among the Anniheran Abyss Lords who have always been known for their bravery in the legion. The Zutnash Spear of Destruction in his hand is even from the darkness. Collection of Titans.

Of course, just like the Archimonde he served, Mannoroth failed to come to Azeroth in the strongest form most of the time he was summoned because of his overly powerful relationship.

So... the black history of being hacked to death by a headshot is also inevitable.

"The polluters sent me to take over all your authority!" Mannoroth's voice sounded like a roaring thunder.

"I also brought an elite legion of Mardon! Jaraxxus, Maczar, your mission here is over! Take Marden's legion beacon and go to the rest of the planet to spread legions. Bless it!"

Mannoroth's thick finger pointed forward, and a dark green fel energy portal was opened. The two eredar high-level demons looked at each other unwillingly, but they could only bite the bullet and walk into it.

Mannoroth looked at these two losers with drooping heads. Since the Legion has cleaned up all the dreadlords within, there has always been a group of eredars who can't see their abilities and are eager to go to the next level.

This time, Archimonde had specially told him to be careful... Although the pride in Mannoroth's heart remained unchanged, the Destroyer had to be very careful after experiencing the ghostly place of Azeroth.

This fel tower is still radiating towards every corner of the city, but in his opinion, this progress is still too slow.

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