Fantasy System

Chapter 276: The secretary does something

What appeared in front of him was a medieval European-style grand building, and soldiers in exquisite armor patrolled the streets to prevent the NPCs in the city from being harmed by the sneaking undead.

Brother, come here quickly.

At this time, a pleasant voice came from far away, and Mu Fan turned his head following the voice, and saw Lily, Hatsune and Lixiang three girls standing at the gate of the North City and waving to him.

In fact, Sagiri was supposed to bring Sagiri with her on a vacation trip to the island, but Sagiri couldn't come online because she had an illustration to draw today.


Sagiri once said that she liked the grand game world of SAO very much, which made Mu Fan very satisfied.

In the past few days, Lili has been cultivating immortals without sleep, coupled with her perfect operation and combat nerve response ability, and under the leadership of Hatsune, her level has reached level 24, occupying the eighth position in the heaven list.

This made all the players in the guild who had looked down on Lily speechless.

Open the game rankings, the top ten of the top ten rankings are occupied by the four high-level leaders of the monopoly union, and the other five are occupied by the monopoly of the world.

Tongzi and Asuna barely stayed at the fifth and sixth positions in the top rankings, and the black cat was seventh. As for Mu Fan, who didn't play much, his current level is the eighteenth in the entire server.

However, the level cannot determine everything, it can only be said that the attribute is high, as long as the gap is not too large, the operation can still make up.

Even now Mu Fan has the strength to single out any one of the four generals of their union except for dominating the world.

Lily, how is the union's ship building going?

Mu Fan walked over to Lily and asked straight to the point.

Brother, really, I don't care about the union these days, and I'll just give the general manager a hand-off shopkeeper. If this continues, I won't give you the position of the Twelve Round Table Knights!

Lily pursed her mouth and complained unhappily, which immediately made Qiu Ting Lixiang blush. Lixiang naturally knew that it was all because of Mu Fan's failure to go online, so she couldn't help bowing her head apologetically.

Sorry, Lily.

Mu Fan was also a little embarrassed.

Speaking of it, there are too many things these days, which has delayed a lot of game time, resulting in a lot less time with Lily, Sagiri, and Asuna, but it doesn't matter now, Lixiang's condition is stable, he can Temporarily safe salted fish.

It's okay, under my leadership, important facilities have been completed, now we can go to Haixin Island!

Lili smiled happily, then waved to Mu Fan, led Mu Fan and Li Xiang, Hatsune out of the city.

Although there are still many undead outside the city, they are all low-level undead with a level of only 20 to 30. With the cooperation of Lili and Mu Fan, it is no problem to protect Lixiang on the road and kill monsters to upgrade.

Walking along the path opened by the soldiers of the royal city outside the city, it took about half an hour to arrive at the beach outside the small island that Lily marked last time.

Under Mu Fan's gaze, he found a few relatively simple wooden boats docked by the sea.

To be honest, in the world view of SAO, if you are a full-level builder, you can completely create a realistic battle ship with a magic crystal cannon and a modern technological ship.

But now the game is in the early stage, and no one's construction skills have been upgraded to the full level. It is already very good to be able to build such a few retro ships by cutting down trees.

Aren't you uh = too slow?

Just as Mu Fan was thinking, a dissatisfied voice came. Mu Fan raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice. There was a beautiful black-haired girl in a gorgeous black windbreaker, and she was wearing exquisite cowhide boots. The figure was standing at the bow of the boat, staring at him with a displeased expression and complaining.

Well, Tongzi, your level is so high, what can we do later?

Seeing the familiar black-haired girl, Mu Fan laughed, stepped on the spot with his left foot, lightly landed on the bow of the boat and stood beside Tong Zi, and said with a smile.


It is because of lazy people like you that the world of SAO has changed, right?

Tongzi couldn't help but give him a blank look, and subconsciously alienated him.

Am I that scary?

When chatting with a girl for the first time, Mu Fan couldn't help touching his nose. It seemed that Tongzi didn't like to get along with other people very much, and generally liked to be alone, so when he approached, he subconsciously alienated him.

It's really embarrassing for a high-end player on the Tianbang, such a personality!

Really, Mu Fan, do you only flirt with girls when you play games?

At the same time, there was a mocking voice in the cabin, and then the curtain of the cabin was lifted.

What came into view was a purple-eyed girl with long black hair like Tongzi. Her bangs were neatly cut, her snow-white skin, slender and delicate eyes, and a tear mole under the corner of her left eye matched her petite figure. It seems to be full of cute attributes.

Of course she is a black cat.

For the black cat's venomous tongue, Mu Fan is no longer surprised. He narrowed his eyes and said with a meaningful smile: Black cat, you should remember our agreement last time? Once my game sells 10,000 copies , you agree to join our research.

Hearing this, the black cat blushed and turned away: Of course I know.

Then choose a day, and go to the school's game research club with me, how about joining us?

Mu Fan smiled slightly. If Black Cat joins the Game Research Association in Chiba County, their speed of making games will be much faster. As long as he writes the game text, it won't be long before he can finish it.


Hearing this, the black cat couldn't help pursing its lips, with a hesitant expression.

Seeing that the black cat didn't agree for a long time, Mu Fan smiled aggressively and said: Could it be that Tangtang's high-level game player, the black cat, plans to break his promise?

Of course not.

The black cat shook his head, blushing and said: It's just that I have to go out to work every day to support my two younger sisters, and I have very little time in the game research club...

work to earn a living?

Mu Fan blinked and asked, Hei Mao, are you short of money?

Not really.

The black cat frowned: It's just that my parents are busy. I have two younger sisters who need to be taken care of. If I don't work, I can't live.

That's it.

Mu Fan smiled slightly: Then you join our Game Research Association and be my secretary.


The black cat stared wide-eyed, blushing and said: Do you want the secretary to do something, and nothing to do...

Wait, it always feels like you're about to say something great.

Mu Fan immediately waved his hand to interrupt the black cat, and said: I mean, I want you to join the Game Research Society, as the supervisor of the Game Research Society, and help them make games. How much is your monthly salary? I will give you two How about times?

Double is not necessary, SAO mid-to-high-end players also have some income.

The black cat shook his head and said.

Okay then, I'll hire you as our game supervisor at the price of part-time work, and go to work tomorrow.

Mu Fan smiled slightly. He didn't intend to let Heimao be busy in the first place. Anyway, the game he made could make money, and it would be good to find a secretary like Heimao.

Okay, since I promised you, I will join you as your secretary.

Seeing that Mu Fan had mentioned this, Hei Mao could only blushed and agreed.

Mu Fan was overjoyed. He just happened to have nothing to do tomorrow, so he went to Chiba County and took the black cat to join the game research club.

The discussion between Mu Fan, Tongzi, Heimao and the others had already stunned the members of the array cats.

In fact, after these two days of recruiting members, Array Cat has completely become a high-level union under the influence of Mu Fan and other top-level guilds. The combat effectiveness of all members can almost compete with the top ten guilds.

When the SAO leaderboard was updated, many people placed Array Cats in the eleventh guild position.

Although the current array cats are very strong, ordinary players like them are still shocked to see so many high-level union members in the dock today.

Mr. Kawada, is the ship ready to sail now?

At this time, Lily on the shore found the leader of the array cat builders and asked.

Mr. Kawata, who directed the members of the building to cut down trees, looked up at the big boat where Mu Fan was standing, and said with a smile: Master President, it is ready to sail. If there is no accident, the boat can sail to the small island marked on the map. of.

I see.

Lily smiled happily and ordered: Then you continue to build ships. The vice president and I and others will go to the small island to explore first. When we come back, if there is no problem, that small island can be used as the base of our trade union in the future. gone.


After finishing the order, Lily handed over the ship operation guide given by the construction player, which is in the form of a skill.

Because of Hatsune's presence and many functions, Mu Fan immediately learned the skills, came to the control room, and took the lead in raising the sails to dock the boat on the shore.

To be honest, this boat is relatively retro, but it is also relatively strong. It is no problem to sail to the island and come back.

Seeing the boat approaching, two glistening green wings appeared on Hatsune's back, flapping the wings and landing lightly on the boat, Lily jumped up after her, while Mu Fan pointed at the remaining Lixiang. Make a move: Come on, Lixiang, today we are going to the island for vacation!


Qiuting Lixiang nodded and smiled happily.

Just when Mu Fan thought he needed to stand on the bow to catch Li Xiang, the next moment he was stunned.

Suddenly, Lixiang's body was wrapped in a faint purple light, and her legs clinging to the purple light stepped on the ground, and the whole person jumped up under the reverse thrust of this force, and her body lightly landed on the boat.

With only a strength value of level 16, he jumped onto a three-meter-high ship from ten meters away at one time.

Seeing Lixiang's strange skill, Mu Fan couldn't help but shouted in shock and asked, Lixiang, what kind of skill is this?

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