Fantasy System

Chapter 265 Can't touch the sincerity

What kind of student union is this?

Hearing the topic of adult theaters being boldly discussed in the student union, Mu Fan showed a surprised expression, looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu and asked in a low voice: Sister, is the person hired by Editor Machida really reliable?

It should... be reliable.

The corners of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's lips moved. To be honest, she was also a little worried at the moment. After all, the shocking words just now came from the members of the student union, which inevitably made her feel that there seemed to be something wrong with the student union.

However, the voice just now came from a girl. If they were all girls, there should be no big problem. After all, as a girl, Kasumigaoka Shiyu also understands that there is no real quiet girl in this era, and a little private topic is okay. normal.

Thinking of this, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stepped forward and knocked on the door of the student union.


There was a slight knock on the door, and the two discussions inside stopped, and not long after, the door of the student union was opened.

Appearing in front of him was a tall, beautiful girl with long light orange hair reaching her waist and delicate features.

She is wearing a casual school uniform, and under a summer plaid skirt, she is not wearing knee socks, but ordinary black socks with leather shoes, but because the socks are not long, it leads to the slender and straight beauty|legs are big Exposed to the outside, under the sunlight projected from the outside, it exudes a crystal luster. Full of the youthful atmosphere of a girl.

Seeing Mu Fan and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu standing at the door, a gentle smile appeared on her face.

Such a spring-like smile made her look like a noble lady full of etiquette, which made Mu Fan and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Although the bold remarks in the student union just now, but from the first glance, such a beautiful girl should be very polite in front of outsiders, and she should not go racing.

Generally speaking, she seems to be a normal person. What she said just now was just a private speech in the student union. There is no need to get entangled. Who doesn't have a private topic with a good friend?

Mu Fan and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu comforted themselves in their hearts.

May I ask if there will be anything for the two students who come to us?

At this time, the voice of a beautiful girl called them back.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu bowed slightly, and explained with a smile: Actually, I am going to apply for Zaoying University, and Machida Sonoko asked me to come here to familiarize myself with the campus, and told me that there is a senior named Amakusa You who will Take us around the school.


The orange-haired girl glanced at Mu Fan who was next to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing: Could it be...the two of you think that you are going to graduate soon, and you want to choose a place for future wild marriage in the new school?

Wild? What?

Hearing this, the expressions of Mu Fan and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu froze at the same time.

They really didn't expect that such a girl who was like a daughter of a consortium would open her mouth to ask such a bold question. For a moment, both of them were stunned.

And Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's pretty face soon showed an unconcealable red tide, frowned, and asked with some displeasure: Senior sister, are you a bitch?

Here comes Kasumigaoka-senpai's poisonous tongue!

Mu Fan's face changed, he knew that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu would become extremely venomous once he got a little annoyed.

But to be honest, it's really not polite to have a big fight with someone who just came to Zaoying University to ask for help.

In order to avoid a fight, Mu Fan decided to stand in front of the two, but before he stepped forward, the orange-haired girl showed an apologetic expression.

Ah, ah, sorry, I'm always a bit outspoken, but... the 0 below me is very tight.


The following...but very?


Mu Fan stood there and stared wide-eyed, completely stupefied.

He felt like he couldn't turn his brain circuit around.

Senior sister, you will be punished for speaking like this!

Mu Fan was speechless,

He seriously felt that it was unreliable for this school to have such a student union.

And the orange-haired girl burst out an obscene joke, and even Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was always venomous, didn't know how to answer.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa's poisonous tongue nemesis?

Unexpectedly discovering this scene, Mu Fan frowned. Judging from the anime, the only ones who can restrain a poisonous tongue are those who are black-bellied and natural, but now it seems that Biao Duanzi can also restrain Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's poisonous tongue.

Sky, who is here?

At this moment, another female voice came out from the student union, and this voice sounded a bit forceful.

Mu Fan and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu turned their heads away, and a long-haired girl with a slim figure, even though she was wearing a casual student uniform, walked to the door from the student union.

Her pretty face is a little heroic, and her tone is relatively strong and generous, as if she has a high position in the student union.

But even though this girl has an extraordinary aura, Mu Fan and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu are even more worried when they hear this voice.

Because... this is clearly the voice of the girl who boldly talked about adult theaters just now!

Oh, you, these two said Machida Sonoko-senpai, please guide them to familiarize themselves with the school!

The orange-haired girl smiled lightly.

That's it.

The beautiful black-haired girl who was called You immediately took a step forward and introduced to Mu Fan and the two, Both of you, I am the student council president of Zaoying University. My name is Amakusa You. This is the secretary of the student union just now. It's called Seven Sky. Please give me your advice.

Finally came a normal person.

Mu Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, how could the student council president not drive in front of people?

Amaicao? Are you Amakusa-senpai?

Before Mu Fan could speak, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu held Amakusa You's hand and said, You were the one Machida-senpai asked me to find before. It's great to see you here.

My name is Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Saying that, Kasumigaoka Shiyu introduced herself, and pointed to Mu Fan and said: His name is Mu Fan, we are all students from Toyosaki Academy, if you want to visit Zaoying University, you can only ask my senior sister !

So you are Xia Zhiqiu junior sister.

Amakusa You seemed to recall something, smiled and said: Well, I have seen your grades, junior, and with your grades, you may be able to enter a school that is even better than Zaoying University, but to be honest, when it comes to literary studies, Zaoying University is better than other schools.”

Well, it is precisely because of this that I want to know more about this place.

Seeing that Amakusa was maintaining the etiquette of the student council president, Kasumigaoka Shiu nodded and replied politely.

Hearing this, Amakusa blinked, and asked Kasumigaoka Shiyu curiously: Sister, are you really what you think?


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu showed doubts.

But when she was in a daze, she suddenly felt that her chest was being held by two hands. When she lowered her head, she found that Amakusa had stepped forward and grabbed the front of her peak with both hands at some point.

Xia Zhiqiu immediately took two steps back with a blushing face: Sister, what are you doing?

It can't be grasped with one hand.

Amakusa exclaimed, and then showed a regretful expression, and said solemnly: Junior girl, I can't understand your sincerity because of your big breasts. What you said just now is that you want to see the school and study literature. Lie!

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