'Star Magic·Love Impact! ’

The heavy 'magic wand' instantly beat the people who took the lead to bully him into meat sauce, and those who were now fleeing screaming, the monsters easily caught up with them with a grinning smile, one by one using the animation The move turns them into bolognese.

But after they died, the same twisted face as them appeared on him, wailing and screaming, and his power also rose.

"This is the power...the power that belongs to me!"

With a mad bloodthirsty laughter, he raised the "magic wand" sticking to the meat sauce, and the new eccentric born in human malice announced his real name to the world

"From today onwards, I will be a dead house freak!!!"


ps: Ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 166 7. Monsters are heroes

"There was a monster attack in City A! The attack took place at the local gymnasium, and the target's combat power is presumed to be above the tiger level! And there is a comic exhibition being held there."

In the Hero Association, a pretty and pleasant staff lady anxiously reacted to what happened to her boss, and the eccentric appeared in the city again.

In fact, this is nothing new to the association, but a strange person suddenly appears at an event with thousands of people, and the impact will be extremely bad.

"I remember that City A is the location of the dojo of Silver Fang, can you inform him!"

The association official who was in charge of the emergency transfer by the management staff, Cich with a dragon face said calmly.

"No, Silver Fang is currently participating in the World Martial Arts Conference in K City, and I can't make it in time." The hostess quickly flipped through all the hero positions near City A and said loudly

"Currently the closest hero there is the first undocumented knight of C-rank! There are also some A-rank heroes rushing towards there."

"Then let the undocumented knight hold back that weirdo, and we must solve the disaster before it expands!"

At the comic exhibition site, with the sudden appearance of the dead man in the house, the venue that was full of anxiety and happiness was full of wailing and screaming.

The security guard at the venue rushed over immediately, and after being easily torn to shreds by the weirdo in front of everyone, he immediately ran away.

The whole venue was in chaos, and everyone was running like headless flies.

"Where's the hero? Where did the hero go, save us!!!"

"Hurry up and call the police, hurry up and notify the Hero Association!!!"

Amid the screams of panic, the dead man in the house started to kill and kill like no one else.

The existence of weirdos is a disaster that they cannot handle relative to ordinary people. Even the weakest wolf-level geek, killing ordinary people is as easy as eating and drinking.

Not to mention that this guarantee is a tiger-level monster. In the definition of the association, it needs A-level heroes to deal with it alone, and a disaster that can only be dealt with by B-level heroes organized by the team.

"Magic Stardust? Attack!!!"

The geek in the dead house shouted disgusting lines in his rough voice, and swung down his thick mace-like weapon, which could take away a fresh life at a time.

Almost all of his attack targets are guys in the comics who look like they are currently charging.

Those who were well-dressed and accompanied by beautiful female companions were his first targets.

"Charging now... Now charging must die!!!"

Crazy obsession is the source of the problem that makes him a weirdo, and this obsession is also the source of his strength as a weirdo.

In this world, there are many ways to become a geek. Like the king snake, there is a mutation at the end of the road of pursuit of power. Some of them have researched technology to the limit and changed. A weirdo who mutated under his mind.

They may be born for some very stupid reasons, because they don't want to work, because they eat too much crabs, because they hate others, because of hatred, because of joy, because of longing, because of madness.

It's like there is a 'weird god' behind the scenes in this world, looking at all beings in the world with wanton laughter, giving those who are hungry for power the persistent destructive power.

The strength of this gift is completely random, and the best example is the Wandering Emperor. A homeless man who doesn't want to work, just wants to be lazy, and thinks that work is meaningless, was given the power of a freak by the so-called "god", and he waved his hand to destroy the city in an instant.

And the source of the obsession with this power is the source of the power. Denying this obsession will often result in a tragic death on the spot. And the few who can control this obsession can control their weirdness like Sweetheart Mask.

But at the end of the day, it's you who measure whether you are a geek or a hero.

"Kirito, Ayase!"

In the crowd, Jingsuke, who was separated from his sister and her friends, shouted their names anxiously. After getting no response, he gritted his teeth and ran in the direction of the weirdo against the crowd.

It must be alright! must! With so many people, Kirino's luck is so good, he definitely won't——

"Ah ah!!!"

The familiar scream sounded from the front, and Jingsuke was stunned for a moment, only to see the abominable monster grinning and grabbing the hand of a girl, and the screaming girl was his sister.

"Beautiful, beautiful girl!"

The dead house geek laughs with disgusting excitement, sticking out his fat tongue to the screaming Kirino like licking a lollipop

"Stay away from Tong Nao, monster!"

An angry screeching sound resounded while suppressing her fear, and Ayase, who picked up an unopened model bought at the Comic-Con, shouted at the weird man's arm and stabbed it.

She has studied kendo for a period of time, and even mastered some "family martial arts" that are not known to outsiders. In her eyes, ordinary satyrs and thugs are paper tigers that are vulnerable.

But obviously, these things are useless additions to a weirdo.

Even if your kendo cultivation is high, so what? You are just a junior high school girl, and in its eyes, your strength is just a bigger chick. Without the experience of power blessing, it is just talk on paper.

After leaving a 'wound' that didn't even count as a white mark, the eccentric grabbed Ayase at a speed that was almost as fast as lightning in the eyes of ordinary people. He was caught without responding.

The monster grabbed the two girls together with one hand, the monstrous and abominable face dragging a smirk of disgust and fear

"Magic, Magical Girl Stickers!!!"

The disgusting fat smile seems to be a perfect fit for people's disgust and prejudice against the group of otaku, as if the weirdness of this prejudice and malicious conglomeration, grabbing two girls seems to be ready to rub together and swallow.

Kyousuke's eyes narrowed to the extreme, and his anger and impulsiveness took over his brain for the first time compared to his instinctive fear.

Almost without hesitation, he picked up a model knife on the ground that he didn't know who dropped it, roared at the monster, and stabbed his arm fiercely.

However, for ordinary people, anger cannot be transformed into power after all.

The result of that hard stab was that a model samurai sword with a fragile structure broke directly from it, leaving a small white trace, but it also attracted the attention of the monster in disguise.

"Now, now charge must die!!!!"

The dead man's eyes instantly turned blood red, and he screamed and picked up the magic wand in his hand and smashed it at Kyosuke.

He smelled the current charge, although it was only at first glance, this man was undoubtedly someone who had something to do with the two beautiful girls in his hands.

Taking two such beautiful girls to the comic exhibition, what is such a guy not charging now?

The heavy and sturdy steel rod hit Jingsuke like lightning, and the huge impact took Jingsuke up and down, and fell heavily to the ground.

There was only a piece of blood in front of him. The heavy impact made Jingsuke feel that many of his bones were broken, and his internal organs were also bad. The severe pain and the body's protective mechanism urged him to pass out.

"Kirino, Ayase..."

The blood-red Kyousuke looked at the girl in the monster's hand and stretched out his hand in vain and despair.

However, at this time, there was no mechanical seance that gave him power.

The so-called 'god' who gave 'lucky' humans bad powers and turned them into 'weird people' who endangered the security of human society almost never helped these humans who were harmed by the eccentric people.

Perhaps Dr. Genos guessed right, and behind the eccentricity is some will that hates human beings. It is not a fair and equal god, but a vicious soul that wants to die.

At this moment, a playful sentence flashed in Jingsuke's mind.

"Use it when you are at the most critical moment. Maybe it will give you a little hope, maybe..."

He struggled to take out the bottle of suspicious liquid from his pocket, and without the slightest hesitation, he drank it directly.

"Please, I just need to save Kirino and Ayase, and I just need to save my sister!"

Those who are struggling in the quagmire of despair, even a spider silk will be used as a life-saving straw. bad future.

The moment the medicine was swallowed into the body, the 'digestion' was completed in his stomach at an extremely fast speed. The ingredients of the medicine were like evaporated water vapor, covering Kyousuke's whole body at an unimaginable speed.

Every drop of his blood, every cell was mourning, Jingsuke screamed, and an indigestible force swelled from his body!

Mutation, madness, disaster! ! !

The power full of tyranny and malice exploded in his body, uncontrollable, unstoppable terrifying power——


He screamed and stood up, his whole body was transformed in an instant, a skin like a white cuticle covered his body, and his head became like an enlarged 'insect'. Two huge scarlet compound eyes, a pair of golden worm horns upturned, ferocious mouthparts, and a hideous face.

The white cuticle covered his body like armor, giving him a strange look. But at a glance, it is still unacceptable to humans, and it can only appear in the image of a monster in nightmares.

Here comes a new weirdo, and such fear covers the rest of the crowd.


ps: Ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 167 8. Hero... Transform!

Jingsuke couldn't care less about it. In his scarlet vision, there were only two girls in the hands of the monster, and only his sober reason was pulling him to save people.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

With a terrifying scream, he rushed to the monster's life like a white phantom. The explosive force was transmitted from his fist and slammed into the monster's palm.

Those who can deal with monsters must be monsters.

The pain caused by Juli's attack made the dead house geek let out a scream and let go of the two girls in his hands, while Kyousuke took away Kirino and Ayase, who were still in shock, and threw them out.

"Strange, weird people are here!!!!"

There was a voice of consternation and fear in the mouth of the dead man, and the faces that were haunting him like the ghosts of the dead also made a sharp cry.

"Let me, I use the magic of friendship to punish you!"

A scarlet flame enveloped the stout 'magic wand' and smashed heavily on Jingsuke's body. The huge impact hurt his body with the burning of the scarlet flame.

But he was still in the forefront, the monster's body overflowing with blood and fire, standing in front of the two girls alone.

"Euni sauce..."

Tong Nai stared blankly at the white geek. Even without any direct evidence, she still recognized that it was her brother.

"Oh oh oh oh, get out!!!!"

Jingsuke let out a terrifying scream at the two girls. He couldn't control the power at all. The murderous intent and evil thoughts that ripped through his brain almost made it difficult for him to keep his sanity.

This power is not friendly. In essence, it is just a potion with undetermined effects that Mu Feng uses using monster cells to combine with some of his own technologies. In fact, it still makes people into another form of monster.

Moreover, unlike the genetically modified human beings in the evolutionary family, this kind of rough and direct 'change' is actually not much different from eccentricity.

Ayase's face was pale, but she dragged her best friend and ran into the crowd without hesitation. Now is not the time for mother-in-law and mother to stay here as a stumbling block!

"Friend, the magic of friendship!!!"

The dead house geek screamed and danced the magic wand in his hand, and the heavy attack was mixed with the increasingly vigorous scarlet flames. Kyosuke only felt that the pressure became more and more enormous.

This monster... seems to be slowly getting stronger!

But he couldn't care about it anymore. After the two girls were out of danger, Jingsuke could no longer control the crazy wildness that spread in his mind.

kill! kill! kill! Destroy everything, destroy everything you see! ! !

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

Reason no longer controls the brain, crazy wildness takes over the body, and the power of weird cells bursts into a new extreme within him.

The inflated stratum corneum was filled with crimson light, and the almost eccentric Kyousuke withstood the heavy attack of the dead house eccentric, turned it over with an angry howl, and then started a frantic attack like real red lightning.

The incomparably sharp claws fell like raindrops with a heavy attack, and Kyousuke displayed a wild and uncontrollable madness like a wild beast.

This is what most geeks really look like.

After people turn into monsters, there are only a few people who can keep their senses intact, and even those who can even maintain their human form like Sweetheart Mask are a few of the few.

Not to mention that there are some 'side effects' in Mu Feng's medicine, it is strange that Jingsuke can keep his sanity now.

Being able to fight such a monster when he is almost out of control is actually Kyosuke's 'lucky', if there is no target for venting violence, he will be like most monsters when he is transformed for the first time. Desire swallowed up, do something irreversible.

What is displayed in front of everyone is the fight of real monsters. There are no gorgeous moves or beautiful beams, only the most primitive and violent collision of flesh and blood.


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