Chang Ji looked at his old father and clenched his fists.

"We don't have to fear any inhuman threats at all. Compared with humans, these inhumans are such weak existences!"

"Those who play with fire will burn themselves." Hui Lizai closed his eyes and said lightly.

"What's more, you want to leave behind the miserable cells, just to create new ghosts for yourself. All you have to do is to become the second ghost dance Tsuji Worry."

"No, father!" Chang Ji shouted excitedly

"We are for a more noble purpose! The blood of Oni Mai Tsuji has opened up a new channel for us! A path for mankind to become stronger and more perfect!"

"Imagine that one day, we can make the whole maternity house, the whole neon, and even the whole world become the future of immortality! We will be qualified to change the world, I will lead the neon, and then lead the world, change world!"

"...You're just making excuses for your cowardice, Changji."

Facing his son's tirade, Teriya was unmoved, just raised his head to look at him, and said lightly.

"Remember when you stole my knife when you were a kid and got found out? You've been practicing swords since then, but you don't really love kendo, you're just showing yourself and me an excuse. You're cheating Stealing swords by yourself is to practice swords, but in fact, you never like kendo."

"You are just afraid of death and the darkness after death... These so-called righteousness are just excuses for your own actions to be satisfied."

Having said that, Teriya smiled lightly, as if recalling the past, recalling his son when he was a child.

Chang Ji was silent for a moment, then whispered

"Perhaps that may be so, Father. But anyway, we're working toward that goal, and our cause is righteous!"

"What kind of justice requires the sacrifice of so many innocent lives?" Teriya sighed.

"You did the **** cases that spread across the whole territory of Neon, right? You did such a bad thing, but in the end it was pushed to Wumiserable."

"Chang Ji, don't talk about these high-sounding nonsense. What's your purpose? Let's talk."

"Father, join us." Chang Ji stretched out his hand towards his father and said sincerely

"The curse of the Sanyashiki clan will disappear, and we will have an extremely bright future!"

"Our Chuanyashiki family has endured a thousand-year curse because of that shame. We chased and killed him for a thousand years, and our Sanyashiki family believes that we are worthy of anyone."

Teriya ignored Changji's outstretched hand and said softly.

"We may not necessarily be good people in the Sanyashiki family, but we have never surrendered without misery, and we have never given up our human identity."

He raised his head and stared straight at his son. What was contained in it was deep sadness and... anger!

"Changji, you are not brave, you are just a coward. You are also afraid of dying as a human being, so you gave up being human and became a weak monster."

"When the tears run dry, only blood flows from the eyes. Weak monsters are just a group of cowards who can't become human, and don't even have the courage to live against others!"

When Teriya said the last sentence, he suddenly pulled out a crimson dagger from his side.

The old body burst out with amazing power!

The slightly reddish blade rubbed in the dark air, and the fire was plated on the blade meeting in an instant!

"Kagura, the God of Fire, Ichigo, Circle Dance!"

The blade covered with the flames of the sun slashed towards Chang Ji in an arc, but it was just a speedy knife, but Chang Ji firmly grasped it in the palm of his right hand.

For ordinary ghosts, the power brought by the breath of the sun to the blade is absolutely deadly, even more terrifying than being exposed to the sun.

But Chang Ji caught him casually, even though the high temperature flame scorched his skin, but Chang Ji showed no sign of dying at all.

"Times have changed, Father."

Chang Ji's right hand gripped the slashing knife tightly like an iron prison, and he whispered calmly.

"We come from the blood of no misery, but we have transcended the blood of stupidity."

"We are no longer so afraid of the sun, and we don't need ghouls. We are a more perfect race, marching into the new world, we are—ghouls!"

"No justice can justify your massacre."

Seeing that his last blow was useless, Teriya simply gave up resistance, closed his eyes and said lightly.

"Let's do it, Changji, let's finish the last ride of the last son of the maternity house..."

Chang Ji's hand gently grabbed his father's neck, looking at his uncomfortable expression, his heart seemed to be reminiscing, and countless memories flashed through.

"Goodbye, father." Chang Ji said softly, clenching his palms slightly.

"And my childishness."


Teriya's head fell gently, and he didn't take a breath.


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Chapter 144 38. The Seed of Ghoul

The restless beast slammed into the sturdy alloy iron cage frantically, and the body stretched out strange blood-colored auxiliary limbs like a distortion. .

And there are more than a dozen such monsters in this cold factory-like place.

This is not some hidden Kojima Research Institute, this is Tokyo, the most prosperous city with neon.

It can be said to be extremely stupid to choose to station the laboratory here, especially for dangerous experimental projects. Once an accident occurs, countless deaths will be imminent.

"Your main research this?"

Mu Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at the screaming and wailing beasts locked in the container, pondered for a moment, and said bluntly.

"Well, by my standards. You're just making waste."

"If your goal is to make weapons, what's the difference between such a biological weapon... and a joke?"

How old are these, and they still insist on making such beasts as weapons. What use can such a thing play on the battlefield?

"These are just... small experiments."

The young man who accompanied Mu Feng said with a smile, his name is Chanyashiki Jiutuo, Changji's third grandson, and the man in charge of the institute's business from the Chanyashiki family.

"Before the technology is applied to the human body, there is always a lot of experimentation on these animals. The cellular aggression of Oni Mai Tsuji is too strong, and even our biologists are difficult to control the power stably."

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes, he did defeat Wu Miserable, although he turned the source of the ghost into a cell supplier that couldn't survive or die. But it doesn't mean that he eradicated such things as ghosts.

In fact, if this unfortunate and miserable man lived to this day, he would have tragically discovered that when he, the source who can control all ghosts, collapsed, countless 'ghosts' immediately appeared under his hands.

It's only been less than a month, and Mu Feng is not sure how many of the upper floors of Neon are not ghosts.

The Sanyashiki family has a pivotal position in the neon high society, and as the head of the family, Tsuneyoshi Sanyashiki seems to be happy to spread out the innocent cells.

There is no doubt about how obsessed the big figures in the upper class are with the matter of survival. It can be said that these big men even dared to commit some unimaginable atrocities in order to survive.

Don't think it's crazy for Countess Elizabeth to bathe in the blood of a virgin. If this method can really make people stay young, some rich and powerful people dare to do this kind of thing.

Compared with these things, even if the eternal life without misery is full of drawbacks, it is eternal life after all, and what is the side effect of not being able to bask in the sun and cannibalism for these big men?

It is conservatively estimated that at least half of the four chaebols who control the neon upper-level regime have become ghosts. If it is not conservatively estimated, Sanyashiki Changji, who has mastered the method of stable transformation, may turn the entire neon upper-level into immortal. monster.

It's just that the front foot just solved a small boss, and the hidden boss that jumped out suddenly pushed the map's upper limit to the top.

But this has nothing to do with Mu Feng.

He doesn't care if these ghosts control the neon political arena, that's their business, and it has nothing to do with Mu Feng. The joint production house Shiki Changyoshi is only to deal with such a disgusting guy like the snot stuck to the back of the table.

As for the position of human beings, Mu Feng didn't want to think about such a big issue, and he didn't want to think about it. Besides, since there were so many monsters, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, snakes, and gods in this world, and a group of immortal and immortal light-scaring ghosts, it wasn't much of a threat.

"Human trials... It seems that there have been many cases of 'cannibalism' in Neon recently..."

Mu Feng looked at the old man and said lightly

"Those are all good things done by the 'wild species' outside." Old Duo dismissed the responsibility lightly.

"The people of our Sanyashiki family will not do such rude and barbaric behavior. Cannibalism is absolutely not allowed in the family."

"But you let the people you infected go to eat people." Mu Feng sneered.

"You want to expand your power for the sake of power, but in the end you don't control the people under your control. In essence, what's the difference between you and you cannibalize people yourself?"

"I'm not Mu Feng, but I'm actually a messenger of justice." Jiu Duo also sneered and said happily

"If you are really a righteous person, I'm afraid you won't stand here and say anything to me."

Mu Feng snorted lightly, he was right, Mu Feng was not a messenger of justice.

Besides, this matter is beyond the scope of his handling.

Sanyashiki Changji has been quietly spreading his power in the upper floors of Neon since he found Mu Feng, and when there is no miserable fall, this guy immediately starts to make ghosts in batches.

Unlike Wu Mian, an idiot who is bent on looking for flowers and has no ability or ability to open up the relationship between the upper class, Chang Ji is a member of the upper class himself, and he has already opened up all aspects of the entire upper class.

Just like a weaving net, Chang Ji just hooked his hands lightly, and realized the dream that Wu Mian could never do in his whole life.

To put it bluntly, I am afraid that the current neon politics is full of Changji people, exposing them? What's the difference between that and courting death? Sweeping away evil spirits is even more wishful thinking. Unless you have the courage to destroy the entire high-level society of Neon, who can do this.

As for informing foreign countries, it is an extravagant hope, because no matter which country it is, there will always be an endless stream of people who yearn for the superstructure of immortality.

Maybe a neon is not cleaned up, and there are a group of Wall Street capitalists who have turned into vampires. As for telling the mixed race, Mu Feng himself has problems and conflicts with the mixed race, which is why Chang Ji is assured of him. s reason.

This kind of thankless thing that accidentally makes oneself an enemy of the world, let others do it.

"Our transaction ends here. From now on, I don't know the secrets of the Sanyashiki family, and you don't know my existence."

Mu Feng threw a tube of liquid and a USB flash drive to Jieduo, and said indifferently.

"Is that so? What a pity, our chief researcher, Dr. Garner, would really like to meet you and discuss science with you."

Ji Duo looked at the USB flash drive and the liquid in his hand, a fiery look appeared in his eyes, and then sighed, as if he was very sorry.

If it were other learned researchers and doctors, Mu Feng would be very happy to exchange knowledge and experience with each other, but for the researchers of this group of guys, then forget it.

He is not a good person, but he still has a bottom line. Working with such a group of guys with no bottom line makes him feel sick.

"That's good, the registration and legal issues of World World International will be resolved soon, and if there is no accident, you will be able to receive an employment invitation from the Asian and American government to you within three days."

Old Duo put away the things in his hand and smiled playfully.

"I just didn't expect that your purpose is to intervene in the war... I think you are participating in the war to verify your weapons."

"From this point of view, you really have no right to accuse us."

This time, Mu Feng didn't refute him, after all, in a sense... he was not wrong.

Although he did not participate in the war to verify what kind of war, he was also fighting for the war's sake, participating in the war for the result of the war. Compared with ordinary people's pursuit of wealth, they just wanted to show their power.

Mu Feng left the institute without any hesitation, and it was not until he was far away that the 'eyes' that had been following him finally left.

Old Duo, who was standing there and waited for a long time, got the exact news. The USB flash drive was indeed filled with research materials, about the ghost blood without misery, and about how to make them overcome the sun.


ps: Ask for tickets every day! !

Day 145

China Magic Capital

It has been nearly a month since Kosaki and Manami came to this largest international city in China.

They don't actually do anything.

Although it was appointed by Mu Feng to establish the process work of Zhanshi Technology Co., Ltd., the company's registration has been completed in Mu Feng's identity, and even the suitable land has been selected. Just an empty factory.

In the beginning, Kosaki and Manami got along very awkwardly.

First of all, in a foreign country, Saki, who basically does not understand Chinese, can't find anyone to talk to except Manami, and she also knows that Manami is Yan Ye's mother and Mu Feng's 'mother-in-law'. In the sense of a rival in love, She seems to have a hard time getting close to her.

As for Manami, she also knew that the young girl in front of her also liked her daughter's boyfriend. From this meaning, Manami didn't know how to treat her.

Mu Feng appointed Manami to stay here, but she never gave her the specific job, and Saki, who was protecting Manami as a bodyguard, actually had nothing to do. The ubiquitous surveillance video in this country made this place especially Safety.

So the two of them hardly talked. During the day, Manami went out to learn about the local business situation, and Saki followed to protect her. Then at night, I went back to play games in the hotel apartment, buried my head in the room and didn't say a word.

This awkward state lasted for a week, when Kosaki rescued Manami from a group of bar gangsters who were entangled in her. She bluntly broke the bones of those gangsters, and after being led to the police station for education, Manami began to talk to Xiaosaki.

She felt that she was an adult, and it was too outrageous to be more real with such a child. After going back and forth, Manami also knew about Xiao Saki's life experience. In addition to being pitiful, she loved her like a daughter.

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