This incident itself can be said to be quite bizarre and twisted, although Tachibana Masamune, as Changji himself knew, was not clean, but if this incident is exposed, then he will be finished.

Of course, Tachibana Masamune has also grasped his weakness, and Changji's current identity obviously cannot be made public.

Everyone is at most four or six, and Tachibana Masamune, who has a strong position in the hands of the ferocious ghosts, is afraid of himself, and he can't do anything with him.

But this is the best, so... everyone can cooperate well.

"Are you determined to protect that kid and the people around him?"

Tachibana Masamune looked at Changji with extreme anxiety and killing intent in his voice.

There are definitely not many people who know what happened in Black Swan Port at the beginning! Apart from Bondarev, there should be only a few people who escaped from there...

But they should not know that they changed their face and came to Japan to be the head of the Sheqi Bajia, but in any case, the people who knew about this were his lifelong enemies of Herzog!

"No, no, you can't say that, Mr. Mu Feng is our partner of the Sanyashiki family - and he will be your partner too."

Changji crossed his hands and happily looked at Tachibana Masamune with a sullen face and smiled.

"Actually even I don't know what he is, maybe he's one of your half-breeds, maybe something else - but for us, see what he can bring us Isn't the interest that comes the most important?"

The news of Wu Miserable was provided to Mu Feng by Chang Ji. His weaknesses included the essence of the human-transforming potion, and Mu Feng did not disappoint him. Not only did he catch Wu Miserable, but he also completely wiped out this unstable giant baby. Driven to a dead end.

The current 'Wu Miserable' is not much different from death to be precise. His only remaining body was divided into three parts, which were put into a culture jar filled with diluted human-changing potion. One was given to Tachibana Masamune, the other One share was given to Chang Ji, and the other was in Mu Feng's hands.

This is the basis and reward for cooperation. Wumai is indeed an 'animal' with great research value. For Chang Ji, what he needs more is Mu Feng, who can make people with ghost blood maintain their physique and not be afraid of sunlight and sunlight. Transformation of the Human Potion.

Regarding this transaction, the two parties have not yet reached an accurate consensus, but Mu Feng's knowledge in the field of biomodification really surprised Chang Ji.

This is a wise man and a greedy man. Such people are not suitable to be friends, but definitely suitable to be a good partner.

Everyone got what they needed, and they were very smart and didn't inquire about the other's superfluous things. The foundation of cooperation lies in this, and the charm of politics lies in compromise.

These are things that Kibu Tsuji Wumai will never learn, he will only try to let himself control others to dominate. So this idiot Kong has such a strong hand, but in the end he will be a lifelong hydroponics standard in the culture tank.

"Hmph, interests? Only for your interests."

Tachibana Masamune snorted and waved his sleeves, but he didn't say anything more.

Although it's definitely right to take the opportunity to kill this guy who is extremely unfavorable to him, but he can't do it, and it's not very good to do so.

Chang Ji will not allow his 'partner' to be killed unless he is squeezed out of use value. To be honest, Tachibana Masamune himself couldn't figure out the details of Mu Feng, and he was very afraid of this guy's details.

Can pull out nuclear weapons at will, has super biological transformation ability, and has strong own strength. If it was a mixed race, Tachibana Masamune couldn't think of who could stand behind him.

Could it be the illegitimate son of Angers, the future successor of the Kassel equipment department?

It's not impossible, but if it does, Tachibana Masamune will be ready to buy himself a tombstone. The handle was already in someone else's hands, but fortunately he had no evidence, otherwise Tachibana Masamune would have to consider starting the plan a few years earlier.

"What on earth are you planning to write, Tsunayashiki?" Tachibana Masamune raised his head and drank a glass of wine, his eyes narrowed, his old face full of doubts

Sanyashiki Changkichi became a ghost for the sake of longevity and health, but what he did next was not as simple as simply to survive.

Fight back without misery, control the opponent, study the cells of the 'ghost', and even cooperate with Mu Feng, who has made great achievements in this regard.

Tachibana Masamune even knew that this guy had already started sowing the seeds of becoming a 'ghost' in the upper ranks of the four major chaebols.

If he doesn't deal with this matter, he is a ticking time bomb. Before he is about to kill himself and others, Tachibana Masamune should stay away from him.

"Who knows, just like I don't know your purpose, Mr. Herzog." Changji looked at Tachibana Masamune playfully and said softly.

"At this moment, in this situation, it would be too disgusting to talk about such things. At this moment, drink too much!"


In the long night of fire, the cherry blossoms and the fire wind rolled up and burned, submerging into the night sky, with a style of collapse.


The ups and downs on the electrocardiogram were flat.

On the electronic screen were a lot of data and words that ordinary people couldn't understand at all. On the bed in the middle, Yan Ye, who was undressed, was lying there quietly, covered with electrode detectors.

Outside the room, Mu Feng was holding two tubes of scarlet blood to compare with each other. After a lot of dialysis with ordinary blood, he got the so-called 'dragon blood'.

A small tube of blood glowed with a slightly golden color.

If there is no One Piece world from the black technology-like dialysis device of Vega Punk, he can't easily decompose this part of the dragon's blood or even conduct in-depth research.

The nature of this dragon's blood is extremely violent.

Compared with the ghost blood without misery, the nature of dragon blood is extremely aggressive. This part of the dragon blood contained in the blood in the body will be stimulated in many cases and erode the part of human blood in a large amount.

Or to put it intuitively, the genetic chromosomes of the hybrid species contain most of the genetic material of normal people and a small amount of the genetic material of dragons, and after the genetic material of humans and dragons are mixed together, the genetic material of the dragon brings the hybrid species. All-round transcendence of human traits.

It sounds a bit like the adjuster, but it's quite different. The technology of the adjuster is to artificially adjust the genetic DNA to adjust and increase the better part and weaken the useless part, and the inheritance of the hybrid is to strengthen the human body through pure genetic material.

But the biggest problem is that this part of the dragon's genetic material is extremely aggressive.

When the hybrids use this part of the dragon blood's genetic material, the genetic properties in it will slowly corrode the part of the human genetic material, especially when using the special ability called 'Word Spirit'.

If the genetic material part occupies a minority, that is, the so-called low-level mixed race, it is difficult to erode human genetic material by using a large amount of ability, because the self-purification and rejection reaction of human cells will 'repel' this part of the genetic material out.

But the high-level mixed-race, that is, the type of human genetic material that belongs to the dragon occupies more than one-fifth-every time this power is used, the blood in his body will become more and more 'pure'.

If nothing else, those who meet this standard are the so-called A-rank and above high-level hybrids. Every time the 'nobles' in this group of hybrids use their powerful power, it is equivalent to taking a step closer to the dragon class.

Therefore, high-level hybrids will not cause thin blood descendants due to mating with each other. On the contrary, the combination of two high-blood hybrids is very likely to inherit more dragon blood.

And when this ratio is out of balance by more than one-third, the human body will appear "dragon-like" with some external characteristics. For example, the golden pupil can be said to be a display of this kind of 'dragon transformation'.

For hybrids, it’s not that the more dragon blood they inherit, the better. Dragon blood is also divided into three, six, and nine grades. Some are high-level blood, and some are low-level garbage. Dragon blood of excessively low-level garbage is not only useless but also dangerous. Dragon blood and the proportion is rare, that is a real high-level hybrid.

And in a further step, when the proportion of dragon blood exceeds 50%, the genetic material of the human body will be completely crushed by the genetic material of the dragon.

According to the original book, the **** hybrids, their human parts will be quickly destroyed and routed like bugs run over by a car, and what is left is a sad monster that is neither human nor dragon. .

Humans cannot become dragons, or in other words, human beings cannot make themselves into a real dragon with their own efforts, because when the dragon's blood exceeds the critical line, your human part is already dead, and the only thing left is left. The human body, a bloodthirsty and cannibal Deadpool who frantically pursues the missing part of himself.

Mu Feng looked at the tube of dragon blood, and his eyes were full of vigilance and rejection.

He would never use this thing to strengthen himself.

All his previous transformations, whether it's a adjuster or a devil fruit, are fundamentally based on maintaining his basic foundation as a human being, and the strengthening of dragon blood is equivalent to rudely changing you from the level of another species. .

Mu Feng has no particular obsession with being a human being, but the practice of injecting blood from other creatures to strengthen himself comes at a price. Most of the hybrids between the two will not end well.

Not to mention that this dragon's blood is essentially the bloodline of a 'fantasy creature', whether it's Yanling or Nibelungen, and the dragon kings' suppression of the bloodline of lower-rank hybrids, these are all real fantasy parts.

Why is he putting this stuff in his veins? Feeling uncomfortable? But this thing... it's a good thing to use as experimental material.

In his future evaluation world, he may have to deal with the real 'mysterious existence'. Knowing the realm of these fantasy creatures early will definitely help him in the future.

Speaking of this, Mu Feng couldn't help but turn his eyes to Yan Ye on the bed, and seemed to sense his gaze, Yan Ye, who was pretty blushing, turned his head away and didn't dare to look at him, his undulating chest made the plump fruit rise and fall.

"What am I thinking?"

He reprimanded and gave himself a light slap in the face, what the **** was he thinking about? He had never done such a thing, even to Saki.

But having said that, his expression when he looked at Yan Ye was also full of fiery, and he saw that Yan Ye's pretty face was blushing almost to the point of dripping blood.

But excluding these other parts, Yan Ye's situation is not optimistic...

Mu Feng didn't know who her father was, but with Manami, a normal human being, her proportion of dragon blood has reached... 1/4.

That is to say, her dragon blood concentration has surpassed the general A-level rating. For example, her blood concentration has surpassed that of Caesar Gattuso.

Even if Neon's group of white king blood is always easy to produce a high concentration of dragon blood hybrids, this amazing result still makes Mu Feng doubt whether Yan Ye's father is the head of any of the eight Sheqi families. ...

However, this has led to another question. How did Cassel know the existence of Yan Ye, who has a high concentration of blood, and also sent an admission notice to Manami's mailbox.

Cassel was not Hogwarts, and there were no owls to deliver letters to the little wizard. In fact, most of the naturally awakened 'wild' hybrids simply do not have the ability and qualifications to be taught in Kassel.

In other words... Maybe it was Yan Ye's father who recommended her existence to Cassel?

Throwing these messy thoughts out of his mind, Mu Feng took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

"The inspection has been completed, Yan Ye, you can get up now."

Yan Ye blushed and blocked the plump, snow-white plump with one hand, and took the clothes handed over by Mu Feng with the other. The long black hair fell from the forehead to the shy and flushed pretty face, which looked particularly sultry.

Mu Feng lowered his head and rubbed his nose, then turned around and said softly.

"Yan Ye, I don't know if this is good news or bad news. You... are indeed a mixed race, and the concentration is high enough."

After almost 18 years of living, someone suddenly tells you that you are not actually a human but a half-dragon person, which would be full of impact.

A warm body was attached to his back, with the soft impact of the two fruits, his fair and slender arms wrapped around his neck, and Mu Feng, who was tensing his body, could feel the delicate master behind him. Amazing heat from shyness.

"Then... can I be someone who stands in the same world as you?"

Yan Ye used a thin, very charming voice to judo judo

Mu Feng was silent for a moment, then turned around and looked at the rosy cheeks that looked like apples, but his big watery eyes looked firmly at his words and kissed them gently.

long time, lips

Yan Ye, who was leaning on Mu Feng's body, only had a slight gasp, but he was attached like a nesting bird, and his face was full of happiness and joy.

"My secrets are much, much more than you think." Mu Feng gently embraced Yan Ye's white and smooth shoulders and sighed softly.

"I don't know if I can confess everything about me to you in the future. In short... you will be the responsibility I am willing to bear."

Mu Feng didn't say anything romantic, he just gave a promise, a promise of burden

Yan Ye suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Mu Feng onto the bed with a strong force, his naked body wrapped around his waist, stroking the handsome face, and said in a low voice

"Then I am yours."

Dark clouds obscured the moonlight.


ps: daily ticket request

Section 138 32. Time Management

In the morning, the sky is getting brighter.

The world has entered a day where almost nothing has changed, but for Mu Feng, today is a slightly different day.

He... is out of virginity.

It is also very ashamed to say that although he had also been in love in his "last life", he did not taste the forbidden fruit, because his family education is relatively strict, and the Chinese people still attach great importance to this aspect.

So last night was Yan Ye's first time, and it was also his first time.

Mu Feng sat beside the bed for a while, probably this was the long-lost sage mode, his mind was empty, and he had no thoughts.

He looked back at Haitang Chun's sleeping Yan Ye, the pretty face wrapped in the thin sheet was full of amorous feelings, and the good figure made the man's index finger move.

Mu Feng is also a man, or in other words, he is still in the category of normal people now. He did such a thing impulsive yesterday... is it reasonable?

"It's all a mistake made by being too young."

Mu Feng said with emotion

Yesterday was very was just average, mainly because Mu Feng had to control the weakening of his body. After all, no matter what, his current physique is still at the level of a little superman.

And mating is a manifestation of the brain's indulgence of the body. From the beginning to the end, it is a process of weakening the control of the body. When a creature reproduces, it is generally when he is at its weakest.

For Mu Feng, this weakest time also means that the brain's control over the body is weakened. With his physical quality, losing control of the body and attacking with full force... will kill people.

Although it doesn't directly penetrate the roof of the car like a bullet like Hancock next door, but in terms of his strength, the fragility of Yan Ye is not much different from that of a doll.

He took a lot of effort to put his body into a state of voluntary life return, weakening it to the point where it is stronger than normal but not exaggerated, so the first ten minutes were actually dominated by Yan Ye...

That kid was actually quite daring, especially yesterday when he seemed to lose face and let himself go. To be honest, he was quite attractive.

What man doesn't like a lady in the hall or a girlfriend in the bedroom.

It was only for the first hour that she was still able to fight against herself, and then it was basically a one-sided crush. Mu Feng even took the time to put a spiritual seed in Yan Ye's mind just in case.

Mu Feng rubbed his face. He might have gone too far. After all, it was not easy to measure the first time, and the feeling of experience for too long was not very good.

It takes a lot of effort to control the strength, so this is actually a skill, and it seems that my control of the technology still needs to be improved.

Pooh! How did I start researching process experience here? Do you want to summarize and strive to do better next time?

Mu Feng patted his face a little embarrassed. That's how overly rational thinking is, and he wants to analyze everything he does.

But... he looked at Yan Ye, who was sleeping as deeply as a baby, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

It is also very important to maintain this warmth and sensibility, being a person...too calm is not good.

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