"What are you doing, hungry wolf!!!"

A group of disciples hurriedly stepped forward to help the comatose Bitter Worm up, and said angrily to the hungry wolf

Liushui Dojo respects strength, and Hungry Wolf, the leader of them, is undoubtedly the senior brother of the entire Dojo.

However, despite this, Hungry Wolf did not perform his duties as a senior brother at all, and only focused on practicing. Most of the time, Bitter Worm was more like a senior brother than him.

"Boring, you are so boring!"

Hungry Wolf clenched his fists and showed a wolf-like smile at the disciples of the Liushui Dojo.

"Every day is exercising, exercising, exercising! For something like you, even if you exercise for a hundred years, you're just a piece of trash to go out!"

"I'm tired of it. It's useless to exercise with you guys like this. I can't learn anything here. So, let's fight."

"The real battle ends with one side completely down!"

Hungry Wolf exudes a greedy and bloodthirsty killing intent. He is like a wolf that has sharpened its claws and teeth for a long time, and finally stretched out its claws to its prey.

"Do you need me to wait for you?" Mu Feng crossed his arms and said happily.

Hungry Wolf glanced at him and grinned, revealing an almost greedy smile.

"Okay, then you can wait for me here."

The only thing he is greedy for is the strength based on everything. This is Hungry Wolf's hidden nature, his true pursuit.

At the end of this road, the goal he pursues is to become the only evil - just like the nuclear crisis that once overcame the human head in the old world, to become the single strongest evil, and use this horror to bring the world Come true unity.

"As a senior brother, I remember that I never seem to have directed your martial arts... Today is my first and last time to guide you."

Hungry Wolf twisted his shoulders and made a series of sounds like popping beans. He looked at the appalled and fearful juniors and laughed bloodthirsty.

"This time, let's use the flowing water rock-shattering fist."

He slightly bowed his right hand and placed it in front of him in a grabbing shape, the back of his left hand dragged his wrist, and an extremely fierce murderous aura spread from his body.

Mu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, different from the two idiots who were easily knocked down by him just now, what followed was the real Flowing Water Shattering Rock Fist.

"Hungry wolf, are you crazy? Aren't you afraid that the master will come back and punish you!"

A disciple dared to question the hungry wolf, but the next moment, he was grabbed by the neck of the hungry wolf and held it in the palm of his hand like a chicken.

"Banggu head? You think I'm still afraid of him?"

With a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of the hungry wolf's mouth, he laughed wildly.

"I worshipped in the Flowing Water Dojo to become stronger. Banggu's fist technique can no longer satisfy me. I have learned all the profound meanings of his Flowing Water and Rock Shattering Fist. Now, I need to fight!"

He smashed the disciples in his hands into the rocky ground of the dojo, and rushed up to the horrified disciples with a grin.

"Tell me, what is the profound meaning of Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist?"

"Action... as fast as running water!"

Hungry Wolf's footsteps were as swift as a phantom, and he shuttled among the disciples at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, and every time he passed a person, his explosive fist slammed into one person's face.

"Break out like a torrent of waterfalls!"

The collapsed and frightened disciples came to the hungry wolf one after another, but their attack was seen by the hungry wolf the moment they made their move, and after a few moments, they let their own fists hit their own body. .

"And what are you after? It's a cool move, a stupid trick name."

At this moment, Hungry Wolf seemed to have completely vented his dissatisfaction with this group of guys who pursued the impure martial arts. While killing them, he let them down like a slaughter, while correcting them like a strict teacher.

"Martial arts are used to kill people! Does the method of killing people need to be named? Liushui Rock Shattering Fist has no moves, only punches."

Hungry Wolf's hands were as swift as phantoms, and in just two breaths, several disciples were beaten into impersonal shapes.

"Do you know what I thought when I was exercising with you? Look at these idiots, did you come to apprentice for cool moves? Or to pick up girls? It's a good thing to be a disciple of an S-class hero, right? ?"

Hungry Wolf grinned and kicked a disciple's chin from bottom to top with his legs, shouting loudly.

"Your moves are nothing but pretentiousness! Instead of wasting time here, you might as well go to the streets to find a few gangsters to fight, maybe you can make a little progress!"

"Hungry wolf... are you crazy?"

At this moment, the bitter worm, who had just recovered from the attack of the hungry wolf, wiped the blood from his face, stood up and roared at the hungry wolf.

"Putting all your greed on becoming stronger will only make you a monster! Have you forgotten Teacher Banggu's teaching?"

"Teach?" Hungry Wolf squinted his eyes and laughed loudly.

"Do you mean that martial arts is for strengthening the body and eradicating evil? Do you really believe the old man's words?"

"What is martial arts? It's an empty-handed killing technique, an empty-handed weapon! Does the only meaning of a weapon have any other meaning than fighting? As for justice...I never said I would be a righteous person!"

"Full of nonsense!"

The bitter insect roared angrily, and the huge figure swept to the hungry wolf like lightning, raising his hands and waving it down

"Have a good taste, Hungry Wolf! My Bitter Worm surpassed Teacher Bang Gu's Flowing Water Shattering Rock Fist—no, this is my Bitter Worm Liu Profound Truth, Heaven..."

"Too long!"

Hungry Wolf's figure was like a ghost, and went around behind the bitter insect, and a lightning-like whip kicked the weak point of his neck fiercely.

"Hungry wolf!!!"

The furious Bitter Worm waved his hands heavily. If Hungry Wolf's Rock Smashing Fist was like a gust of wind and rain, then his Rock Smashing Fist would fall heavily like a waterfall.

"It's interesting." Hungry Wolf greeted him with a mad laugh, his dancing hands collided with the heavy fists of Bitter Worm, and there was a tearing sonic boom in the air.

"You will be broken by me, and then by me..."

Kuchong's angry voice stopped abruptly in the middle of the fight, because in the third second of the fight, the hungry wolf in front of him had already used the same punching technique as his 'Bitter Worm Flow'.

"Beyond Banggu? Just like this?"

Hungry Wolf sneered contemptuously, his arms crossed, and he slammed heavily on his chest with a standard iron mountain leaning like a bitter worm.

The bitter worm slammed heavily on the mountain gate like an arrow from the string, smashing the sturdy door wall out of a human-shaped cavity, and the plaque of the Liushui Dojo hanging high at the mountain gate also fell to the ground under the vibration. .

"Hungry... wolves"

The bitter insect raised his hand unwillingly, completely lost consciousness covered in bruises, the hungry wolf licked the scratches on his palm with a bloodthirsty excited smile, and turned to look at the remaining disciples.

"Hey!!! Quick, run!!!!"

"The hungry wolf has gone crazy, hurry up and get out of here, hurry up!!!"

Those disciples screamed and fled, looking like cockroaches that got out from below after removing the refrigerator.

Hungry Wolf didn't mean to catch up with this group of people. He put his hands in his pockets and looked at Mu Feng leaning against the mountain gate, with a bloodthirsty and excited smile on his mouth.

"I thought you would catch up." Mu Feng smiled playfully as he looked at the disciples of the Liushui Dojo who fled down the mountain in a panic.

"I'm not interested in chasing down frightened rabbits." Hungry Wolf said with anticipation and excitement as he twisted his body.

"The move you used just now belongs to your martial arts. And if I guessed correctly, it should be the real killing martial arts."

Mu Feng nodded noncommittally, whether it was the Navy Six Forms or Drago's Dragon Claw Fist, they were indeed the most standard battlefield martial arts.

There are no fancy elements, only the purest violence and lethality. The Six Forms and Dragon Claw Fist are different from martial arts such as Liushui and Shayanquan, which pursues the greatest lethality to the target from the very beginning.

"Come on, let me see it!" Hungry Wolf once again assumed the pose of flowing water and rock-shattering fist, and said extremely excitedly.

"Let me see what a martial skill that has really seen blood looks like!"

"Don't worry... Mr. Hungry Wolf, have you thought about where you should go and what to do after today?"

Mu Feng leaned on the side of the mountain gate, looking at the plaque of the Liushui Dojo that was heavily smashed to the ground with some cracks, turned his head, and said to the hungry wolf.

"Presumably Silver Fang will not be taking you in. If you do such an outrageous thing, you will definitely be expelled from the teacher's door."

"So what?" Hungry Wolf said impatiently.

When he started, he thought about what would happen, whether he was expelled from the division by the old man, or even chased and killed by him, the hungry wolf didn't care.

Mu Feng's smile was even brighter, he could now be sure that Hungry Wolf... was in a period of confusion in his life.

Speaking of the villain hungry wolf, his original purpose in life originated from a reason that seems very childish.

Hungry Wolf, who was still a primary school student, was playing a game of hero fighting monsters. He was forcibly asked to play the role of a monster, and was controlled by several classmates who played heroes. He was humiliated and angrily demanded a duel with the popular students in the class headed by him. Finally, he was brutally surrounded. beaten, and later was reprimanded by the teacher for not being able to distinguish between the game and reality,

He had to apologize and admit his mistake, and the hungry wolf at that time thought that it was not just a game, but a "bullying" that was deprived of whether he participated in the game or the right to choose a role.

Of course, unlike the dog-licking male protagonist in a certain 731 academy, Hungry Wolf quickly came back, but at that time, Hungry Wolf developed a distorted value.

In fact, he has been very different since he was a child. When children of his age think that heroes are absolute justice, he will sympathize with those 'weird people', those who attack humans because of the protection of their home environment, but are finally killed by heroes. Dead freak.

It can be said that his heart was very awkward since he was a child. The bullying incident was just an opportunity to make Hungry Wolf realize that "the script that the weirdo will win did not exist from the beginning", forming "hero = strong, hero protects the majority, and is defeated by heroes." The protected part of the human beings destroy the peace created by the hero", the cognition of "weird = weak", so sympathize with the "villain" and hate the "hero".

But this does not mean that he is a guy whose three views have been completely distorted. In fact, he is still optimistic about heroes, but he just thinks that those heroes and the people they protect are simply not enough to make everything 'equal' justice.

Yes, the ultimate goal that hungry wolf pursues is actually the 'equality' of everything

Although he hates heroes, he will leave alive after attacking them. Instead, he kills innocent monsters indiscriminately. Hungry Wolf does not show mercy.

When he appeared on the scene, he was recruiting the most vicious murderers at the top of the Hero Association and making them thugs at the recruitment fair for the villains at the cost of releasing them. While knocking down three A-level heroes, all the criminal murderers present were severely injured and disabled.

Of course, that doesn't mean he's a good guy, attacking a cop is essentially the same fault as killing a cop, but it just shows that hungry wolf is indeed... a guy with a bottom line.

Maybe his goal is quite cliché, as always, it is full of neon people's naive illusions about politics, thinking that as long as there is a common enemy, internal conflicts can be transferred, and the naive idea of ​​​​the world is harmonious.

However, it cannot be said that it is wrong. It is good to have such an ideal. Mu Feng is not afraid of people with ideals, because if they have ideals, they may be attracted to the bait. He is afraid of those who don't care about the results for the sake of the process.

Well, in a sense, it's like someone like him.

An ideal villain like Hungry Wolf will inevitably encounter a period of confusion about the way forward when he is young and energetic. And at this point in time, just after the hungry wolf was expelled from the dojo by Banggu.

Although he didn't care about it, Hungry Wolf still seemed to maintain his respect for Banggu, and at the same time, he couldn't find a way or method to realize his dream, so that apart from participating in a martial arts tournament, he could hardly achieve anything.

It is an impossible task to confuse such a man with an iron heart, but Mu Feng did not intend to let him change his 'future', he just wanted to facilitate this process...

"Mr. Hungry Wolf, don't you want to be a real 'weird'?"

Mu Feng raised his right hand and clenched it slowly, watching the hungry wolf whisper in a seductive voice

"Not those ridiculous impostors, but the real evil of mankind... a demon king that everyone fears, a real 'monster'."

He slowly clenched his right hand and chuckled lightly.

"Although I'm not optimistic about this ideal, to be honest, it's better than not doing it. It's time for that rotten Hero Association to be overthrown, Mr. Hungry Wolf, rather than acting alone, it's better to cooperate with us. Achieve your goals faster."

Hungry Wolf's figure exploded like lightning in an instant, and almost instantly crossed a distance of 100 meters, and the flowing water and rock-shattering fist attacked Mu Feng like a meteor shower.

"Six Styles - Speedy Shave!"

Mu Feng also seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The moment the hungry wolf turned his face, he launched the sixth form, and at the rapid speed, he flashed behind the hungry wolf like a teleportation.

Lan's feet, which were enough to swing the vacuum vortex, ruthlessly slashed towards Hungry Wolf's head like a sharp wind blade, but Hungry Wolf seemed to have eyes behind his back, and the joints of his right hand grabbed Mu Feng's ankle one after another. .

"Not bad, very powerful."

The tiger's mouth was torn open by Lan's feet with a deep scar, and a lot of blood was flowing, but the hungry wolf seemed to be nothing, and laughed ferociously and excitedly.

"But, you have been caught by me!"

In an instant, the attack of the hungry wolf followed like raindrops, and Mu Feng immediately activated the iron block of the sixth form, and the skin was as hard as steel in an instant.

The attack of the hungry wolf landed on his body using the iron block, and naturally he did not leave too many injuries, and the hungry wolf also tested the response in an instant and in his mind.

He grabbed Mu Feng's ankle and pushed it towards the back, the attacks in his hand kept falling, and while blocking Mu Feng's fists and feet, his left hand stabbed Mu Feng's eyeball into a claw!

Even if it is hard work, there is a door. Any martial artist can exercise his body like steel, but it is seldom or almost impossible for anyone to exercise on the eyeball.

Faced with the ruthless hungry wolf, Mu Feng naturally no longer has any plans to keep his hands.


The scarlet steam burst from his body, and the huge impact it generated sent the hungry wolf flying out, but he adjusted his posture in mid-air like a dexterous cat, and landed on a broken stone pillar. superior.

"You bastard..." Hungry Wolf frowned and looked at Mu Feng, who had turned into a scarlet knight, with a little unpleasantness in his voice.

"It's not a great thing, but it can increase my strength to some extent."

Mu Feng clenched his palms, this battle suit is considered a high-tech product in the parallel world of No. 0013, but it is really nothing in the world of One Punch Superman where black technology is frequent.

And he's actually running out of backwards models for overdoing it.

He looked at the hungry wolf and smiled.

"I'm not a pure martial artist. To be precise, my profession is a scientist. Fighting is just a self-protection and a hobby."

"But you're more of a warrior than those trash." Hungry Wolf jumped off the stone pillar, crossed his feet, and took a weird pose

--this is? Mu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly

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