"A little worried, but not so much now."

"You don't really believe in that cunning devil, do you?" Odin said in surprise

"Of course not." Mu Feng smiled

"Mephisto must be telling the truth. I know very well that a guy with his character will tell a smart person half the truth, and then watch him pretend to be smart..."

"He and we will never be on one side." Odin said bluntly.

"Half the credit of Gu Yi being so wary of people in other worlds is his fault! Now that Gu Yi is away, this guy must have left his own seeds everywhere."

"So, when will Master Gu Yi come back?"

Asked this question, Odin fell into silence for a while, he glanced at Mu Feng with deep meaning, and said leisurely

"Soon, it won't be long..."

"I've always hated riddlers like you... Forget it, I don't have the right to speak of you." Mu Feng shrugged

"Then Betty Rose is officially handed over to you. How to use it is your problem, and I... should also help your children move."

"Educate Thor well!" Odin said rudely

"Let him understand that in addition to being reckless, he also has to learn conspiracy!"

"Then you have to educate Mr. Lu well. Then again, you gave him Kuer's hammer, did you want to... Zhang Guan and Li Dai?"

Odin did not answer, this was his secret and his plan. Even if Mu Feng is an accomplice who conspired with him, this is not something that can be said casually.

Besides, Kuhl is also his brother anyway. The life of the Serpent of Fear is closely related to Thor's life, and the connection of this fate cannot tolerate him being careful.

"I don't want to talk about it. Goodbye, Mr. Wednesday."

Mu Feng shrugged, waved his hand and disappeared in place, leaving only Odin squinting his eyes, thoughtful.


Mu Feng didn't go far this time. After leaving the Straker experimental base in Sokovia, he quickly came to a place.

An ordinary house for a family of four.

Living here are an ordinary family, a father who works in the local government, a mother who is a full-time housewife, a naughty brother, and a steady sister.

The only problem is that the sister's name is Wanda Django Maximoff and the younger brother's name is Pietro Django Maximoff.

Future Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes, and under the cover of spiritual energy, he walked beside them in front of the family. After observing for a while, he came to a conclusion.

There is really no mutant thing in this world. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are indeed the biological children of the couple in front of them.

Also, the second conclusion.

Wanda's ability is indeed innate.

She has been targeted by Cytorak.

Wanda Django Maximoff, an extraordinarily strong character in every sense of the word.

In the comics, Wanda's ability is chaotic magic, which can modify probability and distort reality. This mutant ability caused Wanda's three mental breakdowns to directly lead to two large-scale reality distortions in the world.

The first outbreak directly led to the dissolution of the Avengers, and Ant-Man, Hawkeye and Vision all died in this event; the second mental breakdown turned the whole world into a utopia, directly causing the population of mutants to grow from one million plummeted to 182 and almost lost his abilities.

In every sense, Wanda is an extremely terrifying existence, and the upper limit of her abilities is unbelievable.

In the movie universe, Wanda's power is also the top match in the Avengers. When it comes to the upper limit, even the later One-eyed Thor and Captain Marvel can't match it.

After all, those two guys are nothing but reckless men with pure power, and Wanda is different. Her strength is all-round.

In the field of magic, even the Supreme Mage Strange at that time could not match Wanda's abilities.

And this ability is not just a ‘gain for nothing’ from the Mind Stone experiment

In other words, Wanda's ability had nothing to do with the Mind Gem from the very beginning, and at most they only played a role in guiding each other.

Wanda's ability comes from Sithorn, the **** of black magic, and Cytorak, the lord of the scarlet universe.

This is another difference between the comics and the movies. In the comics, the power of the Scarlet Witch comes from Sithone, the **** of black magic, and Wanda in the movie universe seems to be favored by both at the same time.

This is definitely not a good thing.

First of all, Saitorak and Sishorn are both old and first batches among the dimension demon gods. With his own power, Saitorak can compete with the Trinity Weishandi, and in the Crimson Universe, he can even beat the swallowing star, one of the five gods.

Sithorn is one of the earliest life forms on earth, that is, the ancient **** of the earth from which the gods originated. He is the **** of black magic, the **** of the underworld, and the primordial demon. Dormammu and Mephisto are both descendants of his unknown generations, and Sithone fled to other dimensions without being able to match God Eater Atum, but even so he is still the first batch of dimensions Demons, whose power forms can easily warp and distort reality.

Sithone and Setorak, both of which are the side of the dimensional demons that are extremely inclined towards chaos and destruction.

Compared with them, the Dormammu who shouted to destroy the earth all day is a stinky brother, even Gu Yi would not dare to run into the universe of these two guys.

Especially Sithone, as a fallen ancient god, his malice towards mankind is beyond words. For example, the book of the dark gods he threw on the earth. The tome that recorded Sithone's countless secret arts is the source of the Necronomicon and other sorcery books, which can ensure that any language can be fully understood. Its corrupting influence is very strong, and the Dwarf in it will also lure people into using the spells it records, and after using it, their souls will belong to Chthon.

Therefore, although Mu Feng knew the whereabouts of this dark divine book, he didn't dare to touch it if he was killed. Sishorn was much more troublesome than Odin.

In a sense, these dimensional demon gods are like the outer gods in the Cthulhu mythology, and the group of gods is like the old rulers, but they are not so chaotic but maintain relative order, but the existence is still mortal incomprehensible existence.

And Saito Lak is relatively better. The Lord of the Scarlet Universe is more like a grumpy old brother. His power is far-reaching and rude and powerful. For example, the Red Tank is one of the creatures that accepts his power.

And one of the costs of using Cytorak's power is that his character tends to be chaotic and uncontrollable, so that he has completely turned into a brainless and crazy scarlet devil, but it is far better than Sithone's harsh conditions.

So you can see the mystics of Karma Taj using magic like 'Crimson Chains of Setorak', the mystics are allowed to borrow power from Setorak but never from Sithorn .

Mystics are indeed allowed to borrow power from other dimension demons to release magic, which is in fact inevitable. The result of having only one boss is only to be exploited, and one thing that mystics have to learn is to sell.

But... taking out a loan and being targeted are two different things.

The last human being targeted by the Dimensional Demon God was Agomoto, but he himself was the son of the ancient **** Osset, but even so Agamoto ended up being made into the triad of Weishandi.

Being targeted by Setorak and Sishorn means that the more benefits they give, the more price they have to pay.

The so-called scarlet energy that Wanda showed in the movie is actually the magic power given by the dimension demon, and she is just as stupid and inefficient as Captain Marvel to sway this precious cosmic secret energy. Such a huge amount of magic power, the two-dimensional demon gods supply it to Wanda as if they don't want money.

There is nothing so cheap in this world.

The price Sisorn asks for is nothing more than occupying Wanda's body and returning to Earth, and Cytolac is intriguing, but the debt that Wanda pays is also real.

Her younger brother, who should never have been hit by bullets, and the vision that was killed, these are the prices she has to pay-the lives and souls of the closest people, these are the debt interest charged by the Dimensional Demon God to her.

But this is even the most trivial part of the interest. The more the power of the Dimension Demon God is recklessly swayed, the price paid will be exponentially increased.

Fate has already marked all the costs in secret.

Therefore, the fate of this happy family is destined to be irreversible.

How could it be possible for the people targeted by Cytorak and Sishorn to rewrite their fate? Even if the family is not killed by the fake Stark dud later, they will be destroyed for other reasons.

Mu Feng turned around in Wanda's house a few times, and did not choose to attack Wanda directly.

When Gu Yi was trapped by his black hand, he didn't want to bet on whether Cytorak and Sithone would overturn the table.

But he still left enough layout here.

Mu Feng quickly left here, and Wanda, a young girl who returned to her room, was looking through the textbooks on the bookshelf when she suddenly saw a red hard-shell book.

She took it down out of curiosity. It was a quaint hard-shell book. Its material seemed to be parchment paper, and it had a weird texture to the touch.

"Is it Pietro's book?"

Wanda opened it curiously, and Wanda couldn't understand a single text on it, but strangely, she felt a strong sense of discomfort.

A restless instinct prompted her to close the book and put it back on the shelf.

She was going to ask her brother after school today, but it was also possible that she turned her head and forgot about it.

In fact, if she had a little snack and looked up the text on the book, she would soon know that the incomprehensible words on it were actually ancient Babylonian hieroglyphs.

That means it's-

The Book of Fear


"Zhongshi Technology Virtual Reality Technology..."

Matt, sitting on a park bench, was holding a guide stick, quietly listening to the sound of the TV in his ear, and 'looking' at the huge screen in the square not far away.

Although he is blind, he can still see, even far more clearly than ordinary people.

This is a very good weather, the autumn is high and the air is cool, the temperature is maintained at 12.7.4 degrees Celsius, the air humidity is moderate, and there is no smell of scum.

This is a good time to rest.

The Night Demon will no longer haunt during the day. He is destined to be a nightmare at night rather than a disaster during the day. This is the only rule Matt set for himself, the only rule that binds him.

After all, his ability can only be used 100% in the dark, and if he continues to act as a Night Demon day and night, the deterrent effect will decrease.

People are more afraid of the demons that come in the dark at night than the monsters who punish their sins day and night.

People fear the dark because they fear the unknown. It is only under the unknown packaging that the Demon Lord of the Night is more feared.

Also, Matt needs time to rest.

He has to ensure that the time he is Matt is greater than or equal to the time of night devil every day, and the ghouls of eccentricity on his spirit and will exist objectively, even if his will is firm, it is a fact.

He has become so extreme, just as Sweetheart Mask has become such an extreme attitude of advocating absolute justice. Paranoia and extremes are the result of his eccentric transformation, and this is the result of locking madness in his heart like Sweetheart Mask.

"It's time to leave."

Matt unfolded the guide stick, and although he only rested for a while, he still had to leave.

In five minutes, his friend Daniel, a block away, will be passing by.

Matt knew exactly who he was following him most in the days when he left the Defenders and became the Daredevil - no doubt these former partners.

Because they were his own companions, once Daredevil's companions, there was no doubt that they were similar to their former self.

Believe in justice, but do not want to trample on the law. Catch criminals, organize evil, but never try them.

These were friends Matt admired, but.... now it's just parting ways.

Matt himself doesn't know how much justice he can execute and how much deterrent he can bring to the city before he falls into darkness forever, but... it's a day if he can do it.

Just as Matt was about to get up and leave, a familiar voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Matt's eyes narrowed slightly, and it was inconceivable that he could suddenly make a sound in his ear with his now far stronger perception than humans.

Not to mention, the other party was the one who put the fruit on his lips that night.

"...Are you from Jin Bing?"

"It's not accurate." Mu Feng smiled.

"I know Mr. Fisk and have a certain cooperative relationship - oh no, please don't do it in public, Attorney Matt."

Mu Feng's hand rested on Matt's shoulder and put out his raised palm that had condensed the vortex.

"I haven't been a lawyer for a long time." Matt said coldly

"Yes, yes, incarnate as Batman at night to maintain justice everywhere, and during the day, New York is full of chaos. Is it a good life?" Mu Feng said with a smile.

"But Lawyer Matt, I want to remind you that it's not just Mr. Fisk who want to hunt you down, but... S.H.I.E.L.D."

Matt fell into silence, of course he knew who Mu Feng was talking about, the agents who had been chasing him very closely during this time.

Nine out of ten agents in this country are damned. Matt knows this very well, so he doesn't care about the agents being chased, just as he doesn't care why he broke into that building that night.

"You need a help, a union." Mu Feng smiled

"...I will not be working with anyone who is affiliated with Kim."

"No, no, I'm not talking about me." Mu Feng smiled and said softly.

"I mean, a country."

53. Tuning fork kills the king

Sitting in the dark and closed compartment, Klau's heavy breathing slowly spread in the darkness.

It's hard to describe what kind of mood he is in right now, expecting, fearing, tyrannical, crazy, depressed...

After becoming a weirdo, people's emotions will always become particularly rich. Even more so for Crowe.

Crowe was actually scared of the Wakanda.

Although 250 kilograms of Wakanda vibration gold was brazenly stolen for business and money because of greed, perhaps it was the imprint after being caught and the technological ability of those Wakanda people who went to heaven and earth when they were fleeing, which made Crowe very fear of them.

This fear is deeply rooted, but it is constantly consumed by greed. He could take the risk of stealing vibration gold for gold, but he dared not face any Wakanda.

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