Fubuki secretly looked at the group of evil stars who shouted terrifying battle roars and swaggered through the city to kill and kill, and the idea of ​​going up immediately fell in his heart.

But she didn't just slip away like that. There was no threat of weirdos and hybrids for the time being. She immediately mobilized the Fubuki team to bring the affected people out of the most dangerous area of ​​City A as much as possible.

As a superhuman, her poor sense of disaster premonition is still on the alert, and she always feels that something worse has not happened.

Yeah, worse things haven't started yet.

"This transformation... it's really too good."

Dr. Kinos looked at the Scarlet Vest Association raging on the ground in City A, and smashed his tongue, but the work at hand did not stop at all.

It's almost time to get the first machine out.

The current situation is just right. The heroes of the Vest Association are chasing and killing the group of weirdos to leave City A, and the main force of the Hero Association who is trapped in City Z has no time to intervene here.

And on Mufeng's side, he also said that he had sent both King and Saitama over.

The moment to contain that troublesome bald head is now.

"Are you ready, Kaoban Kyosuke, it's time to dispatch."

There was no response, only the firm will that spread along with the AT position of the first unit.

"Very good, then—" Dr. Kinos hovered his hand on the red button, and said in a tone of suppressed excitement.

"The first step in the human completion plan, it has begun!"

Not far in front of the Heroes Association headquarters, a construction site that was undergoing reconstruction due to damage slowly cracked open, revealing the bottomless steel silo below.

The violent tremor caused a group of heroes and citizens gathered near the headquarters of the association to feel their center of gravity unsteady, looking at the direction of the source of the earthquake like a frightened bird.

What happened again? Is there anything else coming this time?

The hybrids that were raging in the city seemed to be summoned, flapping their wings and flying into the sky with their pseudo-long guns, connected to each other into a circle, constantly circling and spinning.

Snake Fist Snake looked at the mixture of vultures circling in circles in the air with anxiety. The pictures that seemed to be full of religious rituals made him and most of the people feel, 'The big one is coming. '

'Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken, Tochteraus Elysium...'

An incomparable symphony sound suddenly sounded on Snake's mobile phone. Not only him, but all the playback devices in City A that could be connected to the Internet suddenly began to play the same movement.

Most people don't recognize classical music before the World War, and only a few people who have studied classical music theory or have a wealth of knowledge recognize this song and the lyrics in this soon-forgotten German language.

Dr. Kinos closed his eyes, the index fingers of both hands swayed gently like a baton, and he hummed the tune of Ode to Joy, as if he was conducting a solemn concert.

What happened next, like the scene of Judgment Day in ancient mythology, was naturally accompanied by solemn and solemn music.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

With an indescribable panic, Snake kept pressing his phone to stop the **** music, but he couldn't do it. Driven by his extreme irritability, he smashed his phone with one punch. .

However this was of no use.

From every corner of the city, in all directions, countless solemn and solemn sounds of music converged into a river, flowing through the sky and resounding through the burning city.

The people who survived the odds and disasters raised their heads in confusion and looked at the mixture of mysterious rituals that hovered in the sky.

The giant wrapped in purple-blue armor shot into the sky with electromagnetic light from the orbit of the ejection port, hovering under the swirling circle of the hybrid. In that dark sky, this tens of meters tall, slender giant robot gave people an indescribable sense of holiness.

His right hand holds this scarlet pseudo-Longinus gun that is several times higher than this machine. The shape of the tuning fork does not look like a weapon suitable for combat.

This EVA is not for fighting, it's just a ritual machine.

For Kenos, it's just a machine for testing and experimentation, and for Mufeng, it's just a tool for delaying Saitama.

And for Kyosuke, this... is his only chance to save the one he loves.

The panoramic and transparent cockpit gave a sweeping view of the entire burning city. With his hands on the controller, Kyousuke breathed softly, and there was still the last bit of hesitation in his blood-red eyes.

The cockpit was filled with the familiar smell of Kyosuke, and when he closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to hear Kirino's voice.

He knew very well that it was just his own delusion, just an auditory hallucination transmitted into his mind through the LCL solution.

But this also strengthened his whole mind.

His heart is just that of an ordinary person, but it is precisely because of this that he can make heroic sacrifices, and he can also make atrocities that villains will do anything to achieve their goals.

In order to save other innocent people, he had indirectly killed his younger sister who should have been saved, so now, in order to save his own younger sister, he can make more people... 'sacrifice'!

The last trace of confusion was clear, and Kyosuke, who had firmed up all his will, released his AT position!

In an instant, scarlet blood-colored brilliance spread all over the body like veins, and the mouth as a restraint opened, and in that silent roar, an incomparably sacred halo emerged above his head!

This scene full of religious ritual and mystery is like a miracle!

Under City A, the mentally and physically exhausted people who had been devastated by many cups of disaster chose to kneel down towards the nameless giant in the sky, clasping their hands together and praying.

The gods they ask for may be completely different, and the goals of their beliefs may be completely opposite, but this does not prevent them from pouring their beliefs into something they don't understand at all.

Religion is such a thing, and sometimes you don't even need to understand the teachings and reasons. The wooden idols holding up the altar are just things used to hold the soul.

On the outskirts of City A, Fubuki, who was evacuating from City A with several citizens in passenger cars, became more and more anxious!

"Accelerate, get out of here quickly!"

Fubuki was unceremonious and could even be said to be hurriedly urging, and her mental power issued a strong warning to her that something terrible was about to happen.

"let's start!"

Jingsuke took a deep breath, and the huge EVA clenched the fake gun with both hands, slowly raised it, and aimed the sharp rear at the part where the artificial S2 mechanism was placed.

Then, stab hard! ! ! !

Severe stinging pain exploded on Jingsuke's brain nerves, accompanied by lingering pain all over his body, but what was even more terrifying was the spread of 'consciousness' that followed.

The completed shock can't be triggered by trying to trigger it. If it is in the original EVA, the shock condition must be satisfied by the party who owns Lilith or Adam.

The combination of the apostle who is part of Adam's soul and Adam can cause a shock, and the human being, who is the son of Lilith, comes into contact with Adam, and it can cause a shock. The first machine, which is a replica of Adam, is in contact with Ling Boli, who carries Lilith's soul, and it can be completed. In the new theatrical version, the first machine and the thirteenth machine, which are suspected to be one of Adam, have come into contact with the core of the apostle. All the conditions can be completed directly.

But aside from the mystical elements in it, Dr. Kinos, who has conducted an internal analysis of the AT position and even self-experimented, has long figured out what the essence of the so-called completion is.

That's just a result of tracing the origin. The genetic sequence containing human DNA is in contact with the genetic sequence of the apostle, and under the condition of meeting certain conditions and wavelengths, the special DNA-sized biotype from the S2 agency can be obtained. The AT stance extended from the superconducting coil and released from the spiritual union

There will be a qualitative reversal, from the original "rejection" to "acceptance", which is the so-called anti-AT position.

In fact, every single apostle has the ability to complete the combination of anti-AT positions within a certain range. They tried to contact Adam only to integrate Adam to complete the evolution to a higher level of life. Of course, in the process, there will be a lot of Widespread biological extinction due to the proliferation of anti-AT positions.

But the completion plan of human beings is no different from the completion of the apostles, and it will also cause large-scale biological extinction. After all, human beings are also a member of the apostles. The difference is only that one will spread humans in it, and the other will allow humans to survive in another form.

And Lilith is essentially a kind of 'special creature' like Adam. The zero machine made as its replica can release the AT position. This reversal of the positive and negative AT position itself is the addition or subtraction of the same kind of spiritual power. Just the law.

There are no magical legends. After the essence of things is turned into science, it will appear unromantic at all, leaving only cold data.

So for Dr. Kenos, even if he doesn't have any of Adam and Lilith on hand, with the apostle embryos and a large number of Nebuchadnezzar's keys obtained by his epoch-making gene cloning technology, it is enough to complete the condition. .

If it is said that human completion is a gun, an artificial apostle EVA artificially shaped based on apostle embryos is a gun and bullets, and a high board Jingsuke, which integrates apostle cells as a half apostle, is the trigger, and that itself has the The artificial Longinus gun with the anti-AT stance is the firing pin.

The gun of Longinus itself is a product with an anti-AT stance. It is a 'residue' after the birth and separation of human beings from Lilith's body. The wavelength of the anti-AT stance of the Squirrel Spear didn't match Lilith's soul.

Only the spear of Longinus, which was transformed into the wreckage of the accompanying human beings, is the soul wavelength that matches the overall completion of human beings, and can be used like a key to unlock the system of the completion plan.

It can penetrate the AT stand because it is the product of the anti-AT stand, and while Dr. Kenos personally shaped this EVA, he has already used a lot of materials to make this EVA under the wavelength of the anti-AT stand. Put the dedicated finishing gun.

As a result, a condition for completing the plan that should not have been met was easily achieved in the hands of Dr. Kinos.

Of course, the nature of such completion is definitely not as 'spectacular' as human completion, nor does Adam have the mighty momentum of covering the planet with his own completion range. Due to the limited AT position of the material itself, the completion range can cover at most one The whole city A.

But this is enough. After absorbing a large number of 'souls' who voluntarily entered after completion, the AT position of these people who have lost their bodies will be further strengthened. close.

Quantitative changes have reached an extreme, and qualitative changes can still be induced!

At the moment when the huge EVA inserted the spear of Longinus into its core, the nature of the originally diffused AT position was suddenly reversed!

The hybrids hovering and dancing above the EVA made a singing sound. They were the first creatures to be transformed into the orange-red original soup material. Their artificially-made souls and AT stance were instantly integrated into the EVA. In the 'halo' above the head.

The next moment, the dazzling white halo suddenly spread in all directions, and the shining white turned into a huge vortex mixed with black and red, with seven colors at the core! ! !

The EVA in the center opened his arms, exuding a dazzling brilliance, like a giant composed of rays of light.

Done, start!

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————

ps: Ask for tickets every day!

Section 230 71. The soul returns to the resting place

"What the **** is that..."

Countless people stared blankly at the giant of light suspended in the blood-red vortex. The existence itself seemed to exude a deep seal and the identity of a 'god' in the history of human mythology all the time.

Snake Fist Snake's body trembled slightly, and he looked forward in disbelief, looking at the front that should have been empty.

He saw a lot of people, and saw a lot of familiar people, some passed away, some existed, some left him, and some could never be found again...

'Come on, accept us, let us be one...'

The invisible anti-AT stance swept across his body, and at the moment when his spirit relaxed, his whole body turned into an orange-red primordial soup substance, while his soul turned into a ball of light, leaping into the dazzling EVA. in the body.

Countless rays of light rose from every corner of the city, deep into the sky, in the blood-red vortex, like a child thrown into the arms of a mother.

The spirits of countless people are united, merged, and blended, and the AT position released by their souls disintegrated and entered the unified body.

This is the essence of mankind's completion plan, abandoning the physical body, allowing all souls to become one, and merging with each other in the spiritual world without each other, without you and me.

Not everyone who has completed the completion can find themselves. The reason why the humans in EOE can return from the sea of ​​completion is that Shinji Ikari, who is the trigger and core, rejected the real completion and reunification of human beings in the end.

The correct completion is to make all souls unite, make countless 1s become the only 1, and create a real 'God'

This is also why the United Nations Army, who really knows the truth for your theatrical version, will attack Nerv. No one is willing to give up their self, and no one is willing to give up their existence, just to integrate into a whole.

The light emanating from EVA spreads out like wings, blending with the vortex that covers the entire city of A.

The armor that limited the form began to lose its function, and the body that existed within it began to deify into nothingness. The EVA, who was imprisoned in human form, was returning to his original posture.

Connected with all things in the universe in the complementary energy vortex, it has become the energy carrier that carries the countless souls and thoughts.

In the tombs of the countless crosses of light soaring into the sky, 'God' is being born.

Countless souls, sad or happy, distressed or annoyed, with countless consciousness blending and becoming one, gradually dissolve their own "essence" as a person in the spirit that does not distinguish each other

What constitutes human self-knowledge? Is it memory? Is it emotion? But when blending souls, these will lose their meaning.

They still exist, but they are no longer with each other. Memory and emotion dissolve into each other, which is the fusion of souls.

And all of this is just to fulfill a person's wish.

The song resounding through the city has changed, from a solemn symphony to an ancient folk song that has been forgotten by history

wing をください

Gentle singing rang out in the corner of the city, but it was not from any electronic device, just the person who made the wish as the core, sang softly in the sea of ​​soul blending.

Countless souls sang along with it, and the fused consciousness spread under the influence of desire, and the vortex lingering on the head of the giant of light grew bigger and bigger.

Not for any ambition, nor for the beautiful vision of human beings becoming one, just a boy's wish to save his relatives.

This scene is the most gentle, the most beautiful, but also the most terrifying scene.

Completion is to obliterate, obliterate individuality, obliterate individuals, and finally achieve an overall horror story.

"Everyone, keep your minds! Don't think wildly, don't relax your spirits!!!"

On the outskirts of City A, Fubuki drove the bus in a bit of an embarrassment and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and shouted anxiously at the members of the Fubuki team in Saitama in the car.

Even if the range they are in is not the real coverage range of the anti-AT position released by the completed Garf Gate, even so, there are still people who have been forcibly 'completed'.

Look at the black suit stained with orange liquid lying on the passenger seat now, that is a man who was forcibly filled in front of Fubuki.

Fubuki was extremely anxious and even more frightened, she didn't even dare to look back, the existence of the core of that terrifying spiritual stance.

This is a power that is completely different from her elder sister Tornado. This spiritual power is full of tolerance, but it is precisely because it is full of tolerance that Fubuki feels heartfelt horror.

Even though Fubuki had stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, someone in the car was constantly being forced to 'complete', and their souls turned into rays of light and flew towards the giant of light.

No matter how Fubuki unleashed her superpowers, she couldn't stop those souls from pouring into the center of the vortex, being attracted and swallowed by the giant.

Fear, grievance, and sad tears rolled in Fubuki's eyes. She knew that the companions of Fubuki's group, whom she regarded as treasures, were being 'killed' one by one, and she was powerless to stop them.

But at this moment, her condition is definitely not good. The looming and expanding anti-AT stance was slowly eroding her spirit.

Before his eyes, he saw his mother, he saw his father, and he seemed to see all the members of the Fubuki group and all the friends he once had.

Those who exist, those who do not exist, those who have lost, and those who have never owned, all sent an invitation to Fubuki.

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