"Lord Kahn's bones have suffered serious injuries, unless it is a potion produced by God Mih, otherwise..."

"Really? That's a pity." Ares sighed regretfully, but it was limited to that.

The God of War is no longer interested in Kahn. His eyes have been focused on the giant, the monster that can bring him more wars and victories!

The generals next to you didn't seem so sad, because God's favor is like that. They used blood and fire to win Ares' favor, but if you can't do it, the God of War will naturally not set his sights on you.

"The whole army retreats three kilometers and camps to rest! We will know the result at midnight tonight."


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 5. Betrayal

Under the 'protection' of the guards, Marius, with his hands bound, was taken outside King Fritz's room.

The family of God Ymir was indeed better at building than their Lagia people. You can see that even if they are about to perish, the royal family of this country still lives in such a magnificent palace.

Marius looked mockingly at the splendid corridor and the jewel-encrusted door, but his heart was already settled.

His army and gods did better than Marius imagined! Next, it was his turn to perform.

After waiting for ten minutes, Marius was ushered into King Fritz's room, and this stupid diplomatic psychological oppression made Marius sneer.

"I dealt with the official business at hand and neglected His Royal Highness Marius. I'm really sorry."

Looking at King Fritz, who was still pretending at one end of the long table, Marius sneered and said unceremoniously.

"Really? But I'm very curious. His Majesty Fritz can still handle official business now?"

King Fritz's face suffocated, anger appeared in his eyes, he clenched his fists and was silent for a moment, then said coldly.

"Go out!"

The maids and guards who obeyed the order immediately filed out, leaving only Marius and King Fritz. The former seemed more relaxed and indifferent, sitting on the bench and even arrogantly put his legs on the long table.

"Looks like you still don't understand your situation, Marius."

King Fritz's hand creaked, and said coldly.

"But isn't His Majesty Fritz already aware of his situation?" Marius smiled half mockingly.

"That secret weapon of yours still seems to have failed."

"It's just a temporary failure." King Fritz said coldly

"Ymir has nothing to do with it. She said that as long as she rests, she can go back to fight. But how many magic swords do you have? And this time, she won't be hit again."

"Really?" Hearing this, Marius laughed even more presumptuously

"But you know, King Fritz. Your country is not a country of divine grace, and that Ymir is not a family of a god, but he possesses such power as a dungeon monster. If such a thing spreads to Europe Larry, what will happen to you?"

Fritz's face tightened, but he couldn't refute Marius' words at all.

If it is said that a country such as Lagia or Douguo has the blessing of gods, then there is room for explanation for having these extra-standard powers. But without the protection of the gods, it seems to have behavior like a captive monster. Once it spreads to Orari, which is not far from here, the situation will be bad.

Ouranos is the main **** of the guild, but as the first **** to come, every **** must obey the rules he made. And he has the power to send his family to solve this strange and unstable factor.

And even if you take 10,000 steps back and say that God Uranos has not expressed his opinion on this matter, other great families will probably be very curious about this strange 'giant'.

Every man is innocent, but he is guilty! Without the protection of the gods, Azodia was wrong to have such power.

"And even if you take ten thousand steps back, King Fritz. Your country was victorious under the leadership of that girl named Ymir. Have you figured out what to do?"

Looking at the moving King Fritz, Marius immediately pursued his victory and followed suit.

"Your royal family's claim to rule Azodia exists as a descendant of the head of the family of Ymir, but now there is a living 'Ymir family', do you think your throne is still secure? ?"

As early as at the banquet, Marius had noticed that many of the nobles in Azodia who were seriously dissatisfied with King Fritz's behavior had plans to support Ymir.

Although Lagia is an iron-blooded military country, there are not too many places involving power struggles. The struggle between nobles and kingship, as the prince and the first heir, Marius is all too familiar.

"Whether that little girl wants to or not, she can easily take your place when surrounded by other nobles. And even with the strength at hand, can you compare to her?"

During Marius's heartbreaking remarks, King Fritz's expression kept changing. As Marius said, this result...he must not accept it!

He would rather his country perish than see his throne usurped by others!

Seeing that the time was right, Marius immediately offered a condition

"King Fritz, as long as you surrender to Lagia and hand over that girl. We promise to make an offer that you cannot refuse." Marius put his feet down and said gently.

"As the first heir to the kingdom, I can vouch for you with my honor. We can return half of the city and let Azodia exist as a vassal of our Lagia. You will be favored by the **** Ares, and the same Yes, as long as the **** Ares is there, we will protect and recognize the rule of your Fritz royal family. We can also help you clear the aristocratic opposition in the country. I can even marry your daughter as a princess. ,what do you think?"

King Fritz's face changed constantly, tangled and hesitant, and his palms were trembling.

But in the end, he nodded slowly.

An incomparable smile instantly appeared on Marius' face. He walked over, held King Fritz's hand affectionately, and laughed loudly.

"You made a wise decision!"


At midnight, a group of knights took advantage of the darkness to sneak out of the city with a cloth bag.

What was in that cloth bag was Azodia's only hope and 'hero' right now, the sleeping Ymir.

It was the two sons of King Fritz who carried out this task. This task must not be known to anyone in the city of Roselle. Only the most trusted people should do it.

"Brother Wang, is it really good for your father to do this?"

The third prince glanced at Ymir, who was sleeping in the cloth bag, was silent for a moment, and asked the eldest prince in front of him.

"Have we just abandoned the family of God Ymir and the citizens who trusted us?"

"What else can I do?" The eldest prince glanced at his brother coldly and said in a rough voice.

"Or do you want to be caught by those brutal and savage Lagia people like the second child, and then strung on a gun?"

The third prince's expression suffocated, and he remembered the cruel scene. The second prince captured by Lagia was brutally impaled directly before the two armies. It was also that time, which completely scared their father's courage.

They quickly crossed the plain, entered the forest, and soon came to the place where the Lagia army was camped.

There were no guards in front of the camp, only the three generals who had been waiting here for a long time and Ares, who were waiting here as if they had expected it.

"Your Majesty Ares, I am..."

The eldest prince rolled over and dismounted, with a flattering smile just about to introduce himself, but Ares ignored him at all, walked directly to the cloth bag, and couldn't wait to open him

"That's right, it's her, it's her right!"

Ares's expression was incomparable joy and love. He saw his best family, which would be the best help for him to counterattack Orari!

The eldest prince stood up in embarrassment and wanted to say something, and a general issued an order to expel the guests without leaving.

"Take care of His Royal Highness Marius, if you, the Fritz royal family, want to continue a century of peace, be honest!"

With embarrassment and helplessness on his face, the eldest prince could only turn his head and leave. They handed over their country's only weapon, the only weapon that could turn the tables.

Before leaving, the third prince turned his head, looked at Ymir who was carefully carried away by Ares, and sighed faintly.

The country is weak and can only be bullied by others...

They left along the way they came, but at the entrance of this forest, a tall red-robed man stopped them.

"Get out of here!!!"

The eldest prince, who was in a very bad mood, roared and took out the accompanying sword from his waist and rushed over without stopping. Although he shouted to let the person blocking the road go away, he slashed the sword to cut off the head of the person blocking the road.

The man in red robe smiled lowly, his fingers slightly outlined.

The charging eldest prince instantly fell into a pool of 'black mud' on the bottom of his feet, but it was not a quagmire, but a liquid-like shadow!

"Ah! What is this! Let go of me, let go..."

The eldest prince was engulfed by this shadow in the screaming struggle, this scene almost scared everyone behind him!

"You, what are you!" The third prince drew out his sword and said in a trembling voice

The liquid shadows quickly reassembled into a human shape, a tall figure in a red robe, and the electronic sound sneered as the steam emanated from the red robe.

"Hehehehe, didn't you guys still say that I'm your 'Ymir God'? Why, didn't you recognize me in the blink of an eye?"

The third prince was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of incredible expressions.

"You, you are God Ymir?!"

"Of course not." Arrogantly mockingly denied himself

"If it's a god, it won't kill you precious 'chess pieces', but to put it another way, you are also quite precious to me... 'resources'."

He snapped his fingers gently, and the shadows that erupted under his feet instantly engulfed the team of cavalry. Amidst their wailing and struggles, the eyes of the mechanical body burst out with a terrifying red light.

After a while, Arrogance spit out all of them, but there was an imperceptible puppet color in their eyes.

"Here's her share of the diluted waste, use it up... Then hand me a satisfactory application certificate."

Arrogant sneered and threw the spinal fluid in his hands. Each of them took the spinal fluid and injected it into his body without hesitation.

"Go, go back to your city."

"Tonight, it will be very lively."


M78 Nebula

ps: Ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 6. The God-Loved War

Ymir had a very bad nightmare.

In her nightmare, she repelled Lagia's army, and she was asked to marry King Fritz and fight for him. Then at a victory banquet many years later, assassins from the surrendering country killed her at the banquet.

She died, and was ruthlessly asked by King Fritz to stand up, but she couldn't. So... her flesh and blood was divided among her own children.

This nightmare is very long, even too real, too bad...

"No, no!!!"

Ymir screamed and straightened up, she gasped in horror, but what frightened her even more was that she wasn't in her room at all.

This is an unfamiliar tent, and she is lying on a camp bed that has been folded several layers...

"Hahahahahaha, my lovely giant finally woke up!"

Immediately afterwards, a burst of hearty laughter came from the opened tent, and a red-armored male **** with blond hair, handsome and god-like came excitedly to Ymir's bed.

"Who are you?" Ymir stepped back to the edge of the bed, put his finger on his mouth, and asked in panic.

"I'm Ares, the **** of war, the guardian of Lagia." Ares didn't care that Ymir was about to transform at any time, he walked over and grabbed Ymir's shoulders excitedly.

"How about you being the head of my family?"

Ymir had a blank expression on her face. She didn't know the name of the **** Ares, but she knew what a family was--isn't it the nobles of Azodia?

Only the descendants of the family of the **** Ymir in the past are eligible to become nobles, and the king can only inherit the blood of Fritz, the head of the family of the **** Ymir.

The handsome-looking man in front of him was a god, and Ymir had no doubts about that.

Even if his divine power is cut off and his own perfection is sealed, the feeling brought by a **** is completely different from that of a human being.

The generals behind Ares looked a little weird, because strictly speaking, the king of their Lagia, Martius, is the current head of the family of Ares.

This willful God of War so bluntly deprived the king of the position of the head of the family, no matter from any point of view... it is extremely inappropriate.

"I, I am the family of God Ymir..." Ymir said weakly

"Come on, you don't have any gift from the gods!" Ares mercilessly exposed Ymir's 'lies'

"You are not the family of the gods at all, so come and be my family! I can give you anything you want! Why sacrifice your life for that stupid country that sold you off?"

"Sell... sell it" Ymir's expression froze on her face, she lowered her head and whispered

A dangerous aura gradually spread over Ymir's body, Ares also froze in place, Ymir's whole body once again shone with the aggregation of energy, and at this moment——

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