Fantasy System

Chapter 278: Mysterious Sea Territory

Hatsune's suggestion immediately made the shy faces of the girls on the boat blush alluringly.


Mu Fan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and hit Hatsune on the head with a hand knife.

Although it didn't hurt, Hatsune still covered her head, mist flowed in her cute big eyes, and she said displeasedly, Brother, why did you hit me?

What's your idea?

Mu Fan gave her a blank look, feeling a little speechless in his heart.

Blame him, really blame him, blame him for not going to SAO for a long time, which caused Hatsune to hang out in SAO and learn some unscrupulous games of noble NPCs.

Blame him for not fulfilling his elder brother's responsibility and teaching this pure child well.

Let her become a younger sister who is dirtier than him.


This kind of game, you guys play!

Tongzi, who was not good at communication, when she heard this suggestion, gave Mu Fan a perverted look, as if to explain that it was Hatsune taught by Mu Fan who said the words.

Then, he turned around with a cold face, returned to his original position and continued to look at the sea.

Well, I guess Hatsune must have made a joke just now.

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Yuuki Asuna squeezed out a smile on his face, clapped his hands to smooth things over and said, Since we can't think of a good game, then let's do this, Mu Fan and I will prepare some dishes, and we will be in the boat first How about filling up the hunger and going to the island to meet the enemy?

Lily immediately clapped her hands in agreement: Okay, my brother hasn't made any cooking in the game these days, and I'm tired of Wangcheng's steamed buns!

Mu Fan's cooking?

Lixiang asked with some doubts: According to everyone's evaluation, it seems that Mu Fan's cooking looks delicious.

Of course.

Hatsune smiled excitedly: My brother's cooking skills are almost unmatched in both games and reality!

Really? Then my hunger level is almost below half!

Li Xiang pointed to the hunger bar below her blood bar, looked at Mu Fan expectantly, clasped her hands together and thanked, Then thank you Mu Fan first!

And the eyes of the black cat who had tasted Mufan's cooking were also full of hope. Even Tongzi, who left the scene angrily just now, was afraid that she would not have her share, so she sat back in her original seat, which was self-evident.

Seeing this, Yuuki Asuna looked at Mu Fan and asked with a smile, Mu Fan, do you have time?

You all said that, how can I sit here so embarrassed.

For Asuna's prayers, Mu Fan has always been responsive, sighed helplessly, stood up, asked Hatsune to take out the ingredients and kitchen utensils, and put them inside the cabin.

Although the cabin is simple, it is big enough to place the utensils used in the restaurant kitchen.

Mu Fan chose an iron stove from the cooking equipment and placed it on the table, and covered it with an iron plate, and said with a smile: Since we are sailing now, let's eat a dish that is very suitable for sailing to pass the time. Cuisine, teppanyaki steak!


All the girls clapped their hands and applauded in agreement, and focused their eyes on Mu Fan curiously.

In fact, Mu Fan once made teppanyaki steak, but that time he used A5-grade beef for Ying Lili. This time it was the ingredients obtained from hunting wild cows. Kobe beef would be any different.

Heat up the iron plate and start preparing, adding butter, garlic, thyme, etc. step by step. With the promotion of culinary talent, Mu Fan made steak more proficiently than before. After more than half an hour, he finally cooked seven steaks. Do a good job in the number of people, and distribute them to several women.

Looking at the delicious golden steak exuding on the plate, the eyes of the women gleamed, and they couldn't help sticking out their tongues and swallowing their saliva.

However, when the few people were about to eat the steak, suddenly the big boat seemed to be hit by something, and there was a violent shaking. The girls were caught off guard and headed towards Mu Fan.

Yuki Asuna, who is the most agile, immediately stabilized her figure,

Quickly put their steaks into their backpacks.

There is this advantage in the game. Put the food in the backpack, and the food will not rot like in reality.

As for Lily, who was facing Mu Fan, she accidentally jumped on Mu Fan's body, and at the same time, Mu Fan fell backwards, lying on the ground with Lily in his arms.

Brother, I'm sorry, I bumped into you.

Lily blushed immediately and quickly got up from Mu Fan's body.

It's okay, it's just that our big ship shouldn't shake easily, right?

Mu Fan patted the dust on his body, stood up and ran out of the cabin, looked at a big ship with a black skull flag in the distance, frowned, and said to the cabin: Be careful, everyone, it seems that something is coming !

Hatsune immediately shrunk down and stepped on Mu Fan's shoulder, reminding him: Brother, I've seen those flags before, they are undead forces, the flags of the Seventh King's subordinates, it seems that Haixin Island seems to be occupied by the Seventh King's subordinates. It’s been taken over! And it seems that a lot of undead magic flew over from a distance just now, and you can see that some places on the ship’s plank are scorched.”

Burn it?

Mu Fan looked towards Hatsune's line of sight, and saw several huge gaps in the stern, and sea water was pouring into the cabin along the gaps, and the boat seemed to sink to the bottom of the sea.

What was even more frightening was that Mu Fan also heard the same sound on both sides. He turned his head to the left and right to look, and saw two more large ships with skeleton flags approaching on the left and right sides of the big ship.

It's humans, damn humans dare to step into Haixin Island and kill them!

Several undead with rotten bodies stood on the board of the ship and let out bursts of sharp roars. Many necromancers and skeleton archers in black robes pointed their targets at the big ship where Mu Fan was.


Seeing the arrows shining coldly in the sun and the dark undead magic charging, Mu Fan's heart sank. There were almost no long-distance occupations among them, and the only one, Li Xiang, was too low-level to compete with the 30th-level and above on the ship. The undead contend.

If things go on like this, they can't escape the scene where the big ship is destroyed and killed by the undead.

Eat my sword first!

Seeing the big ship of the undead approaching every step of the way, Mu Fan felt annoyed, the long sword burst into a deep blue light, and the 40-meter-long sword shot up into the sky, condescendingly and slashed fiercely at the big ship on the left. past.


The 40-meter giant sword fell from the sky, and the sails of the entire ship were instantly shattered. The originally solid black ship was split into gaps. Many undead fell 70% of their lives under Mu Fan's sword. HP.

In fact, this is also because Mu Fan has not upgraded his level. Although the forty-meter sword has a strong attack, but under the level suppression, no undead died under his sword.

Although no undead died, the big ship was broken, and the architects in the undead army immediately began to repair the big ship in a hurry, and the whole big ship fell into a panic for a while.

Damn humans, they tried to smash our ships and kill them!

Kill them!

The mournful howling of the undead came from a distance, and the real feeling made Mu Fan feel a little creepy.


Mu Fan, what happened?

Hearing the screams of the undead, several women left the cabin one after another, looking at the three large undead ships in the distance, their faces turned pale.

It seems that Haixin Island also has undead troops. These navy are the undead around Haixin Island. We arrived around Haixin Island and were surrounded by them. Get ready to jump ship!

Mu Fan reminded in a heavy voice.

He knew that once the attacks of the three necromancers and archers were fully charged, the not-so-strong ships they originally built would be shattered in an instant, so he had to prepare to abandon the big ship and swim to Haixin Island .

However, the big ship still needs more than 10 minutes to sail, and it will take at least an hour or two for them to swim to their destination. With the level of physical strength in the game, I am afraid it is impossible to do it.

Maybe, they failed the voyage this time, and they will all work in vain, and they will all drop one level and return to the city.

Initiate an attack!

Just when Mu Fan was screaming in his heart that it was not good, there was a sound of horns from the army of undead surrounded on three sides, and countless magic arrows shot towards the big ship in the form of almost ten thousand arrows.

Jump ship!

In desperation, Mu Fan could only yell at the girls, while he picked up the nearest Asuna and jumped into the sea.

The nearby Tongzi and Lily also reacted quickly, and a group of members jumped off the big boat from all directions.


At the moment when several people just jumped off the big boat, the boat couldn't withstand the joint attack of the undead army at all, it was instantly swallowed by countless arrows and magic, and exploded!

There was a loud noise, accompanied by fire clouds rising in the sea.

The scattered ship boards hit his head, and Mu Fan only felt a pain in his head, and his health bar dropped by about one-tenth.

And Asuna was floating next to him on the sea. The swimming skills in the game were pretty good. All the team members jumped very timely, and no one died when the big ship shattered just now.

They're on the sea, kill them!

At this time, the undead on the boat smelled the breath of life, turned their gazes to Mu Fan and the others floating in the sea, and pointed the tip of the arrow at them again.

How on earth can you let us go?

Mu Fan couldn't stop crying in his heart, he hurriedly reminded the girls who were floating on the sea with the wooden planks: Everyone, dive in!

Everyone also knew that the arrows of the undead shot down, they couldn't stop them at all, they could only do their best to dive downward, and disappeared in the sight of the undead for a while.

But SAO's design is designed like a breathing system. There is a time limit for diving. Once the time limit is up, they can only return to the surface of the sea, otherwise they will start to lose blood underwater, until they die.

Judging from the sea water, it seems that several large undead ships are still wandering around, showing no sign of leaving.

Mu Fan secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good, they would really be wiped out if this went on.

In the sea, several people can only gather together to think of countermeasures in the form of team chat.

But I couldn't think of a good way for a minute.

You can only dive for three minutes at most, and if you wait any longer, you will definitely die under the magic of the undead.

At a critical moment, a huge black shadow suddenly swam from the bottom of the sea. Mu Fan, Lili and the others quickly lowered their heads, only to see a huge head swimming from below, which seemed to be a giant whale.

When approaching everyone, the whale opened its huge blood-red mouth. Before Mu Fan and the others could react, they were swallowed by the giant whale into the mouth which was hundreds of square meters wide.

This is where?

In the darkness, Mu Fan couldn't see his line of sight, but in the display of the team, it seemed that the blood bars of the few people in the team didn't drop, and none of them died under the attack of the giant whale.

Brother, we are in the mouth of a giant whale!

Hatsune's beautiful voice came, and then a bright light appeared in front of Mu Fan's eyes. Hatsune's original emerald green wings bloomed with holy white light, and the light illuminated the entire space.

Brother? Mu Fan?

In the huge space, the figures standing everywhere suddenly became clear, and saw Mu Fan and Hatsune gathered together.

As for the space on the surface of the sea that seemed to be separated from the mouth of the strange giant whale just now, it is possible to speak.

Seeing that the members of the team were fine, Mu Fan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and explained: We are now in the mouth of the giant whale.

In the mouth of the huge whale just now?

Lily blinked her eyes in surprise: Brother, wouldn't we be trapped in this space forever, or be digested by it in a short time?


Although there is no smell in the body of the giant whale in the game, the black cat retched and said with an ugly face: Instead of being digested by it, I think it's better to commit suicide and come back to the city completely.

Shouldn't it be?

Asuna stood up and said: Judging from the game data, if it is impossible to escape the situation of being digested in the mouth of the giant whale, it should have returned to the city as soon as it attacked us, but why are we still alive? Woolen cloth?

Mu Fan also frowned, and said, Could it be that... it didn't just want to eat us, but took us somewhere?

Mu Fan just said this sentence, which seems to confirm Mu Fan's speculation——

Suddenly, Mu Fan felt a bright light rushing from his side. The few people who had been in the dark for a long time couldn't help but be blinded by the flickering light from the outside world.

It took a long time for everyone to calm down, only to find that the giant whale opened its mouth just now, and there seemed to be a new area outside the whale's mouth.

Mu Fan immediately ran out of the giant whale with the girls, jumped down from the whale's mouth, and stepped on the green grass.

Looking up into the distance, what appeared in front of them was a world with blue sky, white clouds and beautiful mountains and green waters.

It is like a small island with beautiful scenery, with many lush trees growing.

What a beauty--

Several women looked at the beautiful scene in front of them in surprise.

To be honest, Mu Fan has never seen such a beautiful area in the SAO world where the undead invaded, and he couldn't help but be deeply shocked by the beautiful scenery that appeared.


At this time, Mu Fan and the others remembered the whale that had brought them swimming, and when they turned around, the whale flapped its huge fleshy wings hundreds of meters long, flew into the sky, and flew towards the distance.

Mu Fan's face couldn't help twitching: Is it still in the sea?

Mu Fan and the others were full of curiosity and shock. Although they felt that they had come to land, the whales still swam in the sky as if they were swimming in the sea. Even when they were swimming, there were ripples in the sky. It's a little strange.

Just as Mu Fan and the others were filled with confusion, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance.

Standing in front of Mu Fan and Asuna looked up, and saw a handsome man in a white robe, he didn't have a name, he seemed to be an NPC, leading a team of silver armored Soldiers with guns and forks came over and stood in front of them.

Mu Fan and the others immediately clenched their weapons and stood on guard.

Several brave sailing adventurers, don't be nervous.

However, looking at Mu Fan and the women behind him, the man in white robe showed a gentle smile on his face, and said cordially: Welcome to our deep sea world, we have no malicious intentions. Now we Sea Clan Your Lady Queen is waiting for you in the palace, if you don’t mind, please come with us to the palace in the deep sea world!”

Hearing this, Mu Fan was filled with surprise, looked at Hatsune and asked in a low voice, Hatsune, this is... a plot mission, right?

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