Nozdormu's eyes narrowed slightly after seeing what was thrown out of rage. The King of Time, who had always been extremely calm, also showed a gaffe expression at this moment.

"Stop him, stop that thing - the Eye of Aman'Thul!!!"

23. Eye of Aman'Thul

Flying out of his furious palm and falling onto Galakrond's corpse, it was the last Pillar of Creation he had collected.

The power of the father of the gods is the embodiment of the power of time, and it is also the core of the ancient city of Suramar, the only ancient city of the high elves that maintains the source of the people's demon addiction - the Eye of Aman'Thul.

As the original Titan, the master of the Pantheon, Aman'Thul's power is beyond doubt. Even if he can't match Sargeras after the fall, if Sargeras hadn't fallen, the outcome of his battle with Aman'Thul would be difficult to say.

What's more, Aman'Thul's strength lies not in destruction, but in creation.

Once upon a time, the countless worlds throughout the Twisting Nether were transformed and created under the supervision of Aman'Thul and Sargeras. Countless worlds worship Titan, and tracing the origin is actually the worship of Amansur. The image of Titan imagined by countless worlds is based on the father of the gods.

This appearance is a majestic old man, holding a staff Orodur entwined with thunder, and the long-haired and waist-length Titan holds the pinnacle of arcane power.

Contrary to the fel energy that represents the entropy-increasing effect of the annihilation of the universe, the arcane and fel energy that were born in the light and darkness of the big bang correspond to the fel energy, and they represent the stable order of the universe.

The essence of several Titans is like this, life, magic, elements, geology, all these stable elements that constitute the material world are the essence represented by arcane power, that is, the stable order of the material world, and even science - Titan's No one can match technology across the universe, and the power developed based on the physical laws of the universe is classified as arcane.

The six basic forces of the stars cannot be summed up by simple and stupid 'energy'. They represent the six essences that make up the world, and everything cannot escape the division of these six forces.

And what Aman'Thul masters is the ultimate meaning and source of arcane power, that is, the most basic and most important element that constitutes the material world - time.

At the moment of the big bang, the universe, which had no concept of existence, began to flow the first water droplets of a long river of time. With the slow running of the flowing cosmic clock, all things have the foundation of existence and birth.

With such power, Aman'Thul can modify the time flow of the universe and travel through countless parallel worlds at will - but even so, he still cannot change some of the established pasts.

The past cannot and is not allowed to change, because that is the basic element of the existence of the universe, and modifying the past behavior and the time that originally originated from the foundation of birth is absolutely not allowed.

Therefore, the eternal dragons are actually destined to be unable to change the past of Azeroth. They can only open up one meaningless parallel world after another.

Even though Titan is already the strongest creature in the material universe, it is still extremely difficult to challenge the basic elements of the birth of matter. Aman'Thul can change the fate of parallel time and space, but cannot change the fate of his own universe. He can observe thousands of futures, but he cannot lock in his own future.

But this does not mean that Amansur is a parallel importer.

The ultimate power of time is not like these bronze dragons. No matter how the mad Eternal Dragon changes the past of the parallel world, it will fall short under its own correction, but Aman'sul's intervention can really affect it to a certain extent. Now.

He was able to lock down the collapse of the probability cloud and choose the most favorable one among countless bad fates. Mastering the time, he can also determine the prosperity and prosperity of even creatures including Titans, hundreds of billions of years in an instant, far surpassing any destructive attack.

In fact, if Sargeras's sudden storm of fel energy seriously interfered with Aman'Thul's arcane abilities, the Pantheon would not necessarily lose to the Dark Titan. But even so, Amanthul, whose body was destroyed and only the star soul fled, still chose the best future for them and the universe.

He first found a secret place that Sargeras did not know and sent his wife Eonar's star soul, and then within a few years of escape, he chose a path that would punish his mad brother.

Azeroth, a new titan with unlimited potential, will also be the place where Sargeras smashes into the sand.

He first used the great guardian to give the power of himself and the rest of the Titans to the guardian dragon with the help of the guardian, and then personally selected the world line of future development-he ensured that Ronin and Brox would not be able to complete the Through time and space, he contacted Zera to ensure that the Eredar family would not completely fall to the Burning Legion, banished the Pantheon into the void, created a special artifact, the Phase of Time, and completed many secret arrangements. Finally, he personally Transmitted the bad future and the truth to Nozdormu.

In order to ensure that the future he chose will be achieved, the father of the gods personally forced the bronze dragon king with his own power to madness-this is why in the copy of the end of time, when the player killed the eternal dragon king Munozduo, his The lines will be:

"You have no idea what you did. Aman'Thul...I...see...the..."

In order to ensure that the guardians of time can fulfill their responsibilities, Aman'Thul personally created the time tamperers and created this desperate end of time. Each guardian of time corresponds to a tamper of time, and the endless battle between the bronze dragon and the eternal dragon will ensure that the time line moves forward in an orderly manner.

In the end, the plan of the father of the gods did succeed.

Sargeras' crusade was stopped, the mad dark titan was captured and imprisoned in the Pantheon, the Burning Legion fell apart, and Azeroth was devastated to remove all the Old Gods from within.

All of this is the truth that Sargeras got from his brother's constantly tortured and twisted star soul after he learned the future from his rage.

It is very likely that the countless coincidences of fate were the future chosen by Aman'Thul. Whether it is the invasion of the orcs or the invasion of the Legion, countless futures, bad or good, have created a future that is the best for the universe. ending!

The wily father of the gods with insight into time is even ready to calculate the shadow world. It is ridiculous that Emperor Denathius thinks that his dreadlord spy has deceived everyone, but his actions are also being deceived by others. Firmly calculated to the death.

Seriously, even as the only outsider who could sabotage Aman'Thul's plan, Fury wasn't so sure.

And this time is also equivalent to one of his attempts. Galakrond's awakening may not necessarily lead to bad or good results, but it is certain that Aman'Thul's plan will be greatly destroyed or even rewritten!

"The Eye of Aman'Thul, a gem that holds part of the power of the great Father of the Gods."

Furiously looking at the most powerful pillar of creation that fell into the fissure with rich fel energy, he smiled contemptuously and maliciously at Nozdormu

"But maybe that's really the eyes of Aman'Thul? The Great Pillar of Creation, the only remnant left by the Father of the Gods when he created order for Azeroth... But in any case, inside All contain the power of the father of the gods."

It is not very difficult to take away the Eye of Amanthul. Its owner, the great magister Elisande of the Nightborn, is a waste who has long been frightened by the legion. Intimidated by her own strength, she immediately handed over the gem obediently.

"Tell me, Lord of Time, can the power given to you by Aman'Thul work under the neutralization of this power? Or is it... far worse?"

Although he also covets the power contained in this gem of the father of the gods, compared to the possible backhands left in it, Furious decided to use it as a consumable and take a look at it.

"Hurry up and stop him!!!"

Nozdormu, who had always been very calm like an outsider, finally couldn't hold back at this moment. With a roar, he sprayed the dragon's breath with the passage of time towards the rage.

Fury is right, his Sand of Time is a gift from Aman'Thul's power, and the power of the Pillar of Creation, which also contains part of Aman'sul's power, is completely uninterrupted by his Sand of Time.

If he was in his prime, he might be able to compete with the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul, but after letting the dragon's soul take away part of his power...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Finally, Neltharion couldn't help but let out a crazy laugh. In his opinion, just seeing Nozdormu, the never-fading brother, was shocked this time, and he was already greatly satisfied!

But even so, Neltharion was merciless, and the scorching dragon flame with void energy cooperated with the attack of the earth element, sealing all the space around the rage.

And the rage that completely liberated his Titan body also began to unleash his power!

The completely purified fel energy burns the flame of entropy, and the terrifying power that touches it is the presence of withering in this enchantment that is gradually collapsing to block time.

The entropic flame sword easily blocked Neltharion's breath, and Nozdormu's breath of time, which accelerated the passage of time, was useless in the face of the eternal titan body.

He shot Nozdormu down with a death finger in his backhand, and swung his giant sword with a wild laugh to form a ball with Deathwing. Obviously, the Elementium Armor on Deathwing's body could not defend against such pure fel energy.

The fighting between one person and one dragon is extremely crazy, and the battle between giants does not need to tell any skills. It's just that the ground of Northrend is trembling and collapsing, and the aftermath of the battle is not a powerful aftermath, which makes an entire continent face the crisis of disintegration.

Ysera tried to weave a dream to drag the rage into it. If it was Ysera's own power, it would not be able to shake the powerful spirit of the rage.

However, this is Azeroth. For Dreamweavers, it doesn't matter if you can't beat him, just shake people!

"All beings in the Emerald Dream, give me your power!!!"

Ysera unhesitatingly activated the power of linking the wild gods in the Emerald Dream. In an instant, Ursoc, Iona, Goldrinn, these wild demigods responded to the call instantly, covering countless powerful spiritual bodies on Yseh. Pull the soul above.

In an instant, the furious soul was dragged directly into the mind plane of Azeroth by Ysera, the pure and natural emerald dream!

And the Spell Weaver would not let this opportunity go. Malygos, who rushed forward, first blew up Neltharion, who was severely injured by the half-armor of the Furious Slasher, and instantly began to build and banish the Furious. Azeroth's grand spell, he will banish this **** into the dark sea of ​​darkness!

"Devil's lackey, go to the end of the Xinghai and repent of your stupidity!"

"Good job Ysera, hold him!!!"

Nozdormu swooped anxiously into the chasm full of pure fel energy, and he didn't care about his own injury and the danger of falling into the pure fel environment. The Eye of Aman'Thul!

The fiery fel energy scorched Nozdormu's body, and what was even worse was the power that eroded the sands of time that protected him - and the dragon's roar came from below, gradually clear!

Galakrond's awakening is very close!

When Fury opened his eyes again, he was in a forest of unparalleled peace, beautiful and dreamy—but not at all safe.

Without the need to perceive, he could clearly understand the deep malice that this jade dream had towards him.

He changed back to his beautiful high elf form, wearing Ysera's clothes that could be described as sensational and revealing, and looked at the furious spirit body in front of him with anger and disbelief.

"You, are you really a human?!"

Even the well-informed Queen of Dreams had to admit that it was the first time she saw such a situation. How could it be a human being who was so blessed by Sargeras for harnessing such pure fel energy?

And even so, his soul didn't show the crazy chaotic posture after being overly eroded by fel energy?

"Human? Hehehe... This name is not appropriate anymore."

The fury, who was tightly bound by the vines woven by the power of the Emerald Dream, smiled happily, as if unaware that his body was facing the danger of being exiled to the end of the starry sky.

"Queen of dreams, how dare you bring me into this dream of pure thinking, I don't know whether to call you brave...or stupid."

"Put down your arrogance! This is the Emerald Dream, and your evil power can't be brought here!"

The irritable wilderness demigod, Ursoc, the **** of the bear clan, roared violently, disdainful and angry.

"Really? Stupid demigod, have you forgotten the nightmare that eroded you?" Furious looked at the demigod with a pork-like look, and joked.

"You foolishly planted the World Tree in Northrend, and you foolishly didn't know what was buried in the World Tree that you linked to reality. You can't even resist the power of that trash N'Zoth, how dare you... I brought in here?"

Furious and low-pitched laughter spread in this tranquil emerald dream, and there were two more strange accents!

These voices reverberated in every being sleeping in the Emerald Dream, whether they were demigods or those night elf Druids, all of them were surprised to hear the strange sounds coming from their ears.

With the words of rage, the vines that wrapped around the rage's limbs suddenly turned into ashes and burned. He slowly stood up, with his feet as the center, the burning scorch marks quickly spread!

Ysera felt her scalp go numb for an instant, followed by a panic of chills in her limbs.

The other party is eroding the Emerald Dream! how can that be? How terrifying is his spirit in such an open and upright corrupted jade dream...

"Stop, villain!" The bear **** Ursoc was the first to charge, his roaring half-body transformed into a huge giant bear, able to easily shred the demon's grasp and slapped his furious head.

But in front of the fury, a person exactly like him suddenly appeared. He just glanced at it lightly, and then directly stopped the demigod's attack.

"Did you hear that? He called us humans!" Furious looked at his own body and laughed exaggeratedly and madly

"In a broad sense, I'm happy to call myself a human." Mu Feng flicked his fingers and easily knocked the huge demigod into the air, stretched his body, and smiled with relief and pleasure.

"But from a practical point of view, we are indeed already... not human."

"The Emerald Dream is a beautiful world of thinking, but it's a pity that here... is about to usher in bad pollution."

24. Emerald Dream

The Emerald Dream, also known as the Creation's Dream, is the blueprint for the future of Azeroth left by the Creation Titans.

The Emerald Dream, which lies on the surface of the physical boundary of the world of Azeroth, is a thriving and untouched forest that Azeroth should have developed into without the interference of intelligent races (such as technological advancement, urbanization, and warfare).

It can be said that the Emerald Dream is the original blueprint of Azeroth left by the titans - and it will also serve as a place for titan creation after reshaping the surface environment of Azeroth through the power of the furnace of origin in an 'emergency' We expect the redevelopment of Azeroth's blueprints.

This is a secondary plane that confuses thinking and reality. It can also be said to be a special subspace. Only druids who are close to the power of nature have the ability to visit this world in spirit in a dream, so as to gain more force of nature.

Different from the pure thinking virtual world created by Mu Feng, the existence of Jade Dream is very special. The half-plane that confuses illusory and reality, if you can further analyze this place, maybe Mu Feng can know the secrets of the world he is in more clearly.

But obviously, the Emerald Dream is not so easy to get.

Not to mention the green dragon army guarding here, the demigods of the wilderness, the endless night elf Druids, and the Titan guardian Freya who may support this place at any time are all very troublesome, each of them is not that powerful. , but together with the home game, at least they can be expelled from here by Mu Feng.

However, it is not difficult to spend time slowly encroaching on this place like N'Zoth, but unfortunately Mu Feng has no time, but they entertained themselves here so enthusiastically, how can they be worthy of their hospitality if they don't take something away?

"It is an extremely stupid idea to speculate on the essence of a person by appearance, but in fact, I am indeed not a human being."

Mu Feng relaxed his soul form, got rid of the shackles of the body, and he can fully show the posture of his soul!

A mass of indeterminate, changeable, eerie colors.

The wriggling colors, the changing shapes, and the sounds made are like crazy hymns. Just by looking directly at it, people feel that they have seen thousands of changes, and their reason and thinking have received a huge blow!

Those druids who came in a hurry didn't even have time to do anything. They just saw the essence of Mu Feng's soul, and in an instant they burned out their reason and screamed and fell into irrational madness.

"Ancient God?!" The horrified Ysera clearly recognized Mu Feng as another kind of thing.

"It's so rude, I'm not the same race as those creeping tentacle monsters?" Mu Feng's dissatisfied voice came from the creeping color, while Fury teased aside.

"I don't think this look is convincing. You should change it a little bit."

"Hmph, stupid brains and minds."

Mu Feng snorted lightly, and that group of ever-changing and eerie colors changed rapidly.

The squirming and changeable colors turned into a pure blue, from which extended a pair of slender blue wings, followed by a humanoid creature with some bluebird characteristics.

He holds an ancient staff of vicissitudes in his hand, and the runes of psionic mysteries and the truth of the universe rise and fall beside him. Although it is strange, it makes people feel at first sight. 'Smart' thinking.

"Ah, it really looks like this, you are a dead star if you don't play tricks - well, so am I."

Mu Feng ignored his half-body that said weird things, and stretched this body, in a sense, the posture of his soul that made him relatively comfortable.

"Lord Ysera, what the **** happened here?"

The great druid Malfurion, who came in a hurry, was first shocked by the tragic state of the essence of this emerald dream. The control of the dream was completely captured here, and it was no longer peaceful and peaceful. Natural meaning.

And many wild demigods actually gathered together at the same time, together with Ysera - such a scene only happened in the original ancient battle!

There is only destruction, change, and restlessness, like a mixture of countless thoughts.

"Malfurion, seal here with all the druids!" Ysera gave the order immediately

She doesn't know what the object in front of her is, but there is no doubt that his ability to corrode the Emerald Dream is no less than that of the ancient gods!

"You brought the guests here so impolitely, how can you simply reject us?"

With a malicious and cold smile, Mu Feng slowly raised his staff, and in an instant, a crystal-like brilliance covered everything around him.

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