"Why did you hit him?"

the man asked quietly

"I don't think it's an exaggeration to kill a high school student's scum with something like this in their drinks."

Mu Feng threw the bag of dummies to the man, but his body tightened up and was ready to summon Dawn Qing's suit. This man gave him a feeling of furry all over his body.

The man took the bag, frowned slightly, and gave it to a black suit with glasses next to him, who opened the bag and smelled it, then nodded towards the man.

The faces of the big men in black suits changed, especially the owner of this instant zero hour, Masato Dadeji, who looked even more ugly like a dead man.

The man threw the bag in his hand up and down, turned his head to look at these guys in black suits, and said lightly.

"When has the Inuyama family been reduced to selling drugs in the nightclub next to the high school? Or to high school students?"

"Heaven...Mr. Tortoise, he is not from the Inuyama family. The boss of this kid is the team leader of the Inujin group. The elder brother of the group leader is an executor of the Inuyama family's subordinates, but they are not related by blood."

"Oh, it's really a complicated relationship."

The young man called Mr. Tortoise smiled half mockingly, shook his head, and said:

"What should your Inuyama family do if they catch such unruly people?"

"Selling illegal drugs, one gram per pound of meat." Dade Temple Yaren whispered

"Violating family rules, asking him to have his limbs, knowing the law and breaking the law, destroying his facial features, and attacking minors - he should go into the 'bath bucket'."

Mr. tortoise nodded, he was very satisfied with this way of handling, after all, it is not too much to deal with such a scum who has attacked minors.

Inujin Hayato was still trembling, Abis' curse and Daitokuji Masato's words made him so scared that he couldn't make any extra moves.

Mr. tortoise glanced at the indifferent Mu Feng with interest, there were very few - oh no, it should be said that there is basically no normal male high school student who would not change his face after hearing such a terrifying thing.

"What did you do to him?"

"It's nothing...it just hurts him a little bit."

Mu Feng shrugged, took out the strange dude from his arms and handed it over

"Oh, by the way, this is another thing I found from his arms. It is probably also a prohibited drug. In short, I will leave it to the reliable people."

Mr. Turtle took the syringe, squinted his eyes slightly, and his expression was a little solemn. He handed the syringe to the person next to him, and said after a moment of indifference.

"Before handling it, find out where he got this kind of thing, and... the dog gold group."

"It will be punished." Datokuji Yaren said with an expressionless face.

"Families who make mistakes should be punished by family rules, and our Inuyama family will never tolerate it."

Mr. tortoise nodded with satisfaction, then suddenly looked at Mu Feng, whose face was always indifferent, and said with interest

"You... very interesting. If you come across something interesting like this, make this call."

The black-eyed suit next to him handed over a business card, a pure black business card with only a phone number on it.

Mu Feng was a little hesitant, and now he feels that things are a bit exaggerated. He originally thought that there should be a big gang behind this nightclub, but it seems... bigger than he thought.

This style feels very TM wrong.

Even the system gave him a stab at this time.

"Change Yoshida Saki's life trajectory and get 1 evaluation point"

"Completely changed the entire life trajectory of 'Inujin Hayato', and indirectly caused some fluctuations in the world line, and obtained 20 evaluation points."


ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 21 20. God's Underworld

"Mr. Mu, this is our VIP gold card. Thank you for catching the black sheep here."

The elegant person from Dade Temple respectfully handed a gold card to Mu Feng, and he accepted the card with a numb expression, and the expression on his face gradually 'collapsed' after the group left.

and many more? What trouble has he gotten into!

That Yoshida Saki... Leaving aside, he doesn't know what he has changed, but in short, his current evaluation points have changed from 55 to 76!

Who is this dog golden falcon? What did you give him? How can you get 20 evaluation points for the effort of giving something - that trash-like thing is worth two four emperors?

No, no, calm down, first of all, the ratio of your own novice's evaluation of the abnormality of the world cannot be used as a normal evaluation standard.

Secondly, I am afraid that it is not the Inujin Hayato who caused the influence, but the young man called 'Mr. Tortoise'.

So who is this? The young master of the Yamaguchi group? Triad future successor? Or is he really the next emperor?

Damn it, how much trouble did you get yourself into! !

With a frantic and disturbed mind, Mu Feng maintained his indifference as if pretending to be on the surface, and returned to Gui Yanye's side.

By the way, Yoshida Saki was also called over, this black and straight beautiful girl stared at Mu Feng with a look of horror, as if she was looking at a super murderer.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's expression is extremely solemn, even Ying Lili, except for An Yilun, whose brain has been completely offline, except for Yan Ye, there is no longer a condescending expression, but a tacit understanding from Mu Fengyuan a little.

This guy...has something to do with the underworld! !

"Mu Jun... What did you say to that group of people?" Gui Yanye asked worriedly

Mu Feng got rid of the mess in his mind, looked at the people who were obviously more in awe of him, and said lightly.

"It doesn't matter, it's just to stab them about someone selling illegal drugs on their site."

"Illegal drugs?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu exclaimed

"Methamphetamine, methamphetamine, as it's commonly known, it's icydu."

Mu Feng squinted at Yoshida Saki who flinched like a rabbit, and said lightly.

"That scum named Inujin Falcon is going to put some sedatives and this stuff in your drink, first **** your mistress, then make you addicted to drugs, and finally make you have to go out to make money or make some biological science movies to make money. Buy medicine from him, and you will end up miserably in the end."

Yoshida Saki's eyes widened, and he couldn't even speak at a loss. It took a while for Aba Aba to say it.

"Mr Hayato...why did he do this?"

"To cheat your body and earn your money, idiot!" Mu Feng said mercilessly

"Grow your brain, use the few brains you have left, or go to the jungles of Uganda to play sumo wrestling with the orangutans there, and let their slaps slap your head violently to increase your IQ!"

"Would a normal girl go for a drink alone with a man who has 'I'm a gangster' written on his face at first glance? It's okay to drink, you dare to leave the table and go back alone, it's not us here, you have to be arrested today He turned into a hot weapon at the mercy of others, and then exchanged money to buy medicine, and finally died in an empty toilet when he got pregnant and miscarried!"

Probably because Mu Feng's words were too heavy, Yoshida Saki burst into tears, and Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was in danger for a while, but Mu Feng no longer thought so much.

If you don't run away, it would be great to go back to China. No matter how powerful those guys are, they can't chase the country or blow up his plane. After all, they are just a group of gangsters.

What's more, he hadn't provoke them very much. Mu Feng felt that maybe he should pretend to be a little cowardly just now. He really is, what is he pretending to be?

His mind was dizzy, and naturally there was no need to talk about it, Mu Feng hurriedly left with Gui Yanye after getting to the phone number of Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu.

When he left the nightclub, it was already dark outside, Mu Feng took a long breath, and in the cold air, his mind became a little clearer.

he whispered

"Hey, Yan Ye, do you think I'm a bit mean today?"

Gui Yanye shook his head, grabbed Mu Feng's sleeve, and a bright smile appeared on his fair and pleasant face.

"No, didn't Mu Jun save Yoshida-kun~~ Not everyone has such courage."

She paused and said softly

"And I don't think your words towards An Yi-san and Yoshida-san are very serious. To be honest, I also think that they need to be strict...correction in some places!"

Mu Feng smiled slightly, then held down Gui Yanye's little head and smiled.

"So are you. Although I don't have much poisonous mouths towards you, there are a lot of things you need to change! It's not good to be a little bit stubborn when dealing with others!"

"Okay, I'll take you home tonight, lest you be targeted by some strange uncle in the tram again."

Gui Yanye followed Mu Feng to the station with blushing cheeks. Not long after they left, a black SUV slowly drove over, the window rolled down, and it was the Mr. tortoise.

"Young Master, the information on that boy is here."

The deputy next to his seat handed over the information they had collected. In only twenty minutes, they had already investigated all the information since the boy entered the country.

Mu Feng, a native of China, came to Neon seven days ago and was studying at Fengzhisuke Higher School in front of him.

The brief resume was written in less than a piece of paper. Mr. Turtle raised his eyebrows and put down the information.

"Can't we investigate his intelligence data in China?"

"Unable to investigate, unless Kaguya is used, it is impossible to break through the Chinese citizen data database in a short time."

The bespectacled deputy shrugged.

"But I don't think he looks like a spy or spy sent by the headquarters. How could a spy like to do such outrageous things?"

"...I'm not even sure if he is our 'kinder'." Mr. Turtle narrowed his eyes and said.

"His physique is much stronger than his peers, but there is no trace of any special exercise. Those hands have never held a knife or a gun, only a pen, but if the symptoms of the scum are to be in such a short period of time Created without flaws, he should be a master interrogator."

"Young Master, do you need me to bring him here?" A woman's cold voice came from behind the seat

"No, there are many strange people in this country, we don't need to find them one by one."

Mr. Turtle shook his head, took out the syringe from his pocket, and narrowed his eyes.

"Compared to him, there are more important things waiting for us to deal with..."

On the tram, Mu Feng pulled Griphook and stood in front of Gui Yanye who was sitting down. His tall figure was like a giant statue guarding a young girl, but his ecstatic eyes showed that he was distracted now.

"Hey! What the **** is that Mr. tortoise? Why can I get 20 evaluation points for a tube of medicine!"

Mu Feng questioned the system in his mind, but what he got in return was a dull answer from the system

"The standard of any evaluation point is its impact on the world, you don't need to know who he is, Mr. Mu Feng, you just need to know that you can use our evaluation tools to influence him and cause great changes in the world. ."

"The single calculation of evaluation points is limited to the direct impact of your behavior, and the subsequent butterfly effect is not included in the calculation. It's just that for the whole world, the more 'critical' the character is, you use the evaluation props to carry out the calculation. The greater the number of evaluation points caused by interference.”

Mu Feng was silent for a moment, then sneered in a slightly mocking tone.

"Great changes? Is it possible that the world will still change in certain directions? Or is there any established process?"

Mu Feng never thought that compared with the world, the huge changes in human beings would cause much deviation. To put it bluntly, the world is changing all the time. You save a girl who was killed by a monster and then kill the monster, For the world, does it really deserve the meaning of a huge change?

This may have a tendency of historical nihilism, but what Mu Feng is more afraid of is whether there is something more horrifying behind the system's evaluation criteria.

That is the world...there are 'rules'.

It's like the West World, like the Matrix, which circulates within a given framework and route. If the world of One Piece is like this, who can guarantee that this parallel world No. 0013 is not like this?

This involves the deep philosophical question of the existence of the brain in the vat and the mind. There is really no definite result. Mu Feng sighed, leaving these unfounded thoughts behind, and focusing on his current affairs.

There is no doubt that he must now master a little self-preservation.

The system has a lot of exchange lists for E-level magical items. Looking at it, the initial estimate is that the minimum number is more than 10 million.

However, at first glance, most of the items in it are used waste props...

For example the following-

Product name: banana forced equivalent dose of dado (banana pills)

Product grade: E+

Product introduction: It comes from the SCP Foundation's world number 3521, a great invention of dado, which is used to assassinate specific characters. After taking the drug, a person's stomach slowly produces an extremely large number of unpeeled bananas that cannot be removed from the stomach.

Bananas contain trace amounts of potassium, which will be retained in the body each time a banana is produced. The radiation produced by each banana digested is stronger than the radiation dose received by living next to a normal working nuclear power plant for a year. Under the influence of such a number , Potassium will accumulate in the target body to produce a huge amount of ionizing radiation, and the user will eventually die from this lethal dose of ionizing radiation. Items that are strongly not recommended for purchase among similar assassination drugs.

Product price: 99 evaluation points

(click to view the detailed data)

Product name: Schrödinger's can opener

Product grade: E+

Product introduction: It comes from the SCP Foundation's world number 344. Try to open any can with this product. When the can is fully opened, there is a 50% chance that the food inside will become a living source of the food. (Canned beef = live cattle). The amount of spewed living thing depends on how many foods are in the can, and the spouted living thing will be completely gone after 34 hours - literally complete disappearance, even if digested into nutrients, it will completely wipe out the root. In addition, it is recommended to purchase among similar household appliances products.

Product price: 140 evaluation points

(click to view the detailed data)

Product name: 22nd century magic hat

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