This city of giant shoulders has now been reduced to an area even worse than the ruins of war in the Middle East, and the streets are also fel creatures that are more terrifying than warlords.

In this situation, he stood in front of the burning ruins in rage and said affectionately.

"This country, they have lost everything, but they have ushered in freedom!"

36. Misfortune to the East

Las Vegas was destroyed, Salt Lake City was destroyed, and Chicago was in ruins.

The American Superman who saved the world in the movie did not stand up, and there were only those guys who still did not forget to make a fortune in the midst of this horrific disaster.

Bald Eagle heroes do not exist, they are the initiators of world disputes. In a sense, Galakrond could be regarded as a natural disaster-like punishment for them.

Break the bones of this nation, smash their pride, drag their weakness into the sun, and tell everyone that the eagle of God they fear is nothing but water.

The Bald Eagle government has no good idea even at this time.

Even in the face of the disaster that will destroy the world, their first reaction is to drag everyone else into the water.

That's the idea of ​​the Raptor formation that took off from the George Washington of the Second Fleet, to attack Galakrond, lead him to the Pacific Ocean, and lead him to other nations!

Europe or Asia, as long as you can stay away from bald eagles!

Furious knew their stupid little Jiujiu, but he didn't care, and he even raised his hands in favor of such behavior.

Although he wanted to, but he did not come to destroy this shameless country. And if it is alive, it will create more value.

Even if it is to be destroyed, the Eagle of God should not be destroyed in this situation. His life is much better than his death.

Of course, the torture of his life was worse than his death.

It is not enough for Galakrond to traverse the land of bald eagles alone. The terror and threat can only come to people's eyes before they can feel the fear and pain of death.

Or to put it bluntly—

Only tens of millions of people died, far from enough to make humans remember this pain.

What's more, he didn't forget to leave a little gift for this group of shameless bald eagles.

Galakrond continued to spread fel-concentrated ashes under his wings as he sailed with the raptor.

The ashes that burned with the fel energies fell into the city and into the earth, bringing new gifts to those weaklings who shivered at Galakrond's gigantic size.

Proud bald eagles will find that after they use their 'intelligence' to drive the monsters out of the country, they will only usher in a worse situation.

Those civilians who have been "abandoned" by them will find themselves with unimaginable powers, and with it, a completely radicalized emotion and a desire to destroy everything.

"Okay, the monster bit the hook!!!"

The major general who was stationed on the USS Washington clenched his fists in ecstasy. Following his instructions, the 12mm diameter naval gun slowly turned and aimed in the direction of the sky.

"Carpet strike, tilt all your ammo!"

Galakrond was flying towards Galakrond with cannonballs like a sky full of stars, and even the evil fire lingering around him could not completely defend against it.

These shells didn't cause much damage to Galakrond's body, but it was like holding a needle into your body. Even if the damage was small, you would not be willing to accept such pain.

The angry Galakrond suddenly took off, and dozens of roaring shelling rays swept down like a sword that cut the earth! ! !

Chester Nimitz

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Carl Vinson

Theodore Roosevelt

Abraham Lincoln

George Washington

John C. Stennis

USS Harry S. Truman

Ronald Reagan

USS George Bush...

Ten Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, hundreds of destroyers, frigates, a huge fleet, are heading for destruction under Galakrond's frantic revenge.

The ray of the fel energy beam can make a huge aircraft carrier disintegrate and collapse in just the moment of contact, not to mention the fel energy stance that spreads from Galakrond's body, it makes all ships stop, even Self-destruction in an extremely chaotic environment.

The proud navy went to destruction the first time it met the monster. For its own stupidity and arrogance, it paid the price of life. The destruction of the entire Pacific Second Fleet was so fast that it made people tremble.

The fel energy on Galakrond is rapidly consuming, but even if the Second Fleet is completely destroyed, the total consumption is not much.

The core that supports Galakrond's energy - the Eye of Sargeras is a source of terrifying energy that is enough to annihilate and cut Northrend across most of Azeroth thousands of miles away, even if less than half of it is placed in Galakrond's body The capacity is also enough to support his squandering for a long, long time.

Above the sea, there are thousands of waves, only the ups and downs of mutilation and the fel pollution that quickly spread and polluted the entire sea area proves this wave of destruction.

However, the father of the giant dragon was not satisfied at all, but began to frantically tilt his power and anger towards the surrounding port cities.

With the loss of the Second Fleet, most of the United States' maritime strike force was abolished, and at this moment, from the East Asian waters, a nuclear submarine that had been submerged for a long time suddenly surfaced.

A submarine strike missile equipped with a tactical nuclear weapon aimed at Galakrond's position and blasted away.

When the father of the dragon destroyed the cities and ports along the coast with his anger, the nuclear weapon hit its huge body at that moment.

The high temperature and shock wave of the nuclear flames were taken over by Galakrond's huge body, and the huge body was now a bad advantage.


Even the father of the giant dragon tasted severe pain and injury under such a direct blow. Its flesh and blood were burned, its bones were broken, and the entangled evil fire could not quell the flame of the sun.

But that didn't kill Galakrond, far from it.

This was just a 'torture' even for the Dragon Father. His fel-remodeled body instantly began to regenerate and regenerate in the huge energy provided by the Eye of Sargeras, only to become more distorted. Even more terrifying!

The sanity in his heart was almost burned out, leaving only the hatred and mad Galakrond howling and flying towards the direction of the missile launch.

He will burn everything, burn the world! Avenge his pain!


"Success, success!"

When they saw the monster flying in the direction of the Pacific Ocean, the people in the Pentagon and the White House loosened their tense bodies and slumped weakly.

After paying so much, they... finally succeeded!

They managed to lure this monster into the Asian region!

It's hard to say that this was their success, in fact they lost a lot.

Needless to say, the destruction of Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, and Chicago brought heavy damage. The destruction of the Second Fleet made Bald Eagle's proud maritime supremacy also suffered an indelible hit.

It is foreseeable that their overseas military bases around the world will shrink on a large scale for a long time to come. The global hegemonic system built by the Truman Doctrine is now about to be completely reshuffled.

But these aren't even the worst.

The worst is actually the exposure of their nuclear submarine buried in the South China Sea of ​​East Asia, which means that their plan to take the lead in carrying out a devastating blow to the East Asian region is lost, and what is even more frightening is that they will take the lead. In the hands of East Asians and Maozi.

Bald Eagle must apologize and reparation, and must bleed, or the other side will forever hold the prerequisites for a doomed nuclear attack on Bald Eagle.

And the monsters were not destroyed.

They hid the aliens and hooked the monster to Asia, but it wasn't wiped out. The calamity was simply drawn to another land, let alone solved, not even a delay.

But they exist, don't they? They don't have to think about so many issues for the time being, they are still alive and well...

Even if all mankind will be destroyed in the future - but so what? A world without bald eagles should not exist, and as long as they can survive, they have no psychological burden to drag the world into the water.

It would be better to say that they are now more eager for that monster to make a lot of trouble in the Asian brain. It is better to destroy a few more cities and kill a few more talents!

Seeing what his vice president wanted to say, Sleepy Bridge responded before he could speak.

"I have already prepared the manuscript for my resignation and apology, and I will resign as president and congressman - I will stay in my villa."

Sleepy Bridge's expression was unexpectedly relaxed. After all, he probably didn't want to do this tiring job a long time ago.

Whoever wants to clean up this mess should clean it up, the world is about to be destroyed, maybe so-called. He is seventy-eight years old, how can he manage so much?

Although he announced that he was in a wartime state, he could continue to be re-elected, but he was not stupid. Why would he do something that was destined to be blamed?

On the contrary, her deputy, the Asan woman who had always been ambitious for the presidency, had a very bad expression on her face.

According to the constitution, when the president steps down for other reasons during his term, the vice president takes over.

But what used to be the most powerful throne in the world was a dynamite bag full of messes.

After going up, I am afraid that I don't have the power I want, and I even hope to benefit my compatriots, and the good wish of turning the bald eagle into "A San's bald eagle" is completely cool.

She just wanted to stand up and say something, like resigning herself or keeping the president. But as soon as she stood up, a strong sense of dizziness made her sit back directly.

She felt a strong sense of powerlessness all over her body, and what frightened her even more was that she could see a thick black liquid oozing out of her skin!

what happened? Could it be that he drank too much Ganges water and cow urine!

Almost all of the people who attended the meeting were like this. They watched the black liquid gushing out of their body and felt that these things covered their body.

Except for a group of people, except for the group of people representing the chaebols, the group of guys who were very quiet from the beginning.

"This will be a gift to lead you on a greater evolutionary path!"

The spokesperson of the Morgan consortium stood up and said in a tone like those mindless fanatics, and she couldn't hear what he said next.

She only felt that her consciousness sank into an abyss that was deeper than the deep sea, and in the long and powerless struggle, she returned to silence.

"It might be better to have this group of mold people rule the country."

Disguised as a bodyguard, Sato took off all his disguise and looked at the dark pupa, showing a happy smile.

This time, he had a great time playing, and more importantly, more interesting games will be completed in front of him.

It may not be a bad thing for this bad land to be ruled by these common-minded mold people, at least there are always some guys who are willing to work together to solve them.

But the focus is still on their identities, a group of biochemical monsters, a group of mold people, this identity... will become a powerful enough bomb sooner or later.

A bomb enough to completely disintegrate this country.

"Then, it's time for me to retire too - the final stage, I'll leave it to the savior."

Furious looking at the rising sun, smiling happily

"I wonder if this world will accept the Savior's jurisdiction?"

37. The Land of Chaos

For Galakrond's ravages in the bald eagle, the world's public opinion is divided into two polarizations.

One side is mourning everywhere, while the other side is gloating.

This fact is too normal, after all, people's sorrows and joys are not the same, let alone for the bald eagle, the source of chaos that maintains "justice" all over the world.

If the bald eagle suffered, then too many people would be happy.

But what followed, the destruction of Nevada, the funeral of Salt Lake City, and the demise of Chicago made many people unable to laugh.

No matter how unhappy it is to see the bald eagle, they are more or less the same kind, and they still have some empathy.

Such a terrible monster, if even the bald eagle can't deal with it, then what country in the world can stop it?

Bald Eagle's government has never had any official written account of this, perhaps because they are doing everything they can to stop the monster's advance.

No one knew that their first 'statement' would actually be this.

A nuclear submarine lurking in the Pacific Rim near East Asia suddenly surfaced, and then launched a tactical nuclear missile towards Galakrond in the Chicago Naval Port, and successfully attracted the attention of the big monster, making him head towards the Pacific Ocean. flew over in the direction.

This has angered almost all countries in Asia at once.

There are many nuclear bombs of Bald Eagle, and there are many places to launch, but he just launched this nuclear missile in the Asian region.

You don't need to guess what that full of misfortunes mean, they just want to drag the East Asian Alliance into the water! Or, he wants to drag all the countries in the world into the water!

This time, Rabbit and Maozi also panicked. Before, they could still watch the fire from the other side, but now the fire is about to burn them.

At this time, the official announcement of the bald eagle ignited the anger

- 'This is normal blocking behavior! We didn't know about the departure of the monster! ’

"The Bald Eagle is declaring war on the world!!!"

"TMD, this nation against humanity must be levelled - BLAST THEM NOW!!!"

"Those **** are trying to drag everyone into the water, so just plow them all over!!!"

Netizens from all over the world, especially the Asian side, have been scolding, and there is no doubt that this irresponsible behavior has also caused the bald eagle's already plummeting prestige to completely drop to the bottom at this moment.

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