And everything comes at a price. The stability of a totalitarian society is entirely based on totalitarian control. In a high-intensity surveillance environment, people in this country basically have little privacy at all. While high-intensity and high-density surveillance ensures that all evils are smothered in the bud, it also wipes out the freedom of many people.

It's not that Xiao D can't accept such a social structure. After all, everything has to pay a price. Moreover, based on her understanding of Mu Feng, it would have been a great act of kindness for him to be patient instead of directly killing all those who dared to resist and his entire family.

So it is because of this kind of 'kindness' that so many troubles have arisen.

Not to mention those who intend to overthrow the rule, and those who are sabotaging everywhere in the name of freedom. The disgusting ones are those who are instigated by those foreign human rights organizations.

There is no doubt that Zhanshi Technology is an absolutely right-leaning extremist organization in terms of political orientation. The country in the corporate guise can be said to be against totalitarianism and against this group of guys who engage in anti-racism, anti-sexism and egalitarianism all day long. Not deal with.

After all, the company basically puts inequality on the front. There is only one absolute ruler, and even if the rest are relatively equal, the overall structure is still unequal.

Efficiency is the first priority in everything, and absolute strength speaks - this kind of behavior was born with hatred against the group of Western White Left Virgins.

After the two world wars, anti-war and white-left thinking are deeply rooted in the hearts of the West, and in various senses have even become a strange custom. Politics is kidnapped by the direction of the wind, so it is bound to be the enemy of its opposite.

The existence of Zhanshi Company is like beating all the existences with white left face, so don't say that your life is not good, you have a good life and they have to make you bad.

Basically from the first day that the company took over Neon, countless human rights experts, environmental protection guards, and female boxing fighters all over the world attacked them all day long, and they still did not die after a few years.

Pulling banners, sitting in protest, throwing Molotov cocktails, etc., and inciting riots are all things to do.

And the politicians in those countries not only did not intend to retreat, but instead threw out the "neon status to be determined" statement, claiming that the country ruled by the company is not a country, it should be a nonsense such as a free zone...

If the normal process is followed, Mu Feng should explain, hold a press conference, and then go on with the whole diplomatic process.

But it's a pity that he doesn't have the patience, and he doesn't want to play tricks with a bunch of stupid X.

Mu Feng was about to go to the wrong world at that time, so he simply handed over the authority to the red queen, and handed over the containment measures to Xiao D and Yan Ye, and the red queen's way of dealing with it was simpler and more direct.

If you catch the leader, you will be executed domestically, and those abroad will be directly executed for the crime of turmoil. Thorough network and media control and news monitoring will be implemented across the whole country, and the Arasaka security team will be directly dispatched. The mighty arrests were made within a week

More than 13,000 democratic human rights fighters and editor-in-chief journalists were deployed, and all foreigners who came to die in the name of humanitarianism were expelled.

Well, deportation here means throwing them a kayak and putting it straight into the open ocean.

After doing this, the Western media attacked them like crazy, and politicians who were caught up in public opinion also began to move about.

Never trust the integrity or sanity of this bunch of politicians and the army under capitalism.

Then the red queen grabbed the answer in front of everyone.

The aerospace carrier 'Kunpeng' was launched directly into the air, carrying eight nuclear fusion bombs to the coast of Hawaii. At the same time, the mechanical charioteer fleet sailed into the high seas, and at the same time cut off all links to the second world in the west.

Now even the most hawkish Western politicians are dumbfounded.

The Palm World Company is also playing with capital, but it does not play according to the rules of the game at all. For example, the three-band-two was thrown here, and the table was lifted directly and the gun was drawn.

Although the 'Destruction Demon Sword' was removed, it did not prevent Mu Feng's weapons from being able to shuffle this human society once or twice.

Based on logic like this, the Red Queen will not and cannot give in half a step. Either they get out, or the world war begins!

This time, even the East Asian Alliance, which is on the sidelines, has begun to end up as a peacemaker, and the Westerners have withdrawn their arrangements while stubborn. As for protests? The Neon embassy is now strictly speaking, it is at most the embassy of the former government in exile...

But there is no doubt that such a company that does not follow the rules will naturally be isolated, and even domestic people have many dissatisfied people who are incited.

The Red Queen proposed a strategy of violent bombardment and **** cleansing, but Ye and Xiao D rejected it immediately - according to the Red Queen's plan, at least those who clean seven figures can get the "Shunmin" in the Red Queen's standard.

Obviously, the logic and character of Mu Feng in the calculation of the red queen is like this, but she obviously forgot to calculate another important feature of Mu Feng——

She forgot to count Mu Feng as a human being... stingy.

These neon people are all his property, there is no real garbage in this world, only misplaced resources. Although these flies are very noisy, their souls can at least be used as sage stones.

However, in any case, on the basis that the expectations of the Red Queen have not been realized, there is now a troublesome situation.

There's always batch after batch of brains kicked and burned by donkeys, and self-righteous idiots launching so-called 'freedom resistance'

The reasons are all sorts of strange, why not let machines rule over human beings, why for the freedom of human beings, and why the future of the big nuclear nation is Balabala...

I don't know why, although there are a lot of abandoned houses under the general environment, there are always a few guys who think they are the protagonists of Hollywood movies.

Some of them really have a little bit of ability, maybe because there are so many guys in the fragments that Mu Feng's predecessor integrated into this world... In short, it is not easy to deal with.

And the reason why he couldn't pay it all for so long was because Xiao D, as a compatriot, was not ruthless enough to deal with this group of people. It's useless to just kill the leader. If it was Mu Fenglai, it would definitely be to catch a flesh and blood factory with his whole family.

Not being ruthless enough, or not being ruthless enough to meet the standard, is the root cause of Xiao D's deep involvement in dealing with this group of garbage affairs.

"Forget it, you will speak." Little D sighed, turned and left the laboratory

She doesn't want to waste time here, anyway, this idiot will tell all the truth himself under the truth potion.

Back in the office, Xiao D lay motionless on the chair, she knew that trouble would come to her door soon after she rested.

No, she hadn't rested for a few minutes when her helper and security captain, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu pushed the door and entered.

"Minister, I can't rest yet~"

"Where was the bomb attacked again?" Xiao D took off the towel from his face and said with a black thread on his face

"Or are some idiots here trying to rescue their accomplices?"

"Neither, it's news from the headquarters." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu handed over the projection board in his hand with a strange expression that he didn't know how to describe.

"This is..." Little D's eyes narrowed slightly.


M78 Nebula

ps: Ask for tickets every day, and ask for tickets for the two-in-one chapter!

Chapter 7. The mastermind behind world peace

"It's easy to run over an ant, but it's very difficult to walk over it without dying."

Looking at the bustling Tokyo under the neon night, Mu Feng put his hands behind his back and said indifferently.

"What do you think? Sato."

"Boss, I can only crush ants, but I won't step on them." Sato, who was standing behind Mu Feng, replied with a smile.

Axiu, who was hiding in the dark and wanted to do things, was sneaked over by Yakumo Ziti, so naturally Sato, who was prepared to do things under Axiu's hands, was also thrown over as a gift of apology.

To be honest, this guy is not a problem. Although he has the ability and brain, it is unlikely that he wants to do big things without the resources. Under Axiu's hands, he can be a good helper in provoking war, but in Mu Feng's place ...

He is more valuable.

But with the support of Mu Feng, this old guy's ability to do things... probably can rise several levels.

"I have a job for you to do." Mu Feng turned around and said lightly.

"I can't guarantee you'll survive when you're done, but I can guarantee it's big enough and fun enough."

This indestructible old man is an uncompromisingly pleasurable criminal who is not afraid of dying in order to play games for fun. That being the case, Mu Feng gave him the game he wanted and let him play his full role. .

"What do you want me to do?" Sato said neatly

Although he once betrayed Mu Feng, Sato had to admit that the man in front of him was definitely his best boss when it came to doing things.

Originally, he planned to follow Axiu to play a 'Call of Duty'. The ICBM was originally intended to be dropped in the French chicken or the capital of the Song Dynasty, to maximize the shadow of the world war, and he could play it. A real-life COD that covers the whole world.

But he planned to go bankrupt, and he had no choice. Since the former boss thought he was still useful, Sato had no reason to refuse.

"The target of your mission this time is New York." Mu Feng said lightly

"I need you to stir up release something."

He opened his hand gently, and there was a culture jar in the empty palm, which contained dark things like mycelium

"Is this some kind of virus weapon?" Sato asked with interest

"This is a weapon called the black light virus." Mu Feng said indifferently

"But it's not a complete virus, but a product that fuses E mycelium -- it's closer to a fungal infection than a weapon."

"I want you to take this to Wall Street and make sure it's attached to the target."

"This is really a good task." Sato took the culture jar with a smile and tilted his head.

"Speaking of which, boss, you have spent so much trouble, what do you want to do in the end?"

Sato didn't think Mu Feng did this to provoke a war, because it was obvious that he had a smarter choice.

Mu Feng did not speak, because he did not intend to provoke a war.

Provoking a war is not difficult for him at all, and even defeating all powerful enemies with his own power to 'rule the world' is not much difficult.

Those who know him call him the "King of Humans", because they all know that this guy who started planning the world a long time ago will be able to achieve this sooner or later.

It's nothing more than an apparent issue or just a substantive issue.

"Sato, you must have played a lot of sci-fi games, right? Tell me, in those games, what would make the collective cooperation between two people who had a dog's brain not long ago?"

"...I think I understand what you mean." Sato smiled clearly.

Using external wars to transfer internal conflicts is always a trick. In the face of a powerful foreign enemy, facing the oppression of survival, even deeply estranged individuals and even countries have the possibility to cooperate.

Of course, there will definitely be a group of leading parties with brains, but that's not the point - the only problem of lack of unity is that the oppression is not deep enough.

Create a non-existent alien like the Pharaoh of "Watchmen" to force the end of the Cold War and make world peace, although it is full of fairy tale romance, but it is already the only feasible solution that can achieve 'world peace' for this purpose.

And in this process, people will inevitably die, millions, even hundreds of millions of lives. Use these deaths to arouse the common hatred and sense of crisis of human beings, so as to achieve the conditions for integration.

World 0013 is Mu Feng's palm, and it is also an important element that he is about to integrate into his own world. If possible, he hopes to achieve this worldview goal of 'world unification' before fusion.

He really didn't want to worry about so many stupid things after he was promoted. The big world, the universe, the planes waiting to be developed, but the stupid situation of fighting for a stone in his own quagmire.

Although he could use the mind rewriting of the STEM device to indirectly achieve this goal, he didn't really want to turn the whole world into his own puppet.

Spiritual influence is possible, and proper control is also possible, but if the entire human beings are turned into their own puppets, then the development of the future will naturally be impossible to talk about.

STEM devices can only be used as an auxiliary function to modify the underlying consciousness to achieve emotional interference. Human beings still need external pressure to force the groups that disperse hatred with powerful enemies to forcibly merge.

Then, Mu Feng has to imitate the practice of Pharaoh.

Create a non-existent "enemy" and force the fusion of humanity at the cost of countless lives. Solidify this solidarity over a decades-long process, allowing them to finally defeat the enemy.

The fine control required in this is much more troublesome than the Pharaoh's approach, because in order to control the measurement, he also has to cut off the dead branches such as the capitulation faction that have emerged in the human community.

Freedom is the greatest gift given by the Creator to mankind, but it is also the biggest shackle that restricts human progress. Excessive freedom has added many unreasonable groups to human society. They are unnecessary and should be cut off as 'negative assets'

And the first negative equity to be cut is the insatiable vampires on Wall Street.

Mu Feng has no particular malice towards capitalists, after all, his perspective on the world is completely different. They are all sheep in his sheepfold, but some are good sheep and some are bad boys.

The Wall Street capitalists headed by the mixed-race family and the cowboy Henkel are greedy and greedy. They obviously obtained the promise and technology of longevity from Mu Feng, but they still crave more.

They wanted to swallow Mu Feng whole in one bite. If he hadn't shown the ability to drag the whole world into the flames of war, everyone would perish together, these greedy evil spirits would have already attacked him.

Although it is not impossible to oppress the past with a swaying general trend, the best situation is to let the troubles disappear inside.

And Mu Feng also needs a little bit of buffer time - because he hasn't found a real 'foreign enemy'

An enemy strong enough that all rogues must unite to deal with it, such a role can be played like an alien, but the degree of strength needs to be measured.

If possible, Mu Feng even hopes to have a target that can be 'rehearsal' to do some experiments.

There will be a lot of invader legions prepared, and in fact he has already prepared several. But again, the degree may be a little too far.

He needs time to test, to prepare. This is different from other worlds where you just leave when you are done, and it is your precious property in the future. And he did not intend to waste these empty window periods, but to cut off some dead branches and rotten leaves.

Black gloves like Sato are not necessarily easy to use, but they can get rid of a lot of trouble. When necessary, remove it.

"You are really ambitious." Sato said with admiration.

"I am very willing to fulfill your grand wishes!"

This is pure nonsense, and Sato just wants to have fun when he fulfills his grand wish.

"Then let's go, don't waste time here." Mu Feng sat back and said indifferently

Sato smiled and shrugged, picked up the culture jar and left. After he left, the shadow in the room suddenly shrank, revealing a scarlet eye and a **** mouth.

"The virtues of those lizardmen are still the same."

said arrogantly

"They still collected some body samples of that reincarnator and went back to study. Dogs can't change a bunch of idiots who eat SHI."

Even if this group of mixed races study Umbrella's legacy, it is really boring for that reincarnation person to dare to study it casually.

Not to mention the black light virus, viruses produced in large numbers from other worlds have many unreasonable and powerful properties, and because of the subtle differences in the world, their proliferation often causes exponential damage.

"Keeping that group of trash will only hold you back." Mu Feng said coldly and ruthlessly.

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